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Whatever Happened To? Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 01:05:32 Id:e5212a No. 52191 >>52199 >>52264 >>59937 >>60501 >>62415
Here’s a thread for models that seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Or if you’re wondering the status of someone, post here. I’ll go first: What happened to the red hair chick that modeled with Spanx Beluga?
Im not here to kink shame but if I’m looking at Brave Little Toaster fat fetish porn I’m out.
Ah fuck wrong thread I’m a retard
ObesityGlorifier brooooo she was so fucking hot
Fuck yeah she was I forgot about her
Really early gainer, like 2000s/2010 era in the scene I think from Canada or California. Had a really huge upper gum line, sorta horse mouthed. Blonde I think, maybe had a site?
>>52191 You’re thinking of FupaTrooper. Always got the sense she was more of a “feabie chick” than an actual model but I was disappointed when she didn’t really keep up with modeling. I liked her and Spanx together. People on here will tell you she ran off with an older man who used to date around the fat fetish scene. I am wondering what Violet James, Margot, and PleasantlyPlump’s statuses are? Feel like those are three names you stopped seeing around here within the last year or two.
>>52199 I have some insight here, I'm Facebook friends with a couple bash scene people and two or three models so I've done my fair share of creeping. PleasantlyPlump had a major health scare some time ago and I wouldn't count on seeing her do content again. I came across her personal TikTok and I think she's doing a whole wellness/"mY jOuRnEy" type thing now. Thought about posting it in the drama thread but I didn't really want to doxx her. Violet got married sometime ago and I think has lost some weight but it's hard to tell. She'll drop something on her clips store every so often but I wouldn't be shocked if it's just older stuff she never released. >>52197 For some reason the name that comes to mind here is Madison Akers, who died like a decade ago.
Always wanted to know what happened to edenn from stuffer31. Was the best model on the site imo.
Mallory Melons, Cajun Big EZ, Amazon Blythe, Eloise Sunset, JENNI, BBW Gwen, Daizy Dukes, Luscious Amazon (the last 3 announced their retirements tho).
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Looking for Spicy, who was on a now-defunct site called Premium BBW (which I'm pretty sure was an offshoot of BBW Royalty). I have a fair amount of pics and a few videos but based on the full set previews I have there's a lot more. I joined her site and downloaded what I could but then she went inactive. I found more stuff years later (I think here?) where she was bigger but there was no indication what site the stuff was from. She was in a few Bodacious Magazine bash pics as well (attached, on the right). Anyway I wonder if she's still active in some capacity, maybe under a different name. >>52216 Cajun Big EZ had WLS a while back and kept posting on Southern Charms as she deflated, then stopped. Maybe business dropped off to where it wasn't worth it anymore or she got sick of it. Jenni remarried mid-comeback and posted a fairly hostile message about content sharing. The tone of the message was out of character, and she'd been in the biz for a long time and thus presumably used to people pirating her stuff. For these reasons many suspect the new husband stepped in and ended things, using sharing as an excuse.
Not that I'm interested in her, but what ever happened to Gaining Gabi? She used to be everywhere.
>>52220 She had about a decade ago a shrinked stomach by surgery, to the size of a tennis ball, as she claimed to have had cancer in the stomach. Though she pretend to regain it, but I don't take this...
i miss: Dawn Davenport (think i saw on twitter years ago that she lost weight, but never found her account again) Vylette Vonne Anastacia Vanderbust Mandy ? (From her first Fatgirl) Veronica Bottoms Voloptous Kennedy
Calico Bombshell?
>>52248 I have zero idea what happened to Mandy but somebody’s GOTTA revive the her first fat girl concept. That shit was so money.
>>52191 Supersized Ivory?
Jelli bean! She’s been on a couple episode of reality TV but really hasn’t been seen in porn or as an actress and I miss her fat ass
>>52271 What shows has she been on?
>>52251 Yeah, real lesbian sex with a big weight contrast is missing right now.
