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should I give up? Immobilejack 03/14/2025 (Fri) 13:00:58 Id:52321b No. 61900
To put this in context, my name is Brandon, I'm 20 years old, and I live in Costa Rica. I've been looking for a feeder since I was 16. Yes, I know it's unethical. But still, during these four years, I've been looking for a feeder to help me gain weight to the point of immobility. From Tinder, Bumble, Badoo, from grommr, Feeder Fantasy, to feabie, even here on bbwchan, Snapchat, Discord, and previously on Amino. I've searched everywhere as if my life depended on them. I even gained 20 kilos just to prove that I'm a capable feedee, a demonstration that was for a feeder who blocked me after seeing my change in two months. I live in multidimensional poverty because I was born in Costa Rica, but I do my best. I am a pear-shaped boy. I am young, I give my body limits that other cowards wouldn't, I am intelligent to the extent possible. I was even the one who made the pure "feederism" proposal that can be found on /gen. Every day is hell for me, I search non-stop offering the best of the best and everyone gets a feeder except me... I've already counted 726 rejections on a list and that's even though I started that list just 2 years ago out of 4 total. Should I give up? I'm tired and mathematically it's impossible for me to get a feeder. Whoever wants to determine it using Brier or bell curve methods so you can see how impossible it is for me to get a close feeder, I can do the calculations without a problem! The worst thing is that I don't care a bit about the distance... I just want a feeder... so, should I give up?
>>61900 Are you gay or straight? If you're straight, I would just give up. Or at the very least just try to find a gf IRL who likes fat guys and doesn't care if you get bigger. Which is a lot easier said than done. If you're gay, it will be a lot easier, but still not easy. Just try to find a bf IRL who likes fat guys and doesn't care if you get bigger. All this online stuff is a waste of time. At best you will only find people who just want to exploit you and will move on after they've got what they want (nudes etc).
You don’t seem like an idiot. You live in an unstable country whose economy is based on liberal Americans going on an eco-vacation. The fat days are numbered. Put what autistic energy and time you have into learning a lot about computer systems… maybe you can get a job or student visa and live your best fat life but maybe it’ll be the only reason you can afford food. I’m sorry we’re about the destroy the globohomoist economy but it will help us own the libs and that’s worth it to me.
>>61919 I know this is a shitpost but america deciding to give away their superpower status to China to own the libs is the funniest shit ever
Well, yes, I am autistic, haha, and believe me, I try. I work in an office-based microbiology lab, I study criminology, I have a medical innovation certificate, I am a certified voice actor and announcer, I love science and knowledge in general. It's really hard, I do my best, and I swear. I was kicked out of the house when I was 17, and in a year I went from being homeless to at least being able to survive... but I really want a feeder, and I don't want to leave my country.
>>61926 Well, I feel giving up life so young over a sexual dream seems a bit silly coming from my background, but honestly just don't focus on the feederism stuff too much or make it dependant on your life since it will bring you down. This is clearly a cry for some connection you yearn for, which everyone yearns for but can't just simply get. It's a quest for love. You have to be patient and focus on what you can do for a feedee can come along. You can't just die wanting something without really trying or putting your effort into it. Most people online are going to be gooners who won't treat you as human so you have to also consider that TL:DR just get fat man and wait for a mate to come along and enjoy it, don't depend on other people to do it, because you will look dependent & nobody likes that. idk become a nonchalant superchub and tease the gooners
