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Overweight Relatives Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 18:51:53 Id:14063f No. 55159
Does anyone here have any stories that might invoke them having a fat relative, or a friend with a fat relative. Whether it be a mom, sister, cousin, aunt, stepmom, stepsister, mother in law or sister in law. Feel free to share anything you have from childhood or recent events.
>>55159 Me and my half sister used to get it on when her mom wasn’t around. My dad either didn’t know or didn’t care. She got pretty down about high school and I managed to fatten her up a considerable amount but she wasn’t really a feedees just liked to get high and eat chips/ice cream after she quit lacrosse.
>>55160 >Me and my half sister used to get it on You what?
>>55159 My first experience being around a fat girl was my cousin. She used to babysit us often and was about 5 years older than me. I must have been about 10-11 and her 15-16, I remember her eating everything in our cupboards on a binge (Oreos, stuff from the fridge) and made us promise not to tell on her. One time she sat on me and I liked it more than I cared to admit haha. She ended up blowing up to around 500 lbs and had WLS about 20 years ago. Definitely the beginnings of my love for fat.
>>55161 It was all consensual. There wasn’t some huge age gap, like 3 years. I was in vocational school so we weren’t in the same classes or anything. Just two horny kids sharing a bathroom and bedroom wall. She’d hear me jacking off and walk in on a screenful of feeder porn. Later just bringing the tub of ice cream she was eating and let me rub her belly, which was pretty awesome.
>>55163 >it was all consensual Oh well that makes the incest totally ok then!/s
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>>55160 >Me and my half sister used to get it on First post worst post
>>55163 i just know your bloodline looks like a christmas wreath in shape and your family phrenology is like a depressurized blobfish. actually neck yourself
>>55162 I had very similar experience with my cousin. She was always knocking back dr pepper and would burp super loud. Pretty sure that's where my burping fetish came from
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>>55163 Altough this sounds a bit like larp, I would like to hear more. >>55186 Nice.
My wife and I were never small people. She got WLS three years ago for work reasons, now she’s much smaller and working all sorts of long hours at her corporate gig leaving me to cook for the kids. Look I’m not chef but as a fat boy and a fat lover I can cook good tasting food that not good for you. Anyways my daughter’s been blowing up like a blimp from my cooking and our shared love of fast food. She’s gotta be 300 pounds and isn’t much over 5 foot.
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All this LGBTQ and trans shit why is incest not ok? Fat fetish freaks getting all high and mighty. Furries can rent the airport Marriott but consensual incest— with proper birth control, is you peoples moral line?
>>55204 > Altough this sounds a bit like larp, I would like to hear more. That’s it, happened less than 5 times. We both thought the fat fetish was the weirdest part which it probably was lol. We barely saw each other back then and now basically have separate families that each feature my dad in them. I don’t know if him or her mom know.
When I was like 19 I accidentally left this book on my kitchen table in a stack of books I had picked up from a donation bin. I guess my younger cousin must have seen it because after she visited it was at the top of the stack. I didn't think much of it until a few days later when I was over at her house; we were watching TV in the living room when she called for her mom to get her some ice cream. Her mom said "you already had some earlier" -- she looks right at me -- "he wants me to eat more~" she got significantly chubbier every time I saw her for a while
I have 3 girl cousins that I grew up around until our families got into a spat. The next time I saw the two oldest sisters I was a teenager and they were pretty much adults while the other sister I’ve never gotten to see much since. Well all 3 of them went from skinny/average to 250+ pounds over the past 10 years. It seems to be in their genes to be fat. All the weight loss attempts over the years have failed. As a horny teenager it was my only irl source of weight gain so I’ve always found them very attractive (does it help any if I say we’re not actually blood related lol). The middle sister blew up first after getting pregnant, i think she actually put on 80-100 pounds in a year but frustratingly she hasn’t really gained anymore. She’s still arguably the fattest The oldest was next, she had gotten thick to the point of being fat after getting married and then she got pregnant. Probably 50-60 pounds of fat later, her ass is enormous and her arms and face are so round. Now she is affluent with a fat af cook husband so I’m hoping to see her continue to pile it on as she continues to grow complacent with age. The next cousin is around my age. I knew she had been gaining weight but I thought she was only around 200. She got married today and in some of these pictures she looks just as fat as either of her sisters. It is wild to see her looking so huge when the last time I saw her in 2019 she was only chubby. She looks like she’s gained 70-80 pounds since I last saw her. It’s hard to say for certain but it seems like her belly has gotten huge. With marriage and a baby eventually I’m sure im excited to see what happens to her. I’ve seen her post body positive stuff in the past so I think she has a real chance of hitting 300 and beyond before her sisters I’m sure people think im fucked up but 3 attractive sisters all gaining a hundred pounds is hard to ignore. Rationally I wish them to have healthy lives but a depraved part of me wants to see them keep piling it on as they get older. They all have so much potential to get fatter, given their family history too, I hope one day they all end up over 400 pounds tbh
>>55261 > im fucked up but 3 attractive sisters all gaining a hundred pounds Got any pics?
