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Bendy and the Ink Machine Thread Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 21:24:46 No. 6488
For all the people who love ink demons. Yes, especially the really fat ones. Feel free to post any fat art of Bendy you want.
(70.65 KB 600x600 20220825_062903.jpg)
(166.38 KB 1280x1280 1627026473.slobendy_blobby.png)
(327.22 KB 1180x1200 1650944520.slobendy_ink (5).png)
Gas and NSFW warning for three of these images.
Gas warning on one of them
Some images from my personal collection, I have more but can't be bothered to post right now
A few more
>>7275 It's a sin that there isn't enough fat or inflated Bendy art out there imo.
(128.22 KB 1002x946 FiteeV8WQAEUZ3V.png)
(382.54 KB 1280x1071 tumblr_ott5n9jwyE1um0wkjo2_1280.jpg)
(103.54 KB 1684x1562 FiyfSrSVEAAvmja.jpg)
(269.65 KB 842x476 Fitx4RHXkAMgIwy.png)
>>7279 Damn right
>>7275 Source on the halloween bendy pic?
>>7304 Pretty sure I got it from someplantface's tumblr, but they deactivated all their accounts everywhere.
>>7275 Do you think you have any more pics?
>>7308 Spoiler on le brap
(13.84 KB 360x246 FiyfTFPVsAA492K.png)
(14.72 KB 360x301 FiyfTSHVUAA9sqv.png)
All of these are absolutely amazing! Be sure to post as many of these fat Bendy images as you can possibly find or have! I love every single one of these! Provide the sources if they are available if you wish! Keep up the good work, everyone!
Keep 'em coming! I hope to see a lot more, please! 🙏
These look really good, please be sure to find every fat Bendy image you can possibly find, either in your gallery, online, or right here! Have a good day, everyone!
(128.22 KB 1002x946 FiteeV8WQAEUZ3V.png)
(142.45 KB 1918x949 FitehPCXkAIfEJu.png)
(114.43 KB 340x469 Fijbv5hWAAAS78Q.png)
(79.75 KB 575x457 FijbyhXXoAAe0sP.png)
>>8166 Appreciate the enthusiasm, but you might be overdoing it a little, pal.
What else did you find for the ink demon?
Nice, got any more?
Side note: Please put a spoiler for gas. Spoilers for NSFW are optional.
Any new content for this thread?
(85.50 KB 1022x1237 FmltOCSWIAAhyk0.jpeg)
Bumping this thread up since frankly it’s a godsend, also some art to breathe some life into it
>>11132 Is this made by fizzooka?
>>>11145 not really sure who that is, I can’t even remember where I found this
(207.54 KB 1440x768 IMG_1441.jpeg)
(132.72 KB 1268x839 IMG_1417.jpeg)
(132.72 KB 1268x839 IMG_0594.jpeg)
(132.72 KB 1268x839 IMG_0523.jpeg)
(313.08 KB 1280x1280 IMG_0523.jpeg)
(52.76 KB 395x512 IMG_0594.jpeg)
I have images of big bellied and big booty Bendy
(271.08 KB 2000x2000 GhV0TWWWEAAqwa0.jpg)
(289.02 KB 2000x2000 GhV0TaCXgAAs65Z.jpg)
>>8685 There's more of this, i saw the other parts of the comic i think on deviantart
