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Anonymous 03/13/2025 (Thu) 02:19:14 Id:f2faa6 No. 61814 >>61816 >>61846 >>61866
Support BBW's from your home country not American BBW's
>>61814 I don't know, a lady in the bus point out that America doesn't build domestically.
>>61816 well there goes op's thread. pack in boys, let's go home an pretend nothing ever happened.
>>61829 I told my wife the other day in bed that I was gonna tariff the shit out of her and clapped those cheeks so hard
>>61829 Americans don't value pornography in most states. If anything, schizos like RFK Jr are doing more for goonerism than le serious artists at Bluesky tweeting about imaginary Kisame 17.
>>61814 If I had to do that (only jerking off to BBWs from my country), I'd be fucked. There's only like 3 Irish BBWs on the internet.
>>61846 Bro same. Layla left Australia, the two others I liked quit. Left with a few crumbs.
>>61851 Women don't like pornography as it's performative theater.
>>61851 How do the aussies feel about getting left behind with GB while Trump puts the band back together? I’d invite you to the join the other anglophones but who knows what language you slack jawed weirdos are saying.
>>61814 Jackie, Luna, Creampuff, Plump Princess, Letakelsie - plenty of great Canadian models.
>>61864 I dunno, I don't think Trump is doing anything. It's just that the left is self defeating.
>>61851 We need to create our own industry then. 10,000% retaliatory tariffs on American pornography
>>61864 How does it feel that your president is destroying the economy barley 2 months into this term
>>61872 Ok buddy. See how little purchasing power you have after America devalues its own currency. China’s already looking at how it can acquire your sad little island because you can’t defend yourselves without US.
>>61888 Listen to the schizo and ignore this guy
>>61864 >Trump puts the band back together What "band" — Lynyrd Skynyrd? We're taking the same isolationist route as GB but worse, in that we're not only rejecting liberal democracies in Europe and North America but cozying up to authoritarian nightmares like Russia and Saudi Arabia. IDK, I'm American and kinda like having a vote and a Constitution and stuff. >>61888 >after America devalues its own currency So Trump is going to spike inflation? Because that's what "devaluing currency" means. I hope you're moving your money into gold if that's the plan.
>>61896 Joe Sixpack like Kisame doesn't care about the constitution. Gillbrand and Gillen shut down Schumer for attempting to shutdown government. LARPing as the middle class and resistance leader is just performance art. You can't be glamorous leader
Like I said, no sane person is going to give pundits actual political power.
>>61896 The band is the English speaking world that hasn’t been over run by Indian and Muslim invaders. Mainland Europe is lost unless Putin can rein them in like he did those Uighur islamoterrorists. Next step is devaluing USD so people in Canada and Mexico can afford to import what we make in America and reward the MAKERS for a change instead of letting mid level project managers buy everything from China because Mao keeps his currency value low forcing so Pooh’s sweatshop economy can undermine American factory workers. Then cut off the lefts supply of migrant labor for cleaning and put the unemployed to work on the farms. Tariffs help get us there but the days of outsourcing the American dream to some hostile third world communist empire is numbered.
>>61906 Trump doesn't believe in that. He's stuck in the 80s and wants to be a celebrity president like Reagan. Anything more is just pure myth making
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>>61906 Trump is a Ferengi. People who like material goods are preferable to weedman ideas.
>>61888 The US are nothing more than war mongers I'd be happy if the US stop sticking its big Jewish nose in our affairs. And if we need defending from anyone it would the US since they don't have any ture allies just whatever is convenient for the deep state at the time. And have fun staring to death after your currency is worthless and you can't buy or produce anything
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>>61914 Enjoy working 996 for Winnie the Pooh faggot. Bend the knee or they’re gonna break you’re drunken inbred backs.
>>61915 >>61914 Didn't Newsmax get hit with a suit cause neocons kept submitting false info? I think the trade war is just newspeak

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