>>55245 >>55242 >>55229 Like you’re some perfect angels stealing from morbidly obese women. >>55251 Normies just love to bludgeon the little guy with their double standards and randomly applied morality. No one’s gonna get HIV and die here.
>>55159 I think this counts: In elementary/jr. high school I had a friend around the corner whose mom was the fattest woman in the neighborhood. She was short (5'2") and super-pear shaped, all ass, hips, and thighs. My (thin) stepmom would make fun of her, which was hot as hell. I hung out with the kid over a 4 year period and her weight yo-yo'd quite a bit. At her heaviest she had huge upper arms and big tits too, basically Asshlee's body, where her face never changed. She dressed pretty modestly but her clothes were always a bit tight so you could really see her body. Big exception was the day she took us to the beach. She wore a one-piece swimsuit and the backs of her thighs were totally covered in cellulite. It was too small so her ass kept popping out as well and she'd reach back and snap it into place. I'd never seen anything like it.
>>55264 And closer to the theme, I have a cousin who's not super-fat but extremely pear-shaped as well. Basically all her weight is in her thighs — saddlebags, basically — and her ass to a lesser extent. We have a few fat people in the family but one else is like this. It was notable when we were teenagers, especially when she'd wear jeans or shorts, but she became a health/exercise nut in college. So for most of her adult years she was a skinny woman with biggish thighs. But now that we're middle aged they've really popped out again. She complains about her shape here and there but is funny and self-deprecating about it, her "thunder thighs" and "fat ass." I try to be cool for obvious reasons but I wonder if she's aware she's turning me on. (My FA status is a don't-ask/don't-tell thing in our family lol) We live pretty far away from each other so we see each other rarely, but a few years ago we shared an apartment for a few days for our grandmother's 90th. She was trending larger at the time and actually "warned" me she'd put on weight as we were making arrangements! I think it was defensive, that she didn't want me to be shocked when I saw her. Thing is she wasn't *that* big, though she lives in a wealthy town where most people are thin, so it's amplified in her mind. And really it's the juxtaposition of those fat thighs and ass and the rest of her thin. She usually wears dresses in public or for company but for three nights and mornings I'd see her in tight sweat shorts and leggings. It was both wonderful and awful — definitely a test of keeping my shit together lol. No idea what she's like now. Her FB pics are always from the waist-up.
>>55262 tbqh I already have enough guilt for jerking off to them as is, I don’t think I could live with myself if I posted them for other randoms to jerk off to. You’ll just have to take my word for it
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>>55295 He's right though whatever happened to my body my choice?
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>>55296 brother, i don’t believe in that liberal nonsense
>>55296 That’s what I’m saying. What happened to “no human is illegal. Love is love”? If your some criminal and want to cut open your hotdog and turn it into a grilled cheese—the government will pay for it.
>>55304 >What happened to “no human is illegal. Love is love”? What happened to nuanced perspectives? Why are leftoids AND rightoids so fucking stupid, more so in the United States? I fucking hate the politics in this country.
