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Trump Maxdrooler 03/04/2025 (Tue) 03:58:03 Id:01d4ff No. 61338
Has this become a Trump worship site?
Yes, but that's not a bad thing. He comes bearing lucidity, logic and gifts.
>>61339 Small typo there; I think you meant to say he comes bearing insanity, lies, and grifts. Very common mistake.
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>>61339 Thanks PatriQt >>61342 Barron tells me when yall talk shit
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>>61338 Yes. Were MAGA now
>>61338 yup! full endorsement to the MAGA Overlord!!!
I dunno as I don't have anything resembling electronics and am out in the middle of nowhere. Nobody watches cable so I don't know the argument that newscasters are trying to make. I am out the art game as nobody wants nerds doing their impersonations of Jim Kramer, Blackrock, or whatever lame sports financial talk.
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The idea that Trump is a pawn in Putin's plan or some imaginary puppet master is just pure delusion. Notice how Andrew Cuomo is coming back because progressives are too lazy to govern their own cities. All progressives are doing is driving voters back into the arms of the bully and domestic abuser.
The fact that RFK is absolutely going to round up schizos like you and put you in camps is the only bright side to the hell we're about to endure. As for the rest of you, if we get a chance to rebuild America from the ashes, I hope we find a way to keep the incompetent from voting. You've single-handedly allowed our country to be put in a tailspin and can't be trusted to make any decision more important than cutting your own food with a plastic knife.
>>61354 Schizos like me don't care that we're getting rounded up.
It’s just a bunch of homos smearing Putin’s semen all over themselves in celebration after helping cuck Regan’s America for the Evil Empire.
>>61363 The globohomo is not a thing anymore because people are now moving. All the theaters in NYC went about of business. Cuomo is going to win. Giuliani isn't coming back
>>61338 No, he’s just incredibly memeable and it’s funny
>>61338 We'll see how much of a Trump worship site this becomes when because of Trump's policies, the price of food increase and making someone fat gets harder and more expensive
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>>61397 Seriously man. I want to get my wife fatter but food prices are out of control. It’s fucking 20$ for a dozen eggs now thanks to these tariffs gas is gonna blow up to 10$ a gallon. Don’t even get me started on the pricing of heavy cream/
>>61338 RFK Jr. would shut this site down so fast
trump is anti stuffer fuck that
>>61404 You never went to school, right?
>>61404 eggs here have been sitting at (when converted) $2.80 (usd) for a couple years now i did begin to wonder when the american feeders/gainers were gonna start bitching
>>61424 Like I’m a Christian. It’s good he’s hurting the LGBTQ and all. Get rid of DEI but goddamn it, I can’t afford these fucking food prices.
>>61427 I mean this sincerely: it looks like you're getting everything you voted for. Not my fault you didn't think the whole thing through. Guess the bigotry was worth the economy crashing.
>>61427 Jesus would have hated you
>>61435 The Bible is pretty clear in our right to kill pedos and gays and other sorta of insults to god.
>>61437 So you're Jewish? Because if you're Christian there's this whole other Testament that's meant to replace the other one, and Jesus never said any of those things. He was pretty clear about love & forgiveness & not casting judgment on others. And because of the Holy Trinity being one in the same, Jesus is God, so God is preaching those ideas. Hating is easy. Loving is hard. But if you want to keep the ol' Fire & Brimstone and pretend that's making you a good Christian, I can save you an hour of time every week: skip church. You're going to hell anyway.
>>61439 >>61431 I am not sure what this has to do with Trump. Guy is closer to Eisenhower than Billy Graham.
>>61453 Like I said, I am not sure what Democrats and their cabal of multicultural icons want. Whatever happened to the new people?
economically constraining ability to be a feeder, fuck that. I remember post election people posted about how on trumps america would have only skinny girls, worse than hell honestly
>>61457 Democrats are just not fun to oppose. I can currently thinking of stopping being Kisame17 and prepare for being abducted by RFK. It was fun
>>61452 You may as well compare him to Churchill or Lincoln while you're at it lol. Eisenhower was an isolationist but I doubt he would not have rejected Europe and sided with Russia. To balance the budget he signed off on raising the top tax rate, not lowering it — Trump's signature achievement during his first term. This is how Trump added more to the deficit than any previous president within a single term. Ike also believed in the rule of law, so while he opposed desegregation personally he ordered his justice department to uphold the mandates. And while Trump and Elon are slashing social programs, Ike didn't eliminate any of the New Deal programs that were still in effect and actually expanded Social Security.
