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Cute fat girls Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 07:12:03 Id:f96c32 No. 43877
In your opinion, who's the prettiest fat girl out there? It has to be Katie Brown for me.
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Peachypop for me
>>43877 Read my mind, pastabro. She really is goddamn astonishing. Wide as she is tall, and five times as pretty. I kill for her in a two-piece, or nude.
At the risk of generating a thread-derailing tangent, Tess to me has always been a cute gorgeous fattie who I've loved to watch. idk why but maybe it's something about how belly and ass heavy she is for a plus sized model, maybe it's soemthing about how she poses for some photos, maybe it's how she talks about fatness and weight gain on her socials. I don't know. Simply put, she's always been a turn on for me, and the kind of person I'd swoon for if she ever did FA content. >>43881 (erm, that's the Mexican flag) but yeah Extremely good taste on Katie Brown. Like some photos she doesn't look that big, then I remember she wears both 5X and 6X, and see some clips of her in motion and I'm like "Damn". That cake photo is such unintentional fetish fuel lmao. just fantasising about her double chin really starting to puff out as she finishes it off in one sitting....alright now I'm fantasising.
>>43932 I didn't realize that Tess had gotten that big. That's crazy.
tianastummy for me
>>43953 Had the best out of anyone. Just didnt want it at the time. Call me faggot lol but I need big butt. But now. I wood throw her shit like all star weekend
Something about Hayley Herms does it for me, and I'm not entirely sure what it is. Maybe it's the fact she previously went on a massive Weight Loss journey, only for it to all be almost entirely reversed and added on to during covid, or maybe it's the way she looks in clothes. Either way, she pushes some buttons. She has an OF that *apparently* is doing from FA/Feedism contnet for fantasy stuff (including a Weigh In sent to subscribers) but since it's all sent in DM's her Coomer (paradoxrevolution) looks pretty bare. Also, tbh I actually think she looks cuter in her SFW images rather than the limited OF stuff I've seen. Probably just me however. It does suck that she seems to be unconfortable with some of her weight gain, because got it's cute to me
>>44141 She is an absolute beauty!
I don't really know the story on Maria Marakov, whether she's a plus sized influencer/model who decided to jump on Curvage for cash, or if she's someone who is actually into feedism and gaining, but she pushes my buttons HARD too. She does stuffing vids on curvvage and calls herself a BBW model on OF, so I guess that makes her a model rather than just a random fat girl, Still.
@_sylv_sass_ on Tiktok She's only 19, Amerika fuck yeah
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>>44394 I think that's also the girl here? Someone alluded to this TikTok video in another thread, she has Geaux Tigers in a few of her posts, putting two and two together here.
>>44145 She's cute for sure, but she was way cuter before she decided blow up her lips.
>>44395 Yeah, it's her.
Denisha Shah is imo one of those plus size models that doesn't get enough love. As well as filling a niche that I think has been empty for a bit (Heavy Indian Women), she looks very hot on videos too, although it's hard to really show on a chan board cause of limits (you can check her Insta at denisha_1410) There's also a tumblr page that proports to be her that talks about her as a "Former Plus size model getting bigger" with posts and links to other feedism/WG/FA content, suggesting she might have a kink for feedism. I don't know if it's *actually* her or some weird tumblr user, but I think I believe it more than not (you can check the tumblr here https://www.tumblr.com/dollpiggy350 Sadly most of her photos are pretty fully clothes and she's never too indulgant with food, but she's a cutie that deserves more love IMO, espeicially if she *is* privately into Feedism.
once you get to be my age all women are the same
>>44395 where did you find this ?
Kenna Sharp
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Ciklaly Fernandez
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juiceefruitee makes me melt Unfortunately not a model. She's also on a health (Re: Weight loss journey) but still posts some more general Body Pos/Fat Acceptance stuff. If she ever posted more raunchy stuff or more openly, uh, "plus sized" stuff, I'd cream. I suspect she knows this however and is mixed on this reputation she has, which would suck, but still. A Dime.
