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Fatbutterrolls300/Jake Jennings thread Anonymous 04/11/2020 (Sat) 04:26:33 Id:93e571 No. 755
Possibly the fattest megachub out there, hard af to find pics and vids of
>>6371 He had gotten too much attention and harassment in the past
Where'd we find that picture?
>>6668 That was another one he had sent me over 2 years ago. That's my last one though.
God he is so fucking hot, I don’t think we have any other gainer who is as pig like and obsessed with junk food as he is/was
(2.07 MB 3488x4640 IMG_20230805_190553.jpg)
seeking feeder Hello, I want to be morbidly fat, 300-500kg, I am looking for a feeder who wants to feed me regardless of the consequences, I really want it very much. I have no limits. Feedmetodeath2 BiggerCity
>>7580 Yes that's him
I’ve heard rumours he’s back but a lot slimmer than last time.
>>8180 If he is back and slimmer, I'm glad he's doing well. Immobility is hot and all but living takes precedent. It would be great to hear from him again.
>>8180Any proof?
>>8221 Kik fatbutterrolls33
>>8180 How big is he now?
How did you get this “new” KIK? Says he’s been on there for over 1000 days, not insignificant - and what’s the proof it’s really him and that’s he’s slimmer?
>>8297 it’s really him tho! sent a message, asked for a selfie and got one (kik tells you if the user used the camera function) asked for another to confirm of him touching his nose and got it too. guy still lives with his cousin and is over 900 lbs.
It might still be him, but the pictures are still low quality. Wanna share what he sent?
>>8344 Is he immobile?
>>8344 Send the picture, would love to see
Dying to see the new photo of him
Please post new Jake content.
Bump - anyone?
(761.86 KB 1080x3867 Screenshot_20240201_135548_Kik.jpg)
So I used the Kik username given here (fatbutterrolls33), traded some pics, but overall they seem really vague and unwilling to talk much. I hope they're the real deal though.
>>8892 Yeah, pretty sure that’s not actually him. But always enjoy a roleplay with someone with his photos, who knows he might have some we’ve not seen yet
Anyone heard from him?
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messaged the kik account and got a pic that i haven’t seen anywhere else. i think the guy is legit
Yea I haven’t seen that pic ever before??? I think it’s important we don’t spam his messenger or he’ll disappear again - if you get something please share it but maybe new people stay away
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Saw this somewhere else. What a pile of lard
Is this not him? https://obits.postandcourier.com/us/obituaries/aikenstandard/name/jake-jennings-obituary?id=12831465
That obit is most definitely not him.
>>9840 This has been posted online before so I am not confident this person is actually fatbutterrolls. Only way to be for sure is to get a picture with a hand gesture or something like that
Where had they been posted before
(297.99 KB 1139x1832 IMG_2340.jpeg)
Has anyone seen these vids before? They’re by a private user on this vid. We need to get access!!!!
>>10097 We strongly need these omg. Sucks they are locked private
>>10164 All that ass sure do smell like fish
>>10165 Like u saying fr? Or like somebody fishin?
So I've had a few clips of Jake in my downloads folder since forever, don't even remember where I found them from, but this convinced me to finally organize and put them all in one folder, so thank you for that. Not sure if the vids you're looking for are included but this is what I have. Enjoy! https://we.tl/t-n5y2Q3CRWT
Holy shit man that's a goldmine, there's 9 I've never seen before, and I thought I'd seen them all. "choking on his moobs 9" is one of the wildest things I've ever seen in my life. "eating pizza 1" he's still clearly mobile at that point. And the fact that that other dude has videos not even on here? I think this is the only place that has truly archived this man well and I'm shocked we are STILL finding new shit years later.
>>10206 glad it was worth the effort to gather and organize them all lol like I said, I don't remember where I got them all from, literally been in my downloads folder for years lol
You're a hero man.
Can we get a Reup or get them uploaded in this google drive: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNeyJmXP5IqgajqGWgEBGqE87VH1sDh8ROs0O6oflDYI8uShxc99rFSa5GQCaxv3Q?key=cDNxZTRIZkRGUGFRWDlaZ2s2QWgzM2x2S2FSbW5R
>>10383 Yo, is there a better link to that album? Says it doesn't exist
>>10172 >Moobdood >>10200 Are you able to re-upload by chance?
Use this link to join my album in Google Photos. https://photos.app.goo.gl/PfpUWrKikNbhzCR98 Here’s another link to the Jake album with all the pics we can find btw!
Has anyone heard from Jake recently? I'm curious if he is still around
>>9884 Obituary says he loved riding motorcycles, so there is no way that's the same person. This guy would make one into metal foil.
>> Anyone know why Michelle is obsessed with him?
also that obit is for someone who died at 20, this Jake Jennings is probably nearing 30.
>>12278 belly bump
