/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Tips? Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 05:07:46 No. 9427
Here's a pic of my belly after a good stuffing, any encouragers out here? :3
Mmmmmph you look like a good little boy. So feminine. Aside from using more butter and eating pure lard I’d advise you to start wearing dresses and makeup like all good piggies eventually do. I’d make you so fat you’d be genderless. Then I’d have you start pretending to be a woman in public. Think about all the pregnancy congratulations we’d get. Keep eating pig, it’s your destiny
>>9427 Out of all things I'd think someone would do to me, force feminization wasn't on my list. Although I kinda fiddle with crossdressing, fully transitioning is not my thing, I'm a cis male lol. Thanks for the words tho, I'll put in the works to get fatter
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Here's another pic, I've been thinking of selling custom content recently but idk how to start. OF would be the go-to platform, my main idea is selling inflation, feederism, fetish content and all that. What would YOU actually pay for, anon?
>>9441 I mean it would depend on your quality and variety and prices. If you were to wear skirts and makeup and wigs frequently Id maybe be a liiiiiittle interested…
>>9473 Definitely not showing my face, but doing content as a vers is on my radar, acting Dom or sub here and there to attract more audience would definitely work All while gaining weight or inflating
