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I Saw You Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 14:46:41 Id:9ad5d9 No. 61298
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a "hat tip" signal to greet a fellow FA out in the world. And since this chan is probably the only place we might all have in common... I SAW YOU... MoC off Cornell on Sunday 3/2, afternoon. You in black shirt, blue jeans. Her in black top, dark grey tight jeans, redhead, 400+(?). In the checkout line you put your hand on the small of her back (really the glorious shelf of her butt), and then possessively around (or partially around) her waist. She was gorgeous. I was jealous. So hat tip to you sir. Congrats.
>>61298 There’s no need. If you’re moderately attractive guy with a hog we know your one of us. But there’s no solidarity among men, we’re competing for the same women. Maybe solidarity exists among married men.
Kinda unrelated, but made me think I wonder how many of us (no matter if single or taken) walk around seeing a guy with an ssbbw thinking: Yeah that's one of us, he scored Makes me think how many guys out there actually think that when I walk around with my 400 lbs wife.. Majority will probably be like" he didn't get any better, he needs that passport, disgusting or poor guy" (Nobody knows how much % are into fat women, but I assume we're not *that* many) But I'm sure there's quite a few out there like Yeah, he made it (as well), he's one of us ;)
>>61311 Exactly! I'm staring cause God Damn! High five!
>>61311 Live in a small city so I know a lot of the big girls I have seen have overlapping dating histories. One of them is a dude I have some mutual friends with, I think we both know about eachothers dating preference but haven't exactly discussed it. I know we have slept with at least 3 of the same fat girls. He's a typical gym bro, so continuing the stereotype I guess. Second is a guy has hit on probably every girl in our age range that has SSBBW status, but he's really fat himself so might just be dating within his own equals. His girlfriend is some smoking hot SSBBW so I'm a bit jealous to say.
https://youtu.be/gPGVuOaugQc A guy I know IRL liked this video on instagram. He has an SSBBW gf. For the unaware, the things you like on instagram are public. I just thought it was funny that he publicly liked this. I wonder what his gf thinks. I posted this in this thread because I had a similar reaction to OP. Thinking "one of us, one of us!" I'd like to think that whenever I get an SSBBW gf again, the four of us might go for a double date.
>>61311 At 180 kilogramme, there's little room for doubt.
>>61350 I'm pretty much known by all my friends and family that I like girls who are considerablly fatter than fat. So much so friends of friends used to find it funny to try and point out girls of a certain size and be deflamatory to them which usually resulted in them getting verbal for doing so from me and me try and give them the come on, usually with success. Worked with a guy 15 years ago who clearly liked bigger girls and had an affair with his fat team leader and ended up marrying her. His jaw dropped like fuck when he saw how fat my now wife was back then.
