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Dumbest Models Hall Of Fame Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 22:38:28 Id:395f49 No. 57433
This has no real rules but here are some that I'm going to follow: 1. I am personally disregarding participation in feedism/intentional weight gain as criteria for entry in most cases. Yes, it's dumb, but if we nominate every girl who got fat for money and sexual pleasure we'd be here all night. I might make exceptions in certain cases depending on how fucked up a certain situation is (Mochii speedrunning herself into ill health and having to quit, Echo becoming massively immobile and winding up in a nursing home in her 30s). 2. Try to provide examples if you can - I am going with someone who seemed pretty empty headed in her content but we also have some real deal evidence that she's a dunce in her day to day life as well. You can definitely use stuff from content as an example, though. 3. I am personally not going to factor in severe mental illness - Jae, Reenaye, etc. But I may already break this rule depending on how you feel about my second nominee. So, first up: I nominate BBBXXL. She obviously seems dumb as a sack of bricks when you watch her porn, but then there's her notorious domestic violence arrest and mugshot. And being named "Jonda Sue" has to earn you stupidity points, right? I also nominate Big Cutie Britt - which I acknowledge is a grey area because she allegedly fried her brain on rave drugs. But her ranting and raving on social media and even on bbwchan that she transcended her form and became god is gloriously unhinged stuff. Maybe she's more crazy than she is dumb.
>>58549 Britt has a degree in business. Layla is either a lawyer or has law school education under her belt. At a certain point, education doesn't negate stupidity. It's an intelligence vs wisdom deal. That being said, I'm sure Spanx is pleasant enough to talk to and can hold a conversation.
>>58550 Talked to Spanx on Wooplus for a while, seemed pretty normal, kinda funny, good at conversating. Cool girl. Definitely not dumb
>>57461 Backtracking because Ash's failed projects do not get enough attention. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vast-magazine/vast > $15.6k raised for fat people magazine > 3 issues (generous to call them that) published as of Dec 2021 > website (vast.press) stopped being updated february 2022 > web domain went up for sale mid-2024 > vast instagram account made private > ash says nothing and goes on a "social media break" Where the hell did the fifteen grand go?
>>58553 I matched with her on OKCupid during the years she wasn’t modeling, before she redebuted as Spanx. We didn’t meet up but she’s a pretty cool chick and from my interactions and yeah much sharper and more lucid than she might appear. >>58564 This is the fucking content I come here for lmao. That’s straight up theft.
Anorei Collins / Lexi. She's constantly broke and has to live with roommates, despite at one point bringing in $200k a year.
>>58591 Dysfunctional, maybe, but I've seen her interviewed and she's not dumb. Probably above-average for pornstars/webmodels.
I think her name was Lilith the cenobite. Her gimmick was she'd only eat during sponsored meals, would starve herself otherwise, and made multiple tabloid appearances about how she was likely to die young from some disorder anyway so she might as well get fat. She had the worst method of monetizing her fetish and never changed even when it drove her to poverty. Say what you will about some of these women and how they run their paysite, at least they usually have the sense to try. Lilith just complained and when that didn't work complained some more
>>58642 She's a good contender alright. Strong contender in the highly competitive "craziest model" category as well. I have no idea whether this is true, but I heard a rumour on here years ago that she had a mental breakdown and went into a hospital ER and started screaming at the staff and demanding that they cut off all her fat with a chainsaw or some shit. >about how she was likely to die young from some disorder anyway so she might as well get fat There's a different girl on reddit who has the same shtick. I think her name is "blondiebabe" or something like that. Pic related. I have no idea what's actually wrong with her, but as per her recent posts (last time I checked) she is apparently literally dying but she's still making/posting content. I actually used to like her but that turns me off ngl, not least because she now posts "sexy" pics with medical tubes and shit sticking out of her. I actually blocked her because of that; the pic I attached to this post is an old one. I also recall that she was (and probably still is) heavily addicted to benzos and used to post in druggie subreddits on her old account. Although one good thing about her is that she doesn't "paywall" her gain, she just posts weight updates for everyone to see.
>>58591 This might be a stupid/naive thing to say, but I have to imagine she was spending a lot of that money on food. Especially if she was eating only/mostly fast food, that shit would get very expensive very quickly.
