/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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(303.33 KB 800x567 nan.jpg)
Prisonsuit-Rabbitman/Orson13 art Anonymous 03/02/2020 (Mon) 21:29:23 Id:1cdf62 No. 856
Lets post some Prisonsuit-Rabbitman art.
(1005.89 KB 1280x904 catso.jpg)
>>858 A female Someone had to pay some big bucks for him to make this. Especially for someone who does
>>859 Someone who does males exclusively
https://e-hentai.org/g/1368371/85d2083ad5/ the whole sequence
(260.66 KB 1024x724 2le535l.jpg)
(276.44 KB 1023x728 28s3d77.jpg)
(339.37 KB 1024x726 20hln41.jpg)
>>856 posting things that i've commissioned or found that aren't a part of his gallery, or that are uncensored.
(411.35 KB 1023x723 35d41gh.jpg)
(337.84 KB 1024x724 30afj2u.jpg)
(583.40 KB 2000x1413 johndave coloured.JPG)
(483.77 KB 2000x1411 john karkat coloured.JPG)
(100.64 KB 1024x726 54.jpg)
(63.48 KB 1024x726 55.jpg)
(65.19 KB 1024x729 56.jpg)
>>864 posting the full sequence from >>858 because i can lol
(69.68 KB 1024x722 57.jpg)
(65.66 KB 1024x723 58.jpg)
(59.61 KB 1024x725 59.jpg)
(111.23 KB 1024x724 60.jpg)
(85.18 KB 1024x725 61.jpg)
(83.13 KB 1024x719 62.jpg)
(73.24 KB 1024x728 63.jpg)
(81.61 KB 1024x723 64.jpg)
(77.26 KB 1024x724 65.jpg)
(73.26 KB 1024x726 66.jpg)
(75.39 KB 1024x727 67.jpg)
(71.86 KB 1024x724 68.jpg)
(74.90 KB 1024x725 69.jpg)
(74.94 KB 1024x725 70.jpg)
(74.56 KB 1024x723 71.jpg)
>>869 more female stuff
(77.04 KB 1024x724 72.jpg)
(79.60 KB 1024x723 73.jpg)
(83.91 KB 1024x724 74.jpg)
(70.59 KB 1024x727 75.jpg)
(64.90 KB 1024x726 76.jpg)
(719.08 KB 1000x708 00_Cover.jpg)
(444.56 KB 1000x711 Act 1 - Burn_01.JPG)
(425.55 KB 1000x708 Act 1 - Burn_02.JPG)
>>872 now posting a GIGANTIC commission a friend got. Wonder where he is, and if he's doing well. I think some of this was posted publicly but not all of it.
(636.40 KB 1000x709 Act 1 - Burn_03.JPG)
(439.63 KB 1000x708 Act 1 - Burn_04.jpg)
(637.07 KB 1000x705 Act 1 - Burn_05.JPG)
(470.34 KB 1000x707 Act 1 - Burn_06.jpg)
(572.83 KB 1000x704 Act 2 - Heat_01.jpg)
(599.23 KB 1000x709 Act 2 - Heat_02.jpg)
(688.71 KB 1000x706 Act 2 - Heat_03.JPG)
(407.74 KB 1000x707 Act 2 - Heat_04.JPG)
(554.93 KB 1000x708 Act 2 - Heat_05.JPG)
(676.46 KB 1000x705 Act 3 - Blow_01.JPG)
(661.79 KB 1000x706 Act 3 - Blow_02.JPG)
(615.96 KB 1000x708 Act 3 - Blow_03.JPG)
(652.00 KB 1000x709 Act 3 - Blow_04.JPG)
(582.53 KB 1000x708 Act 3 - Blow_05.JPG)
(559.57 KB 1000x706 Act 3 - Blow_06.jpg)
(404.77 KB 1023x723 Act 3 - Blow_07.jpg)
(585.32 KB 1023x724 Act 4 - BurnHeat_01.jpg)
(462.19 KB 1023x723 Act 4 - BurnHeat_02.jpg)
(439.96 KB 1023x727 Act 4 - BurnHeat_03.jpg)
(479.27 KB 1023x729 Act 4 - BurnHeat_04.jpg)
(543.91 KB 1023x725 Act 4 - BurnHeat_05.jpg)
(555.65 KB 1024x724 Act 4 - BurnHeat_06.jpg)
(516.11 KB 1024x727 Act 4 - BurnHeat_07.jpg)
(539.93 KB 1023x725 Act 4 - BurnHeat_08.jpg)
(501.46 KB 1023x722 Act 4 - BurnHeat_09.jpg)
(536.80 KB 1024x723 Act 5 - BurnHeat_01.JPG)
(547.87 KB 1023x722 Act 5 - BurnHeat_02.jpg)
(562.71 KB 1023x723 Act 5 - BurnHeat_03.jpg)
