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Muscular women Anonymous 02/24/2025 (Mon) 15:38:46 Id:7db70f No. 60983
I've been a fat fetishist for roughly half my life but over the last year or so I cannot get enough of huge muscular women. It's like a switch flipped in my head like "oh yeah, guess this is my thing now". I lean toward the hyper jacked amazonian types who still maintain a lot of their femininity - like Vladislava Galagan (pictured), Shannon Seeley, Maria Wattel, Blakelee Ortega, Ranya Dally, etc. I think I am just a fan of extreme proportions/size and it's manifesting in many ways after years of consuming mostly the same types of fat porn. Anybody else?
>>60983 Sorry but if this turns you on you're gay, women should look feminine and this isn't it
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>>60983 >I lean toward the hyper jacked amazonian types who still maintain a lot of their femininity - like Vladislava Galagan (pictured) >who maintain femininity like pictured >pictured looks like a dude with a photoshopped womans face Interesting way to come out, Anon. You shown this thread to your parents yet? I'm sure they won't mind you being gay.
>>60993 >>60994 fellas is it gay to jack off to a woman
>>60998 Yes, when she is only a woman from the chin up
And what about strong-fat woman? This thread made me wonder if strong-fat type is even exist outside the fetish art
>>61024 yes, just look at powerlifters
>>60983 Bro, you're not the only one. I myself since I was young have been liking super fat girls and muscular women both alike. I've been wondering myself why that is and if there are other guys like me and my guess is also that it's about the extreme proportions, hahaha...
>>61024 Kellie Kay was apparently a powerlifter even at her biggest which is how she stayed "in shape" (if you believe her, of course). >>61031 I view them as the extreme ends of the same spectrum. Pushing the female form to its absolute limits.
>>61029 >>61044 Heavyweight powerlifters aren't uncommon. They're already hauling around their bulk, it's basically free muscle training.
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>>61024 I normally prefer soft BBWs. But I have seen some really nice strong-fat BBWs. Female professional wrestling is a good way to find them. For example here is Regina Rosendahl, a Finnish wrestler. She might not look that strong in this pic but I've seen her throw other girls around like it's nothing. There is one I knew IRL who I often think about. I used to work in a shopping mall and there was a female security guard who was a strong-fat Latina. You can imagine how rare that combination is in Ireland. >>60983 Also on the subject of huge muscular women: You should check out Julia Vins, who is a Russian bodybuilder/powerlifter. This pic is actually from an interview she did for an Irish tabloid newspaper, which I find kind of amusing.
>>61024 There's a decent number floating around. There's both a Strongfat tag and dedicated strongfat thread on Girlswithmuscle.
>>61052 Julia Vins definitely isn't the biggest but she's got some respectable muscular size. I think what makes her outstanding is her pretty and feminine Barbie-esque face, which unfortunately is often lacking with the bigger girls, but some of the bodybuilders OP mentioned combine muscularity and beauty perfectly.
>>61061 Yeah, I was actually going to mention in my post that she used to be much bigger. I think she probably used to take steroids and stopped taking them. But you can find her old pics quite easily and see how big she used to be.
>>60983 I'm into them too. There seems to be quite a decent crossover between people who like fat girls and buff girls. Apart from the size aspect of liking big women, I wonder if there's also the progressive aspect of both (eg: getting bigger by getting fatter or gaining muscle)
it´s the same for me. i´m only sexually attracted in a pornographic way to bbw/ssbbw women or CrossFit girls. really interesting that this is a common thing, always that it´s strange to be attracted to both ends of the fitness spectrum
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You don't have to be full of testosterone to be fit
>>61098 Damn, this woman is BUILT >>61069 Tbh I don’t particularly discriminate much, my tastes aren’t super specific. There’s a lot to find attractive about both, though I am a big fan of that strongfat middle point.
>>61098 I love women built like this. Dominant genetics >>60983 >Vlad and Ranya >maintain a lot of their femininity kek I have noticed a lot of dudes that aren't straight that are into BBW though.
>>61138 Yeah, like there's atleast a couple types of this same women in each UK town.
>>60983 >I think I am just a fan of extreme proportions/size and it's manifesting in many ways after years of consuming mostly the same types of fat porn. Anybody else? Same. Weight gain and muscle gain are just two sides of the same coin; they're just different forms of bodybuilding that, especially in fetish scenarios, help to visualize power and shifts in relationship dynamics. It shouldn't come as a surprise that mini-gts and size difference are extremely common across both. >>61024 I remember people on /bbw/ were losing their minds about a year ago over Tracey Kelly, an Irish powerlifter. She (perhaps unwittingly) documented her gain the more she got into the sport on Instagram. Looks like a living R Crumb caricature; so hot
>>61083 >i´m only sexually attracted in a pornographic way to bbw/ssbbw women or CrossFit girls. I love CrossFit girls too! There's just something incredibly sexy about a woman who gains mass for 'sport' (or really just the sake of it) than also for aesthetics. The lack of snatched waists on those women so often gets derided as being too manly, but people forget they're still very feminine in other ways.
Are MK677 gains real? Every juicehead I know says it makes them insatiable with hunger.
>>61255 Tracey deserves her own thread! She looks great
fundamentally agree that this stuff isn’t too different from fat fetishism. I’m a little pickier about muscle chicks but when the mood strikes I kinda love a big brawny roid monster lmao. like Amazonka level shit, she barely registers as human. I’m weird I know it. >>61255 this is an insanely attractive woman good god
Uh yeah I'm gonna need a LOT more info on Tracey Kelly. Holy shit.