>>58564 Her husband’s subscriptions to white nationalist podcast patreons
>>58644 Wow... I can't fathom what you said with no heart. She has been sick for years and it is getting worse. Anyone who has followed her from the start knows this. She needs help to survive as she has a medical diagnosis but god forbid she lives through this cause gross tubes...
>>58649 Tbh I left the discord because I didn't want to keep up with the health updates. That and practically anytime someone posted another girl she felt compelled to respond with her own selfies. What she has is serious, she's been struggling with it for a while, and I wish her well and all. I just don't know why she wants to keep up with being a BBW despite it all. Like as much as I'm sure she's been told her infections are independent of her weight, surely losing weight has to be better for her condition? I'm sure that's an ignorant thing to say but fuck it, I'd be re-evaluating my life choices if I had a colostomy bag or a feeding tube through the nose.
>>58647 This remains one of the funniest things I have discovered from bbw chan gossip. How on earth do they tolerate each other?
>>58659 She needs someone to wipe her fat ass and he wants a blob to feed. People should really spread the word about her husbands interests though because it shows how big of a hypocrite she is with all her woke grifting
>>58649 See >>58652 I know I'm was callous, and I apologise if she's a friend of yours. But at the end of the day, I don't know her personally. She's just someone I used to like jacking off to. If a model/pornstar is going through health issues or is losing weight or whatever, I don't have a problem with that (I'm not *that* much of a sociopath) but I don't want to see/hear about it either. You could make the argument that this entire fetish/community revolves around watching people commit slow suicide for clout/money. Some people get off on that. Others just turn a blund eye to it. I am firmly in the latter category. In other words, porn is fantasy, and I don't like being reminded of the fact that some poor woman is dying while I'm just trying to bust a nut.
>>58665 *I was *blind
My nomination is Devious or Miss Devious or whatever she goes by. I swear she's borderline retarded. She's got the vocabulary of a 5 year old and all of her social media posts are all caps ebonics. She's the very definition of low IQ white trash.
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>>58678 This Devious? Yes, she is legit low IQ.
>>57723 Thanks for the report
>>58680 she wanted $500 for condom blowjob only and got mad when I told her no
>>58792 Her porn is awful too. She could have been a major hit between 2006-2012, but she always did these awful scenes, and she never branched out of being screwed by black dudes. If she would have branched out, even did more fetish content, she'd be better off. Basically, if you want to know how Randalin would have faired in the 2000s, it would have played out how Devious tanked her career.
Maybe Kayla, just because she used her full name for a while
>>59156 Amen. Devious has a great body but she needed better scenes - even if she just stuck to fucking black guys, better camerawork and direction would have helped. I’ll still jerk off to her scenes because I love her ass, but she’s definitely a case of missed opportunity
Nah this chick is nuts and idk how sick she is. Shes been sick for years but always seems to have something wrong with her. She has a boyfriend or partner or something but somehow is always begging for money. Shes been in and out and on and off reddit and discord for years but never made content. Chick is just off.
layla has never been the brightest but she's really pushing it lately. posted an instagram story about how the sun reached out to her to write an article and she said no, and now she's saying that means they can't write one? like how would that even work. imagine you can't write an article about anyone who says that you aren't allowed to LMAO. anyway she read the article and is apparently arguing that them quoting her as having said she's added "two more inches of sexiness" to her waist is wrong, and that she "never said that." i am willing to bet 10000000 whatever-currency-you-choose that at some point in her entire onlyfans career she said those exact words. i love her content and i'm gonna stay subbed but she is so fucking stupid i am beginning to lose it.
>>59307 Link to the article? These tabloid articles about feederism are always amusing lol
Did the mods really come in here to delete comments calling lawyers dumb greedy idiots? Talk about SDE
>>59336 I'm not sure when the mods decided to start moderating /gen/, but I figured it would be for the more unhinged schizo comments. Not that the posts about lawyers were hidden gems or anything, just figured the bar was much lower.
>>59337 Fine, I am shadow mod Kisame, your ideas about lawyers are boring. Lawyers are still concentrated in the East Coast.