(540.72 KB 1023x723 Act 5 - BurnHeat_04.jpg)
(452.83 KB 1024x727 Act 5 - BurnHeat_05.jpg)
(507.27 KB 1023x726 Act 5 - BurnHeat_06.jpg)
(591.28 KB 1023x722 Act 5 - BurnHeat_07.JPG)
(499.57 KB 1000x709 Act 5 - BurnHeat_08.jpg)
(455.35 KB 1024x723 Act 5 - BurnHeat_09.jpg)
(476.28 KB 1023x723 Act 5 - BurnHeat_10.jpg)
(636.35 KB 1024x727 Act 5 - BurnHeat_11.jpg)
>>884 owo
(597.96 KB 1023x725 Act 5 - BurnHeat_12.jpg)
(453.61 KB 1024x726 Act 6 - BlowGazelle_01.jpg)
(494.66 KB 1024x724 Act 6 - BlowGazelle_02.jpg)
(519.79 KB 1023x726 Act 6 - BlowGazelle_03.jpg)
(516.90 KB 1023x726 Act 6 - BlowGazelle_04.jpg)
(500.70 KB 1023x726 Act 6 - BlowGazelle_05.jpg)
>>886 et tu, fatass
(697.33 KB 1000x707 Act 7 - BlowGazelle_01.JPG)
(612.06 KB 1000x707 Act 7 - BlowGazelle_02.JPG)
(576.47 KB 1000x707 Act 7 - BlowGazelle_03.JPG)
(646.72 KB 1000x707 Act 7 - BlowGazelle_04.JPG)
(586.74 KB 1000x707 Act 7 - BlowGazelle_05.JPG)
>>888 and there we go. pretty long lol
>>889 and now some misc rare/unposted psrms
(95.13 KB 560x800 milkingtaropart1 (1).jpg)
(102.36 KB 561x799 taromilking3 (1).jpg)
(79.58 KB 566x799 taromilking7.jpg)
>>891 and now we get into the REALLY esoteric shit. A LONG time ago, buried in the comments section of a PSRM pic called 'full fat milk', PSRM penned and posted a 30-something page comic about this cow boy (and others) growing breasts and then fattening people up. Photobucket is SUPREMELY unreliable these days, so I'm only going to be posting the ones that load. I'll most likely be skipping several parts. If anyone has the original, high res images, PLEASE post them.
(94.42 KB 564x799 taromilking8.jpg)
(88.87 KB 563x800 taromilkingpage9.jpg)
(114.33 KB 563x800 taropageten.jpg)
(85.35 KB 566x800 taromilkingpage11.jpg)
(78.56 KB 563x799 taromilkingpage14.jpg)
(108.00 KB 564x800 taromilkingpage15.jpg)
(121.50 KB 799x565 taromilkingpage17.jpg)
(114.89 KB 800x568 taromilkingpage18.jpg)
(108.36 KB 800x566 taromilking22.jpg)
>>894 makes you wonder how many other large projects of theirs are hidden away, or deleted off the internet...
(119.69 KB 800x567 taromilking26.jpg)
(103.24 KB 799x565 taromilking27.jpg)
(86.28 KB 800x566 taromilking28.jpg)
(86.65 KB 799x565 taromilking29.jpg)
(90.79 KB 800x567 taromilking30.jpg)
(90.12 KB 799x565 taromilking32.jpg)
(90.42 KB 565x799 emizellovestaromilk.jpg)
(85.76 KB 799x563 weecoonipples (1).jpg)
(544.25 KB 2048x2048 J8nWbkJ-20150415_223501.jpg)
>>897 that's all I got for now, unless I'm forgetting something. hope y'all appreciated it. orz
(93.29 KB 1024x724 inflatingroseandkanaya.jpg)
>>898 whoops, meant to upload this instead
(280.56 KB 799x565 wink wonk.jpg)
>>899 oh and these. NOW I'm done lol
(200.63 KB 1063x752 4JLpBqI3DR8.jpg)
(243.74 KB 1063x752 7as8ij8HxjM.jpg)
(261.13 KB 1063x752 6CPkDcH1Rvw.jpg)
(226.91 KB 1063x752 25FqXgvefyA.jpg)
It's a shame that there's huge chunks of his art library that we'll never be able to see. There's many series that he has that ends abruptly either because the rest is private or the commissioner couldn't afford to complete it.
