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Reiina sharing Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 02:32:11 Id:416a44 No. 60149
Old thread is gone, was wondering if anyone could share their collection of reiina vids since old links always die Here's what I have already:https://gofile.io/d/AVR3wI
When was she at her biggest?
>>60150 January/February of last year. She broke 300lbs, made a fair bit of content at that weight, then stopped stuffing and started a consistent workout routine to get in shape for her BBL. There was a whole conspiracy theory about her getting plastic surgery to remove her double chin because she filmed so much content at her fattest weight it gave the impression she SUDDENLY got skinnier lol
>>60151 I don't think it's conspiracy. Even at her 290/300 phase there are vids with a considerably puffier face and a second chin.
aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9MQ1NFVlg1RkhZRS9ldTE= Bunch'o stuff womped together.
>>60151 This isn’t a conspiracy, at one point she literally had a poll to gauge opinion on her getting it done and talked about getting it done more than once. It also had nothing to do with her subsequent weight loss. She was a ~300 double chinned fatty at the end of March 24 and like 2 weeks later she was a ~300lb fatty with no double chin. This is the kind of dumbass shit that belongs on Twitter.
Honestly, her ability to gain and lose weight is pretty impressive considering how hard it is for some people to lose weight.
>>60154 Her face slimmed out a ton though from all angles from March when you say she got it done to now. The girl has lost what looks like a third of her body weight, why would her chin stay the same. Tiana has posted about considering getting chin lipo but she didn’t get it done just because she angles her face away from the camera. 2+2 does not equal 5.
If I see lipo talk shitting up page 1 again I'm spamming gore every time some retard opens this thread again
>>60156 The only person having problems with the math is you it seems. She lost a bunch of weight in the second half of 24 and her face is less puffy as a result, but she lost the chin before that journey even started. It was several months after the gyming began that she started to show any significant visible results from working out, even then that was more whole body difference than her face specifically. No one works out for a week at most and manages to lose an entire double chin whilst still having an otherwise very fat face and no other losses.
She's disgusting now
>>60157 By all means.
>>191201 I downloaded it, so if no one does Ill post it on a gofile tomorrow, in about 18 hours or so. Will post some other videos not shared before along with it, just be ready by tomorrow night basically.
>>191201 I'll get to it tomorrow in case >>60161 forgets or something. Otherwise i'll keep mine there if theirs expires.
>>60159 lmaoo
She needs to shut up and just leave the internet, wahhh my audience that I made from becoming obese doesn't like my plastic bimbo muslcpe mommy garbage wash why are they mad at mee even though that's what they were here for originally wahhh like gtfo do us a favor reiina and just deleted all your accounts and never come back into this community like all you're doing os just positing old shit bc you knew people would hate how you look now, why even bother being on cur age now too?? Barely any of your audience cares about fake vore/ inflation
We know you're watching reiina and the writings on the wall, just enjoy the fucking money you made off of us and just leave, you have no purpose online anymore
i was finna be all WTF are you people saying about Reinna, she is clearly fed the hell up (ironically) with all of us. but then I read the rant there and i think i get it just unfollow, unsubscribe, quit your bitching and maybe she’ll quit hers
>>60164 >>60165 You’re literally going out of your way to be triggered lol. What a fucking dumbass. Just unsubscribe from her accts and find a new gainer or enjoy her backlog of feedee content.
You’re all fucking up my real fetish- watching her threads instantly torpedo to the bottom of the board without any organic interest the second they’re made these days. Mods were absolutely right to delete the last thread as there’s nothing new to share and there won’t be for the foreseeable future
>>60164 She was a fetish model LONG before gaining weight, she will have a new audience now who will love her new content. Her clips were popular when she was skinny too, so she isn’t going anywhere. If you don’t like it, don’t look. A lot of gainers are a one trick pony but a simple look at her clips4sale store clearly demonstrates she is the exception. No wonder why she is so fed up. I suspect this will cause a wave of feedees to lose weight and stop caring when they see that not even a 200 pound weight gain is enough to valued or treated like a worthwhile fetish girl in this scene. Honestly that would not be a bad thing, people need to wake up.
