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Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 09:37:21 Id:50716e No. 52934
What is the psychology of lard fetishism? Does anyone have any insight? As far as I know, no research has ever been done. We all have different awakening stories but our brains must have something in common. Why are we like this?
>>52937 It’s pretty much entirely natural and normal. The better question is when did western culture fetishize women that look like prepubescent boys. Historic norms the world over are for hefty women with hips that can carry a baby and breast feed across winter. Plenty of cultural practices that are feederism 100%: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leblouh. There’s not an animal on earth that signals reproductive fitness thru thin fragility in females.
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I've read something recently about people who listen to alternative music having emotional needs that are harder to satisfy/haven't been satisfied, I think something similar might be going on with "size-divergent" fetishes. The fertility angel doesn't fully check out because obesity isn't favorable for conceiving a child. When a women is slim like pic related it's easier too discern the authentic hallmarks of fertility like hip breadth, true boob size, butt shape, etc. A women being bigger than her partner also isn't dimorphic with humans at least. What I think is really peculiar are people with this fetish from areas without them. Everyone from the US and some select pockets like Caribbean and Pacific Islands grew up along plus-size people which obviously influenced their tastes similar to how you're more attracted to certain ethnicities than others.
>>52939 >The better question is when did western culture fetishize women that look like prepubescent boys Some time before recorded history because with very few exceptions the depictions of ideal women from 6000 BC-on haven't been fat nor close to it. "Historic norms" are far closer to prepubescent boys than curvy BBWs. And so again, if this is normal and natural, why are we such a small minority in 2024? Around the world, not just North America and Europe. >>52943 >The fertility angel doesn't fully check out because obesity isn't favorable for conceiving a child. Exactly. A BMI between 26 and 30 is ideal for childbearing. 50, not so much.
I'm not sure if it's a lot about psychology (certainly a bit), but much rather biology I think a lot or this is correct There definetely is a link to fertility and all that Reproduction and not going extinct is the very core of evolution But there's a missing link And this made me think.. And a theory, a thesis just came up in the very moment What if the core of this is what was mentioned before, but due to some minor defect, let's call it a bug in our personal preferences program, it's exaggerated to an extreme..? This kinda makes sense to me A lot of us have this preference or fetish, whatever you wanna call it, from the very beginning and discovered it over the years.. So something, somewhere must have happened that causes that.. The only question then is: What is the reason for that and how exactly does that work.. There could be a million reasons when you look at how evolution and biology works (Thinking about body parts or abilities that got lost along the way and reappear once in a million people for example) On the other hand maybe that's just the evolutionary spread of difference to ensure not going extinct (variety in combination with survival of the fittest or best adapted much rather) and there's no big deal about it.. A question that remains to be asked is: Is there any research on fetish causes in general? That would also be a good point to start at Is there a lot of similarities or differences? Never really took a look at it But does biology or psychology dive into this area or do they stay away, cause it's kinda taboo and too niche..? If anyone knows anything, maybe we can create some kind of link there.. For me personally there is no obvious reason It's always been there Being interested in females and sexuality never ever included skinny It was at least bbw right away from day one So it was definitely hard coded by default Kinda like homosexuality it just exists and doesn't seem to have a direct cause Another thing that might shed some light now that I wrote it How does that get coded into some people's brains..?
>>52971 Replying to myself here Quick research There is no commonly established cause and anything from childhood experience to "faulty" or different brain development to biological reasons could be a reason But all in all nobody really knows for sure So it's probably a looong way until we know for sure where our preferences come from
>>52934 I'm wondering how many of us have Slavic/Russian roots. This post >>51025 mentions that Russians for many centuries loved their women big. I only found out that both sides of my family have some Russian blood in them, one from the Ukraine Side, and the other from Northern Finland. Looking through old photos of family, it appears all the women were indeed fat women until they migrated to the west. So in short, I wonder if genetics play some kind of role in it.
