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Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 19:29:22 Id:f69a5c No. 61701
I'm in my mid 20s and I've developed a bit of a fondness for BBW in the mid 30-50 age range. I would love to sleep with one, but have no idea where to start. Besides that I want to here your guys experiences with older BBW. How did you meet? Did you get along well? Did you hookup with or even date one? Etc.
22 year old who slept with a really fat woman 15 years old than me. We met at a bar and started chatting, bought her a drink and she paid for a taxi to her place. Bottom text.
as someone who fooled around with older women when I was in my 20s id recommend you dont waste your time or theirs. I dont think it's as big of a deal if you dont want a family and she doesnt want one either, but dont string a woman along with promises youre going to stick around when youre just trying to get laid. plus a lot of older women would normally not date younger unless they felt like they were out of options in their age range. so youre not exactly getting the best pick of women in terms of compatibility or mental wellness. Pretty much all older woman/younger men dynamics are just hook ups, so its a better use of your time to just settle down with a girl youre own age
Bro don’t listen to that guy. I’m 24 and been seeing a late 30s bbw off feabie. Not into older women but she’s hot so gave her a crack and she’s been more fun than bbws I’ve met my age.
>>61724 I've heard feabie is pretty awful now. How'd you manage to get a girl on there?
>>61743 Step 1: don’t be a faggot Step 2: don’t be a bitch Literally everyone gets laid on feabie outside of the autistic suburbanites writing frustrated screeds from their leased tesla.
>>61743 Like shooting fish in a barrel. Getting more ass than a toilet m.
>>61815 That kinda sounds like BS. The male to female ratio on there makes that seem impossible lol.
