/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Guy grows bigger on 9gag Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 09:21:54 No. 9913
Anyone else see this? So there's this guy who claims he has been growing non-stop on 9gag, showing how his belly and only his belly has been growing like crazy over a year now. (name is hippocampus_30 if you want to see the videos) It raises questions though, in videos it looks more tight than a fat belly, like he's stuffed a balloon in there. Theory in the comments is that he just has a kink for it and pretending. Thoughts?
>>9913 He's also posted on reddit in those "am i fat" subreddits and various sfw non-fetish subreddits asking for "advice" and then getting banned for it because he's clearly jerking off to the idea. Its disturbing.
>>9915 I had a hunch... He makes so many posts on 9gag I also assumed he was doing it for kinks...
That's Vertigoed from Grommr. He got legit fat a few years back, but then lost most of it. These days he now pads in public / online to get off It's kind of a shame. He was hot when he was in the 230-250 range, but now he's just cringeposting
>>9992 oh shit, that's what happened to him? I mean, tbh I think padding can be hot, but uh... this ain't it chief. This is just odd. Then again, who's it hurting? -shrug-
>>9992 Not gonna lie though, i personally like this shape, how the buttons are being spread and what not. he looks ready to burst. But yeah, that said, I knew it couldnt be real in this sense.
Does anyone have any of his old youtube videos? I've been hunting for them forever. Especially the one that shows his progression.