>>52936 evolutionary psychology is almost entirely bullshit, and fetishes and kinks can be nonsensical and not sex related at all. i think its just an issue of when a creature with libido has sentience, for some reason certain wires can get crossed and instead of a typical sexuality they end up with weird fetishes, due to what they've observed. in the past, culturally, being plump was a sign of wealth, but now what is considered conventionally attractive is being skinny. i don't think sexual attraction has set rules other than straight being the majority. trying to work backwards from whats happening now to what could have caused this doesnt work because we can't observe evolution in humans, and we have no idea how much of our sexuality is nature or nurture, but most non-quack scientists tend to lean towards nurture. TL;DR there is no evolutionary reason because evolutionary psychology is bullshit and we are all just weird for no reason other than we are and human sexuality is nebulous enough to allow it.
>>53030 > fetishes and kinks can be nonsensical and not sex related at all. *not obviously sex related. But all kinks and fetishes ARE sexual in origin and ontogeny. There are no “crossed wires” only adaptive and maladaptive strategies of behavior controlled by genetics expressed across a wide array of context for a gigantic population. Theories exist to connect every sexual kinks to sex and sexual preferences to reproduction…weird shit like “looners” exist, but even that fetish may be using the balloon as a surrogate for a pregnant woman or physical orgasm. Foot fetishes for instance are an evolutionary mechanism to delink sex from penis/vagina. Exponential growth of foot fetishdom during the AODS epidemic ( source: “Sexualization of the female foot as a response to sexually transmitted epidemics” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9819924/ In the Sixteenth Century, an outbreak of syphilis appeared in Europe. In Again, there was a near-simultaneous reappearance of the foot fetish. TLDR: Things don’t fall for reasons other than gravity. No one busts a nut without it being connected to sex/reproduction.
I can't be bothered digging further into this (i.e. doing any kind of research to substantiate this claim), but I'm pretty sure there's a significant link between this fetish and autism. Chubbychiquita posted a poll on her Tumblr asking followers if they were neurodivergent or neurotypical and it was something like an 80/20 split. (80% neurodivergent, 20% neurotypical). I think this might be some of the best data available that accurately captures a sample of the fat fetish population. Not long after responding to that poll I got diagnosed with autism. I think for me, this fetish is a kind of special interest. Considering that Chans tend to be autist magnets, I'd say it's the same for a lot of you reading this post also.
>>53043 I guess this applies more to Europeans than Africans.
>>53043 There’s a huge selection bias in that data that renders it incomprehensible. If you were to survey the general population of fat fetishists, and not just the ones who buy content from models that got most of their fame from image boards, I’m sure the stats would be way more in line with the general population. Most fat fetish guys aren’t even in to the feeder stuff in the first place, I think that specific genre of fat fetish is more likely to attract autists who are hyperfixated on BBWs but liking fat girls in general is not that unusual in the general population, even if it isn’t the mainstream standard of beauty. Also, hosting a poll on tumblr also yields its own selection bias issues— normies generally don’t congregate on that website at all. Outside of selection bias there’s also the bias of self-reporting, people who aren’t autistic are going to be less likely to respond to a poll like that in the first place. Overall I think that data is meaningless.
>>53046 Autism is common among fat fetish weirdos more than men who like bbws/ssbbws. We are a-historically and unnaturally fat. But there’s nothing wrong with liking a fatter ass on a woman, it’s an evolutionary advantage to make sure she can produce milk. The autism comes in when people say to themselves “I get so hard for fat women but they’re disgusting, society told me they’re gross. Oh what a weird confusing sensation”
There's not one specific reason and the answer is going to be different for everybody. It's probably a vague combination of normal preferences in women that every guy has and whatever weird mindbreak happens to cause fetishes, with the ratio being different for everybody. As mentioned above, there are some pretty wide gaps between guys who like soft girls with big tits and feeders and kilo-counting autists. In my case, I'm stricken with an inflation fetish which gradually grew to include attraction to fat girls that isn't at all dependent on them blowing up (though it obviously helps). I'm still attracted to thin women, but much less-so than I am to fat girls, but on the other hand watching them eat or weigh themselves does absolutely nothing for me and can even be kind of a turn-off. There are a lot of commonalities and venn diagram crossovers going on here, but 'being into fat chicks' is way more broad then just being into watching them eat a cake on the floor or sit on a guy's face or whatever.
