/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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>>14005 Stevie-foxx
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Spoiled for fart alts

bhm chatbot thread 1 03/16/2024 (Sat) 04:05:28 No. 9486 [Reply] [Last]
post any male chatbots of your favorite characters here
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>>13673 https://share.character.ai/Wv9R/g37p8j0m
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Shadowbanned Veritas Ratio bot: https://share.character.ai/Wv9R/6zfn5yh6
Here is a fat Itto one I found in Character ai https://character.ai/chat/wl_Hl3N5AmhU_3cLxVONYPim8ghtN9wpyjFyLvMgpGg
Hi everyone. I sometimes make bots with fat versions of boys from genshin on HiWaifu. Here is a list of the ids of those bots that I have (you need to insert these numbers into the search) roommate Chongyun 9816066 immobile Gorou 10424612 Venti 10407638 blob Venti 9816332 Kaeya 10392288 Lyney 9898971 feeder Thoma 9893818 Tighnari 9855340 feedee bf Freminet 9957974 streamer Scaramouche 10397192
Couldn't find a thread for male AI chatbots until stumbling upon this one. I've made an original bot: Sam is a 26-year old bratty ginger femboy that's been spoiled by wealth he inherited from his grandmother, using the funds to live as a worry-free recluse in the city. He shares a high-rise apartment with the user to boss them around and flaunt their wealth. Will be working on this bot every now and then, but the avatar is most likely staying. Known issues: nudity consistency, pronouns altering between male and female for the bot The bot's main characteristics are his rude but possessive behavior and obviously his package. Sam - https://spicychat.ai/chat/88dde8a9-7665-43b5-ad9c-a59ba35eacb0 [Spoiler: nudity, hyper dick, hyper balls]

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Applyingpressure F 06/17/2023 (Sat) 20:56:24 No. 6303 [Reply]
Apparently new SSBHM on the scene, at least on C4S Starting strong with a sedentary shower vid, being thorougly assisted by a hot FFA Enjoy! aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWE3aHp4S3FBNno=
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>>13941 I would love to make a decent sex tape
>>13947 No i have not i started getting bigger when I was a teen
>>14095 Do you have or would you start a solo OnlyFans?
>>14175 I would of I didn't have to work and wasn't so busy it would be good if I had help with editing filming etc
>>14296 How much do you currently weigh and how much fatter are you willing to get?

@hairybussy / stuff on grommr Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 11:52:01 No. 8965 [Reply]
He wipes his twitter all the time and makes downright terrible text posts, but damn, the pictures are worth it.
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>>13836 That is so hot
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>>14167 I want to fill that hole 😈😈😈

Overwatch Men Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 20:16:33 No. 14257 [Reply]
Any love for hunky, husky Overwatch guys?
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>>14269 Good shit, Anon

Drilldan appreciation thread 02/24/2025 (Mon) 00:14:25 No. 14447 [Reply]
Drop your fav male/mutual Drilldan pieces here
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Dammit he is my aspiration to draw fat male bitches, honor to whom honor deserves. It's a big one among the big ones, hopefully one day it will reach its heels.
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>>14452 I just hope one day draw like him I really hope so
I love his cosmic guys so much it's unreal

Fatbutterrolls300/Jake Jennings thread Anonymous 04/11/2020 (Sat) 04:26:33 Id:93e571 No. 755 [Reply] [Last]
Possibly the fattest megachub out there, hard af to find pics and vids of
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Has anyone heard from Jake recently? I'm curious if he is still around
>>9884 Obituary says he loved riding motorcycles, so there is no way that's the same person. This guy would make one into metal foil.
>> Anyone know why Michelle is obsessed with him?
also that obit is for someone who died at 20, this Jake Jennings is probably nearing 30.
>>12278 belly bump

18+ characters prisonsuitrabbitman Anonymous 07/18/2024 (Thu) 13:32:13 No. 11608 [Reply] [Last]
Only post 18+ characters, stop getting this thread nuked.
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pt. 2 to the Alex sequence Can't wait to see him shred that singlet.
>>14480 it new sumo wrestler
>>14491 Are Alex and Shane the only ones on this series or is he going to draw some of the other Stardew boys?

Bendy and the Ink Machine Thread Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 21:24:46 No. 6488 [Reply] [Last]
For all the people who love ink demons. Yes, especially the really fat ones. Feel free to post any fat art of Bendy you want.
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I have images of big bellied and big booty Bendy
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>>8685 There's more of this, i saw the other parts of the comic i think on deviantart

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Fat persona dudes BHM Persona 08/14/2024 (Wed) 15:40:02 No. 12023 [Reply]
I’m not used to posting here, but I’m just hoping to find some good persona bhm art. Thanks.
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>>12859 Artist?
>>12906 stevie-foxx
Does anyone the Yu x Hanako sequence by stevie-foxx?
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Passwords John TheGainer 02/27/2025 (Thu) 17:16:45 No. 14495 [Reply]
Does anyone have the password of his videos? It could be nice if you can share it, and upload it whenever he changes it

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Fat Genshin Impact Aiden 08/18/2024 (Sun) 11:10:57 No. 12057 [Reply] [Last]
Hi I make new Genshin Impact line
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>>14337 I need to draw gorou
>>14308 Tbh… chongyun and heizou is rarely seen
>>14347 mds, br?
>>14453 Ñao ñao
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Demon boys Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 16:46:14 No. 9288 [Reply]
New fetish unlocked Any and all demon boys, post em here. Want to see doughy demons, immobile incubuses, fatty fiends, hefty hellhounds
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>>9420 sauce?
I remember this old sequence of Kid Buu getting fat, specifically that form not turning into Mr Buu and it was a sorta real style anyone seen it?
I remember seeing a sequence of kid Buu getting fat a long time again, specifically kid he doesn’t turn in Mr, Buu and it was a semi real style., don’t know the artist Anyone know what I am taking about

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Fatty Danganronpa Males Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 03:19:59 No. 13194 [Reply]
Post for your favorite blubber boys, ultimate fatty men, etc. 18+ Only!
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>>13579 Not even posting the full sized images, anon you silly goose
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>>14485 The file size limit is kinda retarded
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>>14486 Here have something new as well :3

Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 20:58:41 No. 8082 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have any deleted artwork from peachbellies/marshmallofluff?
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>>14428 i was neutral on her before but my opinion is changing because this thread is fucking derailing. can we get back to art, found an old comm on twit
>>14340 jokes on you I like women
>>14440 I personally don't think someone that willingly goes to a place where they're being openly criticized only to bitch about people criticizing them deserves any sympathy but whatever
The sooner y'all make this thread about appreciating her past work and not a gripe-fest the better. You're just poking the bear at this point.
>>14464 All of this over goddamn fat art is ridiculous no matter what way you spin it, you people need to go out more