>>52366 Lisa Lou's videos with her smaller friend scratch that itch for me a little. Brianna also did some EXCELLENT ones with that skinny little minx Petra; those should still be available on Spankbang if you're willing to dig for them. A couple other names I wonder about: thicksadworld (she was everywhere on here a couple years ago but less so these days), purplewings, Sunny Bombshell, Tamara Bombshell, various bigcuties like Miley/Aurora/MFB/Kelly/mizzpuss/Remy, Amatrix, Val Malloy, Anorei/Lexxxi Luxe.
>>52371 A lot of those girls just aged out or left the business. The one story I’ve heard about Sunny is she was getting too fat to work her day job as a hair stylist. You can see in her later work she got WLS and it uh… didn’t look great. But that was over ten years ago. Mizzpuss might have also gotten WLS or I may be confusing her with someone else. Some bbwchan OGs will remember Anorei got her start posting on here in like 2008-2009. It was cool to see her go from big titted shitposter to legit porn star but yeah I’ve also lost track of her lately. I remember her and Cotton Candi were on tour offering sessions a few years back but beyond that I got nothing.
>>52371 Purplewings and her partner (bf? husband? idk) wanted to have kids. She suffered several miscarriages due to her weight, so she quit and started losing weight. I dunno if they were ever successful in starting a family, but AFAIK they're still together. There was some kind of drama with MFB but I can't remember what. Amatrix just sort of faded into irrelevance while slowly losing her mind (many such cases!); she's completely mad now AFAIK. I'm most curious about Val Malloy. Mal and Val was some crazy shit. A duo of sisters (alike enough to be twins but not actually twins) gaining and doing very risqué softcore stuff (Val's solo stuff was admittedly raunchier but still) together? If it was WG fic you'd call it unrealistic. AFAIK Val just kinda quietly quit, but Mal still pops up once in a blue moon.
>>52431 Purple wings tried her hand at mommy vlogging or weight loss influencer grifting at one point but I don’t think it stuck because she’s frankly pretty repulsive. I think she briefly returned to porn after declaring she was gonna lose weight but it didn’t stick. Unfortunately I think you remember the Mal/Val thing a little too fondly. It was crazy that they appeared semi nude (I think they got their butts out but that’s it?) in pics and slightly touched each other but unless my memory is waaaaay off that was the only “content” they did together and I don’t even recall them interacting online much once Val got settled into doing her own thing. I still remember being dumbstruck that Val existed in the first place. Oh you mean there’s TWO of you, Mal?? And the other one is the slutty evil twin??? You’re right, if it was fic I’d roll my eyes.
I know Alena is back (Sort of), but does anyone know what happened to her during her hiatus?
This is some old ass shit, but one of the first fatties I nutted to was a girl who went by pinksugar1989 AKA Tori Taylor AKA Taylie Belling. She alternated between pregnancy and stuffing content. Never really got that fat, and she eventually disappeared. But there's something about that first nut that makes you remember. Sometimes I fantasise that she's 400 pounds now and planning a comeback.
I've always wondered what happened to Sherly from stuffer31 but knowing how shady that site is she probably just ran away or something. Also really miss MsChunky, she was gorgeous.
>>52431 Amatrix "lost her mind" when her boyfriend decided to break up with her out of the blue and force her to live on the streets. She lost a lot of stuff and is now trying to reclaim her life. Remember, this is a woman who has dreamed of being immobile. 100% into this lifestyle and had thought her boyfriend was the one. She got to nearly 450lbs as she has big moments of having her body maintain her weight.
>>52371 thicksadworld still makes content, but outside of onlyfans it's once in a blue moon, and with coomer in the state it's in idk how often she makes content on OF
>>52509 sHe WaNtEd tO bE *~iMmObIle~* ShE’s So InTo iT bRo
What happened to Heather BBW? She hasn't updated her site in years but BigCuties is still going. I heard she got covid and might be paralyzed?
