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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 20:58:41 No. 8082
Does anyone have any deleted artwork from peachbellies/marshmallofluff?
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>>9474 Yeah I don't know, she's very VERY talented but she has some bizarre decisions when it comes to her own art
Definitely one of the strangest artists I've ever encountered. (And one of the most unreasonably rude and snobbish as well.) Also, from what I'm aware of, there were two Edd sketches that she drew, but she never planned to finish. One was an inflation, the other one was a super tubby/fat pic. So a while back, (after the fact she told me personally that she was never gonna finish the sketches) I commissioned some friends to redraw them in high quality and detail, and they came out great! I found it so unfair how she drew such awesome fat art of the other 3 Eddsworld cuties, but never gave Edd any love, when he's the cutest character of them all! And the most deserving of being fattened up and bloated. Anyway, I will be posting the two redrawn Edd pics later, and I hope you'll enjoy them! ^^
(1.39 MB 2729x2131 Eddloon.png)
(1.36 MB 3000x2249 Very Fat Edd.jpg)
Here are the two Edd pics I was talking about! Both are redrawn by two separate artists. And to think that the pics these were based on would have only remained just that, sketches. And very crude ones at that. Just because PeachBellies doesn't like Edd, shouldn't mean that us Edd fans who love expansion should be left out of seeing him all filled out, and bloated up! Glad I had these good talented friends to do him justice. <3 Would absolutely love to see some other skilled artists draw the big cutie like this too!
found this one
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I have these ones. loved it when she drew him as you can see. I also marked the gassy ones as spoiler.
love the comparison one
>>11200 >>11201 >>11202 >>11203 >>11204 >>11205 Oh my gosh, you're my hero
Anyone have the full Gumlee drive? I think it was deleted
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Here all the parts I have, I don't know if there were more.
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Missed one
To whoever posted the rest of those fat Tord and Matt pics, you're a God-send! Would love to see more if there are still any left to post. Gosh, those are amazing! <3
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Anyone have the full resolution file of the inflated Tom pic? I seem to remember it originally being bigger.
>>8160 I'm referring to this one
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Anybody have more of their ST art? Haven't seen much more of it posted
I know this is the bhm thread but I’m asking anyway, does anybody have that deleted picture of fionna on the couch gaming ?
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>>12311 What, this one?
>>12337 Thank you but no, it was from when they’d just started with the Fionna art on Twitter
Kind of a long shot but does anyone have any of their art from before the Eddsworld phase, especially the stuff with the Weasley twins?
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I'm looking for the spiderman ones, more specifically the blimp spider suit
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>>12817 This one?
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all what i found
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Anybody have more of their Steve art?
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remember that video she made with Russell on YouTube? It was some slob audio edit they did and I wish I could have access to it again.
>>9485 Original artist here, my username everywhere is currently PrincessCarnival now just fyi. self promo! since y’all wanna call me weird and make assumptions, I have severe OCD, and one of my compulsions for a long time was nuking my accounts online so i could start fresh when i no longer liked a certain fandom or drawings i did. and, like i said, i also didn’t gel with the things i posted anymore and they didn’t represent me, so i got rid of them. couple that with me discovering my lesbianism later on and wanting to start a new chapter and attract a different crowd of likeminded individuals, and it was a perfectly valid choice on my part to start fresh. y’all seem to conveniently ignore the fact that i’ve stuck with my current online persona for well over a year now, and haven’t nuked my accounts or rebranded or anything since then, so obviously the past was a matter of me just trying things on, until i finally found something that felt good to ME. it’s so clear y’all are just mad i don’t draw what YOU want me to anymore. artists scrub their online content all the time- ones that are FAR bigger and more popular than i am or ever was- i don’t know why i’m always the target of criticism when i personally do other than just yall liking the older stuff i posted better and feeling entitled to it. boohoo. you are not obligated to anything i drew or posted online for free, and i’m not some strange case study for wanting to start fresh and having tried out different things in the past til i found something that felt right, like you all make me out to be. i didn’t ask for a thousand eyes on what i do, trying to control how i handle my online presence. it’s not like they’re gone from the internet forever so why even complain? and now that i’ve moved on completely to other things and desperately tried to get away from you guys, i’m STILL talked about and seen as a weirdo for it. gee, it’s almost like the entitled way i was treated and continue to be by numerous individuals when i made those drawings also had something to do with me wanting to get away from them and the toxic people it attracted. so excuse me for not wanting to keep those things on my pages because of that. but i guess the fact that you’re all lurking on a chan board to talk about this stuff doesn’t surprise me. go outside and get some fresh air for goodness’ sake. i feel misunderstood, i feel HURT. i really do hope all this nonsense was worth it because i am never drawing anything related to those things you all so desperately want me to draw, ever again. you can go tell everyone you were yakking it up with on BBWchan everything i just said to you. i’m done talking to you. i hope you all learn to grow up and touch some grass.
>>14339 before i go, all my accounts are linked here https://carniecarnival.straw.page/ boo! it’s full of lesbian stuff and women. cry some more
>>14339 > i don’t know why i’m always the target of criticism because its a thread about you? pointless post by a fool with poor taste. anyway furarchiver has a bunch under "lemonadelemur"
>>14346 lmao you’re the ones all getting your panties in a twist that i don’t draw things you personally can get your jollies off to anymore, but ok <3 have fun i guess
>>14339 To be honest, I never like it any artist tries to purge their previous works. It's understandable that it wouldn't correlate with the things you make now and you shouldn't be forced into making art that no longer agree with, feel free to do whatever you want, people should not be forcing you. However I always feel actively removing prior works prohbits any meaningful growth. Your works from the past don't define you, but the change you personally underwent does. For any piece of work, it should be archived and saved which is what I believe what most people are doing here. You may not agree with it, but people should be able view these pieces, particularly if they enjoyed it. You don't have to promote them or even like them, these things deserved to be archived. I don't believe you're being singled out, this kinda applies to anyone that makes creative works, including fetish art
>>14349 thank you very much for the respectful reply. i believe what you said is fair, and i do want to make it clear that i have no issue with you all archiving it. my post was more so addressing that, when i don’t want something in my gallery bc i like to keep my personal collection relevant to my tastes, a lot of people have directly given me flack for that, and i’ve gotten tired explaining my reasonings again and again. i’m glad there are sites like furarchiver that DO archive it somewhere for people who still want to see it, but that’s why i kind of felt like it was ok for me to remove it from my own gallery, since it’s still out there and easily accessible if you know where to look.
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>>14351 eh this doesnt really apply. she removed stuff on her own initiative, not because people didnt like it (people clearly do right here lol)
>>14351 >>"Once" I'm not her, but I saw the many comments on her posts being always dickwads that can't understand that it's HER ART, not yours, and thus she can do whatever she wants with it I do agree with the other anon that past posts don't define you and ofc I'm saddened that some posts are gone but going on your way to harass someone over it is crazy if not insane
>>14370 As if an idiot like you knew basic reading
>>14339 Schizo alert
this might seem harsh but i think everyone involved in this story should die
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>>14428 i was neutral on her before but my opinion is changing because this thread is fucking derailing. can we get back to art, found an old comm on twit
>>14340 jokes on you I like women
>>14440 I personally don't think someone that willingly goes to a place where they're being openly criticized only to bitch about people criticizing them deserves any sympathy but whatever
The sooner y'all make this thread about appreciating her past work and not a gripe-fest the better. You're just poking the bear at this point.
>>14464 All of this over goddamn fat art is ridiculous no matter what way you spin it, you people need to go out more
