/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Demon boys Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 16:46:14 No. 9288 [Reply]
New fetish unlocked Any and all demon boys, post em here. Want to see doughy demons, immobile incubuses, fatty fiends, hefty hellhounds
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My stupid wet thoughts are coming from how the fat demon of gluttony makes me eat and get bigger and bigger for him just to bed him....
>>9638 >just to be the bed for him Ftfy
>>9647 Should of used tug boats to push the ship. But they wanted the bridge collapse to happen.create work. Even I know tug boats could of moved that ship from hitting that piler. All set up. Now biden got money to fix it.CREATED WORK!
>>9648 What are you talking about? Post fat demons
OP here, posting more demons, to celebrate me passing the 200 lb mark I have plateaued at for a while now

Megaman fats Megaman 06/11/2022 (Sat) 20:46:36 No. 2296 [Reply] [Last]
Could be of any series of Megaman and by any artist
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https://twitter.com/bouyokunikurinn/media Not trying to gloat, but a lot of the japanese art I post here is super rare because it's on Twitter and Twitter is super flicky regarding deleting pictures and account they bizarrely think doesn't agree with their TOS.
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Anyone got any fats of MegaMan Volnutt?
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>>8494 >how are we gonna fight sigma wen he comes back squash him, duh

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Moobs Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 18:51:27 No. 1722 [Reply]
Let's see some big boy titties
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>>9232 source?
>>9236 Delegates watching porn on the job
>>9232 Please I need to know where are these from
>>9435 >>9236 u/Dramatic-Skill7392

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Fat Couples Thread Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 18:46:55 No. 6632 [Reply]
post fat couples. M/M and M/F welcome
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>>6632 Damn the jugs on the chick in the second photo and the bellies on both of them…shame you said they disappeared?
>>8491 Oh yeah they're gone, they deleted their account but the post is still up https://www.reddit.com/r/gainers/comments/o25rud/the_start_of_our_mutual_journey_he_is_285lbs_and/
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Does anyone have this complete video?
Anyone has any videos?, im looking for one i saw on spankgang al long time ago of a mutual weight in, both were overweight but nothing crazy, maybe 250lbs both
https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/hanselandthewitch https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/witchandhansel anybody know what happened to these two? I assume they broke up which is a shame because they were both really hot

@hairybussy / stuff on grommr Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 11:52:01 No. 8965 [Reply]
He wipes his twitter all the time and makes downright terrible text posts, but damn, the pictures are worth it.
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Does he have any vids? OF or Tumblr?
>>9025 Not as far as I know, no. It just seems to be twitter and occasionally grommr. He has a private second account on twitter just for gainer stuff (allegedly), but I wouldn't know what he uploads to it. Tumblr was the first place he posted, but that's long dead.
>>8966 Does anyone have any more of him? He is so hot 🥵🥵🥵
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Here’s this one before it gets deleted too
>>9665 Cops on here pretending to be good ppl ouch was better off pretending to be asleep

Showing off Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 22:13:38 No. 9602 [Reply]
5'7, 315 lbs. I'm fat as fuck
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You shouldn't eat that ammount of food, other people that are non-white deserve more than you, stop eating the food, whites are meant to work not be fat.
Nice work, OP. You'd look even hotter if you doubled your weight.
>>9627 Holy shit I need someone like you in my life… I’m white and on my knees
>>9602 Damn you are hot... do you have snapchat ?

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Anonymous 09/23/2023 (Sat) 10:09:24 No. 7455 [Reply]
Curious, who's the fattest person who browses/posts on this board? I want to know if any of you are superchubs or morbidly obese. Post your weights. Might need photographic proof if you're claiming to be huge.
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Forgot some pics.
>>8944 DAT FUCKING ASS Jesus I don't normally post just to simp but WOOF. God I want to be that big, myself...I'm only 275 or so.
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>>8944 Always pleasant seeing you and your partner around.
Any of those 400+ lb people still in this thread?