Is the question as to where this fetish comes from predicated on the idea that it's abnormal? I get that it's atypical, but how much of it is random connections in the brain forming as a result of random input from the environment? This search for a cause feels like the same thing as gay conversion therapy. I don't know if it's even possible to know until we can fully map human consciousness.
>>52934 Fattyfuckers are similar in some regard to amazon fetishists or just tall girls in general AND harems. The reason? Pure greed. A fat woman is "more woman per woman" - so is a tall one. A tall very fat one is maximally "efficient"
>>53084 Absolutely agree. Thinking back to my childhood, I'm pretty sure it was a nurture side of things. None of my family was fat, but in kindergarten I sympathized and had good relations more with chubby girls than with skinny ones. I specifically remember one fat girl I was friends with. This sort of thing continued in school. At that time I discovered internet and fat fetish porn was the first thing I saw. I don't wanna over generalize, but I think fetishes are mainly a combo of: your first encounters+your subconscious conclusions from these encounters+your first experience with porn.
There is little research on fat fetishism itself but its thought that body related fetishes are hardwired from birth (which seems to be reflected in the common "I've always liked fat girls" response) and behavioral or object related ones are acquired in early childhood. I dont think everyone who likes fat girls has a fat fetish in the same sense though. Many of us just seem hardwired to be aroused by fat itself, regardless of where it is or who its own, including the sex we arent attracted to, whereas others are only into the typical reproductive health signalling hourglass figure taken to the extreme.
>>53608 I'm not challenging you at all but genuinely curious: do you have any sources for this? I've always suspected this is true (I feel it's true for me, at least) but have never seen "official" confirmation.
>>53575 your point proves nothing. I had very bad relations with a chubby girl in kindergarden and after in school. and yet I'm here.
>>53084 On a similar note, I'm one of the many who love BBWs and fat bodies but really don't like the feedism stuff, I just wish more girls in the community focussed more on playing with their body than on stuffing vids. I honestly think this would also help go a long way to making the preference more socially acceptable in more mainstream circles
Liking fat women can be classified as hard wired at birth kind of thing. But getting off to women being out of shape and getting fatter not so much IMO. Most normal guys who like fit girls won't get off on a girl going to the gym and showing you how unfit she was and how she built muscle
for me personally i had a chubby girl babysit me and my brother when we were really young so that cooooould of started it
It just means that we have a particular preference and find pleasure in being intimate with larger women. Attraction and preferences are personal and subjective, so there's no right or wrong way to feel. As long as it's consensual and respectful, there's nothing inherently wrong with a preference for larger women. Even huge ones if it is what you like. Sounds simple but took me years to sort out. Married an SSBBW in my second marriage and life couldn’t be better and embraced what I like unapologetically. Best thing ever and I wish you the same. We all have our journey.
It's An alternative perspective for you all. I will assume I have this fetish as a response to the trauma of teenaged anorexia and watching my fatso parents compulsively diet and commit wild, hurtful shit to lose weight. But still, its lots of young women go through that experience and don't come out like me. From our man's perspective of wanting to fuck woman, I have no idea.
related thread >>54907
>>52936 >elephant seals As in males wanting fatter females, or females fattening the beachmaster up? (Or both?)
>>55289 The anorexia-feedee/feeder pipeline is crazy. Did you feel like you had any attraction before the ED?
I might offer a "simple" explanation, though not all FA's are the same, so it can boil down to different reasons.. As a kid I was already obsessed with soft things (soft teddy bears, cats with very thick and soft fur) and probably my brain learned to replicate it with fat women, because fat is soft. :) And they really do give the best hugs (other than great sex).
