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Autism Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 02:05:11 Id:d93a14 No. 59400
Anyone here on the spectrum? I’m curious about overlap between autism and certain fetishes/porn addiction and I’m wondering if anyone could speak to that.
>>60741 This could be part of it, but some of this may also relate to love languages. The way I give is Acts of Service, so taking care of a woman, cleaning for her, etc. plays into that. It's why I'm okay if she has mobility issues because that would play into my love language. I do think you are right though, some of it might be about some level of consensual control.
>>60749 >>60767 I definitely think my theory of control holds up but I'll admit it's a very broad definition of control. Control refers to dependency (including mobility issues) domination over something, as well as plain control over the factors of weight gain over time. Feed more, gain more, predictable outcome that engages the autistic because they like the time lapse aspect of weight gain (especially before after comparisons). It could also be the sensory aspect of autism where you happen to like the feel of soft skin. Or having compression or weight on you - most autistics do prefer some sort of weight in them like heavy blankets from what I've heard from them. And as always, the age old "fucked up thing from when I was a kid". No one in my family is fat, let alone obese (and weren't when I was a kid) so I assume my fetish came from Willy Wonka. I remember being excited to see the 2005 version because Violet was pretty (I was 8) and she swelled up super big. Amazingly I don't particularly like blueberry or blue skin.
Again it's all just shit posting theory, unless some gigachad writes his dissertation on it my opinion is basically worth less than a Robot001 commission
>>60755 This, congratulations to anyone reading, your diagnosis is now peer reviewed.
>>60864 OK, I do belive that sensory reasons is part of my attraction added with the fact I like thic thighs and that to = fat people. I just never thought of it as control.
>>60865 Kisame here, being fat is usually associated with lower class and uneducated in American society or a visual shorthand for Republican. The Sopranos started the trend of fat people as not comedy relief on television due to Tony being able to handle most things. It's just than Hollywood being fickle want dumb muscle fat guy. I guess you can put Dodoria but again.its easy to forget that Dodoria pretty much murdered everyone and needed Frieza to call him off.
>>60864 I don't get the whole "control" thing but it is definitely a sensory thing for me. Both of the things you've mentioned, soft skin (and the softness of a fat woman in general) and having her weight on top of me. I do find it arousing but I also find it deeply, deeply comforting. I could cuddle with a fat woman for hours and hours. And yes I am diagnosed autistic.
Some autistic people need like weighted blankets and shit and one of the documentaries on fat fetish models mentioned that many of their clients for squashing are autistic for this very reason I got tested for autism as a kid but didn't pass enough criteria to be considered autistic but I probably have touch of it. I'm a bit weird outside of this preference/fetish and I definitely have anxiety. I find the softness super comforting so maybe that could explain it a bit
I suspect that most people who are into feedism are autistic. Many will be undiagnosed, and will have a lot of misinformed/stereotypical beliefs about autism which prevent them from realising it. This was me! I had no idea what autism actually looked like until I started investigating it. I'm not confident that there's anything like a generalisable, causal psychological explanation for why autism would draw one to this fetish. Autists are into all sorts of weird sex shit. A lot of our neurology is just generally abnormal, and that has wildly varying consequences - including a greater likelihood to be asexual, or hypersexual, and to have paraphilias. Regarding porn addiction, dopamine functioning is probably fucked up in autism/ADHD, jerking off is regulating, we tend to spend a lot of time alone/online etc. etc.
>>61104 Autism is a scourge on society. Take one look at Elon and tell me letting autistic children survive and be a member of society wasn’t a huge mistake. Thank god they repealed DEI so I can go back to complaining to HR about the weird shit those genetic freaks do in public.
>>61113 I don't care. I plan on quitting art and quitting Schizo forever
>>59540 Hey, that's me!
>>61113 Have a word with yourself you knuckle dragging single digit IQ fucktard. Everyone is at a certain level, we gonna go kill everyone the minute you suspect they're autistic? Castrate all males showing tendencies? Seriously , fuck off.
>>61142 We need an autismo caste system.