>>44849 Ciklaly is perfect just 22 y/o and def already over 300 with the mindset that big is beautiful. Her potential is great
>>44853 she's an absolute legend, just looks like a positive person
Isabella Mercado (AKA moonsizedeyes__ on insta and others) is smaller than the type of person I'm into, but has something that is real cute about her. Did some plus sized modeling stuff for a while there, mostly moded into studying later on. Also for some background, she is the daugher of Rosie Mercado, the plus sizedmodel and personality who claimed to once be 400lbs before WLS. If Isabella managed to gain her mothers genetics and also gain up to 400lbs, all while posting and modeling, I think it'd be a crazy fantasy to come to life.
>>44856 Isabella is so hot, but Rosie has become a terrifying creature found in a child's nightmare. That mouth 😧
>>44880 Rosier Mercado is exactly what you should fear fat women are. Just fat, insecure about being fat but in a “wait till I can afford fifty surgeries” sort of insecure not the “I’d try to be a decent gf” sorta insecure.
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>>44856 woah i didnt even know she existed, She's also perfect! as someone whos into mom-daughter contrast, this is grade A material
I actually met Rosie at the place I worked at and I ended up helping her out with her tech issues. She must’ve felt comfortable with me because she gave me her number to message her and what not but I never reached out. She was going through a divorce at the time plus other things that tipped me off that she had a lot of drama going on in her life. I figured it wasn’t worth the trouble since I was 22 at the time. This was back in 2017 btw. Also her face/nose is fucked due to plastic surgery which kept reminding me of Michael Jackson’s nose, very thin and angled odd. Regrets? No, I was too busy fucking around with European chicks visiting the strip, ya know early 20s bullshit. Her having kids in the picture was also a turn off and it just wasn’t going to be worth the effort. Plus, she got together with some Aussie guy shortly after which ended up in a divorce. But hey I got a story about meeting a bbw model now.
Paige Alexandra (sugarrwater on Insta) is such another case of 'usually into bigger women, but damn...' She often get's posted in BBW forums and sites (well, the morph of this milk photo does at least) She's not even a model, just a girl who married and became a young mother and occassionally posts risque/spicy photos for Insta. She's also real short apparently, but god she's an absolute stunner.
>>44958 Walked past her once and I'd say she's barely above 5ft and could even be below
>>44958 That first pic... what a strange body. Its hot, looks fucking great in pic 3 but its a strange fat distribution.
>>44395 >>44395 The original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2pfrxhum0g
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Loey Lane idk what Pervert (complimentary) made this 30 minute long compliation of her time on social media and her slow, but definite, weight gain, but they deserve a medel. Again, you'll usually find me in the /ssbbw/ boards for much heavier fatties, but unf, something here just works.
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>>45027 >>45028 thanks for the link
>>45030 thanks for the link
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>>45032 >>45030 Ah fuck sorry missed the Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SoIEQb5Ec8
>>43881 Really just have to double down on Katie Brown. Like, unf just wish she posted more frequently or more risque stuff.
>>45031 The fact that her chubby friend genuinely looks thin here due to her sheer size is hot itself
I don't get it. I have absolute no attraction to conventionally "attractive" women. There's something about frumpy, middle-aged women who are past "faking it" who are ok with looking normal that is super attractive to me. It makes their smiles all the more cute.
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>>47129 When the 300lb girls, normally the "fat one" in a group of friends, is put up against someone super obese, it makes my dick unreasonably hard.
>>44853 Help me out. I saw a discount prison island version of her on tiktok who was unreasonably hot. She had a few Videos go viral for joking about how she can’t even pump gas without Nigerians trying to marry her. Sorry to ask but you seem like a guy with good taste let me know if this rings any bells.
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>>47128 She's just the best man.