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>>60164 Jfc After her, maybe there should not be any super thin to super fat gainers. Because if they can’t keep the weight on due to bad genetics then WHAT’S THE POINT right guys? All the excellent content is worthless if she doesn’t eat herself to death!
I don't see why y'all can't respect her gain. Gaining intentionally to 300 lb has to mean something, jeez.
>>60165 >aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9MQ1NFVlg1RkhZRS9ldTE= >>60165 "The writings on the wall" LMAO yall are so goofy
>>60164 She’s hotter now tbh. Losing weight was a great thing for her
Reiiina is in my Lauren Lush category of models that need to be done and go away
>>60170 That screenshot is great for trolling fatphobes: https://www.reddit.com/r/fatlogic/comments/1ie1wq5/reverse_fat_logic/
>>60174 Agreed and all these whiteknights need to realize she's not gonna fuck yall
>>60176 My brother in christ, if you can't bear to see someone lose weight, maybe it's time to take a break from the computer for a while. You're the reason why other people hate people with this kink.
>>60174 she's been mid at best for a long time. she got that chin thing done and totally turned me off from her. She's old news.
I like how my comments about how we should just ban Reiina threads gets removed but everyone bickering back and forth proves my point
>>60164 this is a new category, gross-cringe.
>>60164 Gigantic yikes. Let’s all have a moment of silence for her poor fiancée. Gotta be tough to see the thumbnail in image 4 pasted right next to the hell he’s currently living in.
>>60182 It must be hell to have a wife who loses weight to bear you strong healthy offspring, was willing to overindulge your fat fetish and is now strong enough to fuck you Amazon style if she wants, or ride you until you tap out. Bro won the lottery and you feel sorry for him.
>>60182 I would much rather feed a woman (ideally a gf) to her limit over a few years, cum until we’re both sick of it and then let her go back to being modestly chubby or whatever size fat happens next. Travel together, let her take care of me and spoil me for having been such a good feeder. The alternative is feeding her until she is too fat to work, immobile, having expensive health issues, cleaning her bed sores and wipe her ass, having to do every housekeeping chore because she is too fat, basically becoming a fulltime caretaker while working my own job (assuming she eventually gets too fat to work). That sounds a lot less fun.
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>>60183 I would much rather be a dragon >>Reiina Sucks
>>60164 Will you people let her go? It's over. There is nothing more to be said.
Just jack it to the content from when she was fat and get the fuck over it you babies
>>60183 Any girl that gets weigh loss surgery the male counter part is unlucky.
like certainly you guys realize that the more you pester her the more she's going to become alienated from the community. obviously she isn't a gainer anymore but she had no qualms with the community when she first started losing weight. in fact she was constantly reminiscent of how much fun she had with her journey. she wouldn't post shit like this if it didn't make her feel bad and i have no idea why haters would rather have her hate the community than still be fine with it and feel comfortable around it. hopefully she sees this one
I wish we can just ban Reina threads in general. I'm tired of seeing this shit and schizos don't know how to let her go.
>>60183 >It must be hell to have a wife who loses weight to bear you strong healthy offspring The secondhand embarrassment I felt reading this is immeasurable.
please ban the reina threads she has made her choice this is obnoxious.
>>60164 >clown makeup >surgery >lost weight >*plastered* in tattoos The best thing she could do is go back to real inflation content because good lord she's shot
>>60183 >>60184 >two responses to the same post >from the same person holy fucking seethe
>>60184 I don’t think she was quite at the point of having bedsores from immobility when she decided to throw in the towel lmao. I also didn’t realize BBLs were the hot new health craze for aspiring first time mothers. Better luck rationalizing your misery next time.
>>60194 3 responses, pure cope. By the time she finishes posting her backlog of fat content I guarantee she will have locked in her new target demographic. If we aren’t going to share her old content and just shit on her for 3x her weight and tapping out, her style or her current body (which does not belong here lets face it) there’s no point in this thread. >>60189 In all her recent posts there are SO MANY responses from other gainers who relate to what she’s saying. You are correct, she has always spoken positive of the feeder community and if we drive her towards hate she will likely resist gaining again and she will also influence her peers not to gain when they see it’s all for nothing. This will have a sweeping effect and the blame is not on her, I can see it.
bro are you retarded? we dont care if she regains she deformed her fat with surgery. that is the nail in the coffin you are exactly why these threads need to be banned.
