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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Piggy Appleseed 11/22/2023 (Wed) 00:09:03 No. 8206 [Reply]
does anyone have any content regarding this fat hog
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I'm generally against making fun of people but this is, er, really awful.
Bump. I’d love this guys’s vids but I ain’t paying for them lmao
I unironically wish that certain types of people would be automatically banned from the imageboard. DIsguting.
>>8265 lol his vids are crazy unique and i did and man... have I shot ropes to it. Anywhere here's one of his best vids. https://gofile.io/d/4zTu1k
stuff i found on the internet https://gofile.io/d/1G1RP2

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Should I gain weight? Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 02:11:02 No. 5523 [Reply]
Ive been on the ropes about just saying fuck it and get fat. A part of me wants to look healthy but at least once a month my urges kick in and I binge eat. Im just worried about what others will think like friends and family. Pic related. Tell me your thoughts.
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An orgasm is an orgasm. If thinking about getting fat is enough to make you cum, then being fat won't actually add anything to that and will just make your life worse in every way except for when you're masturbating. If binge eating sometimes turns you on, then do it, but doing it more than you feel naturally inclined to to chase an ideal that won't actually add value to your life in any way seems kind of pointless. Though I suspect the reason why people post this question so much is so they can jack off to other people telling them they should gain weight, and if so, have fun!
To be honest, I’ve considered looking a bit larger, but my metabolism is too fast to gain properly. And paranoia of health problems, I guess fantasising being fat is cooler. If I were to suggest, know your limits if you want to commit to this path. Don’t speedrun your life to a short end if you go full obese. Just fairly chubby is good.
>>7382 If only we could flip a switch and be fat for X amount of hours and go back to our normal selves, I would give anything for that.
Tangentially related, but I've been looking into male BBL surgery, and most of the time the surgeons never create an Ogee line, only jut the ass forward. The closest I've seen is a transgender patient getting a female BBL treatment, but compared to cis females the subcutaneous fat is lower thus the WHR was reduced. Without becoming sterile, is there anyone that got satisfactory results, or does there need to be hip bone surgery to get trap aesthetics?.
>>7382 This is good advice. Personally I gained like 30 pounds one year and basically forced my body to do it and it was hard. It was really hot to actually put on weight, and then I stopped and lost weight. If you want to try it out, you could try gaining a bit. I wouldn't want to gain again personally, but when I was gaining, I took tons of pictures and videos that I jerk off to periodically and that fills the void.

Big Soft Butts Anonymous 05/12/2023 (Fri) 12:43:28 No. 5916 [Reply]
Post pics of the BIGGEST most SQUISHY boy butts you’ve got! These pics are from @pawbnextdoor https://twitter.com/pawbnextdoor https://onlyfans.com/pawbnextdoor
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Super squishy
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my pics sandwich fella 09/13/2023 (Wed) 06:04:18 No. 7315 [Reply]
just wanna show off, let me know what you think
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i've decided to start intentionally gaining
man people on here are assholes
>>7762 I would bet money that it's just the same guy responding to himself. But fuck him, you look fine.
Oh good. The bad posts got removed. You look great btw.
You look great! Would love to see that overhang lower!

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Asian Superchubs J.a.D 08/26/2022 (Fri) 13:46:23 No. 3068 [Reply]
Feel free to post asian superchubs here!
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>>4786 *WE haven't, but that guy did. and pic related, I love sumos.
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here's few pictures to feed this thread
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>>6165 Yeah Sumos are so sexy, I love them too :-)
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>>6264 there's already a sumo thread but i may as well spread some of that sumo-sized glory

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ONI_SAI Fatpiggrowing 05/01/2023 (Mon) 22:30:31 No. 5754 [Reply]
almost all of this guy’s accounts are gone or locked could we get a chain of his stuff going?
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Oh nice, what was he like?
And I also have to admit I’ve traced over a lot of art to make characters fatter myself
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Here’s more
I wish he was still making art