>>47132 I feel this on a spiritual level. Though in my case, I think it's more a result of women in that age range being less likely than their younger counterparts to go overboard on dolling up. Something about a woman with a more "natural" look awakens something in me.
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>>43932 Have to agree with Oz here, Tess just does something for me. I hate tattoos but she just keeps getting bigger and more off them and it just seems like she has no impulse control. She is also an egotistical bitch who thinks she's God's gift, kinda hot ngl >>43877 >>43881 >>47128 >>47174 Is it weird to say that her face/neck being so skinny in comparison to the rest of her body weirds me out a bit? Don't get me wrong she is very pretty but it just seems like she wasn't meant to be fat or something, you know? She looks out of place >>44141 Hayley is also very pretty but another egotistical bitch. Like you said she doesn't seem comfortable with herself which is a shame. She also has a horrendously ugly tattoo on her back, you just don't see it often and thank fuck >>44145 Maria I think is gorgeous. A bit more classy I feel, always dressed well, no tattoos (at least that I could see of) and great proportions. >>44431 you're right about the lip work but still great I think >>44394 >>44395 Ella Donnelly is like the British/Irish version of @_sylv_sass_. Both around the same age as well in the 20s. Posts generic boring tiktoks >>44849 Ciklaly is stunning but if I had to watch her tiktoks on repeat I would kill myself >>45030 I have lightly followed Loey for years now. Very pretty and was actually one of the first girls I showed my friends when they found out I liked big girls to show them that someone can be pretty and big at the same time. Not a fan of her (fairly) recent tattoos on her chest, I personally think they are tacky. She also however gives you a headache as she wants you to like her at her size while also just liking her for well her. She is very uncomfortable with her size and hates being 'fetishised' and only wants to be seen as attractive for the conventional things like boobs and butt and cannot fathom people liking other stuff without demonising them for liking them Diana fluctuates a lot and is not comfortable with her size also. She looks kinda small but I saw her on an Anne Summers poster in a small city I live near. She was with others in lingerie and she was nearly triple the size of the rest of them. I had to stop myself from starring as I was out with friends. I also used her as an example of girls who are big but still very beautiful Simone is also very pretty but is very egotistical like Tess and shits on guys who like big girls like Loey. If you're a guy who likes big girls you are fetishising them but in the next post will talk about how beautiful big women are, like, so you're allowed to think it but we can't?? Megan Kerr got a bit of the London look but I think is very pretty. She lost most of the weight now though Sam Paige promotes 'body positivity' but will only ever be seen with other male models who are 6 foot + and shredded, ironic really Paula just does something for me I don't know. I think she has the cutest chubby face and smile. A lot of her videos are in Spanish though just a heads up Yourbigfatfriend has an OF but its not on coomer. Apart from the dumb tattoos I think shes very good ineshipolito_ is a pretty girl from Portugal. In her early - mid twenties Wednesdayfattams just does something for me as well I don't know. She just gives me these settled down mom vibes with her just lazing around at home sitting on the couch getting bigger in her pyjamas. It's so dumb but it just does something for me. Shes not even a mom ffs (the kids are her husband's from a previous relationship) Rhianna Colbert is massive for her age, still in her 20s but her comically large lips are just a bit of a turn off sometimes
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>>47495 Sorry other pics didn't load
>>43877 Tianastummy wins over everyone, she’s perfect
>>47496 can you post some kaleid0scope_eyes & therealcherieb pics? (I can't successfully go through their vetting process )
>>47542 What does any of this have to do with /gen/?
>>47495 That's her appeal, I think lol. A girl this cute wouldn't normlly let herself get this big, but she did.
>>47551 Ehh. She’s good at putting on makeup but without it I’m sure she looks like some Slavic peasant girl. Eitherway she looks like everyone’s ex who had slight PCOS and severe depression.
>>47551 Has she lost weight? She still looks really good but tis a bit disappointing tbh
I need her so, so much fatter....