I agree this chick basically took money from feeders to pay for her liposuction and influence other gainers to lose weight. She is a cancer on our community.
>>60197 We agree that it should be banned. Its less about people’s taste in gaining after surgery (in many instances it looks hot) and more that we are attacking someone who has always been a positive person and driving them to affect the next generation of gainers. People see her as a role model (going off her comment section alone) so we don’t want to sour her on her own fucking fetish. If you don’t care about her outcome consider the current gainers we have that we want to get bigger. This will not go well if people can’t start being fucking normal.
>>60198 If she didn’t fuck up her body from gaining so much weight for us, she wouldn’t ever have needed surgery to fix her deflated ass. She never talked about a BBL in all her time online until she started losing weight this year. Maybe she should not have gotten so fat for us.
>>60183 >and is now strong enough to fuck you Amazon style if she wants, or ride you until you tap out Reiina isn't actually strong, the muscle mommy stuff is pure cope and even if she had muscle she'd still be a tiny womanlet lmao
This woman is obviously very unstable, in case the perpetual clown makeup weren't enough. I'll resist playing armchair psych but come on, but just like Udderlyadorable, be weary of overly "quirky" women who aren't at least spiritually sound. Or at the very least dint be surprised by nonsense. I hope and pray the best for Reiina overcoming insert childhood trauma here and actually settling down.
Please mods just lock the thread. Idk what is it about Reiina that brings out the weirdos
>>60202 Here we have a model who has made videos consistently for 10 years. No involvement in community drama aside from receiving some nastiness that was unprovoked. Both her gains were steady and uninterrupted. She communicates clearly and her positions on everything have been consistent, no wishywashyness. Never had an emotional breakdown on her of. Has only had 2 boyfriends which she’s been open about (appear in her videos) and married the second one. Has many friendships with other models in the community that have lasted 5-10 years. Reached her 300 lb goal and waited many months to complain of the difficulties, presumably out of consideration for our fantasy. Likely would never have complained if people didn’t give her shit. Started her belly videos on YouTube fully free for 2 years before turning a profit. These facts can easily be verified. She is arguably more stable than the majority of ‘normal looking’ feedees. What other models can you say meet all the above qualifications for stability? Names? So what that she was not a cookie cutter gainer and likes wearing clown paint and weird makeup. We need to rely on hard facts and not stereotypes and “vibes”. >>60203 People hate to see someone who clashes with their personal preference be so successful, and not bend to the pressure to conform. It is confirmation your preferences are not shared by anll, and that can be upsetting. This is why her opps are so obnoxiously loud behind the cloak of anonymity. It is her uniqueness that is so magnetic to some and repellant to others. Either you like it or you don’t, and that says more about you than it does about her.
nigga shut your faggot ass up lmao you sound like a total sump cuck cock smoking bitch. She didn't even get fat until a year or 2 ago dont talk about 10 years she was fake as shit the firrst 8 years and went right back to being fake as shit.
you have a micro peen shut up chode gobbler
You pay for puss fat boy
>>60205 Selling videos consistently for 10 years has nothing to do with her weight. She’s a shapeshifter that is what is authentic to her track record. Looking at her whole video catalog a lot of it is weird as fuck.. she also films a lot of weird stuff that doesn’t sell as much because she is actually into it. She has a perverted mind and actually enjoys most of what she films. If she wanted to be fake and blow up she would have done nubiles or one of the petite porn sites and could have made way more never having to gain but she chose to do bloating, enemas and vore before she gained. Most of the ppl here are too vanilla for a lot of her stuff.
When it was good it was so good. That second gain was elite, shame she’s lost her mind . RIP Reina
https://gofile.io/d/v8xjY2 Only thing I've got Anyone have her vore vids
>>>/gen/ banishment when?