>>52934 I think there are a few factors in play here. Society valued excessive skinniness for decades. Anyone who wanted even just a little more meat on the bone was deprived of experiencing that in their day to day life. Then the internet made images available to anyone, and now the pendulum just swings back the other direction. There is also the aspect of it being taboo. Society collectively says being fat is bad, so us deviants want to give that mindset the finger. I do think the evolutionary biology argument is valid. Our brains are only capable of seeing that a fatter person will last longer in a survival scenario. Societies where extreme obesity caused health problems are exceptionally rare throughout human history. This is just one of many ways that our brains have not caught up to the modern world.
>>54804 That's how it appeals to me. It is exclusively the physicality of seeing and/or feeling a woman with a lot of meat on her bones. My explanation for why men might be attracted this way is quite simple: fat deposits on a woman's body are are nothing but an extention of what already makes feminine features naturally appealing. Some rolls on the belly aren't physically that different from the tissue that makes up boobs or ass, in fact all three normally go hand-in-hand with size. If people understood this simple relationship, I'm sure more normies would get us. >>57014 Same psychology works with boobs and assess among probably every straight man that exists. While I can say that my exploration started as a mere (morbid) curiosity into the absolute limits of the human body, I quickly realized that my research was arousing to me for these reasons. Softness is feminine. The more softness the more attractiveness and more fun in bed! >>57022 There is a whole thread on this board exploring the ancient history of this topic. Why wouldn't we inherit our tastes at some level from our ancestors who saw weightier women as having a survival advantage in the ice age cold? This modern period of plenty is so reletively brief that everyone has to deal with the whiplash of overabundance suddenly becoming more harmful to health than helpful. The culture has already tried compensating for this but the biological incentives it tries to mask are still there.
>>52957 I think the thing is a lot of men want a fit partner. Someone who is capable of walking distances, has some level of strength, etc. Fat fetishism really throws that to the wayside and says "its ok that youre most homebound, etc." I think that men who like thin women, like them because it suggests theyre active, they are physically reliable, and it signals social extroversion.
Well I can give my 2 cents. First, it's clear from history and ethnography that attraction to big women is normal. It's a quirk of our times that skinninness started being worshipped in the 1980s. I think there at a lot of ppl in the community like me who just want to see women with meat on. On the stuffing/feeding side, speaking for myself, there wasn't always enough food growing up, and there was a lot of guilt associated with food. The idea of someone eating with abandon, gorging themselves, being unable to eat any more... it just seems like comfort, security, and happiness to me and always has.
>>57119 What uncivilized part pf the uk are you from to grow up around food insecurity, Ireland?
>>52934 I have to come at it from the other side. It's not all nature, nurture has it's place. >I find 99.9% of skinny women are obnoxious and over anxious. >There is nothing more eye rolling to me than to bring a girl to a steakhouse and have her order a salad with a single crouton. >Listen, if I am with you, I want to spend time with you, enjoy your company, and I'm probably attracted to you for reasons other than your appearance, maybe you don't have to make 99% of your day about staying skinny. >I cannot possibly feign interest in your 100th freakout of the day because you accidentally ordered a 2% milk in your chai latte instead of non fat and now you feel like you need to spend the next four hours on your Pelaton. >You hate jogging, biking, and pretty much all exercise, but your mom made you feel fat over the phone last week, and now you're yelling at me because I bought us fast food we both like. >We all get old, and I know you think skinny=hot but time makes fools of us all, we got a limited time to be young and enjoy ourselves. >Hey, I can understand you think being 101 lbs makes you fat and disgusting, but I am not a skinny guy, you aren't saying it, you swear it's not true, but how can you hate your body and not have opinions about me who is waaaaaay fatter than you, and if that's really true, how can you like me, a person out of shape, and not believe I can like you without seeing your rib bones? >If I have to hear about one more sketchy diet from some fake internet guru that I have to look up and go 'yeah, if you do this, you will probably almost die because there is not enough nutrition in this'. I see a girl who is not skinny, and I immediately feel like I might be engaging with someone who isn't a basket case about their weight. I might be talking to someone who likes watching tv, going to movies, playing videogames, tabletop games, and other activities I might suggest that aren't just exercise. I might be talking to someone that knows a good restaurant I don't know. I did have preferences, but my experiences with non skinny and skinny women have reinforced my preference for larger women.
