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Lauren Lush Dan 07/24/2024 (Wed) 04:50:14 Id:b72a08 No. 52072
Is anyone else super disappointed and grossed out with how much weight Lauren Lush has lost? She looks like an empty ball sack now or a deflated balloon. So gross… not only that I also heard she put down Kaybearcutie95 for actually gaining weight and was fat shaming her! lauren lush was a scammer fake from the start.
Unfortunately deflation is the end game, in a best case scenario. Sudden or prolonged death are the other options. Carrying 100's of pounds isn't sustainable. Fallout starts around the mid 30's. By the early 40's, one of the paths is well underway. I encourage young men to seriously consider marrying into the fetish. The prime years are 18-35. With marriage happening later these days, it buys only a short window of additional ssbbw fun time. Then you are either a caretaker or a with a deflated partner. Most people in a medical state to require caretaking aren't very happy. Doting on an angry or depressed person gets old fast.
Yeah she looks terrible. When she left the first time it was clear she wasn't into this. Had to find an excuse to continue doing this when she came back. Mixed pregnancies with gaining and sold a lie. She should be removed from Curvage.
>>52089 Yeah she looks like an empty ball sack of overly tanned ugliness now
She went from hot to not…
>>52105 She doesnt look so bad. I was expecting her to be one of those people who go from 350 to 130. Honestly I dont mind the squishy look so much as long as theres still some fluff its not too bad.
>>52115 Melted candle aside: isn’t she a victim of human trafficking and abuse? I remember when she hit the scene her stuff was like revenge porn from a abusive bf who forced her to gain.
>>52119 Probably bullshit she made up. If you’re still into this droopy skinned popped balloon more power to you. I like my girls plump and actually gaining.
>>52089 If Curvage had standards they would drop her but since they don't they'll just let her keep on modeling for them in spite of the fact she's no longer a fat chick
>>52225 The owner of curvage is a fucking moron for keeping her on that page. Get rid of her already she’s nothing more than gross saggy grandma skin.
>>52241 By curvage keeping her after she did this shows that the site is becoming shit. She needs to get fired.
>>52286 If I had my way Curvage would get rid of every model south of Hayley's weight. Why would Lauren need to leave when there are way smaller models than her on that site? If seems like there's no obstruction to upload vids there if you do stuff that plays into the fetish even while being skinny af like RP or Overeating. She still has a body that hits the spot for certain people in this places and the contrast in her collabs is hot. I'm probably replying to a model with a vendetta against her since your the fourth anon calling for Curvage to remove her, very believeable.
Fuck Lauren lush
I think Lauren Lush lost too much weight to be a curvage model. She looks fucking popped its gross saggy skin ew. And the surgery to remove that is even grosser. She is disgusting now 🤢 🤮
She’s an eye sore now
Lauren yuck 🤢 🤮
Yeah its one thing to have lost weight and scam your audience its another thing to have a fake/rotten personality too which i’ve heard from a few people I would much rather a model announce their retirement e.g mochi babii or say they need to lose weight than to keep scamming with the illusion that you’re still eligible for this fetish at all let alone curvage but to even compare mochi babii is disrespectful to her because she provided nothing but consistent quality content with great value for money back to back for 3-4 years (excluding her break) better to choose your end than to have your end choose you
Does Lauren actually have a shitty personality or is this just bitterness over her weight loss and obvious disinterest in this space outside of being a source of income? Not defending her (I think she should get the excess skin removed. It would do wonders for her if she doesn’t plan to regain weight.) but I see way more vitriol over Lauren than other models that lose weight and I’m not 100% sure why.
I feel like Lauren should definitely be removed from Curvage. I thought this the first time when she "got caught" and abandoned her page. When she returned she was significantly heavier. Curvage is about bbw's not skinny women who pretend, and fat women who are mainly loose skin. You can tell the owner of this site has no clue what his audience wants and is in it for profit only. Truthfully it comes down to the massive Simps for Lauren have to be swayed to stop spending money on every single video of hers. Then she will finally bow out. Until then, Lauren needs to eat a Cheeseburger, or maybe a few dozen.
>>52567 Lauren 10000% has a shitty personality and deserves all the hate possible from this community. She shames other models for actually gaining weight and she needs to go asap.