>>60211 Probably tomorrow. I dunno yet. These guys might actually be more retarded than the boberry fags
>>60204 >>No involvement in community drama You're fucking delusional.
I really wouldn't be surprised if this constant storm of profuse keyboard smashing is part of some scheme to sabotage the board, Anyway, re up of the stuff I have. aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC8yQzVsUHQ=
>>60213 receipts or fake
>>60209 If getting healthy is losing your mind, more people should try it
let her go its over guys lets support other models
Why does there always have to be fighting and shit, fuck whatever is going on now with her the thread is just trying to share the old content she did
>>60164 I think it’s perfectly fine is she wanted to lose weight and be happy at a healthy weight if she didn’t flex her Oppositional defiant disorder and BPD for the whole class. Like bruh how do you be too lazy to be fat?
>>60220 Unsure, something about "oh its so hard for me to eat this much to maintain". I understand metabolism exist, but as funny as this sounds, 300 pounds really isnt that hard to maintain. Not unless shes incredibly active, and before all the muscle mommy BS, someome who doesnt even have a job and literally makes money off of eatong cant have that active of a life lmao.. Theres people who ate way less than she does and maintain a higher weight, but meh, who knows. Maybe reiinas secretly 4'2 and 300 lbs is bordeline instant death for her. Regardless, its her decision if she wants to lose weight, so oh well. May or may not have shared some of this already, but there are definirely unshared vids in here, enjoy: https://gofile.io/d/0OsBqT
>>60216 Why are you here?
>>60164 I 10000% am with you on this post dude.
>>60174 Agreed!!!
>>60222 Not everyone here is a feeder faggot
Hereby I put a vote in motion to remove this thread and ban Reiina content on this fine board. The cancer is too strong and needs to be removed together with the host. There's no therapy available and patient is already brain dead.
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I just want to cum bro wtf is yalls problem
>>60164 This anon >>60169 is right. Do none of you remember she started out producing stuffing/inflation content? Like jfc how young are you? If I had to deal with people incessantly whining and complaining like this every time I posted a sequence of me in shapewear I'd have quit this scene years ago.
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>>60220 armchair psychologists when they disagree with someone sane and rational
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>>60221 that’s someone who starts out chubby and gains by just eating a little more than they usually do. There are so few gainers that start out tiny (reina, tiana, mochi) that we think the same rules apply to them. they were chugging cheese, melted ice cream, heavy cream etc to get big fast. Gainers who start out big don’t have to do all that. Being lazy and eating an isn’t enough to get someone naturally tiny to a 300 pound whale, as evidenced by those 3 and we should stop pretending it is. That’s why Tiana probably had her meltdown over not gaining faster, she thinks it should be easy because everyone says it is and is upset when it’s not.
>>60232 Agreed. Tiana gained 60lbs in less than a year. Was going to be tough to go past that quickly. I think she is past her plateau now, but it won't come at the same rate she was before.
>>60230 Bruh she’s the one armchair psychologizing the crowd. Who would’ve thunk building an audience for one specific niche wouldn’t translate to the other?
>>60233 challenge accepted faggot. hold my shake and watch this bois.
>>60232 >Anonymous They were chugging cheese and lard down, hence why they gained so FAST.. starting tiny has nothing to do with it. Biology has no relatin to these bull shit pseudo sciences. May come as as shock, but those gainers who already started big were also small at one point, so how did they get so big?.. No one is telling reina to infinitely spiral past 300 pounds. Being lazy and eating alot is quite literally enough to reach 300, or reaching 300 would be unattainble naturally? The speed matters, but reiina already got there, thats irrelevant. No one said its easy to dog pile to 300, but its certainly easier to maintain a weight your at. Then again, maybe reina just didnt want to live a slob lol.
>>60235 Prove me wrong!