Amatrix almost 40, she never wanted to be immobile or she’d be a lot closer
>>52199 Not that there was anything wrong with it, but her and Gillian were total pot heads when they lived in the upper NE years ago, Believed in the "Open relationship" thing. One of them went on and has a very healthy relationship and life. The other one can't hold a relationship longer than six months without a breakdown. Guess which is which.
>>52533 Amanda was always a sugar daddy even when I knew her 15 years ago. Worked at Walmart and said "I shouldn't have to work for anything", so she found the community, married that guy in Vegas, Bob's your uncle.
>>52529 She was already done modeling when it happened, but yeah Covid basically put her on her deathbed and she made a recovery, albeit she's wheelchair bound now. From her social media posts it seems like she's kept a really positive attitude through the whole ordeal. Still runs BC but has only appeared on camera once since then, in an Eve set.
Anyone know what happened to stuffingkit?
>>52691 I think she had a kid and got her mental health under control. Still makes content last I checked.
>>52693 Last I saw her post was almost a year ago I think.
>>52693 I remember seeing her do a guest spot with someone - can't recall who - fairly recently and being surprised she was still around.
>>52691 is she alive? her bf was really weird
>>52723 > her bf was really weird Hr was weird in 2010s. In the 2020s he’s a tall goth Chad with nail paint on.
>>52745 Is he just a crossdresser? I thought he/she/they was trans or some shit Kit was one of my og faves btw, although the SH scars are a major turnoff
Whatever happened to robot jones?
>Mz. Milky Diva had an Onlyfans and a TikTok page >No one cared enough to archive either >I've only recently found out about either through titsintops https://titsintops.com/phpBB2/index.php?threads/bbw4u-mz-diva-milky-diva.102284/page-2 Ay, caramba.
>>52766 It’s so bizarre to me when obvious greats like this go unnoticed but yet another small breasted apple shaped girl gets a hundred post thread.
Larenlovely started making content again. does anyone know what happened to her older stuff? I only found part1/4 of a burger stuffing she did on spankbank
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She went by Deja, or maybe even Ms Deja. She did some work with Tiffany Crushingberry I think.
>>52898 Is Tiffany still around? I remember she posted a really weepy dramatic “I am also secretly a sex worker” video on her non-porn YouTube page and possibly quit after that? Also some connected lore from this thread: the guy fupatrooper shacked up with is an ex of Amatrix’s
Does Imogeneize still exist anywhere? She used to have a tumblr but its long gone now. She was so hot
>>52898 She went by Deja Vu. My wife and I was good friends with her back when Fat Forums was at its peak.
>>53189 No, she stopped. I think she got burnt out because she started posting when she was fourteen.
>>53191 >Deja Vu That was it! Thanks. >Fat Forums Now there's a name I have heard of in a long time.
>>52220 I get what you mean about being curious. Woman was ghoulish and I’m pretty sure she was cognitively impaired. Just someone to gawk at. Can’t imagine what the one looks like thinner. Must look like some kind of shitty special effect.
>>53202 >pretty sure she was cognitively impaired. Oh she most definitely was! Sometimes, she gave off some huge Chris-Chan tier vibes.
>>53209 Terrible shape, too. Built like someone’s uncle. Takes a real orc to make Donna Simpson look like one of the Big Cuties, but she pulled it off. There’ll always be sideshow appeal in this community.
>>52509 Hi, Hailey. You got any more of those 240p videos from when people thought you were hot?
>>53214 In all fairness those videos were legitimately hot as hell and helped ease me into the feedist world in my early twenties. I still watch one of them fairly regularly lmao
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Always curious where a lot of the non-SEA models on S31 have gone. Taylor/Alexis had peak trashy college girl energy, Isabella and Lorelei were great too Makes me wonder how many would've stayed "in the scene" if S31 guy wasn't a weirdo to work with. Cutie spends her days hooking up with dudes on feabie, and expressed no desire to get back into modeling. The Alice pic was from her tumblr, where she got much fatter after S31 and half of her account was complaining about working with him.
