/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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(18.68 KB 956x777 fat guy2.png)
your favourite bhm scenario Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 11:48:17 No. 10079
hay guys! what's your favourite bhm scenario? post your thoughts below
(49.52 KB 167x144 huhyghjg.PNG)
I have three: 1. I start dating a feeder and they slowly start to make me fat, bake extra, extra helpings at dinner, etc. And do everything possible to hide the fact I am gaining weight including buying bigger clothes occasionally to hide how tight they are getting. After a certain size they do the big reveal they were a feeder the whole time. 2. Being blackmailed into gaining. Pretty simple, basically being told that everyone I know will be contacted about my "disgusting weight gain fetish" unless I start putting on some pounds for them. 3. Uncontrollable weight gain. Basically I have some health problem, or some forced condition that is causing weight gain. Weight gain that cannot be counteracted or lost. I just keep putting it on no matter what.
Give me the gradual and magical WG scenarios or the classic eat everything/feeder tube scenario. Those clothes need to burst to see a perfect body.
I'm a simple man. I like the idea of putting on an amount of weight each time you jerk off but not putting two and two together until you've put on enough that your dick's just constantly grinding against your gut and fatpad; thus forcing you to feel perpetually aroused. Then after days to weeks of not cumming out of fear, the friction and rubbing and exhaustion of climbing a flight of stairs causes you to jizz (and subsequently burst) out of your pants.
>>10092 Damn... it sounds so good the blackmailed... I would love a role reversal with a feeder i mean at the first i'm triying to fattening up a girl but it did'nt work and i didn't notice that she start to fattening me up Or just the gluttony kink is so good Or tho be a food streamer
Being dominated by a fat femboy. Being collared, leashed, shackled, muzzled and forced to wear a chastity and cross dress. I’d be his little slave, only able to cum when I meet a milestone. He’d pump me with estrogen so that as I gain my dick becomes more and more useles, until I don’t need the chasity cage anymore.

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