/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Saxxon Male Thread? Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 16:13:03 No. 13175 [Reply]
Seems like an appropriate idea.
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I just wanted to ask if anyone has Muscle God, I've been curioud about that for a long time but I'm stingy asf
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Megaman Boy Fats 11/22/2024 (Fri) 17:18:53 No. 13225 [Reply]
Reviving an oldish thread on blubbery BOY blue bomber blobs
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The Feeder (Tonbelly) Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 23:49:08 No. 7754 [Reply]
Has anyone ever gotten the complete version of this? I have one part of it, but haven't seen the complete comic anywhere.
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>>10709 Any chance of a reup?
I think the system is innovative and interesting. I hadn't thought of the perspective of my fattening side.
>>13875 I personally enjoy it a lot. Definitely not a lot of content like it out there
>>10709 Is there anyone who minds sharing a copy?
>>14011 I have agree with the earlier guy and say that it is awful. Sadly it's one of a kind. https://gofile.io/d/Qh1d0v

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Ass Thread Anonymous 01/14/2025 (Tue) 19:52:22 No. 13963 [Reply]
A thread all about men with giant lower bodies
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>>14034 Who drew the 4th pic
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>>14040 Yelftea
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navel fucking Anonymous 04/04/2023 (Tue) 05:14:24 No. 5311 [Reply]
anyone got some navel fucking content, this shit is weird as hell but it's pretty hot too
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>>5779 reup?
>>5830 >>5801 it never finished uploading. it was at 97% forever (i checked a few times) and then was deleted. i doubt it was actually anything you would've wanted. probably malware or got flagged for other nefarious reasons.
navel fucking is a rare thing to find in bhms idk why
>>6248 It's so sad, too. It's very hot. Part of the problem is that bhms get ghosted way more than women. It still happens to bbws sure but the shame of being gay often gets to dudes and once they finish jerking it to a pic they go back to pretending they're straight. You can thank society for that.
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this count?

Ssbhm jojos U53rdv 10/17/2022 (Mon) 04:00:24 No. 3557 [Reply]
jojos bizarre weight gain
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Anyone got Dewsh-Lawnde's old JoJo art?
Does anyone have these complete sequences?
You know so long as it leads to his death any death is canon for diavolo in every reality giving his unique fate so anything with popping is in universe a canon fate. Meaning any inflation or weight gain is canon so long as he explodes or dies in some way. Morbid but interesting!
Does anyone have any more of squish-king’s Abbacchio art?

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Splatoon 2: Obese cephalopods Splatoon 2: Obese cephalopods 10/27/2024 (Sun) 20:12:44 No. 12956 [Reply]
Since the old thread got evaporated, I thought it would be nice to bring it back for those who enjoy fat cute and HAWT squids and octopuses
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>>13741 The first one and the last image on the second one is Gozuraku on X
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BHM without much body hair Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 20:34:42 No. 13295 [Reply]
post anything about bhm without much body hair. fat admirers male/female are very welcome to comment!
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>>13795 Very very hot!
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X: @nippslover
>>13295 >>13934 very sexy boobs! would love to see more of them
>>13962 Thanks hehe, nippslover is the Twitter tag, I really like to show off my smooth body

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Doomer Boy WG Anonymous 09/13/2022 (Tue) 01:43:46 No. 3230 [Reply]
Doomer Boy WG
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For shits and giggles I made this
>>12919 micro update
>>12942 this is some good stuff :3
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i just made this :) follow my deviantart i’ll probably make a twitter as well (lithoricotta)

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Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 11:27:08 No. 6313 [Reply] [Last]
Detective Comics Thread.
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>>13233 dad bod bitch
>>13983 that funny days moment

no clue what happened to this guy. “@poppup/bloatpup” twitter stuff 02/27/2024 (Tue) 00:17:31 No. 9207 [Reply]
from what i know he was public on twitter, then he was privated, then he was public again, and finally now i think he might be banned? either way he did pretty good inflation stuff i saved 3 of his vids (+ 1 weird screen recording of his twitter), but i’m sure there’s more out there https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5sln4q1juft8l/Videos
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>>10416 Hey man, if you're still around could we get a reup on this guys stuff please?
>>12256 https://www.mediafire.com/file/5tng0jibuuw63r2/poppup.zip/file sorry if i’m using the wrong website lol
what's this guys name even? his account? does he have a grommr? i'd love to follow :3 but jeez, a SCREEN NAME rather than just a pronoun would be nice lol
>>12317 oh wow, nvm, im slow, I just saw it in the title

