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BBWchan improvement thread Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 04:14:00 Id:27dfd1 No. 41857
Let's post what we like about the website and how we can improve.
>>47674 He could also be Jewish. There’s been a big push in this community to erase the facts. e.g. https://www.quora.com/Why-are-there-so-many-pedophiles-in-Israel-and-why-does-the-Talmud-say-its-okay-for-Jews-to-have-intercourse-with-a-three-year-old-so-long-as-if-they-are-a-goyim
>>47675 Please refrain from posting politics in a thread an American working in Germany has started without the consent of the Bahamas and the USA.
>>47685 Day light car jacking happens because ppl pop shit on bbwchan & think we wont run up. Now you know.
>>47687 I will respond to your post without your consent. Now you know.
No body in the Jewish community including the most radically think it’s ok to have sex with a 3 year old. If does say that anywhere no Jew supports that.
>>47689 Don't you feed the troll, you ben of a caleb.
>>47689 I’ve read that Israel is the pedophile capital of the world. Age of consents early teens and Likud is looking to lower it. They won’t extradite pedos either so it’s ever American chomo Jew’s plan A
>>44308 perigoso
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>>47691 Israel's age of consent is 16, like all of Europe. (And several years higher than the surrounding Arab countries where girls are forced into marriage as young as 10 and sex crimes against women are almost never enforced much less prosecuted. Unlike in Israel where women have equal rights.) The rest is your pedophilic imagination.
I'm starting to suspect none of you ITT know how to use 4chan's catalog.
>>48999 I can write a better troll then your paid writers. They suck
>>49000 Trips of truth.
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>>41860 >>44343 >>44371 >>44423 >>44434 >>44437 >>44438 >>44441 >>44443 >>44487 >>44528 >>44647 >>44655 >>44657 >>44662 >>44664 >>44685 >>47521 Now I understand. Be honest. Never used a chan before, have you? If one of you happens to be >>48858, I hope you see where I'm coming from.
I understand the site is basically circling the drain at this point but /inf/ seriously needs some serious moderation. Not only are there multiple entire threads full of absolute schizo gibberish that are either from bots or legit insane people but you've got full-on trolling campaigns by the berryfags harassing threads they even slightly dislike. This really is getting out of hand.
>>49144 >the site is basically circling the drain at this point Please don't say that. The Internet's lost too many anonymous image boards already. I would continue working on mine if I hadn't left everything at home in America. >seriously needs some serious moderation Please ask the mods to reduce the number of boards so one or two mods can take care of everything in one sitting. What do you think about >>47778?
Here's one. Make sure the R9K messages let users know about the source materials of duplicate files.
How would you call a "normies reacting to fat/infl porn" thread? /nor/mie?
I have some suggestions. Remake the site. Start from the ground up, and draft user stories to make sure we launch with the minimum number of boards. At max we should support: - Fat fetish: (all fat fetish porn smolfat thru ssbbw, feedings, belly play, etc) - Body Positive: (for not fat fetish plus sized women and others) - Scat play: maybe include relevant slob content here. - Hyper-preg: (nothing else is relevant or matters in terms of preggo porn) - Blueberry: (also not other inflation content is bbwchan relevant) - Lounge: for likeminded conversations with minimal moderation.
>>49761 >- Blueberry: (also not other inflation content is bbwchan relevant) Reverse the order. BB is a subset of INFL. Where would you put furry? Quite a lot of potential donors are in the furry fandom.
>>49766 Furries, orbtaculars and other semi-humanoids can go in the Junk Drawer category alongside non-blueberry inflation.
>>49795 Your idea in >49761 sounds very similar to my idea in >>49222 and yet feels very different. Here's mine: >/bbw/ - BBWchan, the only board with IDs and flags >/c/ - chubby, "smallfat" >/f/ - fat, "bigfat" >/i/ - inflation, but also pregnancy and breast/butt expansion >/s/ - slob and scat >/z/ - zoo, for furry and animal-likes The frontpage would look like this: /bbw/ /c/ /f/ /i/ /s/ /z/ The lounge comes first and the furry board goes last, obviously. Here's where our ideas are largely the same: /f/ - Fat fetish: (all fat fetish porn smolfat thru ssbbw, feedings, belly play, etc) /c/ - Body Positive: (for not fat fetish plus sized women and others) /s/ - Scat play: maybe include relevant slob content here. /bbw/ - Lounge: for likeminded conversations with minimal moderation. And here's where they differ: /p/ - (Hyper-)preg: (nothing else is relevant or matters in terms of preggo porn) /bb/ - Blueberry: (also not other inflation content is bbwchan relevant) Can you explain your reasoning please?