>>61142 > Everyone is at a certain level No they aren’t, you’re autism is showing retard. > knuckle dragging single digit IQ fucktard. Big words from some genetic freak who’s literally retarded. Look at what your people are doing to this country, only “people” lacking in basic empathy or human understanding would be retarded enough to act this way, we’ve coddled your disease far too long. > Castrate all males showing tendencies? Sure, assuming we can’t just kill them or imprison them in some coding plantation. But no normal, decent person wants these freaks around their family, especially kids.
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I have high functioning autism and ADHD (woohoo). I think it's fair to say I have an addiction. I have a personal server at home to store all my softcore porn. If that isn't a sign of addiction, then I don't know what is.
>>61147 What are your favorites ?
>>61147 > I have an addiction. I have a personal server at hom Since you’re afflicted with the mark of the beast: do you know COBOL and what’s happening to Mawmaw’s social security?
>>61142 >>61145 Gentlemen, you are arguing about autistic rights to life on a website designed for people to rub their penises to obese women until sticky fluids spurts out. While this is a discussion thread, it's still on BBWChan. You're hoping to win an argument in the sewers debate club. On the one hand, autistic people have just as much right to life as anyone else. It's too broad a term to just round up spergs and tisties into a camp. Besides, most of those people don't impose on people anyway. Castration is far too extreme considering many people with autism don't breed and certainly not the middle or lower functioning of the bell curve where the worst of it is. As for the other guy, >>61113, I almost actually agree with what he's saying. I was diagnosed and lived through autism education twenty years ago, and I came out high functioning. I was given just enough support to act normal in society but still forced to do a lot of uncomfortable shit to be independent. And it worked. Unless I told you irl, you wouldn't know I was a sperg. I'm not perfect obviously, I'm arguing on BBWChan after explaining why that's faggot behaviour, but I'm still far better off than many other spergs. Nowadays autism education mollycoddles kids in believing they're the main character, and regular kids who have to put up with regular nuisance behaviour in schools from undiagnosed, or badly raised, or just plain cunty kids who might have Asperger's. I agree it's wrong. Adversity builds character and these spergs and tisties are gonna have to accept the world isn't going to accommodate them 100% or even 10% of the time. Bullying is bad, but bullying exists as a behaviour change tool as well as a superiority flex, and sometimes people need to be taught a little etiquette the hard way. Tolerance is a prisoner dilemma issue where no one gets punished for being an asshole. I'm not an Elon dick sucker, can't stand he guy, but a broken clock is right twice a day and on the DOGE I agree with him. It's nice to see someone actually take the Bob approach to social spending like in Office Space. Lord knows the UK needs some cunt to do that here. I actually think the woke DEI issue is separate to autism in a sort of "convergent evolution" way where social media plays a huge part, not neurons. I'm sick of it too, though. I genuinely think the reason things are breaking down culturally is because we have no major war or conflict in the west to truly bind people together the same way the GI generation did in the 40s or their parents with WW1. But that's getting off topic. I agree with the original point of >>61104 and yeah, I think most feeders are autistic. I mean I wrote >>60741 and >>60864 saying basically the same thing. I also think there's a ton of spergs into other shit that doesn't fly on this site, like furries or lizards or whatever else degenerate shit is out there. tldr you're both sperg faggots arguing over the crown of spergs faggotry on a niche fat fetish website and I'm the faggot sperg king
>>61151 Personally, if I see someone avoiding eye contact, stimming, or talking about trains in public I do everything I can do to discriminate against them. Haven’t trusted the whole lot of them since Musk blamed his salute on Assberger’s (nazi doctor btw; not even a DSM), now all this DOGE beancounting to satisfy his special little mind.
>>61113 If you're truly generalising Elon's morality and behaviour to all autists then you're either trolling or actually that dumb. Either way there's no point in engaging. >>61151 I think the "control" thing is more related to your own psychology 'cause that doesn't do much other than squick me out. Perhaps (as you suggest) it applies to me more than I realise. I do like the idea of conditioning women into e.g. associating stuffing with arousal, though arguably that's also related to degradation and/or hedonism. But the idea of actually having a partner who's significantly dependent on me? Horrible. I prefer dating women who are 200-300lbs, because this fetish is not something I want to engage in full-time/have consume my life (and they're usually much more fun in bed). And if it was principally about that, why are we not into physically disabled thinner women (e.g. quadraplegics)? The sensory stuff, absolutely. And I love exagerratedly feminine forms. As for DOGE... let's see how things look in a few years. Stuff like gutting federal disaster relief in the face of increasingly extreme weather is certainly going to be uh, interesting to watch.