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HellQ MAGA marines and based redpilled PatriQts alike, content president here. From here on out I will be posting here as well as the protest Goddess Shar/Aliss Bonython thread on /bbw/ but I might slowly make this glorious thread my hub. I will provide incomplete early drops while uploading them on here, but first, here is a recap of all the content I have dropped that is still up incase you missed any, in alphabetical order: NEW: Ambersothicc Thiccyyy2thicc ssbbwamberr 397 videos: https://gofile.io/d/loerEc Already dropped: Alex Storm 280 videos: https://gofile.io/d/BJLdMZ Asshley 201 videos: https://gofile.io/d/eNI6AV Babygothipz 330 videos: https://gofile.io/d/kmJ7oW BBBXXL 262 videos: https://gofile.io/d/idvz5B Beccabae 162 videos: https://gofile.io/d/4flUtk Bigcutie Jazz 132 videos: https://gofile.io/d/PfChGJ Brianna 510 videos: https://gofile.io/d/V2ymMt Britt 430 videos: https://gofile.io/d/utY7ws Cakedupkayyla 114 videos: https://gofile.io/d/8izfjR Candii 100 videos: https://gofile.io/d/FypKfo Cherries 728 videos: https://gofile.io/d/Mlza3I Chloe 128 videos: https://gofile.io/d/KOOQ84 Chubby Chiquita 222 videos: https://gofile.io/d/g489PE Crystal Blue 54 videos: https://gofile.io/d/Ffj2tK Curvy Goth Gf 63 videos: https://gofile.io/d/gP6t0B Dankii 12 videos: https://gofile.io/d/OK9ZVQ Delicious Delilah 296 videos: https://gofile.io/d/a04xz0 Diary of a Growing Girl 30 videos: https://gofile.io/d/gqy7Qx Dumplin 140 videos: https://gofile.io/d/wdc94y Emma (pear) & Yulia 27 videos: https://gofile.io/d/mppENG Fat Ass Ruby 63 videos: https://gofile.io/d/xBScuz Fat Miss T 92 videos: https://gofile.io/d/nvopti Foxy Roxxie 257 videos: https://gofile.io/d/6gLayT Gatsby Gal 32 videos: https://gofile.io/d/hLXz57 Good Girl Grow 70 videos: https://gofile.io/d/F3bJxN House Cow 6 videos: https://gofile.io/d/Noi7B5 Inkiinghost 80 videos: https://gofile.io/d/317FVq Jae 660 videos: https://gofile.io/d/m5N0S1 Juicy Jackie 680 videos: https://gofile.io/d/O25t7L Kayla P 196 videos: https://gofile.io/d/h9kAGM Kellie Kay 312 videos: https://gofile.io/d/zX82E1 Lady Sublime 121 videos: https://gofile.io/d/ho9Zk1 Lailani 323 videos: https://gofile.io/d/mxnADK Leighton Rose 73 videos: https://gofile.io/d/aMFDBx Low-Keydeadinside 464 videos: https://gofile.io/d/nXiEey Mamahorker 577 videos: https://gofile.io/d/7ao9ko Margot 211 videos: https://gofile.io/d/S8glsR Marzipan 71 videos: https://gofile.io/d/2K7mwb Miss Fat Booty 26 videos: https://gofile.io/d/WjinlB MzFluff 31 videos: https://gofile.io/d/2EGJk1 Nadya 562 videos: https://gofile.io/d/spRB9G Nicole Ann 4 videos: https://gofile.io/d/8P63SF PaleSSBBW 31 videos: https://gofile.io/d/sGd2BF Round Babe 20 videos: https://gofile.io/d/7lMqXU Satanpanties666 92 videos: https://gofile.io/d/u4NNgZ Satanthicc 386 videos: https://gofile.io/d/PenMiU Shannon Marie 197 videos: https://gofile.io/d/5TBz3D SnowAngelCake 210 videos: https://gofile.io/d/jzFXgJ Squishy Brat 45 videos: https://gofile.io/d/Emf5qR Sweetp666 61 videos: https://gofile.io/d/13Jwn3 TheIllusiveHam 81 videos: https://gofile.io/d/dBL14v Tiana's Tummy 108 videos: https://gofile.io/d/xyLma8 Tracy Jordan 2 videos: https://gofile.io/d/MpuYeT Udderly Adorable 109 videos: https://gofile.io/d/z00fAe Veelynn 18 videos: https://gofile.io/d/BuRhe4 Veronika Jade 121 videos: https://gofile.io/d/IyaKTf WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001VUdKV1ducGpXRUU5 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001ZFZOWE5IbFRXRms5 I accessed my GoFile folders to quickly doing this recap and it interupted all my uploading GoFile drops, so they will have to be restarted because just adding to them will result in mass duplicates, until then I will upload the incomplete folders here: Aliss Bonython 1106 videos: https://gofile.io/d/s0Y9Kr Reenaye Starr 304: https://gofile.io/d/092jA8 Reiinapop 432 videos: https://gofile.io/d/9GcQ7A USSBBWsupersoft 48 videos: https://gofile.io/d/4P6tTJ Spanx Beluga 6 videos: https://gofile.io/d/fI3BnB This is an exactly 13700 video drop total, possibly the largest in the site's history! Next is a drop of my 1.4 terabtye misc dump folder where I drop misc mass file downloads and models I don't know the names of. There's good stuff from top tier models in there but I have not gotten around to sorting it. ARE YOU TIRED OF WINNING YET? BilliQns mvst dQwnload, WHERE WE GQQN 1, WE GQQN ALL.