>>55251 Like any subhuman behavior, incest is a lynchpin for inferior creatures. such as Pakistan pajeets who pass cousins and sisters around, mutating entirely new orifices to streetshit with, and Jew oligarchs of vestigial lines, left with coal testicles for a family legacy.
>>55306 Nuance is so goddamn dead in the US. I genuinely blame right-wing media for refusing to have good-faith interviews and spoon feeding their agenda to their viewers. When you have the largest media conglomerate reducing platforms to literally just what's said and filling in the gaps, the rest of news has to stoop down to their level. Now no one is good.
>>55306 >>55308 Nuance about what? Personally I find homosexuality far more disgusting and offensive than incest
>>55309 Cool, just try and justify it. You can’t, because incest is seriously fucked.
>>55310 I don't support either I just find faggotry far more off putting
>>55310 >>55309 >>55307 First off incest is a shit word. It’s natural, at least more than homo shit. Its in the Bible that half siblings fucked. No one got hurt, totally consenting, safe sex, no STDs, no kids. Im against having kids anyway.
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In my eyes incest enjoyers are far worse than homosexuals since they could potentially create troglodytes, jews, or whatever the fuck, they should all be burned at the stake
>>55320 Bro you are on 4chan
>>55323 >you are on 4chan No. No. We are not on 4chan.
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>>55320 only thing i hate more than jews are indians and we all know they are probably the worst offenders of incest enjoymet. If i could turn india into a parking lot i would
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where is your human pride? If your fucking a family member youre no different than a filthy mutt, please have some self respect for yourself and humanity. If you continue the whole earth could possibly turn into india.
>>55251 Cause incest will cause you kids to be forest gump
>>55320 Chubby chasing aint got nothin to do with yo crack ass star. Use your Us national stimulus fund to feed a bitch to room size. then ill respect you
>>55160 I hope you get an STD and burn in hell you sub human scum.
>>55500 All of y'all are inbreed faggots please die a slow painful demise.
Not proud for noticing. But step-daughter’s been plumping up. Almost all goes to her boobs.
>>55607 Be PROUD! Lean into your preferences! Start grooming her to fuck. Post pics here!
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>>55622 Lol ok… she’s getting pretty large up top.
>>55624 What’s up with her teeth? Don’t guys not have dentists or does she chug coffee and cigarettes like a newsroom copy editor?
>>55225 > Anyways my daughter’s been blowing up like a blimp from my cooking and our shared love of fast food. She’s gotta be 300 pounds and isn’t much over 5 foot. >>55624 Parents should probably be careful here. If you fatten you girl up to immobility that’s gonna be your problem. It’s not like a normal feedee you can have cleaned/cared for by their parents when they’re too big and too much work.
>>55159 Art sauce plz?
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>>55168 Not even close dawg, fuck me dead >>55225 >>55607 >>55624 Human cognition was a grave evolutionary misstep
Can we get back on topic?
An old friend of my mother used to be morbidly obese. I wasn't into this fetish back then, but I remember damn well that she was quite big. During the COVID 19 lockdown, my parents stopped frequenting her since she has been through a depression or smth. Until maybe a year ago when we get a facetime with her, slim, maybe even slimmer than me. But yeah except her I don't think anyone in my family is fat.
>>55225 Either inside or outside of fetish shit creating a family unit of fat fucks is kino. Keep at it anon.
>>55307 Measurehead? Is this you?
>>55754 Who here isn’t fattening the people in their family? Before having my own family to feed I fattened up the dog, I fattened up my great aunt who was living with us, I fattened up friends cats and gerbils thru college, anything I can feed I did. Fattening your own family is the best because their your legal property.
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>>55762 The incest shit's already weird enough, but your dog? Your friend's cats and gerbils? Holy shit man.
>>55764 Is this all really incest? A lot of it’s just some dads getting their daughters extra fat. Nothing sexual.
>>55829 People are really throwing around the I word like it’s dudes having kids with their own moms.
>>55624 I will be cum-tributing your step-daugher, Belgiumchad.
>>55626 Agreed. Both my wife and I are big. When it comes to our kids, though, we make balanced meals (for the most part). It's irresponsible to drag them into our lifestyle.