>>61151 America doesn't value education culturally which is why I get a laugh when Vivek tries to start the culture war from Ohio, a rust belt blue collar town. All the NY colleges used to be private Christian schools. Trump isn't an accident, he's the state's proud Nazi, Klan, Anglo History, but leave it to upstate to focus on the Revolutionary War, the Roaring Twenties, WWII. Trump is doing what conservatives have said in private, abolish the federal government. I live in a college town and conservatives want to build a casino cause enrollment is down. Trump is just liked cause he's not a hyper shrill jerk and he's not cutting entitlements. Kanye is autistic, but people are mystified how a Nazi can brainwash women into getting naked. Even half the Complaints I get are how the left are so educated, and can't be normal. Now the state is dealing with terrorists in colleges and our state can't give these shits the Rosenberg trials.
>>61156 Elon Musk is a sociopath because his dad was an utter bastard just like Hitler's dad, Schwarzenegger's dad, and Trump's dad. He was taught being a big bastard was how things done just like King Charles. Not everyone is a preening sissy like Prince Andrew.
>>61155 Nah man. If someone's going pickle rick on the McDonald's counter, by all means beat the shit out of them. But if someone's being a little awkward in public and not imposing on you, you're going out of your way to be a cunt. If they're trying to talk to you and you tell them leave you alone and they don't get the message, then fair enough. >>61156 Perhaps it does. It's definitely a fetish for me, I wouldn't want to have to care for someone irl. It's far too much work and I don't want the irl reputation of being a feeder and the like. >And if it was principally about that, why are we not into physically disabled thinner women (e.g. quadraplegics)? Huh. While I don't have an explicit fetish for it, I've found amputees interesting also. Maybe it IS my psychology. I think DOGE if handled well could be a good thing for you in America. Do I think it will be? Nah. But it's the right direction. >>61158 Education has never been about getting people to think critically, it's always been about getting people to toe the line and learn just enough to be useful in factories and the workforce. That said, my point stands. Why coddle the naughty kids who disrupt the order? Henry Ford would have had them whipped and beaten in his factories for that kind of shit. Your tax money goes to this education system and you have to agree it's being wasted every time some cunt starts bawling and greeting in class for no other reason than his mom didn't raise him right. Autism or no that shit isn't on. >>61159 Not to be rude but Charles and Andrew have the same parents you thick cunt. Charles was considered a wet wipe for most of his life with a lot of people in the UK arguing that he should immediately step down to William when his mum died. The only problem I have with Charles is he didn't close parliament the second Liz Truss resigned, the lettuce losing cunt. Other than that most people have warmed up to Charles and he's doing at least as good as the Queen ever did. I don't like him on the money though, makes the plastic tenner feel even more fake and I don't like the eye contact snorting a line. Prince Andrew is universally regarded in the UK as a nonce who lied on national TV about not being able to sweat to. Elon says and does a lot of autistic shit but he's at least in touch enough to not permanently fuck his reputation up in one bad interview. Elon sucks dicks all the time and is rightly memes for it, but Andrew sucked one five years ago and the British are STILL shitting on him for it. Does anyone even remember what Elon was saying in 2019 without googling it? They're both cunts but it's a spectrum and Andy's always gonna lead unless Epstein's book fingers Musk too.
>>61160 All the factory work in the states went to Virgina, the Meadowlands, or a backwater part of LI that hasn't been tamed by suburbanites. Nobody likes Ford cause it's synonymous with cars that break down. Dodge at least has drag racers on Sunrise, Jericho and the LIE. Fetish artists liked Elon cause his PayPal gave them income, they started hating him cause he won't troon his kids. It's like how JK Rowling was liked for getting kids to read before she gets hated for not trooning. Elon is considered a tech bro despite it being a west coast thing. Electronics where I live went out of business leaving PC Richards and Best Buy.