>>59337 > unhinged schizo comments. And gen is an important place to capture these as 1:10 are downright hilarious and 1:1000 are deeply insightful hidden genius.
>>59338 > I am shadow mod Kisame, your ideas about lawyers are boring. Lawyers are still concentrated in the East Coast. Lowest of the lower east side says I, true Kisami undercover this whole time. Real Gs live in the financial district and eat Papa John’s pizza because it’s the best investment. Traders create value and earn real money while lawyer just argue semantics. In any event should you live in the pacific time zone you can replace “stock jockey” with “realtor” and if you live in the Midwest “horse trader”. If you live in the Ukraine think of “horses” as a subtype of draft age men and/or DPRK super sayans.
>>59341 Have fun being Kisame because I am going to be offline starting February. I find my purpose in life is pretty much not online and traveling through world and being a drifter. I don't care for the financial sector.
>>59341 I am too occupied with figuring out my path outside of the internet to care about material like fetish art. Find some other second rate artist like Marrazan to impersonate
Somebody posted a video Britt made during her extended manic episode or spirit quest or whatever the fuck in /bbw/ and I had to turn it off about ten seconds in. Idk if she ever snapped out of it but that girl was GOOOOONE, like worse than I realized. Inside of her brain probably looked like a Salvador Dali painting.
>>59553 I vaguely remember this. Not sure what happened to her. Maybe she went Schizo?
>>58591 she used to post on old bbwchan quite a bit in the mid-late 2000s, right before she lost the rights to anorei collins also how tf do you lose the rights to your own name she's a travel escort now (kinda), publicly she says you can just cum on her tits, but for money she'll do anything I think it's drugs, I can't figure out how else she fucked up the bag so badly
>>59156 Didn't Devious drop off the scene for a bit because she was in jail, too? Either way, she's the very definition of white trash. A low IQ mudshark whose social media posts are all caps ebonics. I'm also willing to bet she smells like a combination of cigs, BO, dollar store perfume, and hoagie breath. It's a shame because she's got a nice body...
>>59590 AFAIK she took too much drugs and lost her damn mind
>>60093 In the Britt thread, it was also speculated that since her Dad died around the time this started, that it may have also been a contributing factor. >>60080 Tale as old as the internet. I do not know if you can fix white trash.
>>60080 lmaooo
>>58547 >For the opposite end I think Caitidee and Sasha are probably the smartest models Not sure about Sasha but you are 100% correct about Caitidee. She lives in my town and I've met her on more than one occasion years ago. She's was very sharp from what I can recall, topics like politics and philosophy of the fetish were brought up in conversion and with sound logic behind her opinions.
>>59737 Do you know how to book her? I might just have to do it.
>>57433 Hot take - SpanxBeluga. Absolutey nutty. Almost made me want to leave and join the foreign legion.
>>60529 she used to post on backpage back in the day, around 500 an hr, not sure how to book her now
CCs not stupid but there’s something to the sorta libtard woman that browses Chan but expects the racists to stop at light skinned illegals. Then she’s gullible enough to get roped into addressing rumors about Zionism, cat crushing and waffle stomping.
Hayley... she doesn't come across full blown retarded but just kinda stunted and awkward. Like she looks childish in a deeply uncomfortable way to me.
>>61199 I honestly think that's just the extent of it. She likes anime, is young, was probably in that nerdy awkward group in high school where they were all just kinda losers. I don't think she expects to make it big on TikTok but she had the right proportions and had cute outfits. 300lbs later she's making measuring videos for OnlyFans. Girl might get more comfortable the more she does, but I don't think she's stupid or anything.
>>61199 autism
Looking through this thread I don’t think I saw Sadie? Many have speculated that she’s autistic. On the bbw side, how bout Body Auty? She kinda ruined her looks and fits that cliche IG thot mold. Also, any bbl bitch ever but especially Gracie Bon she seems like a special level of stupid >>57495 >>58000 Randalin is one of my favorites but I can’t deny how stupid she has come across. Although I will say, I like that she ditched the ghetto demeanor. Randalin’s stuff gets leaked every time new content drops and yet she never stops it. We’re glad she never stops it but it makes you wonder what’s going on? Is she okay with it, does she genuinely not except it or know about it, or what?
>>61328 Meant to say expect it
