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Anyone relocate to chase huge women? Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 04:59:02 Id:e5a9bd No. 62211 >>62212 >>62308 >>62338 >>62382 >>62412 >>62413
I live on the west coast and never been to the deep south. For anyone that lives there, is it really the promised land of enormous women? What would be the best place to relocate to be around the highest numbers of ssbbws? Anyone do this before? Just feel like burning it all down to go chase hogs
>>62211 You need to move to Michigan or Ohio. It depends on what you're looking for, but to answer your question, Yes, it is the promised land of enormous women. If you're looking for insufferable, stuck up whites who will never get bigger than 230, go to the north east. If you want inbred, braindead retarded whites who are extraordinalily cunty, go to the southeast. If you want submissive, docile, 500 pound whites, go to the Midwest, but specifically Michigan or Ohio. Not Indiana, not Illinois, not Wisconsin. OHIO. If you want blacks, go to the southeast, but there are plenty of massive black women all along the east coast too. They tend to have slightly lower standards for entry on average, but will drop you way faster. Whites are the opposite; they'll pretend to have high standards at first, but once you lock one down they'll put up with anything. If you want brown/latin, go to the southwest, though you probably already know that being from the west coast. In my opinion, latins tend to have the worst bodies though, less hips and ass. You need to move to Michigan or Ohio.
I've been wanting to do this. The south, depending where you are you will find some huge women. Though most are not happy with their size. It's the midwest I hear that embrace being obese now with huge portion sizes.
>>62212 Thanks anon any cities in ohio in particular? How big are the women, honestly?
>>62212 You specifically listing Ohio makes me think of when Ash and KelliKay lived there together. And gained fast.
>>62234 Ohio is the perfect mix of rust belt cities and Midwest attitudes. People are also more educated and ethnically diverse compared to the south so it’s not these hideous uneducated inbred uggos at 300+ pounds.
>>62212 I just checked fetlife for BBW groups in Michigan. Holy shit you're right. I live near Atlanta and haven't been successful with white bbw/ssbbw like hoped for. Guess I gotta move or visit the midwest sometime.
The Midwest takes the cake for conventionally attractive normcore middle class white women who just happen to be huge and practically don’t even realize it. The same people who would be hot enough to feel significant pressure to stay thin on the coasts. The south may be better for sheer fatness but you also have a 75% chance of them being irritating poor white trash that sound like they have oatmeal in their mouth. Bang for buck is Midwest IMO
>>62212 I agree with you for the most part, but I'd add in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Kentucky as well. Texas if you want plenty of Latina and white BBWs
A good friend of mine endorses Michigan, where he lives, wholeheartedly on this sort of front.
>>62249 Kentucky is like, the worst of the worst. Anyone reading this, please for the love of god don't move to Kentucky hoping to bang a whale. I really didn't want to ruin this thread with politics, but if you're just another nazi and are looking for your tradwife then sure, kentucky is fine. But for everyone else, kentucky is not the right state. I don't know much about minnesota though. Honestly, just go to Michigan or Ohio.
>>62256 If you care about the politics about the person you date/have sex with, you're a weenie. People used to interpolitically marry and date all the time until you weirdos showed up
>>62258 It’s fine to not care about politics but MAGA state white women are some of the most foul looking and smelling people I’ve ever met. Something about being dirt-poor, uneducated and feeling superior to minorities makes a white women put zero effort into cultivating anything in her life except diabetus sores and moldy inflamed fat rolls. They aren’t retarded because they voted Trump, they voted Trump because they’re part of a substandard population of a loser state that can’t balance its own checkbooks and relies on charity from winner states.
>>62259 "The Party of Tolerance" everybody...
>>62260 >"The Party of Tolerance" Both the Dems and Repubs are shit, actually.
>>62260 I don’t vote faggot. Have fun with your team sports fandoms: simping for whichever party’s dictator is destroy everything my granddaddies fought in WWII to provide us. But yeah, why should I be tolerant of white trash that’s sucking down my tax dollars and providing negative value to the world? You republicans sure are some fragile little shits who can’t take what they give.
>>62238 How do you find these groups?
>>62269 I just searched "Michigan bbw" in fetlife's search bar and looked at the group tab. First result was a bbw hookup group
>>62247 >>conventionally attractive normcore middle class white women who just happen to be huge and practically don’t even realize it This is the most accurate possible way to describe. They don't even realize they're fat.
>>62260 You can't tolerate intolerance, you retarded baboon. That's the one thing you don't tolerate.
>>62260 The Fuck-Your-Feelings Party has surprisingly thin skin, huh?
So, yes -- the deep south has a lot of very fat women. A trip to Walmart might give you a month of spankbank material. However, these women are poor. They have few teeth. They've never seen a doctor. They are from generational poverty. With few exceptions, these are not the type of women you want to be associating with -- no matter how attractive you find them.
>>62211 Who is this picture of in OPs post?
No, i even incidentally life in countries where there are no fat women at all sadly
>>62343 Yeah that is a complete skill issue on your part unless a woman for you has to be minimum 400 pounds.
>>62338 A bad morph of The Plus Life (Miranda Schulz).
>>62258 yeah no reason to have anything in common with a potential partner
>>62355 I know that the morph is vastly exaggerated but even to her normal unedited stuff she's lost hella weight....it's just sad
When I wasn’t settled yet, I was forever hoping that my job would ask me to move to the States. I was totally ready leave this country with virtually no BBWs and move to the promised land for FAs. Never happened though, and found my BBW in the meanwhile.
