/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Male Drawthread Anonymous 02/21/2022 (Mon) 14:39:07 No. 1695
figured we'd finally have one for this board rules: -use the respective anchors for the sake of organization -furry requests should be taken to >>>/bbfurries/4737 -make a new thread if you want a morph request -one character at a time. This is a request thread, after all -be descrptive of what you want. simply saying "x with y fetish" is too vague, be sure tl go into more detail than that -be decent human beings to each other and have fun!
>>9487 >>9500 Maybe i'll do it It's been a while since i want to draw him so fat or with a big belly
>>9501 Pog And if the image didn't give it away, I meant his pre-STRIVE design because it doesn't get SHIT
Could someone draw Clover here as just a fucking massive immobile blob? Preferably bursting out of his clothes, stuffed to the absolute brim, and with really and blobby cheeks too. Would be incredible
>>9671 Seseame place is filled with pedophilias
>>9671 1TB HARD DRIVE OF PORN. Church finds out kicks him out. 420 poor kid
(227.12 KB 314x794 Johnnytcm.png)
They could make this handsome Texan obese preferably Ssbhm
>>1696 >>9663 Just realised I forgot to tag this to the request anchor.
>>1696 Can I have the Male counterpart of Hilda forced to eat meat by Bowser Junior please. Also the belly for Hilda the Male counterpart should growl as well.
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>>1696 Requesting an ultra-obese Shinji Ikari wearing Homer's floral print muumuu from "King Size Homer."
(434.80 KB 1878x1536 GFJoLexboAAPeOJ.jpeg)
>>1696 /r/ing Getakichi relaxing & smoking after a heavy meal. Please draw him sitting legs spread with a noticably round full tummy sticking out of his sweater and his jeans unbuttoned. Feel free to add extras if you feel like it (maybe some crubs around the mouth, stomach noises, etc.)
>>2980 seconding this for some reason
>>5995 >kimono, cross, and modern sneakers what
Please someone redraw this from a a another thread
Why you guys keep replying to this thread, nobody here has provided any drawing and even those who have shared art here are pretty much scribbles of basic level.
>>9971 so true
>>9971 I would do someone's request but people hate me already because they assume that i am a "minor" >>9962 Cuz i actually drew this
Elliot Rodger as a SSBHM busting ass and suffocating George Floyd, who shouts that he can't breathe.
>>9977 What the actual fuck?
>>9979 Its just an edgelord trying too hard
I'm trying to do something new... maybe i'll do some request
>>10577 Assuming you are who I think you are. That’s based as fuck and I hope you get some get requests
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>>10735 Niko? And nope, i literally tried to copy or make it from scratch the first drawing of Drilldrn... The second drawing i did it something from myself What I did was this drawing. the first one was trying to do something like him and other like me i
>>10735 I Still don't have the brave or the lever for comms but i hope so in the future
(166.11 KB 2000x1750 My Horny Academia Deku WG.png)
(151.74 KB 2000x1750 My Horny Academia Todoroki WG.png)
(181.05 KB 2000x1750 My Horny Academia Bakugo WG.png)
Sup here, got those sketches from a friend and was wondering if somebody was interested in here to color them, I would appriciate it.
>>10751 Gotta have refs for the characters
>>10755 Oh hell, completly forgot about it, here they are
Which obscure Nintendo mens did you likes to be fatten/stuffed up?
>>10875 linhardt from fire emblem
(197.53 KB 310x538 Takamaru_Nazo_no_Murasame_Jo.png)
>>10875 Takamaru from Mysterious Murasame Castle maybe?
>>10875 I don't know if geno from super mario rpg counts as obscure anymore but he's quite and I would love to see him fattened up
>>10875 Definitely Dragaux from Ring Fit Adventure.
(705.93 KB 738x688 Ishura.png)
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>>10875 I'd personally go with Alain from the Anime or Luca from Pokémon Duel. The latter's game got shut down.
>>10975 draw Ishura like this
(99.67 KB 661x566 imagen_2024-06-24_174421946.png)
sometin in progress
>>11657 maybe i'd do it
>>10875 kaden from fire emblem: fates
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>>1696 Requesting a solo, blob sized, naked tanjiro being tube fed in a similar situation like the image below, with some slob elements like food stains, sweat, and farting.
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>>1696 I'd like to draw Antoine as a blueberry with his girlfriend Pinkie Pie, full nude and huge penis for Antoine. Based on Molaveda's art.
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Yello! This is my drawing style. I love drawing bhm x fem but I can draw solo male too. I'd love to do some requests! Thank you!
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(2.39 KB 498x486 BG_girls_group.webp)
>>12945 Can you draw Senpai from FNF begrudginly allowing himself to be fed by his fangirls even though it's ruined his figure?
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(189.06 KB 360x844 IMG_6616.png)
>>12945 Kari feeding TK into a massive fatty.
>>12945 Tanjiro as a massive fatty
>>1696 Waiter, Waiter! One Phisnom weight gain sequence please!
>>13093 Please, no pushing, no grabbing, no spamming, you all get your turn.
(790.46 KB 1921x2705 Loki_Loud.jpg)
Nobody requested this, but I still wanted to draw a fat Loki Loud
>>1696 Miu Iruma pegging Shuichi Saihara would be a dream come true, especially if he's around as big as the dude in the 4th image
Here me out! Itachi uciha inflation via fireball jutsu backup maybe with a cork in his mouth or something? I don't know fireball jutsu does offer canon inflation does it not? Just a brain thought I had I'm not gonna do anything with.

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