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The Fat Friend Anonymous 08/17/2024 (Sat) 23:46:50 Id:279655 No. 53288
Show me more of these photos
Fat Girls: Hot Fat Girls in contrast with typical Skinny Girls: Too Hot To Even Function
>>53288 Youve just reminded me of button buster in the first image. i wonder what ever happened to her because she was honestly gorgeous
it's funny that for a majority of people the fat one on the pics is the least desirable.
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Anybody got that photo of the fat friend wearing a necklace that says Fat Bitch? Iconic image.
(201.31 KB 1179x881 IMG_9604.jpeg)
Literally every family pic with my wife on it is like this (I won't post any, obviously) I love how there's a a lot of normal sized or skinny people everywhere and then there's her ;)
(42.56 KB 540x720 Hayley_Sykes.jpg)
>>53552 This one?
>>53564 Thats the one
>>53397 Holy shit I need that
>>53289 sauce on the girl in the first pic?
>>53614 Princess Pear
I hope I DO marry the fat friend out of the friend group
>>53564 Imagine these girls trying to do a bar crawl and they get into a huge fight before they even leave because the fat one wants to cab it everywhere.
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>>53786 Thirsting after an AI-generated small fat, huh?
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>>53838 Lol i didnt even notice that
>>53838 good spot. Is that first image entirely AI generated, or simply heavily edited to bring in her waist? Hands and arms of the middle two subjects are totally fucked up, and there's something off about the white balance about the background on the right side. Still, I expect AI imagery to look better, not as if it was trained on your aunts photo album.
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>>54056 4 is a morph, no?
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>>54032 Who??