>>62256 When I'm noticing fat women, I'm not asking about their fucking political beliefs. My objective is to get my face in between a giant set of ass cheeks. Kentucky girls are fucking hot. Southern girls in general are but there's something about Appalachia that breeds pretty fat girls. Not to mention they're easier to fuck. In Michigan, I will say especially in the Detroit area your options are almost limitless. You got your run of the mill Irish/German/Anglo/Dutch BBWs but you also got Italian, Greek (my favorites), Slavs, Polack, Armenians (married one), Balkans, Chaldeans, Arabs and now Indian/Pakistani/Bangledeshi BBWs. Many flavors. The only thing is if you're in the 'burbs they're not gonna fuck or marry some loser because of cultural pressure.
>>62372 >"I will say especially in the Detroit area your options are almost limitless"
>>62211 The thought has crossed my mind many times to find "greener pastures" in a statistically fatter country, while I'm still not tied down. Chubby/overweight women are hard but not impossible to find here. A proper BBW/SSBBW who is both beautiful inside and out and not riddled with mental disorders? That's a real challenge.
>>62212 Where does one go for the Asian BBW’s in burgerland? They’re rare in Canada but you see them occasionally. But I need to see them more than occasionally;p
>>62387 In my experience Asian BBWs are unicorns. You just find them randomly.
>>62389 Great so either have disposable income to take a gamble or like to take huge risks and hope to get lucky...
>>62387 San Gabriel Valley, LA County. Monterey Park and surrounding towns are full of assimilated Chinese and other groups. Nothing like the ratio of fat Mexicans in SoCal but pretty amazing compared to 20 years ago or so. That American >>62389 Nah you didn't. That's what the guy who signed you up for the scam training course said you'd make.
>>62374 Reading is fundamental. I said Detroit area which includes the suburbs. Everyone knows Detroit's demographic you fuckin' mook
White women smell bad and are mean spirited
>>62212 Is there a specific city/area of Ohio that's best for this? >>62211 Incredible map. But to break it down further, which state would have the largest amount of SSBBWs? Like I don't care for a 50% obesity rate if everyone's topping out at 250lbs.
>>62211 Nah in my opinion I'd say Latinas are usually 50/50 in terms of attractiveness. I live over in the SoCal area and I see plenty of pretty Latina girls everday, regardless of whether they are thin or chunky, as well as ugly ones. Though I do got to admit, it also really seems to depend on what area of Cali you're in. Like LA (specifically the East LA & Gateway Cities area) has some really fine Latinas. Meanwhile the IE & Orange County, though not all bad, has a lot more mid girls. California and the Midwest (specifically Michigan and Ohio) got hella fine Black girls too if you know where to look.
>>62413 It’s hard to talk about Latinas in general terms because for every hot fat one you see in LA there are another 2 that gained weight and became an upside down triangle-shaped goblin.
>>62432 Ok now do white women. For every 1 with an ass there are 5 shaped like a badger. For every 1 that’s not hideous there are three with PCOS, Mountain Dew mouth, fetal alcohol syndrome and office-worker-pancake-ass.
>>62433 Defensive much? No one is out here defending the whites lmao. Even the most hardcore white nationalists overtly hate white women. We're just talking about preferences. Latinas are all over the place. Some are 5,000 out of 10s, but >>62432 is right because a lot also have nasty shrunken hips refrigerator looking ass bodies. It's just hit or miss man. No need to start a race war. Also, I'd argue latinas get the best rap overall in this scene, Boberry and Chubby Chiquita two of the most popular models are both brown.
I've moved all over for hefty hunnies. Was in New England most of my life, where the pickins were extremely thin (literally), or, a good amount of the fat babes are already shacked up. (New England dudes don't GAF, fat women CLEAN UP there. Something about cold weather, I guess. I moved to the West Coast, and had decent luck there; there used to be a huge (heh) contingent of body-posi babes in CA and OR who were hot AND smart, but I think they've dispersed quite a bit as cost of living in those areas has increased. Now, I'm in the Mid-Atlantic area, and DAMN. They make 'em huge here. My wife is over 4 bills, and she's very rarely the fattest person in any given room. Lots of pockets of cool places with great, fat-filled dating scenes in this area: Columbus, Canton, and Akron OH, Lancaster and Phoenixville in PA, and honestly, a large majority of Maryland and Illinois. Start in the Northeast, and once you get to the areas of the country where they stop calling it "soda" and start calling it "pop", you're in the right place. lol
I'm from the DMV so visit Virginia regularly. Honestly, it's nuts the number of fat women in Virginia, all shapes, ages, and sizes. But I visit PA, WV, and Ohio a lot too, and it's a similar situation in those places. Never been to the deep south when I was consciously looking for this sort of thing, but in general America, if you go outside of the more liberal/health conscious areas you can find a lot of fat women. I live in a very liberal state on and you see fat people less often, which I bet is what you experience of the west coast. Personally I am liberal so it's not coming from a place of bias. I think more liberal areas that better access to good Healthcare and more pressure to be conventionally attractive.
>>62460 I think a big part of blue areas is that they have better weather than red areas. Here on the california coast the weather is perfect for outdoor recereation year round. In Ohio I'm sure there isn't much to do except stay inside and eat all year. Even more so in the miserably hot deep south.
>>62497 To be fair, a lot of Blue states also have shitty weather. For example, you got New Mexico where it gets hot and dry as fuck, and super windy and pretty cold in the winter. You also got Colorado, where it gets burried in snow for like 4 or 5 months of the year.

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