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BBW Meme Thread God-Help-Us-All 05/25/2020 (Mon) 02:04:22 Id:c21fa9 No. 1855
Post some of your best and dankest BBW or FA related memes
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>>47614 freshly edited
>>44670 Hell yeah he would Make more
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These have been everywhere on 4trans the past few days. I think they are from /fit/
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>>48990 looking for the sauce/more and higher quality images of all of these
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>>5735 How do you make your LoL UI look like that?
>>48990 These are unironically hot. Especially that last one.
>>43022 Can some post the version of the second image here that has the art teacher(?) explaining how to draw bellies above it
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Found on reddit.
>>48990 post more of these plz lmfaoo makes normies so mad
>>48990 why do the people in these drawings look so unhappy?
>>49961 The implication behind seeing these memes outside of places like here is the implication that you're settling for fucking an ugly fat chick - not because you want to.
>>31193 forgive my ignorace, but what's up with echo?
>>49962 ...and she's not into it either, just fucking the guy because she's lonely and any attention is good attention. It's a happy world these channers live in.
this one's for the /preg people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_zqVngyHVk
>>47614 Sorry
>>47614 Who made this?
This is based off of a photo of Viva la Valerie right? Who has the OG photo?
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thread been kinda lacking lately we gotta get some quality back in here
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>>7144 Just a normal day at the 2020-2022 Covid Pandemic. Everyone turned really fat.
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I was born in a small village. I was still a child when my life was changed forever. It was not soldiers that invaded my world, but the relentless hunger of my love. Torn from the simplicity of my youth, I was made to indulge her desires. With each new phase, my role changed, along with the meals she made me eat. Food is... peculiar. With each bite, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw pleasure and pain... Love changed me - and not only my body. Food can control. I was invaded by desires, burrowing and breeding inside me. A philosopher once said, 'It is not just the flesh we inhabit, but a hunger.' 'Make no mistake, our true appetite is our deepest connection.' My appetite - my desire was shaped by her. And so was my past. All that's left is the future. And mine is vengeance. On those who would feed off the desires of others. This is what I learned from her. And then it hit me. It was she who should feel my wrath. She and the hunger she chose as the basis for control. Desires, cravings - consuming us all - appetites spanning history. By controlling the appetite, my love intends to dominate. Desires implanted into our minds, draining our will as they spread from one craving to the next. A parasite upon the soul. That is what she is. As one born into this world, she's afflicted. I hold her responsible for killing my freedom. Killing all traces of my past... Killing any promise of a future... We are all but consumed men forced to live upon this earth. A world reduced to indulgence. She plans to use her hunger to control the world. She thinks she can. "And the 'mother desire' of all those cravings is food. "The hunger became flesh. The final parasite. "It knows no bounds. A universal strain of desire. "I will extinguish the source of this hunger. With this, I'll rid the world of its grasp. All men will breathe free again - reclaim their past, present, and future. This is no destroyer. It is a 'liberator,' to free the world from her grasp. Let the world be. Without this shared hunger, the world will be torn asunder. And then, it shall be free. People will suffer, of course - a phantom pain. The world will need a new common bond. A bond of survival. My resolve shall be the thread by which all people are bound together, in equality. No cravings will be needed. Every man will be forced to recognize his neighbor. People will endure their hunger. They will link lost hands. And the world will become one. If anyone can make a better version I’m open to see what you have
https://soundcloud.com/refreshingbeverage/fatgirlfetish Big up this DnB MC for coming out of the closet like that
>>1855 Drake is honestly a disgusting person and an eyesore and a vibesore Scram I think y’all unironically post pictures of drake because y’all scared of the Holocaust, rather than y’all actually being into this kink That would be so bizarrely low but then I hear 20,000 kids got killed because of you faggots. Y’all are NEVER welcome
>>52973 Like, how many people do we have to shoot just to be around fun girls instead of bizarre vile spammer faggots that fear all good vibes out of fear of going extinct.
>>52973 >>52975 Sir this is a meme thread not a rant thread
>>49968 Passed away.
>>52975 What's with the Poster? >>53044 Who's Echo?
>>53044 Going to need a source on that.
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>>53186 A whole lotta Rosie!
Anyone got the text message “that’s hot” “that’s what” meme?
Here’s a meme, you faggots
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Translation: Me: I really can't understand why I like fat chicks The shit I watched as a kid: True story. This scene made me feel funny when I watched it for the first time when I was little
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You should make some of these.
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>>55782 Jajaja al chile ni te topo we
>>55782 What is that? Never saw it before.
(24.04 KB 215x296 Free Fire.jpg)
>>58536 She is from the movie "una pelicula de huevos" >>58530
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>>58833 The undeniable sexyness of the Colombian futa enjoyer.
>>58832 absolutely vile, get this fucking shit off here
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>>61229 My pronouns are Execute/Zelenskyy
