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Fat Youtubers 2: Extra Large Edition Giichi 06/07/2024 (Fri) 01:43:22 No. 10815
Due to recent events, the Fat Youtubers Thread has been nuked from existence due to increasing sensitivity and worries in fat scenarios involving characters and people of younger age. Due to this new law in place, this thread will be exclusively included people of legal age. While it is disappointing to see the thread go, if you have any archives of the original images before they were purged, feel free to repost them here. As for me, I'll be here checking this place here and there for any Youtuber Sonas to try out and fatten up so if there's a PNGtuber or a sona in general you want to see fattened up, send a request.
Doing Requests, dunno for How long but Just know its gonna be First come First served
>>14313 What about some morbidly obese, immobile SomeThingElseYT? Guy really needs more fat art
>>14313 benjamage
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>>14313 Kenji the vtuber or SomeThingElseYT?
>>14317 Looks great. Thank you.
>>14313 Still up btw, if you want to be specific just lmk in the reply
>>14313 Saberspark
>>14313 Saltydkdan
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>>14344 Got carried away, but I like how the doodle looks
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>>14313 Still up btw, get creative and or maybe some yts that have little to none WG art of :'(
>>14357 What about Just Stop or LS Mark. Barely seen any WG art of these
>>14357 A bit obscure, but Krugston, his design is cute and I haven't seen a single piece of fat art of their design.
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>>14313 Awaken my RebelTaxi enjoyers.
>>10858 Old drawings of mine of both saltydkdan and lsmark
>>14365 Lucky fucking guy wish I had his penis.
>>14366 Interesting, mind being more clear of what you mean?
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>>14354 Kinda looks the same as the other ones but keep doing what you're doing, people like it and so do i. >>14357 Also uhh m80marc i guess
>>14369 If that's a problem just lmk what pose you'd wish for, I'm all ears and on it
>>14369 Ain't sure what character to draw if I'm being honest
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>>14378 I know this character is in the board a lot (for good reason imo) but what about Phisnom?
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>>14363 Taking longer on this one cuz the file I was supposed to send corrupted so I have to start over
>>14363 I'm genuinely surprised for example his emo girl doesn't even have a Big inflation following? Honestly interesting I say inflate who you like as long as they are adults which rebel is
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>>14393 Based.
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>>14367 >>14313 >>14313 civer cause we need more big content from this white haired boy
>>14393 >>14403 I find it really funny that Phisnom is literally keeping this thread alive, because their OC is literally that modifiable. But honestly good art pics from ya.
>>14425 I just think their OC is really hot and wanna see them fat
>>14425 Thanks youu
>>14357 If you're still up, maybe some of FunkE's Bombi avatar?
>>14542 This would be so fucking based
>>14542 >>14423 Came back to check this thread again since I stopped doing the reqs and now I feel like doing them again so go ahead and go crazy with them
I'm also on it with those last two, one sec
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>>14582 Looks like he's about to blow up
>>14369 I'm also wanting m80marc
>>14588 Like I said I didn't exactly find what I'm supposed to draw, if you wish for me to do so you're gonna have to send a reference of him
>>14590 I guess this could be some good reference maybe
>>14580 What about some really fat LS Mark or Just Stop?
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>>14602 J was hoping to see marvel booty in the pool good god
>>14602 Wait is that a screw for his belly button?
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Still up, but please try to suggest different ones or if you want the same YouTuber again, do with a scenario in mind too
