/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Male Drawthread Anonymous 02/21/2022 (Mon) 14:39:07 No. 1695 [Reply] [Last]
figured we'd finally have one for this board rules: -use the respective anchors for the sake of organization -furry requests should be taken to >>>/bbfurries/4737 -make a new thread if you want a morph request -one character at a time. This is a request thread, after all -be descrptive of what you want. simply saying "x with y fetish" is too vague, be sure tl go into more detail than that -be decent human beings to each other and have fun!
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>>1696 Waiter, Waiter! One Phisnom weight gain sequence please!
>>13093 Please, no pushing, no grabbing, no spamming, you all get your turn.
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Nobody requested this, but I still wanted to draw a fat Loki Loud
>>1696 Miu Iruma pegging Shuichi Saihara would be a dream come true, especially if he's around as big as the dude in the 4th image
Here me out! Itachi uciha inflation via fireball jutsu backup maybe with a cork in his mouth or something? I don't know fireball jutsu does offer canon inflation does it not? Just a brain thought I had I'm not gonna do anything with.

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Im not fat enough FattyBoy 02/24/2025 (Mon) 22:59:19 No. 14463 [Reply]
I want to stuff myself until I burst or somebody else to stuff me, only thing I can think of is food rn, order me some food

PokeMEN thread Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 04:55:20 No. 11684 [Reply] [Last]
No underaged characters, only dilfs, gilfs, and other hot men!
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>>12834 Because A) the mods were deleting threads a bit ago. And B) some of us don’t want to look at teens and kids. Some of us want to look at hot fat DILFs and older men.
There are so many better options for older and mature man, why stick with Pokemon a series know for boys and teenagers? I'm not saying you CAN'T but the starts of the weight gain scene are the boys and teenagers.
>>12505 >>12838 >>12845 Shut up moralfags
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>>14454 DarkMetalDragon666

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I want to become immobile! Post something! 09/24/2024 (Tue) 06:58:56 No. 12502 [Reply]
I'm looking for a feeder who make me immobile! So... I give You this free content to show how a good piggy am i! 💕 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13LOUEft97tO_-AAGo1RhFtTxo7433okW https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16chsJdbmw6YV-et6yebQFKqgyZPmNeqX My SnapChat is: https://www.snapchat.com/add/wantbeimmobile?share_id=4o9IrG44DfE&locale=es-US
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>>14420 Beautiful
>>14420 Hey can you try on old jeans? Also do some belly suck in content
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In this place I have published around 10 videos completely free, making more content in exchange for nothing is not profitable for me in any way, I have fought against my own poverty on countless occasions, so I will wait for a feeder or someone to donate money so I can devour food, for the moment no more content, thank you!
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If You want to help me to get massive: Discord: fizzarollibertozzi Telegram: @JackBertozzi Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/wantbeimmobile?share_id=PXVvOADxJUI&locale=es-US

Scott Pilgrim Thread Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 06:20:42 No. 8811 [Reply]
Give me the best art you've got of the best boy (Other characters are fine too, but only males pls)
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Matthew NEEEDSS more art
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>>11356 Artist name/Source?
>>14443 RareMen on DeviantArt
>>14444 Ah,thank you!

SU thread 09/26/2024 (Thu) 17:48:47 No. 12540 [Reply]
Old one was gone for some reason.
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Here's some with Steven himself.
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>>13499 Source?
More of fatty Steven.

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Give me more pictures of the spider twink Angel Dust Thread 04/15/2024 (Mon) 00:01:53 No. 9896 [Reply]
Post some fat art of the spider demon from hazbin hotel
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HandsomelyHeavy thread Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 21:52:52 No. 3789 [Reply]
Please. I need more of him. Post vids or whatever
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Update: he lost a lot of weight from numerous hospital visits this year,he went from 789 to 686. He also said in a qna on his OF that he doesn’t want to be immobile because he wants to be able to do things in life, (I think, and hope he gains almost to immobility I think he’ll probably stop Moving at 825 lbs so I think he’ll maintain at 800)
Know nobody's going to see this, but I'd love to see him do a couple of video ideas I had. 1. strutting around in a slutty string bikini before ripping it clean off to expose his naked fat body. 2. Shove a vibrator up his fatpad and jerk off with it until he cums 3. Get on all fours and messily eat a cake like a fat pig
Can someone update his coomer for 2025? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/handsomelyheavy
Curious if his girlfriend is close to the same size as him.
>>12284 call me "mean", but i hope that once he regrows it he cant just stop and gets immobile yes or yes

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Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 18:15:34 No. 3568 [Reply]
A thread for megamilkwhite art
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Can confirm, Bermuda it's him He also has a kink account ( Into Debu? ) but I think he might have deleted it As far as I know he's still into Fat and he had commented on discord on his IRL gains, it's just that lately he has been a lil' insecure (and peeps tend to be creepy to him)
Wish I had saved most of their Spy x Family stuff some of those sketches with Yor involved rocked
Isn't there a link to see your art or a drive where all his art has been done?
Does anyone have the guilty gear asuka/that man art he did?
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He’s @intodebu on tumblr.

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Fat NEET/Gamer Boys Anonymous 09/23/2024 (Mon) 22:14:58 No. 12493 [Reply]
post fat, lazy and pathetic NEETs and Gamers! basically any fat boy that's gaming or spending his time at a computer or on the couch Bonus Points if they're too lazy and pathetic to care about their own hygiene Slob is allowed
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>>13865 god, same just a morbidly obese, gassy gluttonous waste of space
>>13980 Usually people say this as insults
>>13232 Pretty sure the second's from SolitaryScribbles
>>14081 But it isn't an insult, it's the truth. And it makes me hungry.

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Sabo belly Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 01:31:05 No. 14355 [Reply]
Hey this guy is starting his gaining journey:3 He has amazing potential and just needs some support https://www.patreon.com/sabo_belly
Found his TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@sabo.belly Dude is small but smoothest I've seen in a while. Great find.

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Link/Men of Zelda Wg 09/26/2024 (Thu) 22:24:21 No. 12545 [Reply]
Last Link thread expired, so here’s a new one.
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Anyone have Chunkerchunks' Link and Zelda mutual art?
Does anybody know who made this one?

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Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 14:36:28 No. 10085 [Reply] [Last]
does anyone still have that video of the chubby guy fucking his own belly flab?
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>>10085 This vidro was in the fat pad thread, also i really want it to come back
>>14335 It's right here goober >>13260
>>14336 I mean the thread

Male Breast/Butt Expansion Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 09:17:29 No. 13015 [Reply]
A bit niche, but huge tiddies and fat asses with male characters. Hourglass expansion is also welcome.
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>>13356 I have the same fetish as you, I love men's tits and male lactation eheh
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The GUM GUM NO BOOBS trend here needs to be studied. We also need more content so here.. enjoy a joke!

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Skinny Girl x SSBHM Sex Anonymous 04/18/2023 (Tue) 01:36:42 No. 5565 [Reply]
Looking for videos of skinny girls fucking SSBHMs. These pics and videos are from some reddit account years ago.
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Need! https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/25451726/cake-stuffing-bj-fucking-multi-angle
Just find this guy any content? https://www.tumblr.com/biggieandsweets
>>14261 I need a name on this guy (and woman)
>>14261 I so wish that was me. Just so fat all you can do is lay there.