My GOAT Jenni Bombshell! What happened?? I’m trying to get her timeline figured out. Yes a couple years ago she made a brief comeback then stopped again but she also stopped from like 2016 to 2017, and 2019-2022. What happened during those years? Divorces? To my knowledge, she never mentioned those hiatuses to her fans. Did anyone else notice how out of character her last 2019 set video was? It was honestly weird. Iykyk. >>52219 Her last Big Hot Bombshells content update was late July 2022. The work out video. Then in October 2022, she got married and posted wedding pics on facebook but someone leaked them on bbw chan and she immediately deleted her FB. Her IG had been deleted for some time but her Twitter/X is still up to this day despite nothing new for over 5 years. So there was a bit over 2 months gap between the last BHB update and the wedding. I’m assuming prep for the wedding is what stopped the updates. The weird thing is that BHB was left up for several more months till the following March iirc. When/where did Jenni post the hostile out of character message about content sharing? Do you have pics?
Genuinely curious as to what happened to Edenn from stuffer31. Best gut on that site,imo.
Jessicuh or something? also another girl I think a friend. Like MySpace era.
>>52204 She ended up getting sick a lot and had to quit. You could tell because her voice was a lot raspier and she wasn't eating as much towards the end.
>>52457 There was something about a Typhoon that hit her and Aileen's village. I could've sworn they left and never came back because of it.
>>53554 I always wondered what happed to Cutie content, that would make sense that she essentially quit, there was a lot of space between content near the end anyway. Met her at a couple feabie/ff meetups, she give me kinda wierd vibes.
I think her name was Britt, I watched her YouTube and she seemed normal. Than a couple of years ago she seamed to be having a breakdown of sorts, I think she was claiming to be God. It's been radio silence since. I really hope she is ok and recovering.
>>55556 My theory has always been that she ended up taking a bunch of mind altering drugs and she fried her brain. She came onto the Chan once and was writing really long rants to people who doubted she was god.
>>55556 >>55558 I have been on bbwchan since 2012-13 and this was the craziest thing I have seen on here, period. I don't know if you can come back from that shit.
>>55564 I don't think you can. I think she also she really wanted out of porn when she left BigCuties and tried to make it as a vlogger but it flopped and had to come back to porn. I think that probably played a role in her eventual breakdown.
>>55568 The thing of it is, it didn't flop. She got millions of views on her lookbook videos, which was basically her parading around in bikinis. She received backlash for coming out as a lesbian, like, RIGHT AFTER the mass shooting of Pulse, a gay nightclub... but I think it was the pressure that got to her more than anything. But then she went back to porn, kept trying to keep a presence on TikTok, and now she's just sporadically somewhere.
>>55569 I always thought it was silly of her to build a vlogging career off the back of that bikini video, Since I always suspected most of those views were just dudes like us looking for free spank material and not girls looking for body positive content but that's just my take on it.
I wanna know what happened to Kristy Alley. Not a fan of the cuck / black shit, but she has an absolute S tier belly.
Anyone know what happened to Rowan from Red Hot Phat Girlz? Big, ginger ssbbw, somewhat pearshaped?
>>55599 Rowan got WLS again and left the scene, she wanted to make a comeback but Redhottie rejected the idea because of how deflated she got
There was a really cute dark haired British girl about a year ago, showed up on scene, dropped a 500+ pound weigh in and then was never heard from again. I for the life of me cannot remember her name - anybody happen to remember?
>>55615 Ssbbwmillie But idk what happened to her either. I recall her going a decent amount of weight in short amount of time, and then just leaving the scene I guess...? Her link tree is empty https://linktr.ee/ssbbwmillie Her old of is also gone, so I'll just leave her coomer here: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/ssbbwmillie I'm not 100% sure but I recall that she might have found out about her content getting leaked on coomer, but idk if that had anything to do with her disappearing. By the looks of her weight gain and her first post on of stating she's back I believe that she must have been active in the scene for quite some time, so even stranger to start modeling just to call it quits a short while after. If anyone know anything about her leaving I'd love to know more.