>>61160 >But if someone's being a little awkward in public and not imposing on you, you're going out of your way to be a cunt. Not how it works, DEI is illegal now so the companies can fire disabled employees no problem. Autistic people can’t be trusted, sorry but my heart goes out to you.
>>61148 For models and in no particular order. Chubbibunniluv, housewifeswag, msmacncheese, jessi minx, puffguttprincess, bigbellyjudy, misstasticakes, and dairyqueen94. For artists. Lewdlemage, ci44, classychicken, dadouko, takaya, great_sushi_man, clinkoclinko, softservice, and feastings2. >>61149 Sorry, my dude, I work in IT, not finance.
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>>61162 DEI is banned because it forces African Americans into the role of corporate stooge who mindlessly spout partisan spin. Another problem is that activists don't have the charisma of Farrakhan to carry people. I am more baffled than I see Malcolm X on the buses. Then again, nobody wants Adams to win cause he makes Cuomo look human. Nobody fucking cares about Miles Morales. He's not Cash Money Bros
>>61162 Do you want corporate to mass produce Kisame17 in the name of DEI, or trust him to be a Senart!
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>>61165 I mean think, do you really want a schizophrenic like Kisame17 as a Senator or trust him not to gun down people?
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DEI isn't illegal because it's a organizational framework. If a company wants to promote DEI stuff - by all means go for it. That's right it is entirely optional (yes, I know that some states are trying to outlaw DEI being mandatory). Is it ridiculous to hire or fire someone based on whether or not they have DEI statement? Absolutely, to me it feels like peering into their personal lives to see if they are "good enough". A job I applied to was religious based. The interviewer read to me a positive employee message mixed with talk about God. He asked what I thought. I told him that I didn't think much of it. I didn't get the job. After looking at Glassdoor reviews it looks like that if you weren't a zealot that you get mistreated. I probably dodged a bullet not getting hired by them. Anyways, I know what DEI programs are trying to do. Have an open mind to all walks of life in the work place. Unfortunately they lean too hard on the unrepresented people - sometimes they speak for them. Listen, I'm glad that you want to educate the masses and shine light on folks like me who has high-functioning autism and ADHD, but I'm not a baby that needs to be coddled. I am an adult that can search for resources to better handle my disabilities. I have a job, hobbies, an apartment, a car, etc. There are government programs that helps people with disabilities get a and maintain a job. I don't think DEI is a bad thing but clearly how they are implementing it isn't working. If it goes away, honestly? No harm done.
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>>61167 I work for Shake Shack. Fast food companies want nothing to do with rappers like Kendrick Lamar, Snoop Dogg, Dre, Eminem, Public Enemy cause they all have criminal backgrounds. It's the same reason the McDonald's at Flatbush hires security guards. Nobody wants to get violently mugged. Same reason Will Smith, Bill Cosby, TI aren't getting merchandising deals. Kisame's problem with DEI is simply that nerds want Tom Dubious, but where the fuck do you go with him, or Tre? DEI is just carnival barking and it's advocates are the one kid in middle school who drew DBZ and never learns anything new. What am I supposed to do? Break into whatever retirement home these fetish artists live in and force them to make more porn?.
>>61167 Nobody's asking for Chun Li, Mai Shiranui, Kasumi, or Dragonball anymore. It's the same reason Gundam is being criticized for adding female mech pilots starting with GQX. It's just trying to be avant garde.
You guys in the US have never had it so good as you will for the next 3 terms. Trump returned on the premise that Biden was absolutely not only fucking your country up, but by being a weak geriatric cunt didn't attempt to lead the world. Whilst I agree to some aspect of DEI it leans so hard that it fucks the masses and attempts to penalise you for just being normal. You guys are fucking lucky, Europe and the UK are getting fucked by wet woke WEF fuckers intent on letting in the third world disease ridden nonces and rapists Dirty stinking Islamists raping the indigenous children and females because their so called religion encourages it The world is fucked without strong right leaning leaders. I fear the UK is now beyond repair. And yeah, I don't really give a fuck whether people think I'm autistic or not, I'll keep loving ultra fatties and sleeping with them til I die..