>>60234 Nothing about what she said had anything to do with “the crowd” aside from that she understands that not everyone will like her body changing and she’s cool with that, and it didn’t affect her decision process. She’s been active online for so long she would not have been able to hide a personality disorder for a decade. X and Meta algorithms prioritize controversial content that’s why so many viral posts have people fighting in the comments. It’s not whatever personality disorder of the day you think she has, she’s just using the app the way people give the most engagement. Her tumblr is a different vibe because it doesn’t reward baiting people. I’ve seen some of her streams and talked to her on her of and she is very agreeable and chill but I bet if you provoked her she would prolly stand her ground.
>>60236 Lots of people are lazy and eat a lot and never even get chubby. If there were no difference in people’s metabolisms then everyone who does that would be 300 pounds. Most people don’t have to diet to stay at a healthy weight, if something happens like an injury or medication change it might make them gain but that’s about it. Lot of people who are barely active and eat like crap never get fat. Some people are fat even when they are kids especially if the rest of the family is. Shows there’s an inherited part. Crazy that people don’t know this
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>>60236 Candii has been gaining way longer than Reina and is still under 250. She’s been at it 5 years or something? She doesn’t eat pure fat to gain weight but she indulges and maybe has gained 20 pounds in the last 2 years and will prolly never get close to 300 because she can eat everything she wants without limits already and that’s the dream for most women. So imagine how much reina would have to eat daily to maintain 300 when candii is a hearty eater and maintains/barely gains. She would probably have to eat double that every single day. From her posts reina is still a hearty eater, if she didn’t work out she would probably be close to Candi’s size. I wouldn’t wanna be eating 10 pounds of dense food and wg shakes every day forever either, I can’t imagine doing it for over 3 years constantly. Anyway she gave us a good comparison pic today that I’ve never seen before. I mirrored it
>>60184 >>60240 Damn brother, I’m finally reading through this hilarious thread and you just keep getting absolutely wrecked over and over again. If you love this girl so much why do you (and by extension why would she) care what a bunch of strangers on the internet have to say about her?? This isn’t a community lol, it’s a fucking business, and a niche one at that. What you’re getting in this thread is the general consensus from consumers of a product. Creators whining that people don’t like their creations has never been and will never be a good look. It’s like watching a person trying to push the tide back with their bare hands. Good luck with it though, it’s a great watch.
>>60214 These are still, posting to give a shortcut thru the piles of rubble.
>>60242 man I can't believe my post asking for a vid got hit by a janny while the rest of this bitching about her continues on. There's a reason this site is dying and it's not just begging
This bitch will return in 2 years once she rans out of money again calling it out
>>60244 wouldn't be the first one to do this, wouldn't be surprised if she did in all honesty. not buying her crapo though
Finally got that /gen banishment
>>60245 She isn’t going anywhere regardless of what size she is. She’s been making porn for 10 years. She is a pornstar by choice, and not a casual gainer who disappears and reappears every couple years to cash in on feeders with low effort content and then vanishes to lose weight so she can repeat the cycle. I would be shocked if she ever gets to 300 pounds again, but a 200+ pound gain in 3.5 years is not light work. That’s almost 60 pounds a year on average and we know her last year she plateaued hard. Her first year she gained 120 pounds, that is about double the total year gain of the most impressive gainer we have right now. The only other person who might have gained over 120 pounds in a single year is Mochii
Her instagram keeps coming up as recommended even though I keep muting it. She keeps changing the excuse of why she lost weight. I remember her original post was she wanted to attempt to have kids (right?) Now it's it was too hard to maintain her size and keep gaining not to mention painful for her. So bets on what the next excuse will be after this one?
>>60301 I believe you've got her mixed up with Casey who recently retired after "gaining too much/too quickly" and wanting to start a family
>>60301 Reina wants kids eventually but I think she wanted a break from gaining first. Pregnancy is never a forsure thing either, with how much she weight cycled she probably will have problems with her fertility. Wouldn’t be wise of her to publicly advertise she is losing weight for getting preggers and then not be able to. I’m sure that’s a factor but seems like her quality of life is the big one.
