/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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(51.10 KB 680x508 Megacoolbear.JPG)
(161.49 KB 1280x792 PrettyPlumpandProud.JPG)
(256.94 KB 1280x1222 Lokko.JPG)
(511.60 KB 700x800 Carcupholder.PNG)
(607.13 KB 1463x2048 OutlawmonkeyX.JPG)
(2.20 MB 1559x2000 Smallergod.PNG)
Snorlax Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 11:08:42 Id:586745 No. 39626
A Pokémon literally designed to be fat and tall. Was the heaviest Pokémon until gen 3. Post as many as you can
(291.12 KB 683x740 Mimi Snorlax.PNG)
(89.71 KB 1199x869 Debyjull Snorhex.JPG)
>>56768 >>56483 More TF masterpieces
(19.55 KB 1400x1200 Doing what she does best.PNG)
Ironic that you need to be awake to see these big beauties sleeping.
(2.06 MB 1357x1232 Totally a munchlax.PNG)
We let munchlaxes in here too.
(56.28 KB 1800x1120 IMG_1076.png)
(207.60 KB 2000x830 IMG_1156.jpeg)
(195.22 KB 2000x830 IMG_1157.jpeg)
>Guess ill share my massive gal, Samantha the Snorlax. you can also call her Sammy as a nickname. Loves cuddling and hugs, but do ask her first. she is usually chill. loves taking walks on beaches and boardwalks (mostly to scout out any new food trucks/restaurants lol). (alt color too) #ssbbw #bbw
(238.59 KB 1280x1045 1538729833.aimbot-jones_meridi.jpg)
(285.82 KB 1071x1200 IMG_1179.jpeg)
(118.49 KB 1200x900 IMG_1178.png)
(214.59 KB 933x1200 IMG_1176.jpeg)
(93.40 KB 1200x900 IMG_1177.jpeg)
Here’s more of his snorlax, some from other artists
(1.24 MB 1280x960 IMG_1180.png)
(1.02 MB 1280x960 IMG_1181.png)
From the /SDBBW/ thread 64263172
(168.04 KB 896x896 Someone free her.JPG)
I am at my limit with these new threads
>>59003 Yeah. The problem is that thay all suck and are being made by like one guy.
>>59027 Just hold on to the threads you like, expel the ones you don’t, and have a good image for your favored threads more often or not. Or discuss them sometimes. Do you like snorlax too? Which ones are your favorite?
>>59003 Suffer and burst inside you're claw machine you big ball of tons of fun. Don't make me call caseoh to eat you! Speaking of can I get a caseoh Snorlax?
>>59532 Ill send the devil to take everyone. No worries
(254.64 KB 1200x550 IMG_1347.jpeg)
This technically has Snorlax in it
(112.62 KB 1600x1200 fat_boy.png)
(59.78 KB 1199x499 Wolfafternight Snorlax.JPG)
This snorlax is STUFFED
(121.74 KB 1280x720 Kazecat mugen116.png)
(373.58 KB 1600x1052 kazecat_blazeziz_pequena_med.png)
(467.42 KB 1102x942 kazecat.afrothicc720_fan_art_2.png)
(617.52 KB 1000x1000 Kazecat Snorlax-Walk.gif)
(119.09 KB 1000x1000 Snorlax-GetHurt.gif)
(183.61 KB 1200x1000 Snorlax-Knocked3.gif)
(188.95 KB 1088x847 Snorlax-S-Lights.gif)
(114.57 KB 1587x2000 IMG_1512.jpeg)
(151.32 KB 1102x1200 IMG_1513.jpeg)
(110.86 KB 1415x2000 IMG_1514.jpeg)
(382.63 KB 2000x2000 IMG_1515.jpeg)
(480.42 KB 2000x1844 IMG_1516.jpeg)
(90.86 KB 633x640 Damn….jpg)
How many of you love Snorlax because they make you feel better?
>>60885 Poor blobby baby. Someone get her a switch.
