/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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/mc/ - Male Chubstuck Anonymous 03/31/2022 (Thu) 01:17:25 No. 1895 [Reply] [Last]
Exactly what it says on the tin - A male counterpart to the Chubstuck thread in /bbwalt/, which you can find here >>>/bbwalt/17 (apologies if crosslinking doesn't work lol)
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>>1895 I arrive with a fat boy to end the drought
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>>13722 Scratch that, I come with multiple fat boys
So the other chubstuck thread's gone? I mean idk and right now am too lazy to check but still
>>13866 theres one on alt rn, although it is relatively newer

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Road to immobility ImmobileJack 12/30/2024 (Mon) 23:14:27 No. 13777 [Reply]
After fate smiled on me and the planets aligned, I have what it takes to start extreme fattening. Last stop: Morbid immobility...forget that, there is no last stop, only more fattening
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>>13777 is this a scam?
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>>13780 I'm talking seriusly. More updates about My weight Gain next.
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10 cheeseeburgers, 4 medium fries, 2 ice creams, 2 L of Coca Cola, and pizza
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I ate 10 wings of fried chicken, Gain shake and 1 burger
>>13814 sent a message on disc :3

One piece Anonymous 06/16/2023 (Fri) 16:37:08 No. 6293 [Reply]
Anything from One piece?
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Its male but found it in inflation thread. Basically someone drew femdom of NAMI inflating sanji in her dom red dress from whole cake. You know the scene where she says she'll ride him like a horse or something after reprimanding him for what he did. Anyways I guess we know what she meant now. Get this boy some release he about to bust!
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Found this on twitter. It has Robin and Nami but Luffy is the biggest blueberry here.
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Jello apocalypse was on some crap with that one piece video but I appreciate the Bartolomeo boobies

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SSBHM OnlyFans and Patreons 02/03/2021 (Wed) 01:26:18 Id:428ff3 No. 429 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have any SSBHM content? I am especially interested in PearShapedBear, GrowingTogether, HighCalPal, Fatterigrow, PhilTron, Maketheworldjiggle and Femalefeederheaven. Also, he isn't on Patreon (I think), but NCBelly94 is another legend who I would love to have some videos of. Anyways, here is something to start us off: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vV2ZlOVc5Tmwz
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>>13163 dude seems to just be an asshat in general, hit like on one of his twt videos once and he blocked me out the blue lol
>>13677 thanks, do you have the updated password by chance?
anyone got the password to the videos of hefty rossa?
Does anyone got videos of xjock/swedish gainer from Hansis by any chance? Thanks! ;)
We can create a Google Doc and keep the passwords updated

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Where did Fat Youtubers go? Giichi 06/04/2024 (Tue) 00:52:13 No. 10739 [Reply]
For some reason, the fat Youtubers thread just straight up disappeared. I was going into the thread to check if there's any new art but it's just.. gone. Does anyone have an explaination for this before I make a sequel to it?
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I got this old Pastraspec image I requested a while back. Edited the eyes to be accurate to the model. I have a few Phisnom ones, but the other incarnations are nuked beyond repair.
Bring the lasercosmo3 thread back!!!
>>11000 I have some of the pics from the old lasercosmo3 thread saved. Should I start a new thread and post it there?
>>11043 I mean, if you want to, nobody is stopping you, unless it's the mods.
>>11043 It was deleted again

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Adipose Saleswoman Thread Anonymous 05/03/2021 (Mon) 19:44:17 Id:a0495e No. 1614 [Reply]
we are going to post images of adipose saleswoman (both men and women) here
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without hesitation some of my all time favorites. If BHM/MWG is dead on Apidose Saleswoman, it is because I have died and could not support it enough
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>>4404 Ik its cringe but I need this man sitting on my face

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Huge asses Anonymous 07/31/2022 (Sun) 17:03:39 No. 2832 [Reply] [Last]
I'm looking for all sorts of huge, plump asses! Please post any you have here...
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>>10147 now? x3
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Been getting better at taking ass shots Still hard to fit it all into frame...
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Awesome thread; I love guys with big asses. Any recommendations to check out?
>>7360 Please send more pics or even vids

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Burp/Fart/Slob Thread: Male Edition Anonymous 04/22/2022 (Fri) 06:03:43 No. 1997 [Reply] [Last]
Post art of slobby boys
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Anyone has this image in better quality?
Oh, to be a giant and irresistably smelly, and extremely obese man, who's horny,sweaty and irresistably stinky 24/7, eating such tremendous amount of food and playing with my fat man-titties, while letting my body out with an abundantly monstrous farts and belches and body odour...🤤❤
>>3283 quick backstory: >be environmentalist >meet Poison Ivy >end up getting fat as fuck for her >she uses my farts for evil thing fin
Guys, we've got one! https://www.patreon.com/posts/dev-build-youve-117184546?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=web_share But, we need to update BlobyGon on Kemono or send the Google Drive link
>>13520 Here you go https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TxO5l8vihUxW9WJ2_1bM42LzMBo0m1mB/view Enjoy

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OneTiredGuy 11/29/2024 (Fri) 09:11:13 No. 13359 [Reply]
Do you guys have any art from the artist? They used to be on deviantart
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dude-inflator thread I_am_For_a_Reason_2 12/04/2024 (Wed) 23:38:49 No. 13428 [Reply]
Idk if this is allowed, but yeah, post some dude-inflator stuff
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Female Feeders Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 21:34:56 No. 9397 [Reply] [Last]
Any and all pics of female feeders fattening up their male SOs?
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>>12856 no leads? obv the same artist as that other series and i need more
>>13371 s0ftly on x
>>13333 who are they? And where do I find them?
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Dewsh Lawnde Dewsh Lawnde Thread 10/22/2024 (Tue) 10:12:08 No. 12870 [Reply]
Any old or new pics from him since his twitters private and all of his old shit from deviantart is gone. Anyone got any archives or anything from him?
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celebrity acknowledgement
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Men *wild cheering*
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>>13044 i am the captain now
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Anyone have this in better quality?
Have we finally run out of stuff to post?

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Unknown Superchub Anonymous 08/27/2023 (Sun) 04:01:45 No. 7097 [Reply]
I was wondering if anyone had any pics or vids of him. Also would love to figure out what name he goes by online. I think these two videos are from him but they might just look alike alot. https://we.tl/t-ukrUQKa0Gm
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scoured the internet using a couple of search terms and found out that he deleted his old videos off of a pornsite around 8-7 years ago, but i did find these.
There was one video of him from between his legs shaking his belly then trying to masturbate a but, then he fucks his fat pad and his dick just barely pokes out. I thought it was recently posted on this thread but can't find it now, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Anyone got a reup for that top vid?
looking for a hero to reup everything they have on this fat bag of jello. supreme build
>>12988 Wow he's so fat! I wonder what he weighs there. He looks so young too! And already cannot reach his own penis. Amazing blob.

Before and After misterelephant88 09/11/2024 (Wed) 16:00:47 No. 12320 [Reply]
Before and after your fattening progress
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Have gained half accidentally, half on purpose. Turned on but embarrassed, so not sure what to do.
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It's me
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My gains

Resident evil thread Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 23:57:02 No. 4433 [Reply]
Post fat RE boys! Especially Leon ❤️
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mib the series agent k is thicc
>>13067 alpha so jeaslous
>>13067 your fatass
>>13202 >>13067 likes animan studios
>>13067 we loves you agent k