>>52567 Also all girls that get the loose skin removed look even grosser afterwards. They are covered with ugly scars, get a new fake disgusting bellybutton to replace the old one and its just an all out disgusting thing to see in general. Trust me once these girls lose weight and remove the lose skin they are good for no one but the desperate bottom feeders that have given up on getting anything they actually want. Lauren Lush needs to go away and get the fuck out of this community at this point.
>>52567 I think it's mostly bitterness by the last group of anons who finally realized that she wasn't actually into the fetish and that the reality is, she was just some random chick who got fat after getting knocked up. And like it or not, Curvage isn't a feedism focused website and literally hasn't been since when it was just a forum called Fat Celebs. FFS, they literally don't even allow topless content, much less full nudity. It's a softcore, skinny fat and barely-BBW centric space.
>>52615 It other words the website is trash just like Lauren Loose skin is. Throw her ugly ass out of the scene already.
Fuck you Lauren Lush piece if shit
Lauren Lush used to he hot and now she is just another ugly saggy skin ugly bitch who lost all her weight and expects us all not to notice how gross looking she is now. 🤮
She looks like a nasty old saggy granny next to dumplin. Lauren Lush is just a gross saggy skinned mess 🤢 🤮 curvage really needs to fucking rid of her already!
Fire Lauren Lush and get rid of her she is now just a gross saggy ugly cunt
Lauren ugly
I hope she quits the site and gets out of our sight
God Lauren Lush is so fucking gross now I hate her get that piece of shit off curvage already!
>>53012 Getting rid of Lauren lush and deleting her off curvage would be the best thing for all of us. She is such a nasty droopy saggy skinned grandma looking creature now.
Lauren Lush I fucking hate that ugly bitch
Laurel Lush is so lovely. *Screams from the haters got a nice ring to it*
>>53023 If by lovely you mean saggy skinned and old as fuck looking from it sure?
Wish curvage would remove the ugly old droopy skinned hag
Lauren Lush has never looked as ugly as she does now holy fuck. I feel bad for her man having an ugly deflated balloon for a wife.
>>53120 R u okay
>>53133 Hi Lauren Lush you ugly ass welcome to bbw chan
you really exemplify how pathetic men can be all these daily rage posts because your fav e-girl lost weight newsflash: all (fat) girls either on or offline will lose weight at some point or lose beauty in a different way
>>53168 U seen tense
Yup this is definitely Lauren lush and one of her friends coming to the rescue. Why don’t you just do us all a favor and quit curvage already?
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>>53172 >>newsflash: all (fat) girls either on or offline will lose weight at some point or lose beauty in a different way pls. don't confront these fucking retards with reality. it'll only make them even more angry.
>>53212 Lauren lush Is fun to hate because she’s an effigy for every fat drunken hoe we’ve all known, seen and avoided getting sexually assaulted by while too drunk to consent. Lauren Lush is objectively unattractive. At any weight she’s a solid 5/10 before makeup (and her style couldn’t be more typical of the consumerist middle American hoe). She’s spent her entire life around manipulating men’s attention and attraction. It’s funny because she’s now used up, uglier than ever and desperately trying to recoup some money for her efforts. I can’t imagine how sad her 40s will be. And this is funny. We all saw these girls doing this hoe shit and wondered: what’s the long game here?
>>53242 Nailed it. I also find it funny how she comments in here with her friends to try and make us not notice how much uglier she has gotten due to her massive weight loss.
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Even her face has gotten more droopy and retarded looking from the weight loss. Fucking hate this ugly scammer bitch
>>53242 When she was younger, she would have totally been the type of girl I would encounter in college when I would come home for a break and go to a house party in my hometown. It was always a bunch of people home from college, mixed in with a bunch of trashy girls you would’ve never spent any time around in high school, but here they are talking to you about how they are pretending to go to the local JC working shitty retail and doing fuck all with their lives after high school. They were all starting to get chubby (I liked that part), getting in drama-filled situations, wore a shitload of “not like other girls” makeup, etc. What she’s doing now is totally consistent with what happened to them - a few unplanned kids, get properly obese, and then turn into a disgusting sack of bones while they’re trying to recapture a physique they never even had in their prime while the rest of their looks, and lives, are sliding into mid-late 30s stagnation.
>>53281 Yeah I definitely see that. She looks so gross and straggly and droopy. She is all saggy droopy skinned and next comes her cutting up her body to remove the excess skin and then she will have a huge scar along with one of those creepy remade bellybuttons. Yuck yuck yuck 🤮
Does anyone know why she lost weight? Health problems?