I have been looking at his gallery for years and I never seen a lot of stuff posted here, you guys are doing god's work. Thanks a lot.
(507.93 KB 800x569 I52.jpg)
(533.22 KB 800x559 I51.jpg)
(452.20 KB 800x566 I53.jpg)
Does this continue?
What other sequences of his are supposed to have missing parts?
These were on the Male WG thread and thought I'd put them here too
I really hope people have some more of the sumo art that was delisted. Those were the best
(99.21 KB 900x636 temps2.jpg)
(335.16 KB 800x567 temps.jpg)
I know this isn't fat-art, but does anyone have that Danny Phantom Muscle growth sequence, it used to be on twitter somewhere but it's now gone and only the first two parts remain.
Timmy Turnner Weight gain sequence do you have it?
>>899 source?
the title of the Timmy Turnner Weight gain sequence was just deserts part 2 i think did any save it?
(120.19 KB 800x564 GsOVV0qq_gw.jpg)
(157.31 KB 800x564 h54hfVUgWPo.jpg)
(178.18 KB 800x564 tsyE3otHuXw.jpg)
(104.20 KB 800x566 s4Z5IYN0v10.jpg)
>>911 Here, I just found elsewhere.
(58.65 KB 864x609 image0-144.jpg)
His Crona sequence always felt like it had a few parts to it, anyone know if there are more parts to it?
Does anyone have the full sequence to this??
Does anyone have extra rations parts 10 and 8?
Do anyone have pushing the limits 3? Someone on Instagram uploaded the whole sequence
(152.04 KB 1024x726 1.jpg)
(146.50 KB 1280x913 2.jpg)
(165.89 KB 1280x909 3.jpg)
(133.63 KB 1280x909 4.jpg)
Swelling with pride 1-5
(155.67 KB 1280x858 6.jpg)
(132.22 KB 1280x903 7.jpg)
(164.59 KB 1280x866 8.jpg)
(177.65 KB 1280x905 9.jpg)
Swelling with pride 6-9
Does anyone have the mutual gain sequence with 2 pokemon protagonists? It seems to have disappeared off deviantart
>>923 Did you try the wayback machine?
different user, and yea I was looking for it too. wasn't backed up on wayback machine either
ayo I just found the first two images in my downloads
(257.79 KB 1021x704 gumball_sketch.PNG)
(2.20 MB 1292x919 gumball_continued.PNG)
>>923 >>926 Here are parts 1, 4, and 5. Pretty sure there aren't more after 5
>>918 Don't remember which part this is but something tells me it's one of the parts you're looking for
>>916 As far as I know this is all the Crona art there is from him. I'd love to be proven wrong, though
>>930 oh almost forgot this one too
>>931 Gotcha. I honestly always thought there were more parts after this sequence that were either deleted or just private, because I always got the implication that they were going to burst out of their main outfit and into just the underwear, or something. Thank you, though.
Someone come get this dude. He’s been persistent for years on not sharing the ironfull sequence uncensored for years and it’s getting annoying. He’s a stubborn asshole too. https://www.deviantart.com/rikkaboom
(744.80 KB 1600x1104 rare.jpg)
Hello, I was wondering if there's more private commissions from Prisonsuit-Rabbitman?
Anymore female drawings for private commissions from the artist?
Anyone here has more Gotenks, Goten and Kid Trunks art of him?
I'm also looking for any fat megaman boy arts, preferable from Exe and ZX series.
No more drawings?
>>939 This is all I have left. If you’d like to look up lost art. I’d try DA. People repost his deleted stuff a lot. Especially when it comes to underage, like Goten and Trunks. Try not to bump this, unless you have something to share. I don’t want this locked.
Forgot this existed
I though that this was canceled but the commisioner of this sequence have said that there are more pages to it, it's just X rated. Tried to convince him to maybe share it, no luck with that. Any suggestions?
>>943 Why not share? It makes for even more content being made of this characters.
>>944 Well he said that he can't show this because it's R rated and I can't show something to confirm my age, which I kinda get it since my homie got into some troubles because he chatted with a gal that was 14 and pretended to be 18. Still shame we can't see the rest
>>945 Is it possible for someone else to confirm their age to get the images?