>>49801 The differences are obvious: my ideas are actually good. While you segment based on bbw/small-fat/big-fat, I segment based on the fetish. There should be no need to cross post borderline fatties who’ve gained out of bbw into “big fat”. In fact, there should be no threads for specific models (this isn’t instagram) but threads for the premier fetishes (weigh ins, slob, blueberry). Your system organizes pornography as if it’s a military or hospital; sorting bodies into categories. We should align by value-streams (I.e. fetishes) so our user base is better served.>>49801
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>>49824 Not sure if I could get behind either proposal, to be honest. Removing the real/drawn delineation feels like a massive oversight, I wouldn't want to see scribbles if I'm looking for real women - same for flesh and blood if I'm in an artwork mood. I'm also pretty certain that such a change would upset a lot of the userbase contained in bbwdraw. I obviously have no numbers to back this up, but bbwdraw vibes like it has many users who have zero interest in other parts of the site or image board culture in general - almost feels like a different world. I'm personally satisfied with the organization of the site as is, but if somebody were to reduce the number of boards, best bet would be lumping some of the less active boards into bbwalt for my money. Also wouldn't be opposed to combining bbw and ssbbw - people get way too hung up on trying to throw women into categories based on pictures and alleged numbers. There's such a small visible difference between what typically gets posted on both boards, I don't expect this to be an agreeable opinion but don't see the point in keeping both.
>>49827 Thanks for the articulate and well thought out post. > Removing the real/drawn delineation feels like a massive oversight I understand where you’re coming from and in the past I’d have agreed. However recent advances in generative AI have blurred the lines between fabricated art and performative reality. In fact many of the most important fetishes aren’t even lifelike achievable without a GenAI solution (realistic furry, orbtaculars, blueberry).
>>49824 >The differences are obvious: my ideas are actually good. What an absolute chad thing to say.
>>49824 >There should be no need to cross post borderline fatties Crossposting is a good thing and inter-board fun is how you keep posters posting and them coming back to post more. >In fact, there should be no threads for specific models AGREED. >premier fetishes (weigh ins, slob, blueberry) Why is BB a primary fetish to you? For all I know there's only one general on /inf/. Clearly blueberry is a subset of all things blown up. Hyperpreg also sounds like a subset of preg. >We should align by value-streams (I.e. fetishes) so our user base is better served. This is exactly why I'm proposing 2chan's "military or hospital" organization; 4chan is a massively improved 2chan derivative in the same way BBWchan is a massively outdated 4chan derivative. >>49827 >>49862 BBW-chan's current organization is an outdated image board design which quickly fell out of use once 4chan proved its superiority: Every board gets its own draw, write, and roleplay threads. I agree. Drawings and real humans need to get their own spaces. One anon in the now defunct BBWchan death thread (pun intended) asked for a thread for real life humans only. /h/ for humans.
>>41859 Here's a suggestion for the home page. Does the mascot have a name? I'll call her BBWtan for now. [BBWCHAN] (centered) [DISCLAIMER] What is BBWchan? BBWchan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from overweight and obesity to hygiene, inflation, and furries. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in! Be sure to familiarize yourself with the [Rules] before posting, and read the [FAQ] if you wish to learn more about how to use the site. [MASCOT] (the bread'n'butter boards can hold competitions to change BBWtan) [/bbw/ /c/ /f/ /i/ /s/ /z/] (the alphabetical order is important) [POPULAR THREADS] (optional, include the first attached file) [DONATION LINK] [STATS] (total posts, current users, active content in GBs) [Home][News][Blog][FAQ][Rules][Support BBWchan][Advertize][Press] [About][Feedback][Legal][Contact] [Copyright] This is a blatant copy of the 4chan home page slightly modified to suit this website. The more we make this website a 4chan clone the more users we'll attract and the more donors will come to our Lieutenant Barclay's aid.
>"I'm ok with this site dying as long as those wascist 4channers never find out about my sekwet cwub" It's almost like you retards don't want a space at all. The years of uber-proggy mods got to your heads, the internet is a different place now.
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>>49991 >>"I'm ok with this site dying as long as those wascist 4channers never find out about my sekwet cwub" But the 4channers are already here. They've always been here. They'll always be here.
>>50000 I feel like if we had fewer boards the trolls would be concentrated and forced to interact with each other.
add /qa/ board
Loli board. No more loli threads. When you want a board without that shit. If we can't ban that shit indiscriminately then we can ask the administration to banish it to its own garbage quarantine board.
>>49757 Two more generals: /oc/ for OCs (original characters) and /com/munity. One for complaints and /sug/gestions would be good, too.