I’m in the late 20s part of this now. Graduated college and moved to the city. Moved back to my hometown recently and everyone is huge and I’m here for it. Dreading when they hit 30 and all do Ozympic. There’s some girls that were already big and now are fucking huge. I’d imagine they’ll get WLS at some point, dreading that too.
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She looks like a gross opened spread out parachute on that ping pong table. This ugly bitch can be like a flying squirrel with all that loose skin. 🤮
>>53414 She lost it because she didn’t like being big and thinks being thin looks better.
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honeestly curious: can somebody with deep knowledge of the human psyche enlighten me on the question why this pack of limp dicked retards chose this specific pornm actress as a projection canvas for their hatred? sheesh
tbh I don't get why this thread is so vitriolic. Like, I get that people here are more into porn/content than the average person, but it's the one rule where "Don't like a model, don't watch their shit" really applies, because you're watching for aesthetics and fantasy stuff. For content sake. Here's some Lauren Lush classic content (2020-ish), some of which I bought years back https://gofile.io/d/zVcU4E My whole take on Lush is still, essentially, she had some good clips and was hot at times, but her weight fluctuation is really become impossible to ignore. I will say I'm not really sure what she's still doing making clips and hanging out with the other models, but I can't get mad at her.
>>53565 > why this pack of limp dicked retards chose this specific pornm actress as a projection canvas for their hatred I could ask the same question for why your Nazi-ancestors thought they had anything to celebrate based on your sub-human manlet genes. Anyway, you probably wouldn’t understand as it’s an American thing. These sort of women are the epitome of the strip mall white-liberal-feminisms-consumerism nexus.
>>53570 Nobody talks like this in real life, faggot.
>>53569 What a shame… she went from hot to not at all…
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This is what we have to look forward to with Lauren Lush now 🤮 🤮 🤮
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Skin removal is where Lauren Lush is headed next and I bet she can’t wait to get as disgusting as this lady 🤮
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Lauren lush fucking sucks now. I used to be such a big fan until she became and empty ball sack.
Lauren lush fucking sucks I hate her now wtf she's so disgusting now terrible
>>54014 Took the words right out of my mouth
Lauren Lush is such a fake piece of shit. She needs to go!
>>54152 This thread needs to go.
>>54177 It reads like one guy using different access points to make it seem like more people are complaining about her. It reeks of desperation.
Mods are asleep at the wheel.
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>>54177 >>54183 >>54194 i agree that this thread is annoying. but shit being annoying alone doesn't justify censorship. also it's an interesting testament of the mindstate of a typical male failure in the year 2024. interesting. instead of shaping up, brushing their teeth, washing their asshole, and learning how to hold an actual conversation with a (fat) women irl, this person chose starting and maintaining long idiotic threads where they whine and nag like a bitch as a strategy to succeed in life. kinda fascinating. what do they expect? that some woman will pity fuck them just to make them shut up because they can't take the wails any more? mods please don't delete this thread. there is a lot to be learned here.
>>54183 There’s no conspiracy, it’s just that…
>>54205 a lot of us dislike Lauren lots for being a scammer
>>54206 Agreed. I honestly believe all the people that are sticking up for her are either all lauren lush herself or her own personal friends posting.
>>54204 Lol at trying to sound all superior and high-and-mighty on a chan for fat chicks.
What even made her to lose weight, like why did she even need to lose it? honestly a waste of fat to be honest.
Instead of all yall bitching and complaining, anybody here actually have any content to share?
ive been coming to this website in its many forms over the last few years, never read many comments let alone a full thread. some of you retards are so entitled its unreal
>>55577 I think we are all just annoyed that someone who is actively losing weight still posts on curvage
This thread is 100% one dude using different access points to make it look like all these people hate her and it’s like watching a severely unstable person have a conversation with himself. Whoever you are dude - you need a lot of mental help. The way it’s reeking of misogyny and self-loathing is really a testament to the issue with most men and how we end up with so many incels in our society. I recently read something about how when most women aren’t attracted to someone they tend to simply ignore them, but when most men are not attracted to a woman, they actually feel hatred towards them. Hate. Over not wanting to fuck someone. As if that’s the sole reason a human being exists: to be fuckable to some 2/10 loser with no life. The entitlement is mind blowing. Go ahead and call me a “retard” or “faggot“ or whatever middle school insult attempts you lot always love, but know that this exact behavior on this thread is why you guys sit at home jacking your micro dicks to the most depraved shit known to man while irl women avoid you like the plague you are.
