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Bigcuties 02/23/2025 (Sun) 06:38:08 Id:290025 No. 60943
It seems that bigcuties has entered the stage of its last days, so I would like to remember and pay a little tribute to this site, which opened up such gems as jae, miley, kennedy, sasha, mizzpuss, britt, brianna, msfatbooty, caitidee, jolene, molly, trysta, lisalou, cherries, beccabae, chloe, bonnie, skylar Bobbery, Steph, Sadie, Lily and Marilyn. I remember the days when stars like Jae, msfatbooty, caitidee, Sasha and Boberry shone in the same row, and juicyjackie and sweetadeline were guest models, now it's hard to imagine. It was a whole golden era of bbw-ssbbw, which is unfortunately over. Thanks to its creators and models for all the work done. What do you remember from this site and what models it opened for you?
>>60944 Agreed. That's the whole reason I came to this site a few years ago and I've never seen a drop of hers.
She's still my favorite today, but that was my introduction to Boberry (relax, i'm not one of "them"). not really begging, just simplay asking, but since apparently Boberry threads are taboo now, if anyone has her old BC stuff. I lost alot of it when i got a new computer.
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Billie. Was really disappointed when her page was taken down from the retired list bc I'd never had a chance to save her content. I actually emailed BC about it a few years ago and they said they planned on bringing back all the retired model pages, but clearly that has not happened yet. But yeah, Billie had an incredible figure. Densely packed with wide hips and a big butt. Probably a lowkey 315ish pounds if I had to guess
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Always wish Bigcutie Leah had been around longer.
Leah was a genuine goddess. I swear, her run with Bigcuties was amazing, even tho it was somewhat short
Let's not forget the OG Bigcutie: Heather. She was my introduction to BBW models in a day when cute SSBBWs was not a "thing" (any fat semi-nudes were there to mock being fat, not appreciate it) and she created the first and best site of the time. While I would be sad to see it go, it's relevance has passed. Just like Dimensions magazine and its chat forums have given way to things like BigCuties itself (and other websites) for those of seeking boudoir pics of BBWs and bbw-chan to talk about them, there is not the same need for something like BigCuties in the days of OnlyFans and Clips4Sale. In its heyday, Heather produced a website of consistent and unsurpassed quality, with regular updates, professional quality pics, and great videos. Now there are models who would benefit from the discipline that Heather brought to the site (those regular updates being #1 on my list of gripes), but it is so cheap and easy to produce good quality content on other sites that there is not the same benefit to a model to use BigCuties as a way to earn $$ from their content. (I'd love to hear from one of the current models as to why the are still there. Not saying they shouldn't, but I am genuinely interested in what are the benefits to a model to using BigCuties.) There have been some incredible models there - in addition to those already mentioned, MizzPuss was a favorite of mine, and Ash was another great model to watch grow. And Echo is in a league of her own (or at least was, if rumors of her weight loss are accurate). My GOAT there was Trysta, who first attracted me with her fat thighs and calves and helped me develop a severe appreciation for a huge belly. I remember the eager anticipation for her first set after seeing those tantalizing sneak peeks of her, and I enjoyed every set until her retirement. But I am no doubt emblematic of how the times have changed and I don't really see the value there anymore. They have some great models still - Steph in particular (subscribed to her twice - during her original and second runs there, though have not this time around) - but $20/month is pretty steep for the content. And I have so many other options where I can pay for only the content I want, and frankly, there is SO much fap-worthy content for free floating around these days that the high dollar subscription model just is not worth it nowadays. BigCuties has played a seminal role in our collective BBW appreciation journeys, whether or not you have ever subscribed. They were the first to professionalize the preference, and for that I will be eternally grateful to them and their stable of beauties.
>>60948 >>60949 Saw her departure coming a mile away, she didn't seem like she wanted to be that size or gain on purpose. The fact that she stayed around that size after retiring threw me for a loop - I guess she found someone who encouraged her to stay fat She definitely had a fun energy about her though, even if some of the set ideas didn't really hit the mark for me. A scrapbooking set was a choice.
>>60943 Big cutie Ellie is the GOAT. And her page has been alive and well. She makes great content and as far as I know doesn’t have any intentions of stopping anytime soon, which is refreshing
>>60950 yeah Heather is the greatest figure in this game Btw, what do you think, its real to return bigcuties on the top again?
>>60950 The only real reason I can think of as to why some models remain with BC, is loyalty to Heather. I know for a fact that Eve is close personal friends with her. I believe Ellie is, too. >>60951 I think Leah saw $ and decided to stay fat for a while so she could turn it into financial gain before losing weight. Honestly, I applaud her for maintaining her weight (she was consistently just over 400 pounds) until she retired, and not trying to prolong her career by denying/not acknowledging active weight loss while still modeling, like some (too many) models have attempted to do
>>60953 No damn way. Heather has never been able to maintain a consistent update schedule, so her "return" would be short lived. I have no doubt she only guest modeled on Steph's page because she's behind on updates and needed something to justify subscriptions to stay active. Otherwise, Heather is not going to make a comeback. Neither will Echo. Steph probably isn't going to before BigCuties closes and I hope she goes solo, but I won't be surprised if she doesn't. Gigi has an OnlyFans as a side site and Skylar has been rebranding as a solo act. Honestly, I don't see the site staying alive with just Eve, Marilyn, Ellie, and Jazz (who is slimming down). It's not enough to justify a team at BigCuties to manage them.
