/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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(288.83 KB 2791x2404 Gordie - Beginning.jpg)
(356.00 KB 2735x2166 Gordie - Rock Bottom.jpg)
(502.87 KB 4096x2238 Gordie - Mountain-Sized.jpg)
(207.08 KB 1926x1562 EKbZsRLX0AURE4X.png)
(265.50 KB 1926x1562 EKbZsRPXsAEW5PH.png)
(113.18 KB 1425x1023 ELKx2ZrX0AEESqW.jpg)
(86.08 KB 1425x1023 ELKx2ZrWwAAsGnf.jpg)
(322.12 KB 1519x1253 EMSCeNhWwAAjShf.jpg)
(393.90 KB 1666x2539 @snuff_snuffy clavell.jpeg)
(587.23 KB 2533x2441 20230118_212714.jpg)
(293.47 KB 1400x1080 1707238679.liogiant_jacqmeal.png)
(559.58 KB 1364x2048 @snuff_snuffy brassius.jpeg)
(1.91 MB 1459x1326 snuff_snuffy FjonsFjWQAEuD4k.png)
(2.94 MB 2000x1014 snuff_snuffy FjnlmxeXEAAcbks.png)
(4.35 MB 2482x2842 snuff_snuffy FjrSFYSWQAABBYw.png)
(135.91 KB 1186x1200 FiFypUracAIGItg.jpg)
(187.29 KB 905x1280 1659723857.maiteik_1.jpg)
(590.73 KB 894x894 1682860953084.jpg)
(609.84 KB 894x894 1682860966066.jpg)
(228.42 KB 1880x1144 grusha.png)
(128.57 KB 554x856 gothmeup-809164-grusha 02.png)
(241.84 KB 2880x1620 Red3.png)
(342.51 KB 2792x1809 Red2.png)
(391.41 KB 2480x3508 Red1.png)
(522.95 KB 2667x2614 @snuff_snuffy melli.jpeg)
(510.03 KB 1807x2013 cookiecrumblered FKzSVnwWUAIJXiW.jpg)
(673.78 KB 2000x2000 REQ - C -Adaman.png)
(169.88 KB 1429x1816 chubby_volo_by_takamoom_dezlvoh.jpg)
(363.80 KB 2463x2898 Volo FNhhgagXsCMAZg4.png)
(898.54 KB 1098x1050 volo_by_royaloppai_df2hg2a.png)
(1.92 MB 3508x2480 volosketch.png)
>>11781 Artist?
>>11887 For which???
>>11888 Same one as >>11780
>>11900 Smolsnuff/wiishyishii/snuff_snuffy
>>11776 source on these?
(262.67 KB 2046x1398 IMG_7081.jpeg)
(426.88 KB 2614x2533 IMG_7082.jpeg)
It’s criminal how little art there is of the subway bois
(1.43 MB 3500x4000 Chunky Cedric.png)
(1.49 MB 4000x4700 Gordie final.png)
(2.68 MB 4700x4700 Leon Final.png)
What about the people saying Arven, Giacomo, and Atticus are adults?
Mods, admins, please don’t delete the thread, just those two posts above please!
I forgot the name of the artist, they deleted their twitter account, but does anyone have the Leon that has a stuffed belly laying on the floor with his legs on a chair or something?
Why you guys cry about Pokeboys being fat? 99% of the characters are kids or teengarers, most adults nowadays look like teenagers anyway.
>>12834 Because A) the mods were deleting threads a bit ago. And B) some of us don’t want to look at teens and kids. Some of us want to look at hot fat DILFs and older men.
There are so many better options for older and mature man, why stick with Pokemon a series know for boys and teenagers? I'm not saying you CAN'T but the starts of the weight gain scene are the boys and teenagers.
>>12505 >>12838 >>12845 Shut up moralfags
(223.62 KB 1250x1000 Tumblr_l_81841875059091.jpg)
>>14454 DarkMetalDragon666