>>60328 Publicly advertising losing weight to have a kid was exactly what she did though lmao. Probably had to reconsider when the funds dried up and she found out people liked her for her body instead of her personality
>>60337 Women are having kids later and later in life. Guarantee it’s the opposite, she’s saved up big stacks, probably has some investments/high yield accounts and wants to enjoy the freedom and mobility she didn’t have while she was gaining. I bet she wants to enjoy her life and travel with her husband before she settles down. She clearly likes being heavier but since she isn’t at a size that is slowing her down anymore, she can finally do everything her weight was stopping her from doing like going to Japan or Europe. I anticipate some travel content in the years to come before we get pregnancy content, which will probably be well documented knowing her track record.
>>60361 >>she’s saved up big stacks, probably has some investments/high yield accounts Meanwhile her OF numbers are yo-yoing as she's constantly offering discounts. Stop acting like she's on the verge of retiring at a young age with millions saved up
>>60337 agreed it’s the same with GGG and Nadya these models will do anything but admit their losing for their own health and pretend everyone still wants them because they’re hot idk I’m in in for the gain so I dont care bout the reasoning just wish there was honesty
>>60363 If she has a lot in savings, and isn’t filming anything new right now why would she charge full price for her OF or even care about her numbers? She did say her health was a huge reason why she lost weight, the “effects” of tripling her body weight or something in addition to it being hard to keep on. In Reina’s case since she seems to anctually enjoy her work, I predict she’ll continue in some capacity just for fun regardless of how many subscribers she has. She doesn’t advertise her OF on Reddit or hardly even on her insta anymore, barely mentions it on tumblr. For now I think she’s just sending out her old fat videos. I guess we’ll see who’s right in the next few years. Ever since her big rapid gain boom in 2022 she cut down on advertising her OF despite still posting every day, that’s why I think she’s just doing it because she likes it.
>>60378 She’s autistic and has no identity. She pretty much just gets talked into anything by whoever she’s dating or her fan base.
>>60361 Lol nice fanfic bro
>>60385 The probability of her fans or feeder husband “talking her into” losing weight and trying to get muscular is astronomical. Her identity and interests outside kink have always been the same, she wanted to be a feedee even when her first bf wasn’t into it. No amount of pressure from her husband or fans can make her do something she doesn’t want to do. She isn’t the most relatable person because her interests are fairly niche but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t always had them. Her being autistic or not doesn’t really have anything to do with this. All that said, she is open to gaining weight and I believe her when she says she wishes she was fatter. She wouldn’t be the first BBW to take a break from gaining to lift weights to support all the fat. I doubt she’ll get huge again but she’ll probably get decently chubby only because I think she prefers herself that way.
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>>60151 >BBL The photos she posted with Layla last month were nice.
I feel good to see that I share opinions with several others in this bottomless pit. >>60204 >People hate to see someone who clashes with their personal preference be so successful, and not bend to the pressure to conform By the way, that last paragraph you mentioned was interesting to me as I hadn't been able to fully identify the feeling until now.
>>61475 Yes. See me.
https://youtu.be/O8C-7m5vCzY?si=sJKsNPxmNwa6t3bu This is all her content makes me think of now when I’m unlucky enough that she appears in the feed. Talk about an unhappy ending.
>>61471 >DUDE SHE LOOKS LIKE GARBAGE Nah. The best thing about women who get BBLs is when they still eat like their old selves despite the lipo. In my opinion, she looks a lot better than her first go around with weight loss. This is because back then, she got so skinny her silhouette was practically square-shaped; it was as though she was goin for that classic 'tits on a stick' bimbo look and it just did not suit her at all. I much prefer what she's doing now by comparison. She's still doing stuffing/inflation content, but now she's got a fatter ass/wider hips to boot.
>>61488 also inb4, >pic 3 is morphed!! I know, but she posted it so lol
>>61490 Why? This isn't Reddit.
>>61492 Bold of you to assume I do, I guess..?
>>60159 She was always disgusting. Even skinny she looked off now she looked like a bloated diseased bag of shit with duck lips.
>>61488 This is the only correct opinion. If she had originally gained weight into this gloriously chubby pear shape, everyone would be drooling over her. People are only mad because she had surgery, that she claims she would have never had if she didn’t gain to 300 and have loose skin. What was she supposed to do, NOT be 300 pounds? She looks hot as HELL now. I’m happy for her taking care of her health and it’s cool to see her still stuffing without the pressure to become a blob. Her face looks much cuter now too, I like the way she has been doing her makeup. She is getting loads of positive attention but obviously since she is no longer blob, brokefags here complain. May she continue to receive the admiration she deserves.
