/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

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Sonic Characters Thread 10/04/2022 (Tue) 03:03:19 Id:8fdf2f No. 22889
Trying to rebuild the thread we lost of Sonic universe characters
>>62906 pretty cool work, love the detail of the air escaping their mouths, ears and Amy's nipples and vag
He knows~
(745.42 KB 1920x1080 TailsOverInflatedAndReadyToBlow.webm)
(1.19 MB 1920x1080 Tails Balloon.webm)
(2.58 MB 1920x1080 TailsWaterInflation.webm)
Anybody got more NSFW stuff of Robot001?
>>63768 These sound edits are pretty good! Where did you find these? Or did you make them yourself?
If anyone posts eggman and maybe specifically satam eggman may be charged with an equivalent of a war crime
Why does everybody leave wherever i touch.
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>>62906 sequel
>>64825 Amazing, I wonder how much longer they can even last.
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>>64825 last parts
You're aware Amy is canonically 12 right?
>>64973 You're aware Amy is fictional right?
>>64979 Stop being a pedo >>64973 Mark it for me
>>64973 >>64982 I swear it's always the furry board that gets this shit meanwhile nobody says jack in bbwalt
>>64987 If I see it. It goes away. Simple
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>>64987 >nobody says jack in bbwalt Before the guy or guys we had starting shit for about a week, we got it every now and then because most people don't mess around there unless they're dumb (the people who don't know their shit is supposed to go in /bbwdraw/ or /inf/) but a lot of the time when a loli gets posted in /bbwdraw/, someone almost always tries to start shit while falsely claiming they're stuck in alt; meanwhile you're stuck in the lions den of furries, which last I heard, had a problem with actual pedos as Smash Brothers competitive scene.
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>>64935 Pretty great sequence, Wish you had a DA or FA so I can follow ya.
>>64825 Source?
>>64973 That makes her 160 years old in hedgehog years.
>>64973 Piss off moralfag
>>46219 That's an old looking Tails, isn't it? Also, what's offensive about it?
>>65238 Have you been to https://www.reddit.com/r/fatfurs/ I hear they prohibit any underaged characters that have been aged up to be 18 or older.
>>65262 Same with any posts or roleplay requests featuring a character under 18.
anyone got the rest of this?
>>65384 Here you go!
>>64973 That hasn't been true for a few years now. Sonic Channel removed character ages a little bit before Frontiers came out, so that information is no longer canon. Amyfuckers are vindicated.
>>60081 And who made it?
>>60434 >>60425 Yes please! And maybe make one for Sonic OCs too while you're at it.
Could someone post the rest of the art from this account? https://www.furaffinity.net/user/airamy/
Got a new thread for Allola1101's art. >>68113
>>68200 This is pointless. My art does not need a separate thread, most of the pics are Sonic related anyway.
>>68200 Can someone make a new one for me?
>>68229 No, it's necessary. It needs a separate thread. And no, I was not impersonating you, nor was I being narcissistic.
>>68249 >Artist doesn't want a thread dedicated to his own work >Wildcat wants to make another one Go back to school. Improve upon your reading comprehension. Pick up a damn book.
>>68252 I'm not Wildcat and it's summer vacation.
>>68259 >I'm not Wildcat Well, then. I'm Arsène Lupin. >it's summer vacation. That's not an excuse. Pick up a book.
Soy una chica amable y cariñosa me gusta ver contenido de Sonic y sus amigos
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>>68314 Entonces aquí tienes.
>>67551 source for the first image