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Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 01:33:35 No. 6546 [Reply]
What do you think of this fat slob? Nothing arouses me more than acting like a fat pig and seeing the scale register higher weights as I gorge myself up to 700+ lbs. I'm 6' 2" with a big frame so I can handle it. Big kinks are belching, farting, messy eating, and pushing the limits on how much I can hold in my gut.
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>>6562 God, I would do to be on the same room with you and your farts🤤
>>6554 omg hot.
>>6584 Mine if I share my discord with you. would love the chat?
>>7683 He deleted his discord
>>7687 damn, I really wanted to chat with then☹️.

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is my fat forming well? Anonymous 09/30/2023 (Sat) 20:39:48 No. 7603 [Reply]
just wanted to drop this here
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>>7605 You look amazing do you have a goal weight?
>>7607 planning on being as big as i can heh
>>7603 Dude, you're looking hot as hell! Do you have discord or any other social media?
>>7611 I was also going to ask that yesterday
>>7611 my Instagram is @rotundyeen

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Unexpected WG Anonymous 09/13/2023 (Wed) 00:08:16 No. 7312 [Reply]
Been less active, and started to notice a gain in weight this past year.
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pretty hot, u definitely have a future in gaining.
Mmmmm FUCK DADDY! Wish we could see that precummy throbbing cock 🥵🥵🥵
Mm keep gaining more fat piggy
Please hook us up with your twitter. You cannot show me all that bellyfat and not talk about dropping it on my face.
>>7347 *X.

Chubsmuggler thread Anonymous 04/19/2023 (Wed) 02:12:10 No. 5588 [Reply]
If anyone has their prior stuff that they sent in drive links thru patreon DMs plz add!
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Anyone has some of his newest art?
Can anyone update kemono?
anyone can post something or update his kemono?

Self post 08/22/2023 (Tue) 13:12:28 No. 7060 [Reply]
Never knew this was here lol. Guess Ill show off a bit
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Nice body and cock... do you have Twitter?
I do not unfortunately
Am tubby lol

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Mr. Big Booty Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 19:00:52 No. 7127 [Reply]
Will upload his onlyfans to coomer soon!
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>>7128 Coomer is a website where you can see people's onlyfans for free, https://coomer.party/artists
ahh alright! cant wait to see them
>>7127 And whats the name, @ or user or that big boy? :)
>>7132 You can find him here https://www.tumblr.com/mr-big-booty
https://coomer.party/onlyfans/user/mr.big.booty since the guy didn't send it

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Anonymous 05/01/2022 (Sun) 01:46:35 No. 2055 [Reply] [Last]
Fatten Up The Poster Above. - Keep civil. - Be fun. - Be creative.
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I'm gettin' kinda chunky.. Recently hit 215lbs at a height of 5'5.
>>7027 Sup, skinny.
Having one of those sad "why do I exist" days. Time to bury myself in food, it's all I'm good for anyway, eating and getting fatter.
*eats cheeseburgers in silence*
fuck wrong thread

Randy Pear Teen Gainer Anonymous 07/29/2023 (Sat) 18:13:08 No. 6790 [Reply]
Does anybody have a copy of this? There used to be a pdf file floating around of it, but it is gone now.
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had this saved almost 8 years ago, I think its all that was released
late, but i downloaded the pdf before it went down, here it is: https://files.catbox.moe/2hnflw.pdf also thank you to the anon that actually delivered and uploaded it, despite the unfortunate choice of file sharing site

Freddi Alexander (BHM) Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 23:42:14 No. 6079 [Reply]
Does any hero have his stuff? Would be grateful if someone can share anything in this thread and I will start to upload only with his photos. I think this is worth it.
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is this guy still active?
Here’s his source: https://onlyfans.com/jigglyjewelz
Found this, I think it’s him https://youtu.be/iX4zGURDeRY