>>55922 >The way it’s reeking of misogyny and self-loathing is really a testament to the issue with most men and how we end up with so many incels in our society. Wow. And you sir aren’t in any way self loathing and projecting it onto all men. >I recently read something about how when most women aren’t attracted to someone they tend to simply ignore them, but when most men are not attracted to a woman, they actually feel hatred towards them. Hate. >I guess you’ve never had a woman, especially a fuck buddy, want to be your girlfriend. This is why 90% of the feminist prattle you’re regurgitating is just bitter grapes from women who could fuck but not date a masculine man. I’d wager my personally built fortune on you failing to excel at any masculine standard. This sort Orcish hatred of the incel boogieman only speaks towards your own failures as a man. Such bitter impotent anger is a bad look for a little boy and looks worse on a small man.
>>55922 She got recognized when she started fat fetish modeling sex work. Instead of owning her choices she tried to blame it on an abusive ex/current boyfriend lie that ruined real peoples reputations when the SIMPs of this communities tried to form a lynch mob on innocent men.
>>55923 The comment: ”this is the issue with *most* men” The response: ”yOuRE PrOjeCtinG oNtO aLL men“ Found the bitter incel. Also Incel boogie man? That’s hilarious. Literally no one is afraid of you guys, we just laugh at how pathetic and transparent you are, projecting your own hatred onto quite literally all women. The only time you’re remotely scary is when you end shooting up a school or some shit because that’s certainly the level of unhinged you’re radiating
>>55924 „WhAT aBouT uS mEn?? „ Stfu. A lynch mob of "innocent men“? Re-read this thread my dude. The way this woman is talked about simply because she’s not sexually appealing to some people anymore makes me ashamed to be the same species as you all. Wonder why women men hate you. The lack of self-awareness is astounding. You also know literally nothing of this woman’s actual real life experiences, but the fact that you run to defend the „reputation“ of a guy who very well may have been emotionally abusive speaks volumes
>>55926 The question was: what masculine standards are succeeding at bro? Follow-up: have you ever got your dick wet?
>>55929 “Masculine standards?” If by that you mean displaying toxic and abhorrent women-hating behavior to thinly veil the most fragile delicate little flower of an ego… yeah, I’m good on that mate.
>>52105 Fuck, man, that's a shame.
>>55931 So you are a virgin and plan to die a virgin? By your own hand?
>>55946 Because hating women gets you laid, that’s totally how things work. I think the life experience of me and anyone else who has had a lot of sex would tell you quite the opposite. Go ask a woman sometime if she wants to fuck an incel. Or would that be too much social interaction for you? Such sad little man babies here,
>>55951 Go ask any other white knight simp if they’re getting laid. Shouldn’t you be bitching about how nice guys finish last or something? Also, hating women is the key to the the of back wall punishing sex fat women crave.
>>55960 i've literally been a menace to women and it didn't result in even a crumb of pussy, I challenge you to find a vid of a PUA (or something of the sort) who comes in with a attitude of hating women and scores a number what women acutally like is guy who can balance disinterest/self-control with attention/chivalry who gives the vibe they have options but not to the point he comes across as a player
>>55966 We’re on a porn stealing message board. I can act normal in public and say the correct things. I’m sure this spergball can’t and that’s why he’s getting his self esteem fix from protecting women.
>>55967 There’s not always an ulterior motive behind not hating women. Having respect for half the people on this planet is not ”simping” or “white knighting” or whatever tf childish insult makes you feel better about being a miserable twat. Some of us just aren’t shitty humans. Btw no one who uses words like “spergball” unironically is actually getting laid. Get back to your night of jacking off to Andrew Tate and fucking your sex doll
Moral of the story is Lauren Lush is just a gross deflated saggy ugly hag now that got famous for being a fat fetish model and decided to lose weight and it be noticeable and is deciding to continue to post on curvage and that retard f77 is keeping her on the site because he is a piece of shit. Fuck them both
>>52795 The way 95% of these comments are so obviously Kaybearcutie pretending to be different people but using the exact same way of talking and emojis is hilarious. She’s so unstable and obviously pissed off over some perceived slight from Lauren Lush. Girl get some mental help fr
>>56003 People keeps saying to kick her off Curvage. I don't think they kick models off. Maybe if they break TOS but they get warnings first. I'm pretty sure everyone that applies for Curvage now gets approved too
>>56003 I heard she gained 15 lbs back after eating a popsicle on another model and posting about how out of control her eating has been. What’s not to like? It’s comical that someone who’s lost that much weight in a year continues to play her audience like that
>>56005 Why do you say that? How do you know it’s her? I thought Kaybear and Lush were besties? Did they have a falling out that I’m unaware of?