>>945 >>946 How would one do it? I remember the days when it was normal for people to read, watch porn and masturbate, now you everyone is like a crazy soccer mom being so moralistic about it.
>>947 I agree on that, you look for the sauce, it's private since it's R rated, ask about the guy to share that, he shares,simple as. I mean even if Ang and Sokka are hella gay with their pp sticking out there are much more controversial things that Prisonsuit made
amazing what you find sometimes when you least expect it
>>949 Woah! Where did you find this? Never saw this before...
I see. Quick question: Why do these two fat men look like 2 fat women? Was it deliberate? Or perhaps merely artistic choice of style? Because I had to try really hard to understand what it was that I was looking at and see if it truly was 2 fat women as I thought from first glance. Why go through all that trouble of trying to make 2 men look as much like women as possible?
>>950 is what I'm referring yo
>>953 It's anime, this type of man are common in the media.
>>945 Does anyone here have that image of Mayl filling Lan from Megaman Exe? It's a hyper type of image.
It was the weirdest thing. I found these on Newgrounds somehow.
found these on Fur Affinity
And these are from Newgrounds
just a bump.
(217.24 KB 700x496 309592.jpg)
>>929 Not him but thanks for posting. Do you have part 10? Pic related.
>>960 https://thisvid.com/albums/extra-rations/
>>961 They look like radio static
(109.89 KB 800x567 IMG_1660.jpg)
Here's part 10, and in good quality.
>>963 Thank you very much!
Got another commission, I'll post that up if anyone's interested.
>>966 Sure, It's always nice to see new stuff.
(394.54 KB 2048x1449 IMG_20200615_012652.jpg)
>>969 Yeah, gotcha. Here's that other comm I was mentioning.
(76.59 KB 799x564 Extra Robin (Hairless).jpg)
Although the regular version is present, some of the hairless versions have been disabled. This one hasn't been yet.
>>943 Could he possibly post it here?
>>945 I can confirm my age! Can you give his contacts?
I asked him already and he said no
This was his response
>>976 Jesus christ lmao what a weenie
>>5366 We've your IP. Expect Bandai-Namco being very mad at you posting those fat boys here, they are going to go full Demon Slayer on you.
https://www.deviantart.com/livelongbutlol This guy says in the comments he has pushing the limit part 3 if anyone wants to try to get it
Is in Spanish but is better than nothing
>>980 It's even cuter.
Also is in spanish dx
(361.41 KB 800x567 Stuffing Charlie P1.jpg)
(260.58 KB 800x569 Stuffing Charlie P2.jpg)
(349.63 KB 800x566 Stuffing Charlie P3.jpg)
(342.01 KB 800x568 Stuffing Charlie P4.jpg)
Was wondering if there are any sequels to this series, but also posting this in case it gets taken down.
(87.04 KB 864x609 6734589.jpg)
Ok does anyone have the pic with little Lincoln Loud?
Does anyone have the Lincoln loud pic?
(281.78 KB 800x566 1567209705511.jpg)
>>2133 Not really a hard picture to find, but here it is
>>899 where did you find this pic?
Does anyone have extra rations part 8? It’s taken down from his gallery so I’m wondering if one of you guys saved it
Does anyone have the Max Goof picture, the account had the picture for a while then removed it. Just curious if anyone has it.
>>901 Related to this, someone have the infamous Regression progression sequence? Is very hard to find
>>2333 Nope, just this other Digimon sequence
>>2333 It's has already been uploaded to the Digimon boys thread: https://bbw-chan.nl/bhm/res/1985.html#q2002
Anyone got the sword art online sequence? I really liked that one
Does anyone have a hairless version with the illustration "colossus continent"?
Got parts 3 & 4 of the Danny Phantom muscle sequence if anyone still needs it
>>2617 Sure, might as well
(93.78 KB 765x543 20220705_160616.jpg)
(113.24 KB 768x548 20220705_160621.jpg)
>>959 Where'd you find this, anon? Are there multiple parts?
>>2685 I found this on his DeviantArt. I was only up for like a single day when he uploaded it back in late 2021 and then it was deleted. I managed to get it as it was still cached on Google Images. Considering this was the only image, there's probably no extra parts
Does anyone have the one of Jean from AOT that prisonsuit did I still trying to find it.
Does anyone have bertholt + reiner aswell? It used to be on a previous bbw
>>2274 I really don’t know. Does anyone have it?
Lucky for you guys, I'm a miracle worker.
