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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Buried dick in fat pad Anonymous 03/07/2022 (Mon) 14:46:16 No. 1781
I have this fetish since a long time. If you have content like this you can post it here. I'll start : https://twitter.com/HobbitVanilla/status/1431098940947058694?t=TDRMkwisAgfzNJSHUaAhBQ&s=19
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dude can shove and keep a vibrator in his fat pad to get off
>>7234 giwtwm
>>7234 Goddamn, who is this?
>>7251 He's @Kingslard on social media, a superchub He has been in gaining for almost 10 years. And he is taking earning weight seriously, now he hasn't left the house for almost a month due to back problems, result being overweight. On this year he has been gaining 8-10 lbs per month ant he thinks about death gaining. He's at major leagues. Their increase weight to the infinity is incredible... and that fatpad are awesome.
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>>7278 that’s his insta, grommr and OF tho most of his fat pad pics are on OF
>>7280 OMG, that last picture looks awesome… where did Kingslard upload? I hadn't seen this one. I like to buy some videos and content of OF and donate to him. He is the only person I have donated money to for his benefit to gaining. He clearly shows that he’s passionate about it. I highly recommend his gaining stories on Devian Art, there some hot. 🥵
Don’t know if I’m in the right place to ask but there used to be 2 vids on xvideos of a guy with a totally swallowed cock. Both vids he’s on a bed. One vid is just jerking off &the other is with an inflatable anal toy. Both are just the guy, focus on the fat pad, no face. One was named something like “getting myself off with new toy” and the other was something about his small cock and “(no cum)”. The user name had the word “dad” in it, but I’m not 100% on that. If anyone has it or knows where to find it before this site goes offline it’d be much appreciated. I feel like I’m going insane trying to find it.
>>7280 What's his user name on deviant art?1
>>8094 Joesmokey iirc and also iirc(again) he died.
>>8096 Where do I find his videos?
>>8100 https://xhamster.com/videos/sup-chub-113-9419902 Do you mean this guy? I don't like how he acts/how his face looks but he's got quite the fupa.
>>8095 garebear241 tw: extreme obesity/health issues for majority of his stories
>>8096 Maybe? None of the videos I can find of him are anything like what I’m looking for. The profile i remember had only 2 videos of the same dude shot in the same way, same room and you weren’t even catching a glimpse of face. >>8106 Nah. Tbh this guy’s fupa is larger. This other guy never showed his face.
I want this kind of gainer play fat enough to just fuck their own fatpad
>>8203 Who the hell is this? What an absolute fat tub of goo.
>>8224 Lardfill rip
>>8229 >rip So he's dead? Well, I can't deny that it's a little hot that he ate himself to death.
>>1785 I watched one of his videos, bro went from moaning like a girl to sounding like emperor pilaf
>>8203 he sounds healthy
>>8240 Covid got him in the end sadly, I think he genuinely wanted to get as fat as possible
Damn this thread has been dead for a while
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>>12378 dang who is this guy? What a huge overhang!
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>>2247 OMG would love to be guy #1. Long way off still…
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Mine's getting a bit hard to reach already >///<
>>12394 Sorry but that doesn't really look hard to reach. Like, at all lol. Congrats on the gains though :)
>>12387 Do you understand what covered means?
>>1782 Anymore of the first beauty? God, I'd give up my left ball to have that fat pad.
>>12378 Damn Do you have source?
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>>1781 This dude, @thespicyviking9(twitter…ew) has some good fupa. Plus, he’s quite a tower of bulk.
Fattyed recently put out the hottest fat pad fucking video I've ever seen. Absolutely mesmerizing. On his paysite or if you where to look
I just really want this thread to return
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>>14049 Where did you find this? I can’t find his content anywhere
>>14075 onlyfans.com/coquito_papiii
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I am only 335 lbs and already gone lol.
>>2695 Want more videos like thsi
>>14327 got the original video ?
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Such a shame the vanillahobbit c00mer hasn't been updated in years :(
>>14327 wow.. Anyone got the vid???
>>14435 Third that! Anyone?
Just need a vid of someone pulling back their fat pad to reveal smth