>>61464 I don't care about Social Security as it's the most boomer idea ever made. I am a millennial and we don't care for boomer ideas like the rule of law. Eisenhower only enhanced Social Security for war veterans returning from WWII and the Korean war. The Russia analogy doesn't work cause Stalin died of a stroke, the Kim's died of diabetes of all things. He wanted to be a normies, he already played action hero during WWII. The Trump's are Republican. They're just not country clubs or John Wayne McReagan.
I already quit being Kisame17 so you are going to have to find some other schizo
>>61477 Insanely based. Trump can buy Canada if it means we get more hogs up north and content drops
Trump is a traitor to the United States and can be punished by law with the death penalty should the justice system finally act as it should. So no, this site hasn't become a trump worship site; and anyone who does worship Trump can die with him as the traitors they are.
God bless this man and God bless president trump, any ivy videos by chance?
>>61515 People aren't going to go to war over gas and goods. The tariff war is just sports talk for boomers who don't know anything. Trump's approval ratings are up among Latino, Blacks, and Women who don't like the performance art by the left.
>>61464 The beloved banks you covet don't want to be open on weekends. Trump is right Chase and Wells Fargo would rather be Lehman Bros than a credit union. Even Bethpage wants nothing to do with local
>>61529 I don't own stocks, I own crypto..
DOGE is making easy coding and math errors left and right. SpaceX makes rockets that blow up with people in them. Sad to see how incompetent white boys in tech are. Maybe if they hired on merit instead of nepobabies who’ve never worked for anything they’d have a chance. This is why successful STEM companies are run by Indian and Asian tech workers, white people are too inbred and fragile to achieve in STEM.
>>61542 I’d argue that it’s the fact they are blinded by ideology and loyalty over simple competence. No one is around to check them on stupid ideas or bad information. That will run any organization or government off the tracks.
>>61542 Merit is for retards who never held down a job. The left like Suozzi hates performative theater too. They're more traditional and old school than your imaginary radical left. Millennials are shifting to the right and the left with their SNL aren't getting people to vote for them.
>>61557 Gavin Newsome doesn't care about competence. He wants to chill with Charlie Kirk. Neither does John Fetterman who cheered when MAGA gutted Columbia U. See, the left doesn't care for academia or NYU
>>61557 > No one is around to check them on stupid ideas or bad information No one but other white grads hired for nepotism, “personality” and other sorts of charity cases. They’re a bunch of drugged out college dropouts like Elon who couldn’t pass advanced calculus and think they are “ideas people” and “management types”. Anyone whose gotten an advanced degree in engineering or worked at a real STEM corporation can tell you, 90% of the competent technical workers aren’t white, maybe 95%. Elons rockets are exploding because he chased away all the immigrants and diversity in favors of a mayo milita of low intelligence, low genetic diversity, low ability wasteoids.
>>61571 The food sector is too busy chatting with RFK to see if it can destroy fat women
>>61557 Trump's cabinet hates STEM because libertarians without the internet are weirdos on ketamine. DOGE wasn't supposed to cut air traffic
>>61587 I’ll tell you what, I get that Americans need to catch up globally in STEM but I thought these autistic fuckers were supposed to be some kinda math geniuses then why’s my retirement account tanking and the grocery stores eating a bigger chunk of my paycheck than ever? They’re not hurting the right people or theyre dumber than the democrats.
>>61621 Learn how to trade stock options maybe you won't be broke and life like a 9 to 5er