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Fat Couples Thread Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 18:46:55 No. 6632 [Reply]
post fat couples. M/M and M/F welcome
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>>13638 really hot video by the both of you, shame you can't share any more of the 2 of you though
>>13566 Man did you do this to her? You should be proud
>>13701 she is on feabie hand has a kofi account. paid her a for content. very nice girl
>>13724 louloudia (https://www.feabie.com/Member/Details/louloudia)
I doubt it, but has anyone got pics of vids of a SSBHMxSSBHM couple?

Envy thread and other fma boys Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 14:46:10 No. 12525 [Reply]
Best big boy Twink as such little weight gain or inflation out there it's a damn desert! I hope this thread changes that and introduces or causes inspiration for the creation of new art. And screw it technically yes consider this a fma general to post all fma adult male finds of you like? but adult only! So if any eldric brothers must be brotherhood epilogue only! Please I beg this brings more delicious stuff if envy into this gloomy world! It's my light for living some days.
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Some more fat Roy Mustang
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Seriously? No more good envy stuff out there this simply cannot do we need to correct this wrong even if we have to empty our wallets a bit for it!
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No envy, but damn Edward.

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Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 16:43:34 No. 12575 [Reply]
There’s a thread on Bigpaulak
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anyone have videos of bigpaulak please?
Yo does someone have videos of him?
Do you know this person's real name? Maybe there will be a video or something.
>>13240 Paul died in 2014. RIP. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/254210198/paul-lynn-suomi
>>12593 He must be close to being bigger the fattest man ever here

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Where have all the 800ers and 900ers go? Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 08:57:41 No. 13670 [Reply]
It just feels like compared to 10, 20 years ago, there isn’t s as many really BIG dudes In this community anymore. Nowadays you’ll see someone at 400-500 using ssbhm and superchubs to call themselves, but I’d remember using those words to call someone who's 500+ in the past. I thought at least in places like usa, people were getting fatter than before? And I know people at that weight can be rare (700+), but is it so rare that you can’t even find some in the past 5 years? Maybe someone like Hansi is needed? Sure his action is super exploitative and creepy but there doesn’t seem to be lots of ways left to see these wonderful men. Kinda funny that there might be a deflation in a weight related community, lol.
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>>13858 Are you drunk?
This goes for both genders really. Keep in mind that the vast (hehe) majority of people this community fetishizes are not really feeders/gainers, they just grew immense through a combination of severe eating disorders and mental health problems. They cashed in on what they had sure, but given the choice they would choose not to be super obese. With this in mind, we really reached peak obesity 10 years ago. While there are of course still obese people, the number of 500lb+ landwhales is unfortunately on the decline, for a few reasons. >Food cost has made it more difficult for poor people to grow immense >Ozempic had made it easy for the well off to lose weight >Gym culture is ascendent among younger generations, leading to obesity being even less common in those that do not desire it. Accidental landwhales will become less and less common, and as genuine gainers are rare, there will be less super sized obese people.
That and the fact that if you put it on social media, you'll get a lot of flak... And if you put it on social networking sites, people who don't like it can spread it for the fun of it...
>>13880 I mean, there's still another new season of 600lb life coming out and the reddit weight loss community is still popular, so maybe it's not that much of a decline? what's funny is there's people weighting like 200 on here thinking themselves as some kind of irresistible temptation when it's obvious that they're just trying to save money (and some still bites the bait). Completely destroys the whole meaning of the word.
>>13880 buddy, you also have some serious brain issues if you're typing that much text on fucking bbwchan