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>>55833 Now that’s what I’ve been waiting to hear. Go for it, friend.
>>55834 >>55854 Having fat or even obese kids isn’t a big deal in this day and age. This guys straight up pimping his daughter out on the chan.
Here's one less weird. Long-time GF (8 years next month) sister (so sister in law?) put on a ton of weight since GF and I have been together. They're both pears so it was incredible distracting when I would come by for family dinners or family outings and see her sister fatter than before. Eventually her gallbladder had to be removed and she lost a ton of weight since she couldn't eat much but prior to that it was just 0_0 everytime I was there for a family gathering. Didn't help that she wore crop tops and her gut was often on display, despite being somewhere between 250-300 lbs or that she used to wear bikinis. But oh well, C'est la vie.
If there’s no abuse or pregnancy, I don’t see how incest is anyone’s business to be judging. Plus fattening your own kids is not incest.
>>55159 and i thought freud thread was bad
>>56107 You could always just ignore it, but yet your here
>>56107 > and i thought freud thread was bad The Carl Jung thread was a dumpster fire and that sucks because he’s like my favorite gestalt psychologist.
Han an ex that was fattened up by her both verbal and physically abusive mentally ill narcissistic mother. Very kind girl deep down but definitely fucked in the head after that upbringing.
>>56159 How fat did psychomom managed to fatten her?
>>56199 Rough estimate she was about 350 pounds while being relatively short at 16, unfortunately by the time we got together when we were 18 she'd taken control of her life and dropped to about 280-300.
>>56159 I dated a really crazy girl right after high school that was weirdly similar. She had a mother that would pile the food in front of her while also just passive aggressively laying into her all the time. Her father had died when she was a kid, and he had a whole second family that he kept hidden for a number of years, so she had a couple half-brothers. She was around 380ish I think (always said she was "not 400 pounds", thats all I got out of her), and had an enormous belly and a hugely fat ass. She could eat like a goddamn lunatic and she would then complain about having heartburn and how she was so gassy. She was my first lesson that, you can be so totally keyed into someone on a physical/sexual level while detesting them on a mental/emotional/platonic level. She was very stunted emotionally, and always pickinh fights for no real reason. Just so fucked up by her upbringing, but goddamn she was so hot when she'd ride me or burp in my face when we were making out.
>>55168 I don't like antisemitic memes, please don't post stuff like this.
>>56217 Don't worry that shit heel black Nazi lost NC
I’d like to see some more photos of these overweight relatives…
>>55225 So obviously she's enjoying the process, but maybe she's enjoying the results too? Any chance you could deliberately encourage her to push her eating limits?
>>57280 Easy peasy. I’m telling you, antidepressants are a godsend. It’s not just water weight either, that kind of pharmacology turns girls into insatiable eating machines.
>>55159 My mom used to be an "all good around) fatty when i was a kid, which probably awake it in me. Other relatives : My younger aunt was blimping up really fast in her pregnancies, and along with her 5'3 stature and fairly heavy bottom built, made her look huge as fuck. She got smaller over the years tho. My cousin(from the other side) used be a borderline hourglass bbw (slight belly, "khazar milkers" with a little more emphasis on the bottom parts). I saw her a year ago, and along with her being pregnant, she was close to peak mel malloy.
>>57315 I'm currently in the uae(vacation), but I'm the israeli anon from the dating advice thread.
>>57316 Kys, genocidal pedophile-lover
>>57417 No need to project
i have a cousin who absolutely blew up. she was always bigger growing up but once college hit she inflated like a balloon right before my eyes. 28 now and pushing 600 easily
Two stories When I was about 9 or so, I went camping with my entire family. One of my teenage cousins was not outright fat, but very chubby. I remember being transfixed on her for the entire trip. I wonder if anyone noticed. Was one of my first awakenings. Most embarrassing thing was when she went for a swim in the river, I went in after her and would drive deep under the water to look up at her. I REALLY hope no one noticed that. I haven't seen her in years, hope shes doing good. Obviously, I no longer have feelings for her. I have distant cousin that I saw a few times during my teenage years, cause my Mom and her Mom became friends for a while. Now she was FAT, I'm guessing around 500 pounds. She legit took up more than half of my couch. Gigantic stomach and was wide as hell. Had a Scene/Diet Goth aesthetic. Sometimes when her Mom visited my Mom, she would bring her and we would hang out in my room. We mostly played on my Wii. One time, while we were playfully shit-talking each other, she pulled me in and sat on me. Obviously, I acted like I hated it, but that sealed the fetish for me, I think. I blame her for why I'm here. She did it a few more times, but I think her Mom and mine drifted apart and we were never really that close for us to hang out with just each other. Haven't seen her since before COVID. While writing this up, I looked up her Insta and she's about the same. Maybe I should say hi or something.