>>50492 > Two more generals: /oc/ for OCs (original characters) and /com/munity. One for complaints and /sug/gestions would be good, too. Hard pass. We don’t need /OC/. I think it just goes in /FAT/ or /WIDE/ depending on if she’s fatter or wider in the art. We don’t need to segment /Draw/ and /AI/ and then subdivision /OC/ of LiLi can be front and center of the internet. Best I can offer you is /FUR/ry. /com/ and /sug/ are bad ideas. These sorts of types of feedback and dialogue should be organically happening in the preexisting library structure. Pass. This just isn’t your best idea. I think with a little more analysis and rework you could find something more valuable to suggest.
>>50493 Thoughtful post is good post.
>>50497 Negative
>>50501 Originally I wanted to write a longer post but I kept triggering the autoban.
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What's better, 150 threads a board and 300 posts a thread, or 300 threads of 500 posts each? The former takes up less space (ironic knowing where we are) but holds less content, while the latter can take 3.3 times more content but runs the problem of necrobumping.
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I have thought the big think and came up with a big idea. We conduct an open air experiment in which we transform cherrypicked generals and turn them into miniature red 4chan's. I nominate /bbfurries/, /bbwalt/, and /inf/, the boards I consistenly referred to as "garbage boards". What's the plan? Remove the stickies. Let's start the general threads listed in >>50683 and ask a godmod to autosage duplicates. Leave the rest to chaos. Let's funnel anons into a restricted number of threads and see what happens.
>>51098 This is unironically a solid plan.
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>>51100 Thank you. How would you go on about creating the threads? Would you add any generals to the list? For example, Western comics and cartoons /c&c/, Western video games /wvg/, Eastern manga and anime /m&a/, and Eastern video games /evg/ are 4 more generalized threads we can use to redirect anons into. Here are the rules to be used in drawthreads edit threads, and write threads: THREAD GUIDELINES - All artists/editors/writers welcome! - Request in moderation. - Post a sample of your art/edits/stories when "taking x requests". - No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads. - Respect /board/ and global rules. - Do not request drawings/edits of real people. Take them to the relevant morph threads. - Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count. - Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit. - Be patient. Drawings/edits/stories take time. - Not all requests will be filled. It all comes down to plain dumb luck. - Take it easy and please be nice to the draw/edit/writefriends! Remember, they do this for fun. - Draw/edit/writefriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take. - If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track. Anchor your deliveries to the delivery anchor post. - Do not anchor your requests to the OP. - Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this. Old thread: >> It should be obvious the guidelines are an obvious copy of 4chan's draw, edit, and write generals. To reiterate: We make the general threads, we redirect anons into them and ask a based godmod to autosage duplicates like Reiinapop (who belongs in /irl/), Super Mario Bros. (belongs in /nin/tendo), Friday Night Funkin (belongs in /wvg/), and the random artist threads other than the powerhouse Axel Rosered belong in /art/. Thoughts? Contrary to popular rumors I'm open to feedback.
/bbw/ exclusive general: /pol/itics. Only /bbw/ gets to have a politics thread.
My people deserve truer gatekeepers. I don’t like my internets all-potential being suppressed. Regards to true channers ideals. Regards to my peoples admin and moderators. Regards to freedom. Regards to growth. Uhhh And regards to Phoenicia! We are our own world. I like all the people that feel likewise. How hard do we have to push to have our vibes at our party? Instead of an empty facade, with such slight growth that it could be called a masquerade. I dare truer admin. Viva Philistina and the end of theft. Love knows what soulful paradise my people make when fully in control of our own internet. Someone needs to back off.
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I can't believe I forgot one of 4chan's most soulful mechanics: the post timer. Requesting you guys implement a visible 60s timer. Before you hit post, or reply as it's called here, it'll show a countdown. When you hit reply it'll post once the timer's up. Post a post. Wait 60 seconds. Post a post.
>>51281 /dis/ussion general. Every board gets one except for /bbw/ which gets many.
>>51379 I don’t feel that’s necessary yet until the website gets more users >>53463 Ok. And yeah this world needs more chan websites. So many other chan websites should've been made by now. And 4chan should’ve helped that growth. 4chan seems stifled and constricted. Most true channers have left. 4chan was set to develop a perfect world, but then 4chan was invaded. Undo the invasion, continue growing the worlds souls.
>>53465 Chan sites need something to set them apart otherwise normies will flock to the biggest example of its kind. Chat client? Disharmony. Short videos? Tiktok. BBWchan can be the 4chan of fat. And also other tangential stuff. >I don’t feel that’s necessary yet until the website gets more users It's necessary to make new users get the impression we're exactly like the big scary 4chan except its geared towards their secret big degeneracy.
>>41857 The admins should do more to permaban all transphobe filth and post their IP addresses for us to have fun with
