/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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(416.10 KB 1536x2048 FKiHNjoXEAApStO.jpeg)
Anonymous 05/31/2022 (Tue) 19:56:11 No. 2218
What's his problem?
He's one of those types of people who has an annnoyed look as a resting face imo
This guy is unironically too fat and just looks horrible and is probably in constant pain.
>>2220 What?! He’s one out of the best sexiest guys out there. Such a gorgeous shape and finally someone who respects his followers enough to remove that pesky body hair.
>>2227 Fully agreed dude. He's gorgeous
>>2220 I’d plow him ‘til next July, but different strokes for different folks. >>2218 OP, is there some drama with this dude or do you just not like his looks?
Have some respect for an actual megachub out there living his fattest life. You're probably ugly and mad he won't reply to your thirst posts on his Twitter.
Anyone know how much he weighs?
i don't know how anyone can have a fat fetish and take the time to whine like this. seriously he's an inst-boner from me every time his picks come up. i honestly can't imagine the human body looking any sexier that that this.
>>2240 690lb
recent pic on OF, look at that fat pad
>>2248 Husband material.
Anybody got any videos of him?
Too bad his OnlyFans is just tiny little previews and PPV links.
>>2218 He's actual really nice. I've spoken with him a few times on Biggercity.
>>4149 actually*
please share somethig his videos, i really want it
(143.24 KB 900x1200 EfaP15oXYAUtUFR.jpg)
Male peak performance
>>4755 For real, he's so big that his body looks female!
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>>5077 at this point he should just commit and start cross dressing
He's actually the hottest superchub imo. I wish he'd make more videos on his OF. I wanna see him out of breath and struggling to do literally anything. I'd blow so much money on his stuff haha
>>6184 Fuck what I would do to bury my face into that pad and suck him off.
>>6184 Isn't that the point? You're just not rich or attractive enough to get it from him in person. Better to prioritize those willing to spend a fortune to actually fuck 'em while building up the thirsty, plebian masses and then when that cash cow dries up just mass-produce garbage y'all will lap up anyway out of desperation.
>>6187 Yeah I know I wont be getting it in person, I'm a female and he's gay LOL.
>>6191 money is money it really is one of those instances i'm afraid.
He does seem to be getting fatter tho
>>2219 How many calories does he eat a day, I can easily wolf down 10k if I can get enough food
>>6680 Gotta be at least 10k to be such a butterball
does anyone have his squashing video??
So I know this thread is probably dead, but does anyone have the video of him and Funsize Frank? The contrast between them is insane
I don’t know why his shit is so hard to find. Is it all under Ivy’s production now?
Fuck I really hope he'll finally post of vid of himself playing with his FUPA. It's fucking massive and you can tell his dick is long gone now.