>>55608 Yeesh. Any current pics? I’m morbidly curious
>>55619 only one got posted and I'm sure it's been lost to time by now but it was bad, very bad.
>>55616 This is total conjecture, but I totally got the vibe from her posts that it was her partner doing the filming and posting. And that she was just along for the ride. So if they split, that would be the end of the content.
Whatever happened to Desi Rose? Or Bigsoftie(Quinn)?
>>54571 It’s been over a month? No one has any response?
Whatever happened to Tamara? She was an amazing hourglass with a girl Nextdoor vibe and she just disappeared.
SSBBW Bambi Her Pornhub videos are still up but I her other social media seems to be wiped.
>>54571 Anyone got a follow up on this??
>>56416 General consensus is that she's retired thanks to the new marriage, and the last message was from her husband, not her.
>>56241 Got a bit overwhelmed by the whole business, fell out with bigcuties, shaved her head, incidentally is still in that look to this day, and goes around in a wheelchair, but has no interest in this community or I guess males in general any more Funny you ask this with an Aus id, coz she’s also from Aus. (I am too)
MissMeelah? Seems to have disappeared around two years ago, was super hot and gaining though
Anyone know what happened to Sweetfrosting?
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>>56522 Made this last goodbye post on onlyfans All newer posts just have been red hearts she leaves from time to time... :/
After seeing her content in another thread on gen I am wondering if anybody knows whatever happened to big cuties Miley? I know she got out years ago but she never did only fans or a clips store?
>>56503 Damn that's crazy, and depressing. Do you have anything else to share about her? I thought the guy in the videos was her boyfriend?
>>56649 I would guess that was her bf too but I guess the next logical event would be that that took a depressing turn. But I’m pretty sure a lot of the exit was anxiety driven nothing overly dark I’m reasonably sure she’s single now coz I saw her on wooplus maybe a year or two ago Tbh she’s probably in a balanced place these days, she’s reasonably prominent in the plus size community scene in Sydney/aus if you know where to look; and by that I mean it’s a women supports women type community and I would highly suggest not personally getting involved and observe silently from afar if at all. Last photo is from Mardi Gras 2024 of her large and chilling on her wheelchair with her crew She’s a self proclaimed artist as in does literal artworks, and also lives and looks after her mum; so that’s what’s she’s up to last I checked
>>54571 Please does anyone have answers? Recently a Jenni thread was created but it got deleted unfortunately
>>57600 is she gone completely?
>>57969 Yeah.
https://gofile.io/d/OtEO40 Mostly old stuff of BCmiley some stuff of Skylar as well but I'm honestly just trying to save
Lunarosa. Discovered her last year which is a shame because she's far and away one of the most beautiful SSBBWs I've ever seen
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>>56599 >>58393 Miley hasn't returned to the scene in any substantial way, although she does have a tumblr that she's been managing for the last few years. lethereatcakee You can find some selfie's she's posted tagged with #me on there. I'm really bad at guessing and restimating weights, so I can't tell if she's gained, lost, or maintained (probably not gained, but honestly I'm a shocker at telling) Regardless. The tumblr is mostly for self-chronicaling and self-pleasure, not content. Happy to see she's happy though, I always liked Miley quite a bit, and I'm not sure why...
Anyone remember ssbbwdulce?
Anybody know what happened to BBW Casey? by chance happened to just look the other day for her OF and then looked on C4S for her OF for a clip and realized it looks like her OF and social media accounts are gone. She was a cute fat lil butterball and I loved watching her grow and stuff herself silly especially since she had a mobile health clinic she was working on Anybody know what happened to make her suddenly up and disappear? (I'm assuming it had something to do with her IRL job and or getting doxxed)
JuicyLittleFatGrl Lolla Blaze Phat Phoebe. I fucking loved Phat Phoebe. She only ever did camming, but Avery Kennedy. So fucking hot. Last I spoke to her she had left Oregon and moved in with some soldier at base camp.
