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Ask a moderator LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:28:29 Id:6e054a No. 50992
With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.
>>61198 >Can I interest you in reducing your workload? It’s hopeless outside of revamping the structure to a more product centric dev team to retool the website to a more value chain approach because it’s a mess to wade through these days and lacks key functionality our user base demands and desires.
>>61197 I am not in this site as the electronics don't work in my area.
>>61200 People are just impersonating Kisame just to draw attention to their pet causes. This is the internet not a homeowners association
Can we change Disc chord into "Kisame here" instead of "Report my post"?
>>61240 If you die in a fire, yep we could
>>61241 I bet you're the Canadian crossing the border.
>>61241 I don't know how I Kisame is popular. I live all the way in Hempstead.
Can we get IDs in the /bbwai/ board?
>>61197 And just like that, within seconds of the ban being lifted, the schizo is back to spamming. I hate to say it Barclay, but there needs to be an indefinite ban on that ASN until you guys can figure something else out. It sucks for the ppl that share an ASN with him, but what other choice do you have?
>>61270 What will you do when asn's get changed everyone is screwed.
>>61271 Teaching the troll how to evade asn's stupid ass. Oh that region is blocked? No problem. Region change.
>>61271 idk, a different problem for a different time. worst case scenario, require a revokable password to even post is the nuclear option. >>61272 he hasn't done that yet
>>61273 U idiot I'm the troll. I been trolling here for years mods came and left lmao
>>61274 I honestly don't believe you
I rarely post here, so I was surprised when I tried posting a few days ago. At first I was worried it was a mistake, because I don't think I have a vpn. Last time I posted I asked for help with chrome, someone suggested I try firefox, and it solved my issue. However I was banned for "schizo posting," and that drew a blank. All I ever post are model requests and stuff in the beg threads. I've never gotten into arguments with anyone or shitposted. . I'm kinda at a loss as to what's happening.
No offense mods, but I have no real vendetta against anyone.
I don't know who is bringing up these conspiracy theories. The food sector is dealing with bird flu. I am out in the middle of nowhere, no television, no money.
If you want a serious answer, I quit art cause I like cartoons and don't like any of the things that passes for preg art these days. It's so ugly to look at.
>>61335 What happened to the Feabie thread? Are the mods removing posts by retarded Trump fans when they’re faggoty incel posts about being unable to get laid? Gotta protect against those own goals I guess.
>>61407 Must have gotten bumped off the board, or did you forget that it happens
>>61202 Hey, an anon can hope.
>>50992 What the fuck man come on answer my question!!! Quit deleting my shit and answer me why anything about Bonnie keeps getting nerf'd
>>61635 You keep fuckin begging.
>>50992 @LtBarclay Bbwdraw board got hijacked again by the mod there. They're merging discussion threads into the Schizo thread instead of just deleting posts that warrant deleting. Why's this happening again and again dude. I get it, community service, unpaid, or whatever. But don't let people waste their time posting discussion and then this shit head deletes or merges it to the abyss of the Schizo thread. It's beyond insulting to anyone who wasted their to write something that wasn't a schizo psycho post on this site.
>>61667 Every civil discussion thread becomes a schizo thread. I cut out the middle man. It will never bump lock. It will always be in the same place. Stop fuckin crying
>>61667 Relax and enjoy your new found, permanent discussion thread
>>61668 The last thread was phenomenal dude, easily one of the best the board has had in a long time. I take time to write up a post like this one and you think it has no value? This post should've went into a schizo thread? All the follow discourse from follow up users was just schizo-ing? https://archive.ph/k93Fp#q241588 Yea dude, there you go again. Shit talk a contributor to the site. It's just so productive, as productive as shutting the thing down personally with your moderation.
>>61670 In reality. It should have been in gen this whole time. Literally what gen is created for, but I also understand that containment threads help keep boards clean.
please get rid of the schizo
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>>61674 please witness the mod team and their glorious struggle against the schizo each week.
Barclay, you don't know how the fuck you should run a chan board. Getting rid of these schizo trolls should be a piece of cake, but you don't do anything to stop them. You should be ashamed of yourself
>>61668 You guys didn't want Kisame, so you have to deal with Trump
>>61709 Kisame, I know you're there. I hope one day you will get tired of this and realize how much of a fucking idiot you've been all along
>>61739 Nope, you guys wanted a cult of Kisame cause you were obsessed with chan culture.
>>61696 Kisame is BBwchan's Frankenstein Monster and you take ownership! Kamala was right that you guys are weird!
>>61739 What's your endgame? You guys realize that the media you covet sees you as a tool right and wants to be Kisame?
>>61739 Trump is already on a war path at Columbia U and Cornell. Why would I care that professors are losing their grants?
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>>61739 Even Hempstead is shutting down schools cause they cannot compete with charter schools. You're going to have to accept the dumb Comanche Kisame
>>61739 >>61739 All the anti- intellectualism is coming from the left. They're like "oh why can't fetish artists talk like a regular person?" "Why does he have to be educated?"
>>61810 >>61739 For all I know, Kisame could simply be makyo or a hallucinations made up by white guys.
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>>61739 I already explained myself. I don't get paid to think or be smart, but be considerate to other people. This is why a academia is falling. The workplace is back to 90s style management cause people want supervision and a manager to talk to. People hate being ignored
>>61806 Cool. Lt. Barclay is best lieutenant. Now do my proposal.
>>61821 Nah, the preg communist gay for Kisame again and wants a compassionate Catholic Anglo version. This is what happens why you let mentally retarded Catholics handle art
>>61824 You have been funnier.
>>61826 I dunno, the artists are chasing the phantom of Kisame 17 at this juncture
>>61831 >>61739 I hope you realize that your PayPal account is fueling Elon Musk's takeover the government. He's your Frankenstein. I don't know what a tech bro is
Having self control only benefits the peons. It doesn't benefit me since I still need my schizo to access finances, meet deadlines, and punctuality.
In short, artists wanting Kisame with self control will have to deal with the delays in payment, oh the extra demands I put on them, and the bullying under medication cause adults have demands and dominance are the core traits that remains. Drugs wouldn't make Kisame the magical father figure they crave.
>>61696 Barclay, I know you're a busy guy but can you look into the schizo collaborator on bbwdraw mod team please? There's not much that could be considered a sin on here, but him shitting on giga-anon among his other garbage takes is just rediculous. Bbwdraw has lots to discuss and has had great discussion threads in the past and recently. We don't need a stupid fucking schizo thread, and we sure as fuck don't want any of our threads merged into a designated shitting hole of a thread like a schizo thread. None of his ideas make any sense, if the end result is active threads require more moderation and he doesn't want to do it, fine. That's still better than blanket banning legitimate topics on the board for being too much work and punting them to a unmoderated shit thread. Just leave the discussion threads up and unmoderated? How did he come up with solution to a bad situation is he'll just make it worse??? Also, maybe it's time to think about auto moderation again. Last time I brought it up tech wasn't really there yet. But those LLM AI are getting so good now, there's free API that could do a quick sentiment check on a comment and instantly detect schizo activity and just block the comment from posting.
>>61880 Nope, you wanted you pet schizo from Kiwi farms, you and preg chan has to deal with it