>>57130 This is a good point. I've never known a skinny American adult who wasn't neurotic about their weight. It's probably the only way to stay thin in this fatass country now that I think of it.
>>57150 There’s also the fact that being skinny takes effort and is in demand. These women want to get paid back for their investment. A fat woman will be more likely to go 5050 on dates, cook you dinner, buy you gifts and treat you like a king. Especially if you’re a catch she can flaunt around sad skinny frenemies.
>>52934 I think a lot of this current generation grew up in the era that really romanticized being skin and bones. The Abercrombie era, tabloids exposing celebrity diets and weight gains, etc. It was all they saw and experienced basically developed a sexual deviance and preference for the exact opposite - fat.
>>52934 I think there’s something universal about the appeal of indulgence, transformation, and abundance. These themes resonate on both a primal and psychological level.......whether it’s about pushing boundaries, embracing hedonism, or finding beauty in what society often dismisses. There’s also a strong element of rebellion here; to find joy and attraction in something that’s stigmatized or taboo can feel like reclaiming power in a way.
>>53043 There 100% is. There's no question about it.
>>52936 you ripped your dick off.
i think it’s kind of the layers of mind and history and drug experience that kind of meld together to form our aesthetic experience and perception if you wished to justify fat aesthetics you could make reference to baumgarten’s aesthetics within the praxis of the aristocracy or something back to the fetish stuff though if you wanted to define it as such then jung or freud might be useful in that case
as for myself, speaking for myself, i feel like a lot of the joy and annoyance comes along with dealing with the community, whoever that is, who are pursuing their ends that often conflict with each other, but not really because the main thing it seems like we’re doing in a pragmatic sense is just feeding each other, responsibly maybe? and that doesn’t seem like too complicated of a thing
also this is just some stoner stuff but think of how long the ice age lasted. those are some of the earliest artistic conceptions of anything for us. i think that explains why you might spend a while chiseling some large hips out of rock, but those that’s sort of the curse of the polar bear cave as well, so it’s complicated
the old gods are kind of in that cave too and i think that’s a little bit of the scaries sometimes alright now i’m just speaking nonsense mostly
>>52971 >For me personally there is no obvious reason >It's always been there >Being interested in females and sexuality never ever included skinny >It was at least bbw right away from day one >So it was definitely hard coded by default Same. For me it always had to be there a bit -- even if not much. Kinda separates "lust" from "love" -- seeing a hot (thick) girl is different from a less physical sort of attraction, e.g. to Yennefer from the Witcher games. She's beautiful, but definitely not fat, and the idea of her being fat repels me for some reason. I'd prefer to be with this kind of situation, but the girl would need to be at least 'average' thin -- not a skelly. >>52982 Not much for me. I did a DNA test -- about 95% Anglo, including a few bits of Germanic (e.g. German, Norse) and the rest is scattered european generally. There'd be a little Slavic, but it couldn't be more than a percent or two.
>>53608 This aligns with my experiences. I'm only romantically interested in women but when it comes to fatness and related fetishes my sexual orientation is much more flexible. Having an innate fat fetish, which led to other fetishes developing at a young age (vore, burping, giantess, etc) seems plausible.
>>60478 I wish Giò Scotti was fat.
>>60514 Seriously go check out the beluga Spanx page. This dudes calling me a faggot for finding some pear shaped fat men attractive if their unrecognizably obese.
>>52943 Who is this???
I have a personal answer to this. I underwent a form of hypnotherapy in which you prepare the questions for the therapist to ask you while you're 'under.' One of my questions about the origins of my sexuality and I answered that it was the result of being hungry for a prolonged period of time as a baby.
