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Old thread is gone, and I forgot to save stuff Big Horse Thread 2 [Request] 07/11/2023 (Tue) 09:34:00 Id:9c2911 No. 39763
Any comics/artwork from BigHorse/Fuusenroba would be greatly appreciated!
>>62195 I've had this idea to do a sort of "alt history" story based on Heidi. Expanding(pun intended) on the Big Horse concept, where WWI Germany, on the brink of defeat has to resort to desperate measures so they develop a revolutionary new chemical gas that can inflate young furry girl recruits into massive indestructible blimps. The only drawback is, the process is irreversible! Eventually these airship girls become sort of celebrities, each one with a distinct look and personality that the common civilians idolize and celebrities as their massive new forms sail across the countryside of German villages. You could even do a sorta after war storyline where the airship girls now have to adjust to life as massive blimps, trying to find new lives, new careers and their relationships after the war...sorry I've thought way too much about this!
>>62216 Clearly you have. Sounds like you're pretty much ready to expand on it. >>44731 >>This is the comic I was referring to. My only gripe is that Heidi's breasts disappeared when she became a full blimp>> Fitting that you mention this. There are a number of older BH edits I need to locate that includes a big titty Heidi blimp. Gotta get on that. I mean, there are multiple panels in the original mentioning how big her boobs are getting, and then they don't end up enormous when she's fully inflated...
>>62316 Ooooooh! Do tell? I hope you find that edit and share it, because I'm very curious? Heidi's my favorite inflated furry girl. Probably for the concept of her being so huge and also being used as a living balloon.
>>62333 Farted on me in bed
(5.99 MB 1774x883 heidi_fullblimp_edit.png)
>>62333 Here you go. An even bigger blimp with bigger boobs. I think I have a few more Heidi pics, but since this and those are edits and not BH originals, maybe the request or general thread would be a better place for that?
>>62927 That Rules! I say post um here if you got um? Since it's a Big Horse thread I don't see any problems just posting them here?
Holy, Umi rping in discord: umimorphy I recently found out that she does inflationary rp there, I must say this is unusual
What happened to the Heidi morph guy?
Good collection here!
is there an archive?
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>>65614 Wai wha? Is that a '24 in the signature? He survived the covid times! Holy shit!
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>>62954 >>63737 Sorry, couldn’t find any other Heidi edits. So I made this one. Looks like she got a couple of extra tankers of blimp gas. ;) -be Heidi Vixen and volunteer for the Blimp Division -doesn’t realize she is going to be the blimp -the top-secret science involved is still super experimental -because everything is rushed and they weren’t able to fully test -be in a major factory, sounds of industry and metal clanking, compressed gas tanks everywhere -secretive whispers between scientists and staff “We can inflate her into a blimp and we’re 95% percent sure she won’t pop… “ “….but you have to give us more time!” “You have your orders, proceed with the protocol now as planned.” -Heidi stands with the hose in her mouth -anchor points on her suit already secured to a motorized gondola -sounds of multiple tank valves being completely opened up -lots of loud hissing and squealing, the gas begins to flow -numerous close ups on the active pressure gauges -her eyes go wide as she begins to blow up -her huge tits immediately start to swell even bigger and bigger -they quickly realize her body is changing in ways they didn’t anticipate -but there is no turning back now -all they can do is watch in shock as her breasts inflate up like enormous observation balloons -soon she’s blimping up all over -the feelings she’s experiencing are incredible and beyond description -random spasms and shuddering as she expands -observers are nervous as her body emits all kinds of random loud groans, bangs, and pops -orders being issued, pressure measurements constantly being yelled out -scientists forced to make last minute adjustments before she gets buoyant and too big -pull ropes are connected to her nipples for crew to steer her -she starts to float higher as she finishes filling up to her maximum size -as Heidi the Blimp Vixen lifts off, everything seems to have worked out -but there were more unexpected effects that hadn’t made themselves known…yet >>44731 >>62216 Care to expand on any more Heidi ideas? Anything you (or anyone) wanted to see during her inflation that comes to mind?
What's sad is Heidi was one of the main things Twitter freaks ran him off the internet for, iirc. They somehow thought this character is meant to be a Nazi.
>>65614 Where did you find this?!?!
Where does he post nowadays?
>>67059 He doesn't as far I know. Once and a while a new commission/gift trickles out from some righteous anon
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Does anybody have bighorse's black swallower sequence?
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>>69388 Thank you, anon! I, and my diamond hard dick, do appreciate.
>>65614 Damn I thought dude died, he still posts?
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Hi everyone! Umi Morphy asked to leave this message here, she is embarrassed to write here herself (although it is anonymous lol) I think a lot of people know her from the BigHorse comics. Our preferences are different, so we just communicate with her. She is looking for partners for RP she only plays an INFLATEE role. So here are her preferences that she sent me: Her preferences: Full body inflation Popping (it's not permanent or fatal) Liquids (water, coke, beer etc) inflation (her fav) Gas inflation (air, helium etc) Blueberry Being humiliated Forced/unwilling inflation What she don't like: Romance (and everything related to it) Toilet stuff Weight gain/fat Uber inflation Inflating a certain part of the body. Her discord: umimorphy Thank you for your attention. P.S: If you write to her, tell her that you came to her at Mark's invitation, thx!
>>70967 Umi is morphy's OC. You might want to get morphy's permission to use his OC in this manner before this gets too retarded.
>>70992 Here's her page, lol, I think she'll explain everything to you. I'm just her friend. (For those who cannot read correctly) https://www.deviantart.com/umi-morphy
>>70996 You're using someone else's OC without permission, lol. You are no friend of anyone.
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>>71015 Apparently, there is no way without me. For about 7 or 8 years, this is my OC. Unfortunately, the correspondence was not saved due to the fact that I had another account (which unfortunately had to be deleted due to its hacking) Do you need more explanations?
>>71035 lol Gawd you're so full of shit.
>>71047 Oh, you so friendly xd All the best to you too ^^
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I'll just leave it here.
>>71049 You are truly the prince and future king of autism. lol
>>71179 You are very decent with good manners. It's nice that such people exist. But seriously, I'm sorry that your parents didn't raise you properly. Although on the Internet you can write and say various "dirty" things about people. As a female person (and I'm not talking about Umi), I'm very "pleased" to hear your speeches. Continue in the same way :)
Since apparently some people still have some contact with him, does anyone know how to contact BigHorse? Does he only take commissions from friends?
big just posted on X again a couple days ago.
huge news
Bump more stuff
Seems like this is about all that can be salvaged. Time to save everything!
Were there any images of human girls by Big Horse?
