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Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 16:29:09 Id:dfe58c No. 61366
Satan eradicated the multiverses within the bible. All its peoples and cities destroyed. Time writes itself.
Churches don't even commit to bringing up Satan. He's not in video games, rap, rock, or pop music, or even politics. Now CUNY is the center for all the culture war. Just look at how Nosferatu can't commit to showing a vampire for more than fifteen minutes, or how Beetlejuice can't be bothered to show. Church is just pageantry and Dr. Oz talk shows.
>>61369 The left doesn't commit to anything. They don't believe in anything. They're just assholes with a business major. It's fitting DocGyara commit suicide in a fit of narcissistic poetic death cause that's what people who don't pay attention about Hemingway do.
Just look at computer science. That used to be left wing, but nerds threw it away cause they don't like anyone playing with their toys and are now mad the right are using it other than making the world science fiction.
>>61372 Go commit suicide if you don't like living under fascism. Your beloved anime was made by Showa, clothes was made by Mussolini, and expressways was made by Hitler.
Jesus is king. It's kinda crazy this feed pops up bc I was like I wonder anyone would make a post abt Jesus. Or his weaker opposite but boom here it is. Even tho we sin and commit heinous acts of lust against ourselves he still loves us
>>61390 U can't deny Jesus didn't live when science backs up his living. U might be able to back up that he didn't do the things said in the Bible. which with through research is backed by science as well. Even on nasa page for all eclipses the have the one records of Jesus' death
if you feel like Jesus didn't live is factually wrong but I can't change your mind. I can pray for anyone who feels like you for him to be shown to you one day. But saying Christianity comes from the Spanish is retarded
>>61389 >>61391 >>61394 I just give up on all this online and shut off the drugs.
>>61373 > Go commit suicide if you don't like living under fascism. Solid advice. Trump pardoned the J6 scapegoats, fixed the military of its liberals problem and is protecting the police from murder. Gays, commies, trans child groomers and liberals are gonna find out what it feels like to have the boot on their necks for a change.
>>61450 You’re the junkie. All these pink haired queers on SRIs are gonna find out what it’s like to be the new boogie man in the room. Straight white men are off the menu and it’s hunting season on freaks buddy.
this is bbw chan jesus get over yourselves, gay ass thread
