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Metalforever Thread 2 Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 06:12:14 Id:33f3f6 No. 74763
Mainly for posting Metal's artwork.
Momo Ayase
Yae Miko
>>74767 This could have been the most recent set or one posted from 2021 or beyond. I honestly couldn't tell you.
There’s already been a thread made https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/74286.html#footer
>>74806 He crewed up the subject name. No wonder I could find a new one.
So is it this thread or the other one....
>>74765 Wait ain’t she 15
>>74915 She's a drawing, schizo.
>>74915 Imagine letting an arbitrary number dictate what fictional characters you goon to.
>>75293 Were you typing that with your eyes closed? And also maybe don't say anything if it isn't Metalforever content related. I'm not even the guy you insulted btw just saying that typing brainrot comments like isn't going to help anyone.
>>75596 Holy, this one actually looks pretty damn good.
>>75843 Finally, a decent fat jinx image. Thanks for sharing anon.
BW sketches part 2
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Can someone color the Yor’s Assignment BW sketches? Part 1
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Part 2
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Part 3
This little series Yor vore series is so good. I wish ppl did more of these for their free black white sketches.
>>76119 Thank you I’m glad you liked it. I was the one who commissioned Metal to make these. The Yor vore series has been my favorite from Metal
If someone is interested I colored all Yor sketches, and made them into big belly/fatty alts.
>>76168 Thank you for doing all of these! So happy to see the series conclude. The stuffing alt is very funny. Also I saved them just in case if something happens to this thread
>>76185 Fantastic and FAT-tastic
>>76194 Don't you mean gyatt-tastic?
>>76269 Or that.
Anyone got the newest work
TheLoona art is out, along with Bulma I mean
Why is the kemono site not updated with the new arts?
>>76585 1.The importer isn't working; 2.the guy that updates the page didn't feel like doing it; 3.Kemono went down the shitter again. Or else i have no idea why the page isn't updated yet maybe we'll just need to be more patient this time.
>>76606 I think kemono went into shit again, you can't post... So now what we do?
Melony (1/3)
>>76694 Melony (2/3)
>>76695 Melony (3/3)
Doin heavens work over there, many thanks 🫡
The first poll hasn’t concluded yet (6 hours remain), but the top 5 appear to be Galacta (Marvel Rivals), Squirrel Girl (Marvel Rivals), Psylocke (Marvel Rivals), Tomo Aizawa (Tomo Chan is a Girl), and Wendy (Gravity Falls)
Here you have it everyone January winners!
>>76968 3 marvel rival girls...
>>77019 >Popular thing gets voted for in popularity poll >Anon gets butthurt Womp womp
>>77027 I wasn't even complaining, Just surprised. But you do you I guess...
>>76968 This pull sucks.
BW sketches
Runner-up sketches (1/2)
Runner up sketches (2/2)
can somone please post the Galacta sequence?
Squirrelgirl's Sequence is out
Anyone got squirrel girl?
There's winners for February Sam (Totally Spies) Implied Vore + Weight Gain Winter Schnee (RWBY) Vore Cortana (Halo) Stuffing
>>79283 It's already in Kemono
Squirrel girl
Melony extra
New stuff is out.