>>47608 Need her 2019 veronica fat had my dick so hard all the time
>>47577 My guess is drugs. She’s yo-go’s for 5 years then lost a 100 lbs in 6 months lol.
>>47707 Ozyempex
>>44856 More pics from Isabella's socials.(mostly cribbed from a Curvage thread. She's recently updated her figures on her modeling pages, although hasn't been posting much. however, I do think she might be putting on some pounds. Here's hoping now she's finished her studies, she spends a lot more time partying, stuffing her face, and hopefully blimping up to her mother's size, and even bigger.
That belly and those hips tho on Isabella. I saw with the updated meaasurements, she had grown 5.5 inches on her hips and waist since the latest measurements. Also she might be over 300 lbs now. Heck notice the buttons on her top in the last picture, strained
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Ella Donnelly looking like her diet has been working well…
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>>50507 She looks like Boy George
>>43932 unf I just can't get over Tess' belly and arm fat. I could just imagine her shovelling scoops of ice cream into her face, jiggling more and more with every day, all while lecturing about "fat liberation" and "Health At Every Size", while even talking is getting her out of breath. Just such a cutie.
Amber Lynn (goes by Forever_Amber_Lynn on insta/yt/fb etc) is a doll to me. Does a couple photoshoots a while, mostly non-risque general social media/Body Pos/Fat Acceptance stuff, but did apparently have an Onlyfans at one point (see the third pic). She's deleted it now and didn't make too much stff from what's leaked online (coomer has you covered for, like 7 mostly SFW posts), but she's a cutey. I do like that she actually does seem to like being fat too, not just tacitly tolerating it.
>>50022 I can't help but look at this and think her mother is absolutely going to force her to diet or get WLS at some point.
>>51821 The whole family had WLS just after Rosie (says so in her autobiography) but her daughter was still a kid. Mom and dad are fat again, so is the sister who pops up here and there. Rosie is suspiciously absent from SM or only glimpsed and I'm thinking there was some rebound there too. So maybe Isabella will abstain. Yeah I'm a little obsessed with Rose and fam. >>51358 Great scenario, I'm right with you.
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Alexandra Christin
>>51853 Cristin** mb
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Buhle Dhlamini
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Katie Brown
>>52885 Does her ass just end abruptly?
>>52902 She’s lost 100-150 lbs very quickly with drugs. her gut and spare tire you see hanging over her ass is really just 80% empty skin. Her ass is more inline with her actual current weight and were her frame would be if she hadn’t lost weight but instead gained to her current size.
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>>52902 She was perfect and was beautifully shaped. Unfortunately Ozempic has gotten to her.
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One of my favourite cute fat girls was Yumi Nu. Unfortunately she has fallen victim heavily to Ozempic.
>>53674 Ozempic and its consequences have been disastrous for the FA race.
>>53830 We thought the same thing when WLS arrived on the scene. I think ozempic will leave the same trail of corpses, lasting injuries and failures as WLS and redux while the median weight of women in this scene continues to skyrocket.
>>53854 I hope so man. The loss of Katie and Yumi and so many others sucks.
Either Majo Schumacher (1st pic) or Andrea Compton (2nd pic)
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Isabella Mercado
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I don't really know much about her, since I'm a white Australian who doens't know anything about Spanish, but Kamylla Raynnara (Instagram: kamilaoofc) is stupidly pretty. dunno much about her, since she has a lot of clips on insta so she must be a *somebody*, but damn, she's just fine as fuck to me.
>>54566 Realising I accidentally deleted her name. Her name is Kamylla Raynnara, and her insta is 'kamilaoofc'
>>54468 Unf happy to see her more recent posts showing her still plumping up. Here's hoping her mother's genes keep on driving her and she reaches 400 pounds.
