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Favorite race of woman Anonymous 03/20/2025 (Thu) 19:18:38 Id:7ad18b No. 62176 >>62246 >>62316
Finally a thread for all the racists fucks to spew their mind. Which race is your cup of tea. Me personally I go for women with Carmel skin- Hispanics, Indian- Americans, Pacific Islanders with a yellow pigment gets me going. But I also like a big fat trailer white bitch they make great fucks and their minds are so diluted they’ll eat themselves to immobility. I don’t like black girls as much but I do find them attractive I think skinny black girls are the finest thin women but big black women and Asians are kinda ugly idk y (I’m black)
Arab, Persian, or Mediterranean (Greek, Italian, etc). I like dark hair, ethnic looks, and they tend to put on weight in a pleasing way.
For me, it's Black chicks. Something about the contrast between their dark skin and my light skin drives me all sorts of nuts. Plus, they tend to fill out very well as far as weight goes. The tone of their voices tends to be very sensual to me, and their skin tends to be amazingly soft to the touch. Their faces can be a bit rough, and the smell thing isn't just a meme, but I find myself generally not minding too much. Hispanic women are up there as well. Similar story with the contrast thing, just to a less extreme degree. Probably the absolute best asses of any race, though their tits tend to lag behind somewhat. Can't say I have a large enough sample size to really talk about them much past that. White women are pretty good. Great tits, but ass quality is all over the place. On top of lack of skin contrast, the general feeling of their bodies is merely okay. I'd say Gingers are probably the cream of the crop, particularly the ones with heavy amount of freckles, which counterbalances the lack of skin tone contrast. The rest are fairly interchangeable for me. Unfortunately, they seem to be the most blatantly mentally unhinged out of any race I've interacted with. Overall, not my first choice, but not a bad choice. Other races tend to range from fine, but I lack experience with, to underwhelming as far as fat girls go.
I have the worst yellow fever known to man so Asians are at the top for me. The only reason why I have Twitter is to follow a bunch of fat Japanese girls and on dating apps everytime I see a fatty with slanted eyes instant right unless they are really ugly. As for models, I figured out so loopholes just to play for porn when it tries to prevent non-residents of their country from buying stuff. White's come second for me. My preference is a well rounded figure with more emphasis on a big gut cause I think they look really good. Something about big beer guts on women really turns me on and a lot of White's tend to get big guts from what I've seen. As for other races, both my parents are racist so that rubbed off onto me and I have a lot of deep seeded racism and find it hard to get off to models with let's say a darker skin complexion. I'm a dumb Australian so basically all Hispanics look white to me because there are barely any over here and I'm not used to seeing them so I can't comment.
You'll all think I'm pretty boring in this regard, but white redheads and the ones with black hair but blue or green eyes make me go wild, and out of all the fat Asian women I've seen, central Asians seem to be the best looking: Pic 1; random Kyrgyz woman, Pic 2-3 Feedeenamimi on Instagram (Mongolian)
>>62186 I don't think its deepseated racism to not like women who have darker skin, there is such a thing as personal preference without it being hateful, also biologically speaking people who look closely related to your own race are more likely to be attractive, though this can be superseded by other things such as symmetry and sexually selected traits, such as neoteny (which is what makes Asian women so hot to many men)
>>62221 I should also mention Hispanics are a mixed bag for me (and literally considering they are literally just a mix of various mainly Southern European and Native American peoples with some minor African and Middle Eastern admixture) I like how quickly they seem to get fat as far women go, but most don't have a very attractive face. My go to for attractive traits on an almost racial level would have be Amber Daniels, I know she ain't a real blonde probably, and whatnot but she's very attractive to me
>>62182 White women I think are all over the place if they grew up in an urban environment and had soft parents, it makes them brats and entitled, but ones from more rural places with more sensible upbringings tend to be some of the most genuinely nice people you will ever meet
>>62176 I'm black too and I prefer white women the most. Hispanic or tan skin are also fucking great. I think Asian girls are cute, but doubt I'll ever get the chance to date one, bbw or not. For black women it's a bit complicated. I think black bbw might have best bodies (ass, tits, belly), but usually have the ugly faces and terrible personalities. I'm slowly coming around to being more attracted to lightskin black fat girls, but for darker skin ones, it's no.
White women are generally insufferable. They’re ok to smash if they’re drunk and horny but 100% miserable people to date. They’re 90% manipulative romantically and pretty much only looking for a replacement for their daddy buying them everything. White women expect the most, put in the least effort and are generally unlikeable cunts who will chase away all your friends.
Whiteoid here, I like Whites, Asians, Pacific Islanders and Middle Easterners mostly. Latinas are good too but tend to have weird bodies when fat (the "El Goblina" meme stands true). I can fuck with a Black woman too but it's fairly specific if I do (lightskins/mixed more than darkskins). My issue tends to be I lean towards pear-shaped women in general and they tend to not like White guys if they're White themselves. Looks-wise too I like Alt bitches and Redheads if I go for a White girl. I'd be a happy man if I could score with a girl with like Mia Dior/Lacilicious vibes for Reds or .
>>62257 There’s also the genetic issues with white women. Redheads like this one always look PCOSal or lipedemia-ridden. It’s weird soft fat, covered in dimples, that’s not meant to be grabbed. It’s rarely the type of secondary-sex-characteristic fat that hormonal healthy women from less inbred populations amass. Almost always they’re weird losers with health issues that aren’t even fun for fucking and definitely not worth anything long term.