>>60954 That's absolutely the case with Steph. There's no other reason why she would make a second comeback to be on that site, especially when she dipped her toes into going solo with that premium IG business. Skylar is friends with that crowd but so was Sadie and she was never going to die by BC.
>>60955 Heather has talked (on Feabie) about a return that would be more focused on her post-Covid IRL challenges. I don't think the guest set on Steph's site can possibly be recent given Heather's current health status... that doughnut video must be at least 5 years old "All things must pass" though. BigCuties has been incredible, but nothing lasts forever. I'm just glad Heather is still around <3
>never implemented a feature to download all the pics at once, or even just to scroll through them with a single key press >instead they expect you to manually click on each photo and view or save it, then click back, click on the next one, etc for 50+ photos This was literally outdated when the site first launched and they never improved it. Awful site.
>>60958 That prompts two questions then: 1) How much backlog content has she made and just refused to release? And furthermore, what kind of sense does that make from a business perspective? 2) Is she actually going to follow through on making updates, and if so, why haven't we seen any in the time since she's been recovering? All her struggles regaining mobility and being bedbound, that's already shit we like to see.
>>60962 Not to excuse any of her questionable business decisions from before her Covid battle, but I can't help but think Heather's "recovery" has been a little exaggerated. It's crazy that she lived, don't get me wrong, but she's completely wheelchair bound, living with her family (I think her husband might not be around anymore from what I've heard but do not quote me on that), over 600 pounds with a sky high BMI and likely plagued by other health issues we don't know anything about. I know she still seems sharp and maintains a sunny disposition on social media, but I'm willing to bet she has lots of days or weeks where it's just hard as hell to do much of anything. Yes, maintaining a website is not hard manual labor or anything, but I dunno, it's kind of easy to picture someone in her situation going into slumps and not having the energy to keep it up consistently. I was surprised she teased a modeling comeback at all, tbh.
>>60986 * I should also state for the record I am a fan/admirer of her's and through BigCuties she turned me on to extreme fat fetishism, weight gain, and various favorite models. She's a rockstar and I wish her nothing but the best.
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>>60986 You're making the assumption she doesn't have a team with her. Eve helps manage the site and I'm sure there are others she's employed to help with photo touch-ups and other misc duties. I'm sure Heather pulls her weight (heh) when it comes to pitching in but she's far from the only one and I'm sure a good amount of that 50% commission goes to her by virtue of being an owner. But yeah, on paper she hasn't had a great recovery. It's fantastic by our standards since we acknowledge she didn't die and has some degree of independence, but to anyone on the outside looking in, she's basically at a low quality of life. I think her teasing coming back to modeling in any capacity was the canary in the coal mine. Anyone who wants to keep being paid for being fat and doesn't have a backup is going to be left holding the bag soon. My prediction is the end will come summer of this year.
>>60992 Wait, Heather made another guest appearance recently? Can someone share this? In exchange, I'll share her, AFAIK, second-most recent guest appearance. https://gofile.io/d/TXXCEC
>>60986 You're correct. They both 'selectively dated' others. He wasn't approving of her staying the size she is (in all probability 70-100lbs bigger) after being hospitalized with COVID. The guys gotta point, there comes a point where when your fat fetish literally almost kills you and still you choose to get fatter to the point you need care just to survive. I always took the idea of her returning to a modelling schedule was precisely that it might get the subs up and increase revenue. There comes a point where stepping off the gas a little to actually being about for your family is something that makes sense, but she didn't/hasn't. So in that respect you can't really blame him for splitting up.
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This Woman is such a Legend in this industry!
>>60986 One of these youtubers such as ObesetoBeast must be waiting to make a video on her death.
>>61054 Legend in the industry for sure, ideal wife and mother to her family? Not so much when you're literally unable to function. Selectively dating.... That actually meant if she liked the look of you when she was travelling if you paid for her as your date she'd fuck you lol
Hey, can you still sub to Ann Marie's site? Her page doesn't show up on bigcute site anymore but you can still access it directly, out of all the OG bigcuties it's strange you never saw a full site rip of her content or any of her content shared for that matter. https://am.bigcuties.com/
I realized I loved fat women way, way back in 2005. And Big Cuties was the only place out there to tickle that fancy at the time. Truly formative for me.
>>61054 I wish she’d resume content just based on this photo. Agree with the concerns above. But man, seeing her so huge the arm on an enormous scooter won’t go down is something. And her upper arm is just so round. She had those round fingers before she was 500. Years ago a vid where she’s climbing into bed got me. Something along the lines of you have to be extra lazy and have to want to get this fat.
>>61091 Ditto, nothing glamourised fat girls like big cuties. Ash made an ex girlfriend want to gain like crazy (though she topped out in the high 400s) and I ended up marrying a fantastic woman with Lisa's figure. Sad to see her down at 360 from 500 but, yeah, life and mobility come first.
Oh look, another thread nuked by the gay fag Lt Barclay and co. Fucking woke wet shithouse..
>>61244 The fuck are you babbling about