>>56029 Read the first post in this thread. Claiming Lauren was fat shaming Kayla. How would anyone even claim to be able to make that accusation if they weren’t directly involved? It’s not like that ever happened publicly unless for roleplay obviously. And it’s worded just like Kayla talks- like an unhinged rant into the abyss. Not a conspiracy theory- Kayla is known for being all over bbw chan ranting and raving and showing how few brain cells she has, so this is no surprise
>>56043 It’s true that Kayla is known for trashing people’s names to the public when she doesn’t get her way.
>>56064 These Jewish American princesses are all the same
>>56066 All these models are just a bunch of miserable bullies.
>>56067 Did Lauren Lush sit on Kayla’s cat or am I mixing up model beefs?
>>56077 It was Kayla's cat sat on Lauren Lush and Roxxie was involved
>>56078 Roxxies always implicated but I don’t think a cat sitting on youse a big deal unless she’s allergic or something. Toxoplasmosis is really bad tho.
Wish Lauren Lush would have just quit instead of staying on curvage posting more content of her gross ass shrinking. The owner of curvage is a fucking idiot for not firing her. Its a fat fetish site get that weight loss goblin off the site!
>>56537 Calm down there, kaybearcutie. No one is getting ”fired“ from curvage
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Ew wtf even is this? 🤮
>>56740 this is the most disgusting shit im seeing rn, she needs to quit the saggy skin act and stop posting no one wants to see grandma here
>>56975 I actually like the saggy skin. Some of are into women who’ve completely trashed their bodies.
>>56740 Saggzilla. Even the tits are deflated too.
>>56629 So you also heard it from Kaybearcutie ahead of time that Lauren Lush was a fraud losing weight not gaining? We should have listened to her on the matter. Fuck Lauren Lush seriously biggest scammer on curvage!
>>57018 Kayla is a hero. I remember when she did shit no girl would do like let some dude pump a kid in her or that time she got spanked with a cake in a children’s jungle Jim.
>>57001 Then you should start your own porn site called saggy granny no fat body girls and hire Lauren so she can get the fuck off of curvage.
>>57019 Yeah Kayla is the real deal I agree. Fuck Lauren Lush!
>>57021 Kayla fucking rules and is actually gaining and is a sexy ssbbw and will keeping getting fatter and sexier! Lauren fucking sucks and is the worst bbw ever she should be banned from curvage for losing weigh and becoming saggy and disgusting!
>>57024 >>57018 >>57019 Kayla’s hot enough to do some of the grimiest and humiliating things any models done. God her public baby daddy drama was enough lolcow me to orgasm any night. This girls getting disabled fat while getting played with by the Kyle Rittenhouse looking dudes.
>>57018 >>57020 >>57021 Kayla, if you’re going to talk to yourself like a schizo, can you at least put in the effort to change your post id between posts. Shit is embarassing.
Love how this whole thread divulged into kaybearcutie having a psychotic meltdown talking to herself while not even being smart enough to use different ip addresses lmao. Girl for the love of god please get some mental help, this is seriously embarrassing
Kayla is the best! Lauren is a saggy old tiitiiew or dust
Lauren Lush is gross now 🤮
>>57091 Yes Kayla, she’s a “tiitiiew or dust“, we all believe you. Now sit back down and take your psychosis meds like a good girl
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>>57235 >tiitiiew
>>54177 >>54183 >>54194 >>55922 >>55927 >>56005 >>56043 >>56629 >>57035 >>57078 >>57235 Lauren Lush and friends vs Kaybearcutie95 on this bbw chan thread?
Lauren lush is so disgusting!!! KAYLA 4 LIFE BUY HER NEW WEIGH IN!!!!!
>>57248 Dude this is just sad… no one talks about Kayla this way EXCEPT Kayla herself. Pathetic.