>>2704 >>2728 here’s what I got frens. does anyone happen to have any more of the Black Butler sequences?
Man I need more of his nsfw Could some post more please
why psrm changed his drawing style so drastically?, his older drawings was the best
Didn’t this existed so i thought i’d share
Can anyone ask the artist to draw some more female WG?
>>3685 i would but im broke as fuck
>>3692 Fuck off
Anyone got their hands on the uncensored Tweek pic yet? I know he literally uploaded it earlier today, but figured I'd ask.
Here’s his Mega Man related stuff
Anyone wanna do a prisonsuit rabbitman rp? Either In Discord or DA?
Sure. Discord?
Yeah here's my discord name DeepLurkers#3868
>>3812 I send you a request
(87.83 KB 900x637 Extra Tadase Part Two.jpg)
I was wondering if anyone has the first part of this, since it says part two above.
>>3858 it's still up? https://www.deviantart.com/prisonsuit-rabbitman/art/for-nanaco18-part-one-265834475
>>2351 Is there no more illustration of digiboys he drew?
There is it’s just no one ether no one feels like posting more or can’t find the unsecured version of that art
(3.80 MB 3433x2465 463524.jpg)
If there is a continuation to this, I would like to see it♪
Arent those characters from that huge comic underaged?
Could somebody re-upload a drawing of panty & stocking as female feeders?, prisonsuit ranbitman deleted it idk why
>>5506 You mean this one? https://www.deviantart.com/prisonsuit-rabbitman/art/brief-stuffing-209783278
(65.85 KB 1024x730 IMG_2614.jpeg)
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(83.63 KB 1024x723 IMG_2616.jpeg)
(66.19 KB 1024x724 IMG_2605.jpeg)
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(300.77 KB 800x566 16575901815761908056114.jpg)
This one just got deleted. Glad I saved it.
(164.76 KB 1024x726 IMG_6213.jpeg)
Does anyone have a hairless version of this illustration?
Is there any archive of his art?
(7.39 MB 6989x4954 IMG_6664.jpeg)
I would start archiving every single drawing of PRR because Deviant Art is deleting artists at random that draws any type of fetish art.
>>6458 I'm looking forward to the archive being shared♪
>>943 Was anyone ever able to get the rest of this or nah
(62.86 KB 800x565 45678.jpg)
(46.14 KB 800x565 46235252.jpg)
(62.29 KB 800x567 546423656.jpg)
Again I urge people to save their favorite pictures, DeviantArt is deleting at random and if requested a lot of pictures that are considered "problematic".
Does anyone happen to have the uncensored version of Cherry bomb part 4?
(23.83 KB 474x335 OIP.jpg)
I could only find the first part through Google Cache, so sorry for the shit quality
(81.91 KB 800x566 part2.jpg)
(57.83 KB 800x567 part3.jpg)
>>7336 I have the other two parts. I'll post it here just in case it gets deleted
(91.34 KB 800x564 Malasada Duplicator Part 1.jpg)
(52.70 KB 800x565 Malasada Duplicator Part 2.jpg)
(38.97 KB 800x610 Malasada Duplicator Part 3.jpg)
(51.81 KB 800x564 Malasada Duplicator Part 4.jpg)
As figured, the first two were taken down, but not the last two.
DA it's deleting, bullying and supressing freedom of speech, I recommend to make backups of artists who don't do share/make backup of their art.
Anyone have the other parts to this sequence?
This is one of my favorite pics from him. I'll post it here. Just to be sure
>>7457 Sokka makes for such a good fatty.
(104.68 KB 900x637 IMG_2454.jpeg)
Anyone got the less fat version of this one? Link stopped working
Anyone have the new subscriber only art? It's behind a 2 usd paywall
>>8456 is there actually any? I thought PRSM just made it as a donation thing. Not that I have any evidence of that... then again I haven't checked dA lately, so maybe they uploaded some new stuff to it...
>>8459 He mentioned directly how they don't get exclusive content, called it a "stocking stuffer"
>>8460 I did check after I posted and it looks like he has ONE picture. Maybe he'll release it to the genpop for new years... in which case... just wait?
Bump, anyone have his more hard to find pieces?
(126.05 KB 1065x750 IMG_1246.jpeg)
Kinda depressing he is doing now this type of art release, he was pretty honest with his work in terms of quality and releasing them to the public in higher resolutions, to be honest, his art is not only way worse in terms of quality compared to his previous work but a lot of artists already have taken his place for me in regards of releases and quality, also, 2 pounds for month for one piece of random art is insane.
