/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Showing off my belly Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 04:44:22 No. 10478 [Reply]
Any encouragement or advice?
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>>10498 I actually just recently saw one of your posts so I thought you looked familiar hope you keep gaining cause you definitely need to make that belly bigger
>gives useful advice >person looks underage >get my posts banned Typical BBWChan.
>>10483 Your belly button looks really deep too, that's so hot
>>10482 Watching your belly visible through your shirt is a paradise for the eyes. I wish I could touch it.
>>10482 Looking at your belly peeking through your shirt is a paradise for the eyes. I wish I could touch it.

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Chubby Cock Hall of Fame Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 01:06:10 No. 11337 [Reply]
What will YOU contribute to the annals of history?
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Fit2Fat irl Anonymous 04/21/2023 (Fri) 17:11:49 No. 5638 [Reply]
Post hunks turning into chunks.
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even the mirror got rounder
some selfies
>>6811 Who is this?
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Siennageorge No content of them? 06/07/2024 (Fri) 08:58:33 No. 10823 [Reply]
No content of them?
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They have any video where they fuck?
A while ago he once posted a video of him showering on PornHub, but I can no longer find it. You couldn't see his dick though (nor much of the fat pad).
bigbritishboy94 on coomer

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King Gluttony/HopeForHopeNick Thread Anonymous 09/22/2023 (Fri) 10:15:42 No. 7423 [Reply]
Sorry if this is a dupe thread but I haven’t seen one so I thought I should start one. Feel free to share what you have. I’ll start https://file.io/zspmdnv64ALO
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>>10733 What’s stopping you? Imagine living in that filth, barely able to clean yourself…it’d be heaven. How does he do it? Does he have an enabler or twenty?
Anyone got anymore of him?
anybody have the full vid?
>>10852 Is anyone else turned on by the general disarray and filth he lives in?

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Twisted Wonderland Anonymous 10/07/2023 (Sat) 23:49:30 No. 7691 [Reply]
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Thoughts on FTM fat guys? Thoughs on FTM fat guys? 04/26/2024 (Fri) 21:35:49 No. 10111 [Reply]
I've seen ups and downs from people here on transgender fat boys, want to hear some people's opinions, do you care? Is it a turn on/off etc etc just tell me Don't wanna start a thing, being curious only
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What about a content related to gender reverse weight gain in this thread?
Have been with one for a while. Best sex in my life and really nice realtionship. You just have to keep open mind aobut that they dont look like cis men. Plus trans ppl are ofter autistic but you propably are too if you use this site.
honeslty I wouldn't date or have relations with one because i like cock lol and they either have vaginas or a scary meat tube which looks nothing like a penis and may fall off at any given moment x
a fat guy is a fat guy, i don't mind ftm stuff but i don't go out of my way to find it or anything
>>10113 fpbp If I had to choose between a masc looking ftm fatty and living forever alone, I'd likely take the former even if they're more autistic than me about culture. Better to live with another being than going insane after 3+ months of solitude and buying 200 expensive and crappy cars and guitars that send me deeper into poverty. Also sometimes there are some genuinely hot/cute transmascs, nonzero amount, much like MTFs to be honest.

Hansel-Fleischer thread 05/05/2022 (Thu) 19:18:30 No. 2097 [Reply]
Does anyone have any full sequences from Hansel Fleischer from DeviantArt? They do Blueberry and weight gain but unfortunately this was I had saved of theirs because their account used to be public but now has shifted towards subscriptions.
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Bump for more exclusive Content
>>4242 >>4241 Did he ever do a bit where the fiancé got fat?
Do anyone have the full set of the LifeTime Supply sequence?
Bump there’s a lot more sequences now behind that stupid $10 tier thing, if somebody can either post them here or update his Kemono with the $10 tier instead of the $5 that’d be great, thanks

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does anyone know who this is? Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 04:41:27 No. 8871 [Reply]
as the title says, i’m trying to find out who the fatty in this is, anyone have an idea?
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>>9206 jesus christ
>>8871 This is incredibly inspiring, I can’t wait to attain this level of fatness.
>>8872 Reup
Does anyone know where I could find more of this big boi, I've tried searching far and wide and no luck.
Anyone know what happened to this guy, and if there's any trace of him left. I was trying to find his Hose fed vids.