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Applyingpressure F 06/17/2023 (Sat) 20:56:24 No. 6303 [Reply]
Apparently new SSBHM on the scene, at least on C4S Starting strong with a sedentary shower vid, being thorougly assisted by a hot FFA Enjoy! aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWE3aHp4S3FBNno=
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Some one must have content Not alot of this goin on out there, hard to find Wish she would do a vid of her riding
Anything new? (Sorry for no contact litterly nothing i can find)
He is up to 779lb and is barely mobile
>>9583 how do you know? Can he still breathe alright?
>>9583 Where?

Ssbhm jojos U53rdv 10/17/2022 (Mon) 04:00:24 No. 3557 [Reply]
jojos bizarre weight gain
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What would your weight gain stand be like?
Pooter16 on DA, go check it out there's more !
Anyone got Dewsh-Lawnde's old JoJo art?
Does anyone have these complete sequences?

/bhm/ drawn thread Anonymous 01/22/2020 (Wed) 16:21:05 Id:63c94a No. 1622 [Reply] [Last]
Only had stuff from jojo, but drawn bhm thread
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>>9563 Yep
>>9565 U only getting money if have your wife drive the nice cars while you drive the old piece of shit. He definitely abuse her because he doesnt have a nice body. But everyone knows now. God damn german drivers
>>9566 Fuck off skizo
>>9567 She mad at amanda
>>9568 She isnt private. She knows deep down she dont deserve him. He deserves one of you. & the women know it. Oh they know it

Fatty Fire Emblem fellas Anonymous 09/24/2022 (Sat) 08:15:07 No. 3307 [Reply] [Last]
because hey, why not appreciate all the hot guys from the series
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I do not know if there are more parts to it, but it just appeared out of nowhere in my DA feed
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Danganronpa Males Thread 12/27/2021 (Mon) 06:53:54 Id:9731c4 No. 10 [Reply] [Last]
Since the girls got their own thread, the boys might as well have one too. Post some big, blobby, bloated males. (Mutual is fine too so long as there's a dude in it.)
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Tips? Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 05:07:46 No. 9427 [Reply]
Here's a pic of my belly after a good stuffing, any encouragers out here? :3
Mmmmmph you look like a good little boy. So feminine. Aside from using more butter and eating pure lard I’d advise you to start wearing dresses and makeup like all good piggies eventually do. I’d make you so fat you’d be genderless. Then I’d have you start pretending to be a woman in public. Think about all the pregnancy congratulations we’d get. Keep eating pig, it’s your destiny
>>9427 Out of all things I'd think someone would do to me, force feminization wasn't on my list. Although I kinda fiddle with crossdressing, fully transitioning is not my thing, I'm a cis male lol. Thanks for the words tho, I'll put in the works to get fatter
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Here's another pic, I've been thinking of selling custom content recently but idk how to start. OF would be the go-to platform, my main idea is selling inflation, feederism, fetish content and all that. What would YOU actually pay for, anon?
>>9441 I mean it would depend on your quality and variety and prices. If you were to wear skirts and makeup and wigs frequently Id maybe be a liiiiiittle interested…
>>9473 Definitely not showing my face, but doing content as a vers is on my radar, acting Dom or sub here and there to attract more audience would definitely work All while gaining weight or inflating

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Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 17:37:42 No. 4472 [Reply]
Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super Thread.
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>>7534 >>7535 >>7536 Why does Vegito make such a gorgeous fatty, like seriously, I want to see more of this man weighing more than a blue whale.
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We lost one of the greatest contemporary comic artists, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Ball, Doctor Slump, Dragon Quest and many other derivative and inspired works from Professor Akira Toriyama.

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HandsomelyHeavy thread Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 21:52:52 No. 3789 [Reply]
Please. I need more of him. Post vids or whatever
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>>7372 Yeah I noticed that too, I hope he's alright. He hasn't had any activity on there in over a month.
Can anyone update handsomelyheavys site on commer.party?
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>>8580 Wow, thanks for the drop! Do you have his immobility roleplay video as well?
I didn't know he did immobility vids. Would love to see those.