>>57242 I mean did he black her eye or atleast choke her? Need something rreal get the fuck out my face grow up
>>57247 Does Lauren Lush have friends in Germany? Doubt that. But it’s 100% Kaybearcutie leaving the exact comments over and over again for sure. LAUrEn LusH sHoulD get FireD. kayLa 4 LyF Buy AlL heR viDeoS oN CuRvagE
We stan Kayla xxx
Lauren lush smells like a piece of shit fart, kayla smells good. Go buy kayla only fan if u donate $200
>>57248 >>57309 Legitimate question, are you retarded or are you Kayla?
I'd like to clarify since u can see my numbers IM NOT THE ONE POSTING WEIRD SHIT ON UR THREAD. Also u fuck heads stop talking about me on her thread or pretending to be me! This is getting insane I don't even talk to nor talk about Lauren anymore. U guys are so desperate to create drama for me because I'm finally being peaceful! Just leave me alone
>>57314 Lol yeah ok sure Kayla. It’s so obviously you… you don’t talk about Lauren “anymore”? Literally you’re admitting you’ve talked shit about her. This is what you do- you’re an insecure drama starter and always have been. People wouldn’t call you unhinged if you didn’t act so unhinged
>>57314 Also, you think that your number id that’s attached to your kaybearcutie account proves shit? You can always post anonymously lmao- it’s not rocket science here
>>57320 >>57319 >figures out changing your IP address changes your ID >somehow isn't able to figure out that posting about denying actively browsing and posting (WHILE DOING BOTH OF THOSE THINGS SIMULTANEOUSLY. IN THE SAME THREAD. WITHIN HOURS OF GETTING CALLED OUT.) isn't the slightest bit suspicious. At all. May God have mercy on that woman's kid man cuz goddamn
The girl has a history
Regardless of models having beef with other models on here. Lauren Lush is an absolute disgusting droopy saggy skin disgrace and I was very much into her before. She is so gross now that all thats left is a popped balloon version of her that still posts on curvage for some reason. Wish she would have just quit and not posted anymore so that I could have just remembered her being a hot bbw model and not this gross ugly saggy version of her.
>>57473 Mental illness you should get help porn for family time
>>57474 Guess you should as well since thats what this site is used for you fucking moron. That or you are just the new ugly version of Lauren Lush fighting back or one of her friends watching the chan lol.
>>just hear to give your mom anal satisfaction
>>57476 That and post your saggy deflated body on curvage when you are nothing more than a gross has been now Lauren lol
>>57473 Why tf do you care though? Why do you feel the need to insult her for improving her own life? It really shows how miserable you are. Just fap to someone else if she doesn’t get your dick hard anymore, it’s really not hard. I’ll never understand why people feel the need to shit on someone just for not fitting their specific personal sexual preferences. Big incel energy
>>57503 Are you like her family or friend in another area looking out for her or something? The reason people like me want to complain about her is because she is a girl losing weight on a fat fetish site. She went out of her way to get a customers into weight gain. Then springs up weight lose. Now as an individual thats fine she wants to lose weight but like at least leave the fat weight gain fetish scene and go elsewhere. You don’t get it because you are not into it and yet here you are on a fat fetish site. You either are friends with Lauren Lush or someone connected with her only on this site to defend her. The point is Lauren should leave the scene if she isn’t into it and get into something else. All she is doing is pissing off people who are actually into the fetish who are not you.
>>57533 You do know know most models are not actually into the fetish, right? Like they are selling you a fantasy…
>>57533 You’re wildly missing the point. I don’t know Lauren in any capacity or even particularly find her attractive for myself personally, and yet I’m just simply not an asshole. Bare minimum. I love fat women. But if she’s still making money off of people who enjoy her current body (which is still objectively not thin) then let the girl have her side hussle- it takes nothing from you. My lord. Insulting her personally rather than just not buying her videos is such weird behavior. Why would you be angry that some woman who doesn’t know you and never will isn’t to your *personal* size preferences? Clearly she’s still hot to some people in this community or she wouldn’t keep making content. You act like someone is forcing you to buy it and are acting like a selfish child throwing a weird selfish tantrum
>>57567 This right here. None of them are really into it- it’s porn. They’re women who gained weight accidentally as many women do eventually and decided to sell you a fantasy. Which is what all porn is. It’s really so weird to make it personal
>>57576 My money is on some of the worst commenters here having some sort of fetish on insulting her. I genuinely have no interest in whoever Lauren or whatever is but as a frequent /gen browser I'm exposed to this thread whether I want it or not almost every time I open this darn page, and some of the commenters here are so over the top. No healthy person should get that emotional over a girl getting naked on camera for money.