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>>44849 She follows @exvplus and liked a few of the pics on there, and even commented on one that was very feedee coded (the one from April 10th 2024 portraying chubbinikki as fat Frankie from Foster's Home eating a box of cookies) saying how cute it was. More feedee coded ones she liked were posted in March of 2024 where victorialuxxe was portrayed laying down holding her stomach next to a partially eaten plate of pizza and one of chubbywaifu eating a frosted donut, another in Feb 2024 portraying soul.2.squeeze eating a corn dog with her whole belly hanging out of her jeans, and then one portraying chubbybellyredhead playing with her belly. She hasn't liked or commented on the posts of that page since, but she still follows it. I think Ciklaly is a closeted feedee bros
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>>54659 I mean how can you be liking and following shit like pic related on Instagram and NOT be a feedee bffr (she also liked this)
Karla on Curvage, or Karla.curvy on Onlyfans. Venezuelan girl, She's very new, been around less than a year. Has a very pretty face. She's hardcore into feedism and stuffings too but she's a prime candidate for randomly disappearing off the grid if there isn't more support.
>>54572 More from Mercado. Unsure if she's getting bigger or maintaining tbh, but hoping she keeps modeling and eating up, and waddling into her mother's footsteps
>>57237 Her front butt is glorious. I love her mom's more extreme pear shape but I think Isabella may be the more complete package. So which do we think is accurate? Or are we seeing growth...? https://www.mpmmodels.com/women-new-faces/isabella-mercado https://www.tngagency.com/curve/women/1652647/isabella-mercado
TNG is more recent, it was updated in the spring of 2024 The MPM models has not been updated since she signed with them a few years ago With TNG, Isabellas hips measurement went from 55.5 ins hips to 60.5 inches
Double denise hands down cute
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>>59145 I’ve always wondered what it’s like to date an extremely mid old millenial with a makeup addiction. Is it exhausting hearing her talk about it and waiting for her to “get her face on?” I like movies from the 1950 and I imagine it’s a lot like that time with daintly functionally useless dumb women:
>>59149 >extremely mid Are you fucking retarded?
>>59160 She is extremely mid dipshit. You faggots don't know what mid means. It's not ugly, just... normal. Most women are mid- that's the fucking point. Mid women are still entirely fuckable and can be beautiful it just means they're not knockout baddies. Roxxie looks fine but her face is nothing special its just a normal white womans face.
>>59185 White boy doesn’t know what mid means lmao get outta here microdick
>>59149 I see you’ve “wondered” what it’s like to date Roxxie often, maybe you should just ask her out
>>59193 >>59188 I’m married. You simps are ridiculous call an “ok” looking forty year old housewife “mid” and you loose your shit slinging micro dick accusations like that’s not an insane jump from asking what it’s like to date a women who only looks good plastered in makeup. Seek help.
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>>59201 >asking what it’s like to date a women who only looks good plastered in makeup Then just say that in the first place instead of the autistic shit you actually wrote lol Also saying she only looks good plastered in makeup is just wrong lol
>>59222 Is this like a millennial thing? Someone asks a question about millennial makeup addictions and needing to paint on a fake face to look decent and you have some white knight spazz attack of microdick this and incel that? It seems pretty costly, it’s cool she can put on different looks and cover up her flaws and augment her featureless middle American pig-face, so what are you so butthurt about babe?
>>59231 Oh you’re a female. This all makes more sense now.
>>59144 Who is this ?
>>59149 >>59185 >>59201 >>59233 You're all morons.
>>59144 I've been looking for her for so long, Just can't remember her name :(
>>60107 bridget or something
I wonder if someone would ever think of me as cute enough to post here. Too bad I don't use social media. I like fantasizing about people being that into me though. I imagine there's other girls that browse here and fantasize about the same thing.
>>59144 Anyone know her name ?
>>61088 Just post some pics. Or at least describe yourself to us.
Lets update the Isabella part here, first one is B/A, on the left September 2023 and on the right march 2025, any difference of note? rest are from 2025