>>61167 > am an adult that can search for resources to better handle my disabilities. I have a job, hobbies, an apartment, a car, etc. All because of DEI and now it’s legal to fire you retards for being retarded. No one wants to work with autistic freaks.
>>61167 Don’t even get me started on the AuDHD. Those people *need* to be eliminated from the gene pool. Fucking annoying weirdos who can’t sit still, useless motherfuckers who have no place in a civilized society.
>>61177 >>61178 Trump is just taking the Bob approach to governing and the left cannot articulate why I need DEI or government. I say this cause the MTA cannot sell congestion pricing as a pitch despite dumbing itself down in a picture book and it's just sad.
>>61177 >all because of dei I never told my employer about my disabilities. It’s none of their business what they are. >now it’s legal to fire you retards That’s discrimination, so no. I’m not sure where you got that information from.
>>61167 The whole point of DEI initiatives were to encourage companies to consider candidates from more backgrounds than what they normally go for. It's the hypothetical of two candidates with similar experience and qualifications but one is white and one is a minority, and your workspace is already pretty white. No one has been hiring people that not qualified for jobs. Politicians that have been screaming about their constituents losing their jobs are the only ones pushing this narrative. DEI's only mission was to stop whiteness from being an inherent benefit in the hiring process, and frankly in this day and age a lot of companies have been promoting that sort of diversity without political pressure. If that scares you, then you need to consider if you actually stand out as a candidate on your own merits.
>>61185 > I never told my employer about my disabilities. It’s none of their business what they are. Everyone can tell you’re autistic. Fuck man, look at the stupid shit you wrote here thinking it maps to some form of human cognition or emotion. You obviously only got your job because they had a retard quota to meet. I can’t wait to see you homeless trying to cut in the breadline same way you cheated the hiring market.
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>>61186 My sister and I was talking about DEI policies and the current push back it has been getting. She voiced similar opinions. I think you and her have a point. White men are scared and angered that minorities are encroaching on what was status quo. Hell, at my job all of the executives are women and aren't white. How's business? It's booming. My dad is drowning in manosphere content, he has a lot of misogynistic takes. If he learns that the people running the company are women, he would've blown a gasket. Urging me to find another job since this business is doomed to fail. I don't think DEI is bad, not at all. What I've read about online leads me to think that some companies can be heavy handed, you know? Let's be honest here, if republicans somehow makes DEI programs illegal, then it'll come back in another form. >>61192 I know this is bait. It has been years since I've wasted time bickering with someone, I kind of miss it. >Everyone can tell you’re autistic. People at my job that knows me would be surprised if I told them. >look at the stupid shit you wrote here thinking it maps to some form of human cognition or emotion That's funny. >You obviously only got your job because they had a retard quota to meet. I can’t wait to see you homeless trying to cut in the breadline same way you cheated the hiring market. That's hilarious. You think I cheated the job market even though I never told my employer of my disabilities.
>>61210 I love how spergs think they’re hiding it and then when called out on their weird behavior say shit like “bait” as some sorta autistic mental judo to logic his way out of uncomfortable thoughts.
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>>61210 >>61186 DEI is bad because it requires minorites to go thru the Bobs. How are brainlets getting filtered by this?
>>61214 Trump just firing Zelensky will never not be funny. Trump should just be a consultant, unleash him on China. That was comedy gold.
Crazy how every thread on this site goes from porn to politics in a heartbeat.
>>61220 You are in an autism thread, wtf do you expect
>>61221 Exactly that. I'm just saying that it's comical how it happens every time.
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>>61220 I think people are getting filtered by the Bobs. DEI exists in the first place because minorities wanted to be corporate stooges. Now that MAGA shops at Whole Foods, Starbucks, Trader Joes, the left has no space.
>>61220 When the political autism overrides the gooner autism you KNOW you’re doomed
>>61225 I am not really impressed by Gen Z. They want a blonde haired and blued eyed woman in a bikini which is very bland. There's just no effort in their vision.