>> Youre going because you're mortified.
(17.79 KB 774x516 Meloetta-Snorlax.PNG)
>>62289 Try fusing her with another pokemon
(9.20 KB 864x864 Mismagius-Snorlax.PNG)
>>62380 This guy is going hog wild on his fusions
(165.34 KB 850x978 IMG_1805.jpeg)
(3.97 MB 2006x1837 IMG_1819.png)
How many snorlax fusions are there?
Does anyone have any vore pieces with snorlax?
(103.64 KB 1200x1200 FelixRuizs for bitsizedcandies.JPG)
>>63391 Google them Caption this
(132.06 KB 1200x1200 Snorlax meme.JPG)
I love memes
>>63291 As of version 6.0, there are 465 pokemon in the game Assuming that swapping the head/body results in a different fusion and that snorlax can only fuse with itself once, there should be 929 possible snorlax fusions
(117.77 KB 500x500 Son.PNG)
(205.63 KB 1280x1921 Daughter.JPG)
(257.73 KB 2048x2011 Mom and Dad.JPG)
>>63730 Good to know, thanks.
(2.76 MB 2559x1440 Toriel feeding snorlax.PNG)
(100.01 KB 750x1000 Snorlax Maid.JPG)
(88.67 KB 749x694 Kiss.JPG)
(76.11 KB 750x1000 kiss:Redraw.JPG)
(78.09 KB 750x1000 Casual.JPG)
Snorlax maid
(82.23 KB 748x530 Fuji Feeding Frenzy.JPG)
(102.93 KB 749x1078 Current year.JPG)
(79.45 KB 749x720 Valentine's Day hug.JPG)
(84.97 KB 750x731 Mt. Fuji.JPG)
>>64911 By AntassMax
Found this on desuarchive.
(106.96 KB 1200x927 IMG_2341.png)
(87.42 KB 1200x926 IMG_2340.png)
(86.98 KB 1200x914 IMG_2339.jpeg)
Hoping this artist will draw more of her
(317.85 KB 825x1200 1.JPG)
(292.40 KB 825x1200 2.JPG)
(318.81 KB 825x1200 3.JPG)
(283.13 KB 825x1200 4.JPG)
More of this adorable snorlax. What would you do in the same situation?
(104.20 KB 1185x1200 Mystic Waffle.JPG)
>>65307 Fucking marry her, that's what I'd do
(130.73 KB 1200x1200 IMG_2642.png)
(48.16 KB 562x835 IMG_2641.png)
(85.00 KB 892x1200 IMG_2640.jpeg)
>>66242 Excellent choice.
(46.38 KB 524x533 IMG_2675.jpeg)
(111.12 KB 924x958 IMG_2674.jpeg)
(234.55 KB 1153x2048 IMG_2673.jpeg)
(79.62 KB 861x632 IMG_2672.jpeg)
More Lotte from OofRowdy. Even taking inspiration from the new plapjak meme.
From Homemosaco
(320.31 KB 1750x1750 Rosalax boba.JPG)
(255.00 KB 1750x1750 Mikakoyamaart.JPG)
Someone’s snorlax oc, Rosalax
(565.69 KB 4096x2304 Protonjon.JPG)
>>67738 I have no idea what the lore between Protonjon, Butteryinkling, and snorlax is
>>67742 Buttery watches Jon's streams, Jon is into TF. Buttery's sona is a snorlax. Buttery drew Jon's character Rosajon TF'd into a Snorlax.
(55.79 KB 897x849 IMG_2789.png)
(46.07 KB 1128x787 IMG_2790.png)
(74.77 KB 1191x842 IMG_2791.png)
>>67901 Thank you
>>67742 Source?
>>67945 Butteryinkling and proton_jon, we already said. Here’s where I found it https://nitter.poast.org/ButteryInkling/status/1503649264475455495#m
Question why is no one posting art od Munchlux hes a pre evolveution od snorlax