>>62257 Which model is this ?
>>62265 Mia Dior, literally named her in the post >>62261 While true, I am absolutely one of those weird fucks who sexualizes Lipedema and I am not sorry.
>>62261 I don't think lipedemia is a genetic condition, its probably an adaptation to try and minimize body fat around the organs, especially since women were meant to store a little more fat to feed their babies, better to not have organ problems or something while you are at it
>>62272 Except Lipedema isn't fat, it's a liquid
>>62276 everything I've read says its abnormal fat buildup
>>62224 Don't get me wrong, I've met a fair share of nice White BBWs, but there seems to be more mental baggage on them than other races of BBWs, even if it doesn't necessarily translate into malicious behavior.
>>62222 You might be right but I feel part of the reason why I'm not is cause of the shit my parents would go on about. I have found black women attractive but only light skinned ones. >>62221 I remember Namimi mentioning somewhere (IG story I think) that's she's Chinese not Mongolian but let's be honest most East Asians look the same so she could be from anywhere
White but with a natural tan and slight ethnicity to their face
>>62276 Lipid means fat. They are synonymous. You may be thinking of lymphoedema which is a buildup of liquids in lymph nodes
>>62292 The 51st state needs the DoE more than Americans. Only thing more dangerous than a retard is a half educated retard who thinks he’s smart. They’re fat cells swollen with abnormal fat and edema fluid. -Dictionary: Greek words: "lípos" (λίπος): Meaning "fat", "oídma" (οίδημα): Meaning "swelling". -Wikipedia, symptoms: “Increased fat deposits under the skin in the legs, increased extracellular fluid, inflammation, easy bruising, pain” Retard, why would we even want to let your failed loser state into the freedom club is beyond me. But “your country, my choice”.
>>62176 white. i'm white and think we're the hottest race on earth by far. i think we blow all the rest of you out of the water tbh all the other races can still be hot of course though but some are definitely way better looking still and ONLY white people or their primary descendants get to have BLUE EYES. my wife has both blue eyes and blonde hair, and i have brown hair and blue eyes so our kids will have blue eyes too. hers are a stormy blue and mine are a glacial blue.
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>>62182 >the smell thing isn't just a meme, but I find myself generally not minding too much. i actually like my wife to smell as bad as possible. i constantly nag her to not shower if she can tolerate it. her vagina smells so good i don't understand it. she smells better and is hotter than any other girl i've ever been with, which is only 7, but still. do the black girls you've been with actually smell worse, not just stronger? i've never been with a black girl. only race i never got with, and they're also one of the races i find less attractive. >Hispanic women are up there as well. Similar story with the contrast thing, just to a less extreme degree. Probably the absolute best asses of any race White women are pretty good. Great tits, but ass quality is all over the place. i think every race can have both good and bad asses >I'd say Gingers are probably the cream of the crop, particularly the ones with heavy amount of freckles, which counterbalances the lack of skin tone contrast. i hate freckles. girls like jae or adeline or jackie are the hottest looking imo
>>62221 >You'll all think I'm pretty boring in this regard, but white redheads and the ones with black hair but blue or green eyes make me go wild blue/green eyes with white/white-asian skin and japanese black hair will be the master race of the future. you heard it here first on bbw-chan. >>62252 my blonde-haired, blue-eyed white girlfriend is the sweetest girl on the entire planet and we have the most amazing sex. we have sex way above the statistical average for even a young couple. every day, usually more than once a day. and we've been together several years now. >>62257 >the "El Goblina" meme stands true agreed lol and for black women it's the El Orc-ina. south asian women are also kind of degenerate looking. east asian women look way more evolved and are a lot hotter usually, though the really mongoloid looking ones aren't very good looking imo. persian whites are also very attractive.
>>62282 I saw her post something saying she's Mongolian, maybe she's from Inner Mongolia?
>>62316 I do like blue eyes
slightly off topic but do you guys find certain names more sexy? Like S names like Samantha and Sarah just feel more feminine to me, also Mary / Maria but only because the last three or so Marias I've met were some of the fattest gorditas I've ever seen
>>62328 Like all three of them looked like BBW Royalty Cinnamonrolls but with a slightly prettier face
>>62317 >do the black girls you've been with actually smell worse, not just stronger? I'm not sure I'd call it a "bad" smell, per se. Just different. The worst-smelling person I've had any degree of affectionate with was a white chick, where I got a whiff of armpit from time to time. The first black girl I got lewd with definitely had "the smell", though. There was one time where I visited her and she was freshly showered, and the scent was still there. So it's not an issue of hygiene. Bad smells are a turn-off for me in general, but again, black girl smell != bad smell for me. >White women are pretty good. Great tits, but ass quality is all over the place. Yeah, they're up there with black girls for me in terms of boobs, on average. >i think every race can have both good and bad asses Of course. I'm looking more at averages than anything else.
>>62444 By "the smell" do you mean hair product? A lot of Black women use oils to moisturize their scalp as they're more prone to dryness than other races. That's the only smell I can really think of. I also think just in general they're less likely to shampoo their hair daily so their hair tends to smell more... idk, like hair? And not shampoos or conditioners lol
Somali women are great. They have really small frames unlike west African women but great asses and hips. I think 10%-20% of them have the fetish because or cultural conditioning. Downsides is they’re really needy.

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