>>59212 God damn yes Juicy Little Fat Girl was outstanding. Super cute and round, one of the first SSBBWs to really draw me in.
>>55572 I heard the church she was active in found out about her porn career and she shut everything down to try and salvage that.
whatever happened to Victoria? AKA Chubby Girl Videos?! she was too ahead of her time, if OnlyFans existed back then she wouldnt have to deal with PayPal bullshit
>>59239 She got doxxed so she left Lost the weight and had a kid. Happy for her tbh
>>52365 couple of appearances on the simple life, she was on a gene simmons reality show for one episode, and had a major role in a mystery diners episode in louisiana nothing since. I wonder if casting agents put her real name together with her porn name and she stopped getting roles
Fupatrooper got her start on redhotphatgirlz as Larousse
Anyone know what happened to Ssbbw Avery?
>>52191 >>52271 Yeah Jellibean was hot. I did a bit of snooping around and it seems that Jellibean retired from the industry, moved to Mississippi, got married , had a kid and now works as a paralegal. Did her husband know about her porn career? If so then that's wild - personally speaking I wouldn't marry and have kids with a woman who starred in two separate '4 man gang bang ' videos, but to each their own . What ever the case , Jellibean seems to be doing okay.
>>59267 Man, CGV was the one who got me into big gals in the first place. It's nice to hear that she's doing alright.
Kat Destruction. What happened to her? I guess she just retired. She's mid 40s now and the BBW specific camsites like JustBBWCams closing stopped her revenue. Man I miss those sites
Kaybee1989. She joined the community to much fanfare last year, then dipped, then came back, but I haven’t seen or heard much from her since. Is she still around or did she get creeped out again?
>>52219 I was Facebook friends with Spicy up until she deleted her account about a year ago. I was messaging her a couple months before she deleted her account, and she had said that even though she was still well over 350 pounds (she was 400+ during her modeling days), she was trying to lose weight because of health issues and had no interest in modeling again. I believe she's currently in her late 50's, so that makes sense
Muffinmaid She ended up getting a decent size in the end, but haven't seen anything in years, anyone know?
>>60146 Thanks much for the update, though that's a bummer. Obv. I was hoping for a comeback. Every few months I stumble across a clip or pic I haven't seen which makes me realize there's way more out there. The age didn't/doesn't bother me b/c I like MILFs/GILFs, though I actually would have guessed 60s, not 50s. Latinas really do hit the wall face-first lol. And 400# surprises me as well, though I know she plumped up between the two phases of her career.
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>>60308 Honestly I'm not shocked that she was over 400 during her modeling days. She had a huge belly
>>60353 sorry to ask but do you have any clips or pics of her. i haven't seen her in YEARS!
>>60437 Here's everything I have: https://gofile.io/d/f0tDmi If you have anything not here, please post it! Thanks.
>>52191 Big C*tie Mollie? She was my dime, literally she was the most attractive woman I'd ever seen, even before she turned me on to the whole FA/bbw scene. Never figured out anything except we had the same birthday, but I'm sure she's taken. That unbelievably cute way her lips curled when she was really smiling, it was infectious man. Really wanted to take her out on a date and get a drink you know? Like beyond the fetish crap... Working/ living in DC sucks for making relationships, especially if you are a FA/BBW. There is this crux to be the best and be the healthiest, nobody is very attractive here physically, forget conversationaly. And the food scene is all about "fancy" and "eclectic". Maybe I should move but IDK where I could find work in the field I'm in tbh. I'm rambling. Shit sucks here. TLDR - what happened to BC Mollie Also I live in DC. AMA
>>60498 thank you, i remember her being fuller tho. rose tinted glasses i guess
>>59267 That's too bad about her being blown outta the water, her content was to die for. I heard she shed the lbs, but where did you hear she had a kid?