>>8792 Eh, I think it was meant as a tip jar initially and then he added a bonus pic every month. Two dollars is fine assuming he'll actually release slightly more. On a side note, his January poll doesn't add up, Ryuji actually got less votes but he got drawn instead. Not a major deal but still...
(706.42 KB 1170x824 IMG_0509.jpeg)
(791.78 KB 1170x825 IMG_0510.jpeg)
(542.53 KB 1170x831 IMG_0511.jpeg)
Do you know the source of these illustrations?
>>9134 Where did you find these pictures?
>>9135 I remember finding it on some site or something, but I can't remember exactly...
Does anyone have part 3 of danny fattens? The pic i sent is part 1, and parts 2, 4, and 5 are on his deviantart but part 3 seems to have been taken down :(
(112.82 KB 800x564 IMG_3852.jpeg)
>>9216 Thank you so much man
anyone got the new subscriber exclusive thing he posted recently? or are y'all waiting for the p2 to drop?
he posted a new subscriber thing for chris redfield. anyone got a copy? preferably the hair version
(7.73 MB 7014x4960 IMG_1922.jpeg)
thanks man, this looks much better than some of the stuff that he's been posting lately
anyone have part two of chris redfield?
If someone reuploads those redfield pics in their full resolution by midnight, I'll post the ff10 part 3 pic in it's full resolution, 4941 x 6981
File sizes too big so I'm dropping them on Mega, hope you enjoy and keep up your end of the deal, anon https://mega.nz/folder/sCM0hZBC#Yf3GHIKyU8aafBW1t9NtIA
(3.38 MB 4941x3514 1f~3.JPG)
(2.15 MB 4941x3440 1f~2.JPG)
Small change of plan for convince's sake, but I assure you it's all there~
(48.00 KB 800x566 extraasuma.jpg)
More art of PSRM have been deleted from DeviantArt, as always, make backups of his art if you enjoy it.
anyone have the march extra with leon?
anyone have a copy of his newer pics?
So we're waiting for someone to post the Leon image now?
Btw here's the Gambit one, just in case
>>9903 Finish them!!!
does anyone have part 2 of Danny fattens? 1, 4 and 5 are still up but now 2 is gone as well, and it hasn't been re-uploaded by someone like with part 3
>>9759 There is a lesser fat version of this too. Any chance you have it?
hang tight boys, we'll get that leon pic some day 😭
heres leon, i hope if anyone else has anything unreleased /deleted you all will send :]
So it looks like he has his 1st April post up now, does anyone have it?
Has anyone been able to get the Flynn Rider April parts 1 & 2?
Seeing the Leon sequence makes me wanna see one with Luis Sera from the RE4 remake
>>10184 The whole family is into that shit. The porn. The child porn. Non of them are in a real union.
>>10185 what? what does this mean? am i having a stroke?
The guy who posted the couple of commissions from his archive from PSRM has posted his next 5-6 pieces, although the sixth part is NSFW so it'll take a while to get that last part
>>10222 Thanks for posting. This is really good.
>>10225 Cinco de mayo shake those tities shake that ass
definitely doing god's work. thanks man
Mini Update, this is technically part 6 and the other one he has isn't public for a reason
Also I'm SURPRISED this wasn't uploaded yet
>>874 OH MY GOD! I never knew there were other parts to the Inazuma Eleven commissions. I would love to discuss these things privately, since I've been looking at the publically posted pics on Deviantart.
Happy to have shared a lot of recent ones again, though the guy has said he'll be posting more from his archive later this summer
>>10451 So excited!
(278.51 KB 799x565 A growing Toriko Part 2.jpg)
(279.56 KB 800x566 A growing Toriko Part 3.jpg)
Apparently there’s a hairy version of this, but it’s not loading..
(478.58 KB 1023x726 1416883691.orian123_zji883.jpeg)
(78.39 KB 800x572 934132.jpg)
Posting pieces of his that aren't on his page but are available on other sites right now
(70.48 KB 900x636 20240529_231930.jpg)
(61.48 KB 800x566 20240529_231957.jpg)
And ofc this iconic image
>>892 Unfortunatly, I think you have everything that is still available, a lot of it is no longer there, even wayback machine and other archive sites don't have the ones missing. Hopefully someone can ask for the full comic again
Can anyone post the new Laios pieces?
Hoping to see the Laios ones early this next month or even tonight