I think she looked great at her heaviest
>>57954 I think I agree with you on that. And I think she looks at her ugliness currently with all the weight loss.
>>58090 This is MISOGYNY!!
>>58105 This is bbw chan
Latest pics show what looks to be a tummy tuck which is confusing because she just posted she is going to start gaining again. I am hoping she gets back up to 300+. She looks incredible at that size
>>58415 Unless she is at her heaviest no one should believe her. She is clearly in it for the money and nothing else.
>>58415 you must be dumb falling for her lies, lauren lush is scamming yall and is a saggy old waste
>>58419 Agreed Lauren Lush is just another creepy weight loss surgery ugly old fuck who needs to leave the feeder community asap
Lauren lush hit a certain size threshold that She probably should have retained. Simply because once you get to a certain size you can't get skinny and look normal again. However it could be for health reasons it could be for any amount of reasons and we don't know. Is it desirable to this community? No not really. But she definitely did hit a point where she was top tier and then lost it all. It is unfortunate. Do I think she'll ever come back and actually get that big not sure. Hopefully she will because it probably would go better for her in the long run but also everyone's body is their own choice. As someone who is a feedee I really love that into a point in my size that I can't lose weight or I'm going to look weird. It's a harsh reality once you hit a certain point stay fat otherwise you will age rapidly and deflate. Either way I hope everyone in here understands that our bodies are our own choices and it does suck sometimes saying a model do the opposite of what we hope. But individually it is their choice. But they should not make empty promises That's not fair to themselves or to the community. 🖤
I'm grateful for the content we got from her at her biggest, especially during her pregnancy. Good lawd, she was an actual fertility goddess.
>>60556 Losing what looks like over 100 lbs in a year and not acknowledging that she had weight loss surgery or is on ozempic and continuing to sell herself on gaining while losing a significant amount of weight shows what her true intentions are.
>>60565 This especially when she has been here before. She only wants a big ass but wants to work out for it. We all see this shit and it's her simps that are blinded by her ways.
Anyone got the vid wheres shes in a hooters outfit getting fed by her friend
>>60565 Lauren lush is so gross now 🤮
>>60649 Kayla’s baaaaackkkk lmao
>>60652 How do you know?
>>60652 Nah I can't stand her showing up on the front page of Curvage or this site.
>>60761 I have a really simple solution for you that’s going to blow your mind: don’t buy her stuff if you don’t like how she looks 🤯 There’s zero need to insult someone’s body, which is their own choice, just because YOU don’t get hard looking at it
>>60844 > don’t buy her stuff if you don’t like No I am a white American man, I am devastated and victimized beyond belief by her decision to live her own life not doing what I want.
>>60845 Sounds about white for this thread
This thread has turned into one model anonymously talking shit about the other and the other responding and defending herself via international VPNs. Smh
>>60863 Or maybe people like Lauren’s content in countries that are not the USA? What a crazy concept. I assure you I am no model lol
>>57575 For someone that doesn’t find Lauren attractive you sure check this thread quite often. Especially since there’s rarely any content ever being shared.
>>60880 You… do realize that when someone posts something new in the thread it shows up on the home page, right? Pretty easy to quickly clicking a thread and see what’s being discussed from there. Doesn’t mean someone was specifically seeking out a certain model‘s thread
>>60881 Thanks man. Good advice.
>>61196 I have advice for you too. Don’t buy Lauren Lushes new stuff on curvage. She is a scammer and nothing more than a deflated weigh loss woman taking advantage of people in the fetish selling her content to those that she knows are not into weight loss. Fuck her
>>61228 Selling her content to those she knows are not into weight loss…? Heh? As if she’s holding a gun to their head. Come on now, Kayla. You can’t actually be this dumb lmao
>>61398 Dude give it a rest and go back to eating lauren’s stinky dirty deflated snatch.
>>61398 I’m into the whole body transformation angle and for me she is top notch. I think she is very good looking and the people here are jealous losers, bots and haters paid by her competitors to talk shit online behind a screen.
>>61833 Shut up Lauren Lush we all know this is you commenting this dumb shit.
>>61843 Kayla we all watched you get spanked with a cake on a playground by your baby daddy who trashed your reputation on a public Facebook account. Glass houses.
>>60881 You posted 21 times in this thread. You seem pretty invested