>>59765 DO SAY HI
>>59765 What’s her insta? But do talk to her if it’s been that long
>>59765 >I have distant cousin How distant though? At a certain point (I think 3rd), you are not "really" related anymore, and if so, you should totally say hi, and be normal.
>>57951 Pics or it didn’t happen
>>59765 secret hint, enormously fat teenaged girls arent self conscious about their weight at all and will just sit on you as if it was made up, straight out of your wildest fantasies.
>>59766 >>59770 I will say Hi, just to check in how she's doing. Though keep in mind, that original story about the visits and her sitting on me was literally like more than a decade ago, when we were kids. And it was only like 6 times in total. After that, it was just randomly seeing each other in family reunions. Since we're now both adults with lives, so I doubt anything will happen more than pleasantries. If whatever happens, happens. >>59771 It's 4th, cause she's from my Great-Grandaunt's side. But again, I doubt this will ever matter. >>59785 I don't know if I agree with this. I met some fat girls, during my teenage years, who were pretty outward with how fat they were, but also felt like being so outward was a "defense" for their insecurity. In my personal life, I met much more adult women who weren't self conscious about it.
>>59798 Then legally and genetically speaking, you're not really related anymore. At 4 generations, there's even a chance you don't even share any common DNA.
>>59813 Incest is entirely overblown. Just don’t have kids lol. Easy as that to avoid all problems with incest.
Had a fat aunt (by marriage) who I was in love with so hard as a kid. Probably my first exposure to fat women. Saw her pretty often and even told her I loved her one day lol. She lost so much weight and it’s such a tragedy. She’s really skinny now but I do like to look at old pictures of her. Also got a pretty chubby hot second cousin. I don’t see her often but she has gained some real weight over the years. Look at her social media now and then.
>>59990 >I do like to look at old pictures of her. Come one, share it with us anon.
My godmother's very fat and her daughters, who are about 20 years older than I, had weight fluctuations over the years, sometimes they get really fat, lose most of the weight, then something happens and they end up rebouding even fatter than before, one of them became a lawyer, married and had a kid, the other stayed at her mother's house most of her life so far, they're in their 40s at this point, the one that didn't get a husband started babysitting and even started a online cake shop, which obviously enough, made her weight skyrocket, but I have good memories with both of them, there was this time were we went to the mall together to get McDonalds and go to the theater, it was a fun time, they both have black hair and pale skin, one has brown eyes, the other has green eyes, they are wearing black most of the time, so I guess you could say that visiting them from time to time was another factor into why I'm into this type of woman
>>60017 This isn't really related to this thread but you reminded me of it. My godmother isn't very fat (at least not to guys like us) but she is a bit chubby and very curvaceous. When I was growing up her body type was basically like Mal Malloy or a "Venus" hentai character. Big tits, wide hips, thick thighs, etc. I wasn't horny for her per se but I definitely found her body type very appealing. She has a daughter who is very attractive but much slimmer. She showed me her pussy once when I was 12 and she was 16, and it was the first time I ever saw one. Me and her brother were playing in the pool while she was sitting on a lounge chair next to the pool reading a book. He left the pool for some reason, so it was just me in the pool and her sitting by the pool. She looked at me, pulled her bikini to one side to show me her vagina and smirked at me. I kind of just stared at her like a deer in the headlights. Then he came back to the pool and that was the end of that. She and I have never acknowledged or discussed this in the 16 years since it happened.
