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What is your favorite kind of content? Anonymous 03/06/2025 (Thu) 21:54:31 Id:414375 No. 61478
Eating videos, before-and-afters, clothing try-ons, belly button fucking, exercise, weigh-ins, etc. Which categories get your dick hard?
Can I say yes to all? All jokes aside, before-and-afters are the best, especially with a nice, slow progression. Belly button fucking is an easy second, and can't beat POV weigh ins.
My favourite is struggling. When a USSBBW makes a few steps and it becomes difficult for her to breathe. Stairs videos. Attempts to do fitness exercises. All the stuff where a fat girl gets out of breath.
>>61478 Explicit hardcore b/g
Honestly I'm into anything that doesn't involve another man in the room. I'm not interested in your boyfriend or male feeder when I'm trying to spit one out.
>>61508 I can take a fucking video with their partner so long as it's not so much about them. Those 2 late Jae ones are golden, and tho Brianna's are pretty much phone in the room affairs they also show her actually enjoying it and using her fat as the turn on that it is. Boring as fuck eating videos are the biggest turn off. I mean, at least talk about how fat you're gonna get when eating and wear next to fuck all. Videos where you can appreciate their size and good fucking where you know they're into it (and not some hairy coon ass always in the frame, uurrgh)
Force feeding those videos where huge n hots feeder would just shovel food down her throat are so good
honestly the best kind of content is anything that shows how heavy they are; like sitting on a bench and bending the wood, or breaking chair legs... or when they walk passed the camera and shake the floor so hard the camera shakes from their weight.
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Inflation. I've got to be the only fucker over in /inf that's actually into both inflation and BBWs and it breaks my heart that so few of these girls who literally look like they've blown themselves up make any content where they, you know, actually pretend to blow themselves up. Jackie's video from a few years back is still my GOAT.
>>61478 1.) Before & After - just shows how unbelievable this fetish truly is. (The before is always to much for some normal human, for us even the "after" isnt that special) 2.) Everything Squahsing related: Belly-Face squashing, full body weight squashing, Belly dropping on literally anything, Facesitting even the brutal side of "no-air" facesitting. (Just love the pure "Power" & Domination there is behind such huge and beautifull woman and even very strong humans cant win if you get hold down by at least 2 SSBBWs, like you just DIE if they want... 3.) Weigh - Ins... for obvious reasons lol
Weigh ins are definitely at the top. Especially when you can watch a few back to back and see the progression. After that it’s struggle/out of breath/actual squeezing to fit. When it’s legit and a whale actually can barely get up off the bed or can’t fit in a door or a car that really gets me going. And to top it off to hear the wheezing and gasping for air after doing basically nothing
>>61478 Burping is one - I love seeing a large woman release a gigantic belch throughout a meal, after a meal or out of random. Much more preferable when soda is not drank, but I do not mind beer. Vore as well, especially if they talk about being fatter as a result of doing it. Bonus point if Giantess Vore. Exercise too when they have become bigger - seeing how they getting fatter makes them get out of breath easier. Boss/Secretary Roleplay is pretty hot seeing fat press against a blouse and office shirt.
>>61514 This And things creaking under them Barely makes any noise when a normal size person moves And when an ssbbw has her weight on it, it screams Love that ^^
Health issues. Heart issues, Cellulitis, skin discoloration, limited Mobility, Diabetes. I love it when they are self aware. 'I am just to horny and addicted to stop..'. I have the same selfdestructive fetish with myself, I remember smoking and hoping to get addicted (I did). Something is probably severely wrong with me or I am just goth.
>>61478 I think the only one of these that doesn't do much for me is belly button fucking. I don't mind it, but for me it's one of those things that's a lot more fun to actually do than to watch. Same for squashing videos. I absolutely love getting squashed/sat on IRL but I don't find it very exciting to watch. >>61514 Also seconding this. In a similar vein, I love seeing them destroy furniture (beds or chairs), especially when it's unintentional.
