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The Fat Friend Anonymous 08/17/2024 (Sat) 23:46:50 Id:279655 No. 53288
Show me more of these photos
>>53614 Princess Pear
I hope I DO marry the fat friend out of the friend group
>>53564 Imagine these girls trying to do a bar crawl and they get into a huge fight before they even leave because the fat one wants to cab it everywhere.
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>>53786 Thirsting after an AI-generated small fat, huh?
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>>53838 Lol i didnt even notice that
>>53838 good spot. Is that first image entirely AI generated, or simply heavily edited to bring in her waist? Hands and arms of the middle two subjects are totally fucked up, and there's something off about the white balance about the background on the right side. Still, I expect AI imagery to look better, not as if it was trained on your aunts photo album.
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>>54056 4 is a morph, no?
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>>54032 Who??
>>54019 id do anything for a chance to date girl in purple. perfect build
>>56289 These are horrifying. At first I assumed these were AI due to the ghoulish nature of literally everyone in them, but then I noticed you're british. So they might actually be real people lol, theyre just all british. But if these are AI, you're retarded for posting this
>>55562 > id do anything for a chance to date girl in purple. perfect build Shouldn’t take much more than a shower and a nice message.
>>54056 Red dress girl I'm in love with
>>54138 Girl who's been posted here before and knows it. It really messed with her and mods deleted the pics of her in /ssbbw. Some of us have had irl interactions with her so maybe that's why mods had a soft spot for her and deleted the pics?
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Almost hit this
>>57347 lucky guy, think you'll get another pass at her?
>>57347 holy shit she's perfect
>>57622 She’s pretty mid. But she is a white woman with pcos.
>>57347 Wow she's built almost exactly like the first girl I dated And before anyone accuses me of larping, lol sadly I was just a freshman in high school and it was two dates and I never got to see her naked Best I got was a slow dance Girls I go for nowadays have much bigger bellies but you brought back some cute memories
>>57625 I don't see the PCOS look at all in her, actually. PCOS is usually more of an apple shape
>>57986 There’s something about the way her fat hangs on her like a coat that makes me think it’s not all roses and daisies under her skin layer.
>>57986 Yeah typically PCOS presents with more body hair and bad skin Plenty of variations to it, sure, but she just looks like a big ol' corn fed girl lol
oh man there was a picture on mewch boards (for those who remmeber that site) that would fit here perfectly. she was thick af and her being fatter than her friends made it even hotter. sadly it's been lost to time.
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Here’s a 2-for-1
have some misc info on this one for any people who may be interested
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>>57347 How did bro not include the wg? Pretty great. she does appear to have a bf now. RIP brother.
>>56369 Oh yeah, I remember that. Broke the news to her, it was kind of sad to see. I think that's why her IG is private now. I used whatever pull I had with this mod to help get those pics off. Were you the one that scored with her?
>>58719 Yeah and also, she’s only getting sympathy because she’s a hideous blob of molten wax and diseased PCOS/lipedimia. Mods here couldn’t get with a decent woman and are defending some random pond scum.
>>58727 Jesus I thought we liked fat chicks here.
>>58719 Yeah that would be me >>58727 Tell yourself what you want, she's a smoke show and I always thought she was a nice girl
>>58729 Lucky bastard. What I wouldn't give for a night in bed with her. Absolute wife material too. If you got nudes, I envy you.
>>58727 Seriously why are we wasting CHAN resources on one of the most mid bitches of all time. No one cares if I kill myself, why are fat whores getting special care. She posted her fat ass online, it belongs to the internet. Period.
>>58733 >>58727 She turn you down too, huh?
>>58730 Had lots of good pics but current gf found them saved in my snapchat so they are lost forever sadly. Sex was top tier, apparently I was the first guy that let her on top and it became her favorite position. Some of y'all really hate women, God damn
>>58737 Goddamn what a waste. Hope your current GF is just as fat and has less involved parents. And fuck I bet that sex was amazing, she looks like she can really handle all 400 or so pounds of her. Then again she did move away from home so maybe she'll blow up where she lands.
>>58734 > She turn you down too, huh? You know this girl sucks anyone dick buddy? If she could turn down opening her mouth she wouldn’t hate her body enough to fuck your tiny dick.
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Old friend of mine, don’t have anymore since we moved away
>>58785 i think the point is for them to be next to skinny friends, not at an angle that doesn't give us any fucking clue how fat she is or isn't
