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Holy Shit Anonymous 02/25/2025 (Tue) 03:00:43 Id:1f7a16 No. 61018
Dobson is back.
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>>61018 >(He/They)
(31.79 KB 627x195 sure buddy lol.png)
fake and gay lol
>>61021 that's a shame, I've been wondering how this guy is doing
>>61020 It's completely in character for inflation artists like Dobson/CattyN to claim to be transgender to own the Donald. Word is he cost his brother a high paying job and comes from a wealthy Minnesota family. Just like Cross Crescent, they all want to be old money families or artists in aristocrats even though many of these artists would be executed for obscenities. I work with queer people and they all see fetish artists more closer to Dan Schneider cause they don't know how to shut the fuck up about being horny
>>61021 Bluesky is for trying to recreate Portlandia or LA celebrity culture. Artists used to support Elon Musk and PayPal before they were against it.
>>61046 what is your evidence for this? I see people say this, but I think its just something someone made up and it got repeated over and over.
>>61051 I don't think Zoomers would pose to be him. I know I get letters from Chase warning about social media scams, but I don't think anyone would want to be Dobson even for the lulz. Dobson also sink too much time into animation school to be replicated.
>>61046 Cross is a what now?
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>>61082 Artists want to be regency era aristocrats even though many of them are nouveau riche and would be despised by the uppercrust. Artists have the vocabulary of a megalomaniac
>>61082 I guess you can say he's that rare mix of lazy and frivolous. He thinks people care about his imaginary Kisame17
Is there any sort of proof our there of him being Reenaye's baby daddy?
>>61106 Where did you hear that? I heard that Sponson was Reenaye's baby daddy, not Dobson. But maybe I'm the one who has it all wrong.
This shit's funny as fuck
Literally never heard of this guy and had to google what he has to do with us. And i am checking various inflation/weight gain artists regularly
>>61172 >he's non binary now Of course he fucking is. Sorry, "they". Does anyone else remember the fiasco (many years ago) where it turned out he had an alt account where he was LARPing as a teenage lesbian? I thought for sure he'd end up transitioning eventually (and/or get exposed as a pedo). I guess I wasn't too far off. >>61174 You probably saw most of the stuff on google already, but this guy has a list of controversies as long as your arm. He was a big laughing stock on the internet a few years back. To cut a very long story short, he was basically a webcomic artist (initially known for non-inflation stuff) who was notorious for being incapable of taking any criticism or constructive feedback on his art. He got "exposed" for also being an inflation artist when somebody figured out that he was the person behind the aforementioned "teenage lesbian" account; that was the account he used for posting his inflation art. As someone else already mentioned in this thread, he basically quit the internet because his brother got fired from a very important government job - purely because the US government figured out that he was Dobson's brother, which is fucking hilarious. But that's only the tip of the iceberg, there are so many controversies with this guy. There are documentaries about him on YouTube and everything.
>>61172 Dobson is a never ending source of enjoyment.
>>61184 I don't think that inflation artists are that popular because they're straight white men with no proper etiquette. Dobson is an arrogant know it all who tries too hard to be famous 🐁
>>61227 The media doesn't want anything to do with the online left. Anarchists keep costing donors their chance at wealthy enclaves.
Dobson's problem is that the left is going frustrated with these niche ideas and obscure trivia to the point Cuomo could get elected by a landslide. Anarchists can't realistically run on the platform of Luigi, The Unabomber, or Ruby Ridge.
