/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Funky Thread 10/22/2022 (Sat) 05:52:43 Id:f4a25b No. 24285
how about a thread for Kapi and other furry fnf characters?
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>>63382 >>63230 Is the artist with us here now?
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>>63934 >>63959 did CloudBoyo made these??? I love them! they look really good
>>63970 I think the last two are, but the first one defiantly looks different than the rest. Though my god, that image for your reply looks like Kapi is feeling a bit saucy at the moment...
The question is where’d you get ‘em?
About kapi There’s been some controversy regarding kapi and paperkitty, Are you guys sure we can do this? I mean recently Adv1sage took down his content regarding kapi, and I’m wondering if we might be in the wrong
>>64745 What?…
>>64745 No srs you lost me there
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all that movement is causing the soda he had earlier to fizz up
>>64761 Probably should start rolling him around just to get him into a nice, safe area~ And then just put some more soda into him >:3
>>64744 unless im missing details, it's fnf fandom drama and nothing actually happened besides twitterfags being twitterfags https://twitter.com/pkzep/status/1791954192942170284 i don't see kapi as a selfinsert and i only care that they're a cute cat, i don't see fanart of them as endorsement for the person because they blew up as their own seperate game mod i remember years ago the only argument for not drawing kapi was something about Muh Minors!!! but doesn't apply now, i just wanna see this cat get fat >>63382 you take him out on a date and by the end of it he won't just struggle to get out of the booth, but the entire hallway as well >:3
If anyone out there could just draw some Kapi art despite it all, I would be very happy to know that there are people with some good tastes.
>>64829 What was the deleted tweet saying, only drama I know is pk's out of context discord scs to make him look bad and some other stuff about gaza
>>65032 i don't remember the exact details, besides the claim that the person spreading the drama in the first place was desperately trying to get with them or was an ex or something/stirred up drama because he didn't want to do stuff i love the state of the modern internet where gossip and drama is its own industry yayyyyyy i don't know what the drama was in the first place, im still making kapi a kittyblimp no matter what and i love all the art that's been posted!!
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Found this,
>>66373 WHY IS HE SO HOT
Some kapi pics of mrdarktailsv I dug up pt1
Part 2 beware nekkid
Pt 3 cause something went wrong
I think that I gonna cum
>>66457 I am about third image
>>66457 Dude, fucking same. SAME
>>66462 Agree, Kapi is Hot when he looks like this
>>66463 God I need fucking more of him, no matter what.
I wish there were more Kapi pics focused on his big fat ass, I want to be crushed by it so bad
>>66525 And he backs it up while he's doing DDR and just gives you an ass job while he's just playing a game. Unknowingly, or not~!
So this is @mrdarktailsv the guy that commissioned majority of the kapi pics that have been posted as of late
I think you know where I’m going with this
>>66660 You know full fucking well that will be an ASTOUNDING yes. Fuck yes, FUCKING PLEASE, I wanna see more.
Proof of my point earlier
>>67072 >>67074 AYO, FUCKING FINALLY, sheesh. Man, this is just another great addition to the pile.
Another one from mrdarktailsv Cw: nipples
29e53c Also apparently this is fem kapi
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By someone_is_a_furry and XXedge
>>67160 >>67172 THANK YOU FOR POSTING THESE, seriously I can't get through DarkTails stuff on twitter, dude just goes off and all that and it's hard to sift through it all. But thanks for going through it and finding all the wonderful stuff he's commissioned~
^ ay no problem
I wanna hear y’all opinion on like fem kapi, I understand the appeal to some extent but not enough to look for it. What about you?
>>67326 Honestly, I like her, it's just kapi, but female! So nothing wrong with posting her if there's more of her!
Reup of this one
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>>68243 Wait hold on, your username, blimpy, wouldn't happen to be the blimpy from Deviantart and Twitter, right?
>>68337 Crafter?
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