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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Art Source thread? boy liker 07/02/2024 (Tue) 18:25:10 No. 11173 >>11174
I don’t think this board has an active thread for these, so I’ll start.: I found this art in the beginning of 2021, though it could have been older. Anyone have any idea who drew this? Reverse search didn’t help very much.
>>11173 I belive it was made by stevie-foxx
The pair of slime ocs belong to bm0321, but they have seemingly vanished from the internet, leaving only their commissions and a archive on furarchiver. The third picture I remember something about a "slasher oc", it might belong to a deleted account on twitter.
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These are by are echofactoryboi, but he deleted his account, I couldn't find any reason why. Image search and checking internet archive of twitter found nothing last time I checked.
Thank you.
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I'm fairly certain these are from twitter
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Sauce for this handsome lad? Reverse image searching didn't help.
>>12025 @moths_ace on Twitter
https://www.deviantart.com/benallen217/art/Artie-and-Model-Kits-1103165521 Can someone unblur this?
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Anyone recognize the artstyle? Pretty sure I got them from twitter but can't find the artist's acc.
>>14710 Chubsmuggler on Twitter and bluesky ^^
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anyone knows who the artist is?

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