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Guy grows bigger on 9gag Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 09:21:54 No. 9913 >>9915
Anyone else see this? So there's this guy who claims he has been growing non-stop on 9gag, showing how his belly and only his belly has been growing like crazy over a year now. (name is hippocampus_30 if you want to see the videos) It raises questions though, in videos it looks more tight than a fat belly, like he's stuffed a balloon in there. Theory in the comments is that he just has a kink for it and pretending. Thoughts?
>>9913 He's also posted on reddit in those "am i fat" subreddits and various sfw non-fetish subreddits asking for "advice" and then getting banned for it because he's clearly jerking off to the idea. Its disturbing.
>>9915 I had a hunch... He makes so many posts on 9gag I also assumed he was doing it for kinks...
That's Vertigoed from Grommr. He got legit fat a few years back, but then lost most of it. These days he now pads in public / online to get off It's kind of a shame. He was hot when he was in the 230-250 range, but now he's just cringeposting
>>9992 oh shit, that's what happened to him? I mean, tbh I think padding can be hot, but uh... this ain't it chief. This is just odd. Then again, who's it hurting? -shrug-
>>9992 Not gonna lie though, i personally like this shape, how the buttons are being spread and what not. he looks ready to burst. But yeah, that said, I knew it couldnt be real in this sense.
Does anyone have any of his old youtube videos? I've been hunting for them forever. Especially the one that shows his progression.
It's really nice looking padding, regardless. Too bad he's being weird about how/where he's posting, I'd follow him for padding content.
Guess who's back though~♡
He’s posting more and more on his tiktok nowc and he also has a twitter account under the same username. He’s clearly widening his shots a bit and adding fake voices to his videos, plus he still pretends it isn’t padding, all of which I find weird, because I really think padding should have a bigger place on the gainer community. Nonetheless, his content is fucking hot. I only wish he’d lose the face blur and post some padding tutorials cause his belly looks amazing.

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