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NoGutsNoGlory aka Porkmybellyup Anon 04/03/2024 (Wed) 04:54:32 No. 9725 [Reply]
Anyone got pics / vids of him? He’s disappeared off the internet.
He's one of the hottest gainers out there
Here are some I've found on the web of this pig

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your favourite bhm scenario Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 11:48:17 No. 10079 [Reply]
hay guys! what's your favourite bhm scenario? post your thoughts below
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Give me the gradual and magical WG scenarios or the classic eat everything/feeder tube scenario. Those clothes need to burst to see a perfect body.
I'm a simple man. I like the idea of putting on an amount of weight each time you jerk off but not putting two and two together until you've put on enough that your dick's just constantly grinding against your gut and fatpad; thus forcing you to feel perpetually aroused. Then after days to weeks of not cumming out of fear, the friction and rubbing and exhaustion of climbing a flight of stairs causes you to jizz (and subsequently burst) out of your pants.
>>10092 Damn... it sounds so good the blackmailed... I would love a role reversal with a feeder i mean at the first i'm triying to fattening up a girl but it did'nt work and i didn't notice that she start to fattening me up Or just the gluttony kink is so good Or tho be a food streamer
Being dominated by a fat femboy. Being collared, leashed, shackled, muzzled and forced to wear a chastity and cross dress. I’d be his little slave, only able to cum when I meet a milestone. He’d pump me with estrogen so that as I gain my dick becomes more and more useles, until I don’t need the chasity cage anymore.

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Anonymous 09/23/2023 (Sat) 10:09:24 No. 7455 [Reply]
Curious, who's the fattest person who browses/posts on this board? I want to know if any of you are superchubs or morbidly obese. Post your weights. Might need photographic proof if you're claiming to be huge.
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Forgot some pics.
>>8944 DAT FUCKING ASS Jesus I don't normally post just to simp but WOOF. God I want to be that big, myself...I'm only 275 or so.
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>>8944 Always pleasant seeing you and your partner around.
Any of those 400+ lb people still in this thread?

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Tips? Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 05:07:46 No. 9427 [Reply]
Here's a pic of my belly after a good stuffing, any encouragers out here? :3
Mmmmmph you look like a good little boy. So feminine. Aside from using more butter and eating pure lard I’d advise you to start wearing dresses and makeup like all good piggies eventually do. I’d make you so fat you’d be genderless. Then I’d have you start pretending to be a woman in public. Think about all the pregnancy congratulations we’d get. Keep eating pig, it’s your destiny
>>9427 Out of all things I'd think someone would do to me, force feminization wasn't on my list. Although I kinda fiddle with crossdressing, fully transitioning is not my thing, I'm a cis male lol. Thanks for the words tho, I'll put in the works to get fatter
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Here's another pic, I've been thinking of selling custom content recently but idk how to start. OF would be the go-to platform, my main idea is selling inflation, feederism, fetish content and all that. What would YOU actually pay for, anon?
>>9441 I mean it would depend on your quality and variety and prices. If you were to wear skirts and makeup and wigs frequently Id maybe be a liiiiiittle interested…
>>9473 Definitely not showing my face, but doing content as a vers is on my radar, acting Dom or sub here and there to attract more audience would definitely work All while gaining weight or inflating

Documentaries or TV shows about mega obese men Anonymous 02/01/2024 (Thu) 12:44:16 No. 8889 [Reply]
I start with one and with a small bonus https://mab.to/t/sSBgXWUqLyJ/us2
>>8889 That guy they are moving is not alive…
>>8889 Eeek was that a dead guy?
>>8916 I think they meant he's since passed away which is true.
>>8961 No I mean the guy they struggle to lift off the floor and dump into the back of a truck and cover him up is dead.
Here's a link to the doc about this dude, that last shots from about 7 minutes in. https://youtu.be/hKpmgZiAkDk?si=gtY_ithB3IAMVxTR

Male WG Art Commissions Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 06:46:48 No. 8833 [Reply]
I decided to make a thread here to discuss artists who are willing to work on male wg art commissions Does anyone here have any recommendations for artists who take male weight gain commissions? Or are there any artists who would like to offer their services?
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i drawn sometimes and i take request and very low comm, i drew so shitty xd
>>8859 Imagine taking advice from someone who never came close to making six figures on their own. In a country where money is necessity.
The quality of work output by the so-called "artists" of the westn in Male Weight Gain is so bad that we only have a few options with very limited output, if you want to comission something, I would strongly suggest you to use an English to Japanese translation and go on Pixiv/Skeb.
>>8861 I'm not an artist... im a fucking loser
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Yo! my name is flabjack and my comms are open, https://www.deviantart.com/oshcosh22 here’s my DA with a folder named “masculine focused” if you wanna see more of my work. Message me through there or via the google form if you want
