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(91.79 KB 800x536 BurningMoney.jpg)
burning money Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 01:33:01 Id:a705aa No. 61411
I checked my card and I burn a lot of money on content, way more than I should tbh, so what are yall's biggest splurges you ever did for this kink?
>>61411 I bought a model's back catalogue off a clip site that bought out the previous host's clip site. About $100 spent for garbage clips. And it's watermarked with my username so I can't share it either.
>>61412 >it's watermarked with my username lol
>>61412 >>And it's watermarked with my username so I can't share it either. Can't you just crop or blur/pixel it out? I use an old version of Movavi video editor for such an occasion.
>>61420 I promise you it's prominent enough where it's near impossible to get it out clearly. It's not a stamp at the bottom of the videos or anything that can be easily cropped. Had I known I would have gotten a prepaid card or something.
I'm old so I used to buy individual VHS tapes and DVDs for $25-75, 90s money. Not knowing the future would bring near-limitless, mostly free pron, I'd say 1/3 of them were satisfying purchases. In this era it was the two customs I commissioned from Ivy and Rennaye, at $200 each. No regrets, they delivered promptly and understood the assignment.
Bought a dozen eggs to make challah to celebrate Ramadan bombing campaign of Gaza. It’s expensive but if Trump can deliver the Jewish people the final solution to their problems it will be worth it.
Married a woman who buys more junk food that I thought possible.