>>60501 I can not agree with you more brother. For me Mollie is peak woman in all senses. She has a figure of a goddess and a face that makes you want to propose to hear immediately. She is a benchmark of beauty bodywise and facewise i compare every other bbw to. Idk its a weird feeling i feel like there are no others like her. I would pay my yearly wage just to have a date with her and rub her belly on the way from the restaurant where i would feed her everything she desires. Damn the dreams. I live over the ocean in Europe and here he bbws are way less of a thing than is US so be happy brother with what you have in the US even though u are in DC area. But god Mollie is something else. I am so sad that she has vanished. I wish i had some more content of hers. btw do you have anything worth sharing of her? i would appreciate it a LOT if you upload what you have. Anyhow, wish you good luck in finding at least someone close to this goddess.
This is a less "fetishy" model and more of a porn one but does anyone know what happened to Darla Bell/Rose Red? Goth-ish fat girl with tatted breasts. Shot with Nasty Media and Busty Babydolls in the early 10s before disappearing off the face of the earth.
>>60557 No Dominican BBWs in Spain?
>>52248 Veronica Bottoms came back for like a blip and shot with BBWHighway a couple years back. Beyond that idk
>>60564 she was a lot bigger in her second run. would really like to know how she looks now. need her back
>>60607 She was gorgeous on her first go around but then the second time around with the added weight just blew me away. Was always a fan of her proportions, big everywhere.
>>60607 No she wasn’t that was older content they released out of order dipshit.
>>60626 it´s okay if you only know her scenes of her second run as a ssbbw. Her first tattoo less run as a bbw was a total different game
I’m definitely going to need more of obesity Glorifier.
https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/7304&acs=Obes Seriously hands down the hottest woman on the internet.
what happened to spankbang it used to be so good for bbw porn but nothing new in years
>>61533 right? It's pathetic now
So nobody has anything on this chick
>>61533 even the paysites suck now. Plumperpass and jeff models. Reposts and it feels like the girls get slimmer every month
Anyone knows what happend to ssbbwmillie She showed some very promising and fast gains on her journey to 600. But it seems like she just dissapeared... :/ Only thing I could find was some coomer updates up to late 2023, her old reddit with two post and an old since empty linktree. https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/ssbbwmillie https://old.reddit.com/user/Ssbbwmillie/ https://linktr.ee/ssbbwmillie
The first years of Feabie, there used to be a SSBBW who was pretty active in the UK scene, organising Feabie meet-ups. She was quite short, belly heavy and also dipped her toes in modelling for a while. Forgot her name. Anyone remembers who this could be?
Whatever happened to my goat Jenni Bombshell?! When she left, she was at the biggest and sexiest she ever looked. She picked the worst time to leave. 3 wasted years of missed opportunities later she still isn’t back.
>>62370 I remember her, as I went to a Feabie meet up, but I can't remember her name. She had a robot tattoo on her wrist I think.
>>62396 What was the gender ratio like? I have to imagine it was a complete sausage fest. When I tried using Feabie the gender ratio of users in Ireland was literally about 1:30. In other words there were about 10 female users and about 300 male users, or to put it yet another way, it was about 97% male.
>>52191 This one's more niche, but does anyone know what happened to SoftBellyBaby on Reddit? She also used to have an OnlyFans called SoftBellyBaby_1
What happened to Girlybelly123 or littlegainereve?
>>62396 That's possible, I don't remember. She had quite a big belly and I think one of her lower legs was substantially bigger than the other one. It had quite some fat below the knee. No one from the UK scene remember her?
>>62393 She’s been mysteriously absent. It’s frightening and upsetting
>>62480 Jenni we miss you very much. Please come back
>>62480 >>62481 you're weird as hell, shut the fuck up

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