>>61498 She's not gonna fuck you bro.
>>61503 Get your sensitive ass out of here. Appreciating a model who gained 100 lbs in one year, hit the promised 300 and has a huge catalog of high quality content that’s easily accessible is not a controversial opinion at all.
>>61503 Liking Tiana, Reina, GGG, UdderlyAdorable despite the fact they all have gained and lost weight - not controversial. Lot of fat women try to lose weight at some point because being fat sucks, can you blame them. Doesn’t mean it’s less hot when they are gaining, or when they were huge.
>>61504 >>61506 Two different replies, less than 5 minutes apart. I think you might be the sensitive one bub. None of them are fucking you.
>>61503 >>61510 You're so boring.
>>61504 >Appreciating a model yeah all my ‘appreciation’ goes into a fucking tissue and I do less ‘appreciating’ after they’re less attractive to me. Forming parasocial relationships with internet prostitutes is not healthy amigo.
>>61488 Photoshopped to hell
>>61488 She is using photoshop? That is hilarious!
>>61549 She is making goon material. Big hip to waist ratio is hot. It’s not like she can photoshop her videos, and it’s not far off from the real deal. Porn is a fantasy.
>>61555 >porn is fantasy Was that supposed to be profound? It’s okay if you have low standards in porn, me? I like a woman who has an authentic body that hasn’t been touched by cosmetic surgeries.
>>61555 Needs fat
>>61573 I agree.
>>61540 >>61549 Every other model who sells content on Curvage has a habit of posting facetune exports as previews and you're cackling at this? >>61570 >I like a woman who has an authentic body that hasn’t been touched by cosmetic surgeries. Is this a joke? Nothing about the women you fap to on here is 'authentic'—be serious. You're just as shallow as the rest of us, man.
>>61586 Holy cope with that second statement lol. Brother is allowed not to like her with all those enchantments
>>61588 Yeah sure just don't pretend that your preferences significantly 'elevate' you above everyone else; it's moronic.
>>61588 She sure enchants me.. if someone can look like a morph in real life more power to her. Perfect timeline would be if she further “enchants” her tits and ass, and THEN gains (a modest 30-40 pounds)
>>61585 For you? Sure! Me? I will notice if something is off. I always take what a model says with a grain of salt. In Reiina's case: I don't believe her at all. >>61586 >everyone else does it! So? Doesn't make it any less funny. >Nothing about the women you fap to on here is 'authentic'—be serious. I can see you're talking about authenticity in the sense of feederism in general. To that I say: the prospect of making money is better than the act of feederism. People can and will do anything to make a quick buck. Like I said, I like authentically fat bodies - no augmentations. Reiina's body at her fattest was mostly authentic, her breasts and face were as real as plastic. The rest of her body was nice. Of course I'm shallow! Good lord, was that not obvious? You are dense.
>>61620 >So? Doesn't make it any less funny. Yeah and everyone's laughing. >Reiina's body at her fattest was mostly authentic, her breasts and face were as real as plastic. Incoherent. Separate yourself from this fetish for a second. Someone's body isn't more or less 'authentic' because it's fat, regardless as to whether they've had work done or not. It's weird that you're so fixated on this 'authenticity' or whatever—as if you're projecting that 'body is a temple' mindset onto fat women specifically.
>>61623 I’m fixated on body authenticity because that’s what I prefer in my porn. If that wasn’t obvious. If a woman gets cosmetic surgery like reconfiguring a face, breast implants, bbl, etc. then I do consider it fake (piercing and tattoos not included). My mindset in porn isn’t “body is a temple” it’s “is it worth fapping to?”
I see Reiinapop is still living rent-free in people's minds, for better and worse, dooming any thread about her in any board to becoming a pissing contest amongst reasonable people, mildly interested people, and a handful of haters who will NOT let other people enjoy her content.
